Are you for real KP?? Just because a Bible's translated wording varies, in the translator's attempt to reach out to a different language group, or a different age group so that the message is understandable is not evidence for corruption! Just because my NIV version reads differently than my New King James or my Amplified bible, does not change the message! If I decide to look to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek to see for myself, I can.
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<div>What does Billy Graham's commentary on the Jews in modern-day Israel have to do with anything in my (or anyone elses) post here?  Who said that the Jews now or in antiquity were innocent angels? A cursory glance at the Old Testament says otherwise. Do you want me to catalog all of the times that God allowed the Jews to be conquered by other kingdoms because of their wanton disobedience?</div>
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<div>Also, you've twice mentioned the Crusades where the Church tried to take back the Holy Land. What this has to do with Israel, the Jews and biblical prophecy is a mystery known only to you, perhaps.</div>
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<div>As for Jesus, he was a Jew. He was sent to redeem our sins, and minister first to the Jews, as he stated himself. I'm not sure why you are hung up on chosen people thing in regards to salvation, as it has nothing to do with it. As stated above, it's much better to be a saved Gentile and the Bride of Christ!</div>