HBO's Great Black Hopes

Earlier today, undefeated overrated Negro Joan Guzman, 33-1-1 (entered the fight 33-0-1) was soundly defeated on a Decision by Russian Khabib Allakhverdiev, 18-0.

This is a great result for this site, because for literally years, American mainstream boxing fans and writers had been raving about the supposed talent of this Negro.

There was a time, say in 2006-2010, when Guzman was genuinely brought up in P4P conversation, and featured on HBO regularly and received the usual "Negro Push" by HBO and American boxing fans (similar to Berto, Jacobs, Mitchell etc).

Must be a hard pill to swallow for many people to see this overrated Negro lose his first fight to a European!
Will Miguel Cotto expose another great black hope next weekend, namely Austin Trout?

I'm not too confident because Cotto has been through a lot of wars and is past his best.
Cotto lost to B level fighter Trout. Cotto seemed a step or 2 slow. He could not pull the trigger at the right times. It appears that his beatdowns by Margaritio(loaded gloves?) and Manny have taken their toll.

He also seemed too small for big 154 lber like Trout. Oh, he beat alot of great fighters and lost only to the best.

Trout gets steamrolled by Canelo Alvarez though.
Cotto lost to B level fighter Trout. Cotto seemed a step or 2 slow. He could not pull the trigger at the right times. It appears that his beatdowns by Margaritio(loaded gloves?) and Manny have taken their toll.

He also seemed too small for big 154 lber like Trout. Oh, he beat alot of great fighters and lost only to the best.

Trout gets steamrolled by Canelo Alvarez though.
Bimbo Lice looks like he will be lucky to get ko'd by a competant ESPN journeyman on his ESPN main event debut. Here is his brawl with his fat Mestizo opponent.....

Looks more like a Golden Glove fight. Also I think the white guy might have deliberately taken a dive in round two. His punches looked too wide, like deliberately wide, and then he just fell down.

They had the nerve to make this a pay per view.
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Kimbo Slice is seriously being built up into something he's not. He really doesn't have any boxing skills whatsoever. Boxing is something that takes years of practise to perfect and thats why most champion boxers have had atleast 50 amateur fights and spent 5-10 years in the sport even before going pro. There are exceptions to that but generally speaking more amateur fights = better success in pro's. He is in somewhat decent physical shape (at least he's not fat), and he is a bit strong. But his punches are wild, slow, ineffective, and he' got no defense whatsoever. Any semi-decent fighter will expose that. Ive seen better amateur 16 year olds at the local gym than Kimbo. This guy is a youtube and media creation. He should stick to MMA where he atleast had some skills. In boxing, it just won't work out for him at the next level. It's obvious he has no boxing experience and no amateur background. He's equivalent to a street tough guy who just puts on the gloves with no experience, that'll take you to maybe C level in Boxing at the most. He won't make B level, and up till now he's been fighting D level. Seth Mitchell did somewhat alright for a guy with only 10 amateur fights (and 1 or 2 years in Amateurs), but KImbo doesn't even have that experience to draw from.

I will say one thing, his management team (headed by a white man named Gary Shaw) has done an excellent job in building him up. He's received extremely easy fights, and he's been given decent media exposure (served on the undercard to many televised fights), so his management team has given him some advantages. It would be nice to see some white fighters given these advantages. But in the end it won't matter because Kimbo is in for a very bad awakening when he finally does step up.

Maybe his management team is just trying to make him money by not stepping up. It actually looks like their strategy might be to avoid stepping up and just fight on undercards. They probably already know that he won't fare well against decent opposition. At some point, say if he gets to 10-0, they will want to cash him out though.

Looking at his record, Kimbo is now 7-0 (6 KO) as a pro boxer, and he hasn't beaten a single even somewhat noteworthy opponent. That's not that bad considering he's only had 7 fights, but he is age 39, so he should be moving quicker.

Shane Tilyard, despite being grossly out of shape, and already having been knocked out 6 times (many times by debutants or unknown journeymen) managed to have a highly successful first round and actually came close to knocking Kimbo out. In fact, I watched the fight on youtube, and it seemed to me like Tilyard was fatigued and that's why he lost. He ran out of gas. The fight had a high pace and he got tired. If he had been in shape, he would have stopped Kimbo. Prediction: Kimbo is knocked out by the first semi-professional, semi-decent fighter he fights.

I really think the first semi-decent, legit top 200 fighter, journeyman Kimbo fights (say someone like Zack Page) will end up knocking him out. This isn't MMA and anyone can go 7-0 fighting the type of opponents he has till now. He's fought taxi drivers and part time boxers, guys who look like theyve never had any amateur fights and just put on the gloves to make a few hundred dollars then go home.

Maybe he could fight Tye Fields in a "crossroads fight" of sorts! I would put my money on Fields to knock him out, btw. Fields hits harder, is more experienced, and would weather the storm then take Kimbo out.
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Tye Fields would destroy Slice in one round.

Kimbo - like many blacks - actually is easy to intimidate.
Tye Fields would destroy Slice in one round.

Kimbo - like many blacks - actually is easy to intimidate.

I agree that Fields would without doubt knock Kimbo out.

I don't even think its a question of intimidation. It's just a question of experience and having some sort of intelligence or defense to avoid getting punched in the face. Kimbo has no experience to draw from, and he looks like a guy who's never boxed before. Ive seen better amateurs at the local gym. He just has no defense whatsoever and thats just a KO waiting to happen.

Fields is much more experienced, hits harder, has some extent of defensive capabilities, and I agree with you it wouldn'nt last very long. Kimbo is just too easy to hit!

I actually made a prediction on this site a few months back that American Negro hype Seth Mitchell would get knocked out soon because of his lack of defense and thats exactly what happened! And I make the same prediction for Kimbo. In fact, Kimbo is even worse than Seth Mitchell was.

You can't go very far in this sport when you're easy to hit like that. Guys will take you out. US Networks and Promoters have a habit of building up these Negro fighters with little skills and they all end up getting badly exposed one way or another.
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Tye Fields would destroy Slice in one round.

Kimbo - like many blacks - actually is easy to intimidate.
Tye Fields gets mocked on DWF boxing boards for losing badly against B class heavyweights. But he would probably do to Slice what Monte Barrett did to him on an HBO under card.
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I'm surprised some here are even mentioning "Bimbo" Slice. The guy is a fraud and we already know he will be exposed fairly soon. We all had high hopes for Fields but sadly he's not the great American white guy we are looking for. That being said, he would totally destroy Slice.
What I find interesting about Kimbo in boxing is two things (mainly my first point):

1) Race aside, he stands as a comparison between the two sports; Boxing and MMA. He achieved some level of success in MMA, if I'm not mistaken he had several fights at UFC (MMA's showcase league) and maybe even won one or two (I know he won a few on EliteXC). In my opinion, the talent pool is larger in boxing, so what I'm driving at is that although Kimbo experienced success in MMA, I don't think he will find that in boxing, mainly because boxers are more talented in my opinion.

I am a life long boxing fan and in recent years Ive seen many conversations comparing boxing and MMA and Kimbo demonstrates both sports. MMA folks like to think that their sport has overtaken boxing or that MMA athletes are better athletes than boxers. He was a semi-success in MMA but he will be a complete failure in boxing. His 7-0 record is misleading, because he's beat 7 taxi drivers. There's nothing impressive about his boxing record.

So, this is a street tough guy who fought on MMA's best league, UFC, and you have to be somewhat successful in MMA or else you won't make UFC. Let's see what he can do in boxing. So far, not impressed, a couple of part time boxers have almost managed to knock him out.

That shows the difference in talent pool between MMA and Boxing... Kimbo made it to a good level in MMA, fighting in the UFC just under their champions, yet in boxing, he is struggling to beat D level opponents. Really highlights the difference in talent of the 2 sports.

2) Although Kimbo is a joke, has no boxing skills, and is going nowhere, he's being given the usual "Negro Push" that other American Negroes such as Danny Jacobs, Seth Mitchell and others have received.

It's actually kind of pathetic that he's fought 7 taxi drivers, and people watch his fights, and some people who watch them actually believe he's a good fighter and has a chance to go somewhere.

The whole thing is just a bad joke.
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I'm surprised some here are even mentioning "Bimbo" Slice. The guy is a fraud and we already know he will be exposed fairly soon. We all had high hopes for Fields but sadly he's not the great American white guy we are looking for. That being said, he would totally destroy Slice.
I only mention him because of the rediculous lengths he will be promoted as a contender until he gets whacked out by a guy with record of 20 and 10. Really he is a Mark Gastineau or Peter McNeely type fighter with better marketing.
I am a life long boxing fan and in recent years Ive seen many conversations comparing boxing and MMA and Kimbo demonstrates both sports. MMA folks like to think that their sport has overtaken boxing or that MMA athletes are better athletes than boxers. He was a semi-success in MMA but he will be a complete failure in boxing. His 7-0 record is misleading, because he's beat 7 taxi drivers. There's nothing impressive about his boxing record.

I like the taxi driver reference! I picture a full time taxi driver having a slow night and pulling up to the local gym asking for a 250$ fight and getting matched against Slice LOL! In all reality, any sporting man with half a brain will realize that boxing and MMA are two different sports that require different skill sets. Watching a skilled boxer use his feet and his body movement to avoid being hit is indeed a thing of beauty! I think MMA surged through the mid 2000's and is a great sport, but will never overtake boxing. Boxing is an absolute joy to watch and, like soccer, the more subtle things you understand about it the more enjoyable it is to watch. Now on to Slice; He is a bum, plain and simple. I personally think he is more suited to be a boxer and should have never tried MMA because he really had no grappling skills and had absolutely zero endurance. In any event, he is a perfect example of what being black and visibly muscular on the Internet can do for you. Even in his Internet fights his opponents were total crap. Like, literally the first guy they found within shouting distance that agreed to fight. Will be fun to see him get knocked out though!
Boxing taxi drivers. British heavyweight Martin Rogan actually was a taxi driver - and not a guy you'd want to fight with over a fare! I was a taxi driver too, part time, night shift in NYC, when I was in college.
Boxing taxi drivers. British heavyweight Martin Rogan actually was a taxi driver - and not a guy you'd want to fight with over a fare! I was a taxi driver too, part time, night shift in NYC, when I was in college.
WW, I hear that there are absolutely zero White men as cab drivers in NY City. Is that true? If so There was a time when a man could still make a living with out government welfare of any sort driving cabs.
Boxing taxi drivers. British heavyweight Martin Rogan actually was a taxi driver - and not a guy you'd want to fight with over a fare! .

Yea I know, you're right Martin Rogan was a cab driver before he became a boxer in Northern Ireland. His win over Harrison was legendary! Martin Rogan is awesome and I can just imagine someone trying to skip a fare in his cab, lol! He was a great boxer. I don't mean to disrespect the profession of taxi driving.

I was a taxi driver too, part time, night shift in NYC,

Sounds a bit like the movie "Taxi Driver" with Robert De Niro, lol. Probably you met lots of "characters" in that job!

WW, I hear that there are absolutely zero White men as cab drivers in NY City.

Where I live in Toronto, I usually drive my car (and before I had a car as a youth I would walk or subway), but on occasion I take a cab and Ive never seen a single white man driving a cab here. Actually thats not true, I can remember literally only one time I had a white taxi driver, and thats in living in Toronto for 10+ years. Not sure what that means, but taxi driving in Toronto isn't a job that pays well anyways, Ive heard people say your hourly earnings as a cabbie is less than minimum wage.

I like the taxi driver reference! I picture a full time taxi driver having a slow night and pulling up to the local gym asking for a 250$ fight and getting matched against Slice LOL! Watching a skilled boxer use his feet and his body movement to avoid being hit is indeed a thing of beauty! I think MMA surged through the mid 2000's and is a great sport, but will never overtake boxing. Will be fun to see him get knocked out though!

Fully agreed! :)
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Yea I know, you're right lol Martin Rogan was a cab driver before he became a boxer in Northern Ireland. His win over Harrison was legendary! Martin Rogan is awesome and I can just imagine someone trying to skip a fare in his cab, lol. He was a great boxer! I don't mean to disrespect the profession of taxi driving.

Where I live in Toronto, I usually drive my car (and before I had a car as a youth I would walk or subway), but on occasion I take a cab and Ive never seen a single white man driving a cab here. Actually thats not true, I can remember literally only one time I had a white taxi driver, and thats in living in Toronto for 10+ years. Not sure what that means, but taxi driving in Toronto isn't a job that pays well anyways, Ive heard people say your hourly earnings as a cabbie is less than minimum wage.

Fully agreed! :)
Yes Toronto has few and far between White Canadian born cabbies. They have some immigrants but the vast majority of cabbies are non White immigrants. As for Slice I think Kevin Iole must post on this site.....
What I find interesting about Kimbo in boxing is two things (mainly my first point):

1) Race aside, he stands as a comparison between the two sports; Boxing and MMA. He achieved some level of success in MMA, if I'm not mistaken he had several fights at UFC (MMA's showcase league) and maybe even won one or two (I know he won a few on EliteXC). In my opinion, the talent pool is larger in boxing, so what I'm driving at is that although Kimbo experienced success in MMA, I don't think he will find that in boxing, mainly because boxers are more talented in my opinion.

I am a life long boxing fan and in recent years Ive seen many conversations comparing boxing and MMA and Kimbo demonstrates both sports. MMA folks like to think that their sport has overtaken boxing or that MMA athletes are better athletes than boxers. He was a semi-success in MMA but he will be a complete failure in boxing. His 7-0 record is misleading, because he's beat 7 taxi drivers. There's nothing impressive about his boxing record.

So, this is a street tough guy who fought on MMA's best league, UFC, and you have to be somewhat successful in MMA or else you won't make UFC. Let's see what he can do in boxing. So far, not impressed, a couple of part time boxers have almost managed to knock him out.

That shows the difference in talent pool between MMA and Boxing... Kimbo made it to a good level in MMA, fighting in the UFC just under their champions, yet in boxing, he is struggling to beat D level opponents. Really highlights the difference in talent of the 2 sports.

2) Although Kimbo is a joke, has no boxing skills, and is going nowhere, he's being given the usual "Negro Push" that other American Negroes such as Danny Jacobs, Seth Mitchell and others have received.

It's actually kind of pathetic that he's fought 7 taxi drivers, and people watch his fights, and some people who watch them actually believe he's a good fighter and has a chance to go somewhere.

The whole thing is just a bad joke.

Bimbo "Lice" was fed (fellow) cans in Elite XC...and one (Petruzelli...a UFC washout) KO'd Bimbo. In the UFC, "Lice" never fought any elite/A level fighters, but was TKO'd by a B level fighter (Nelson) and a C level one (Matt Mitrione). So, ol' Bimbo never fought any championship level MMA fighters. Guys like Carwin & Lesnar would've literally killed him in the cage.

Now then, as for your statement about boxers being "more talented"...well that depends. If you're referring to punching...then boxers are indeed (far) superior (punching) strikers than MMA fighters. However, I think that's where it ends...

- MMA fighters have better cardio, because it's needed for the grappling component of the fight. For example, UFC fighter Nick Diaz is also a triathlete & Jason McDonald is a CrossFit competitor.
- MMA fighters are far more rounded fighters...add kicks, knees, wrestling & submissions.
- IMHO, MMA fighters are better all-around athletes. They're quasi-cross training (cardio, strength & fighting skills) requires athletic prowess. Many come from amateur wrestling, kickboxing, boxing and/or judo backgrounds.
I'm not a big Pacquiao fan, but I hope he knocks arrogant afflete Bradley's block off.
Bradley is getting probably the perfect fighter for him to look good in Provodnikov. The Siberian native is an action fighter who lacks defense and is aggressive and is well known to ESPN 2 viewers as it seem like over the last 2 years he has fought on ESPN 2 every few months. So much for Bradley only wanting big fights after his upset "win" over Pacman....:thumbdown:
Bradley is getting probably the perfect fighter for him to look good in Provodnikov. The Siberian native is an action fighter who lacks defense and is aggressive and is well known to ESPN 2 viewers as it seem like over the last 2 years he has fought on ESPN 2 every few months. So much for Bradley only wanting big fights after his upset "win" over Pacman....:thumbdown:
You're right, Provodnikov isn't very good.

There are better Russian fighters at 140 such as Khabib Allakhverdiev and Denis Shafikov, either would have a very good chance of beating Bradley.

Provodnikov though has little chance of winning.
WW, I hear that there are absolutely zero White men as cab drivers in NY City. Is that true? If so There was a time when a man could still make a living with out government welfare of any sort driving cabs.

I guess it's true. I don't know. It's a long time since I did that gig. Back in the old days, before they flooded NYC and the USA, with non-whites, the traditional NYC cab driver was, of course, a white guy, with the traditional cab driver cap on his head, and he was supposed to be kind of a smart aleck philosopher too. When I was a baby my neighbor was an Irish lady who lived with her son who was a cabbie and fit that mold perfectly. God bless him, he was murdered in a robbery. Dangerous job.
I guess it's true. I don't know. It's a long time since I did that gig. Back in the old days, before they flooded NYC and the USA, with non-whites, the traditional NYC cab driver was, of course, a white guy, with the traditional cab driver cap on his head, and he was supposed to be kind of a smart aleck philosopher too. When I was a baby my neighbor was an Irish lady who lived with her son who was a cabbie and fit that mold perfectly. God bless him, he was murdered in a robbery. Dangerous job.
I remember Subway had commercials with actual NYC cabbies named Bucky and Vinnie. Two White ethnic cabbies(I think Italian and maybe Jewish?), both were around 60 and would be that stereotype. I suspect beyond oldtimers like that White cabbies that are native born Americans are just guys in between jobs or are moonlighting on weekends.
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Yea I know, you're right Martin Rogan was a cab driver before he became a boxer in Northern Ireland. His win over Harrison was legendary! Martin Rogan is awesome and I can just imagine someone trying to skip a fare in his cab, lol! He was a great boxer. I don't mean to disrespect the profession of taxi driving.

I gotta watch that fight. I don't think I ever saw it. Yeah, he's a tough guy all right. Me, I used to carry a big knife under my seat and I practiced swinging it around and cutting my passenger's head off in case he tried to rob me, but I never got to try that, largely because I didn't pick up blacks - and then the coppers were laying for you trying to entrap poor cabbies who were trying to stay alive by not picking up blacks.

Sounds a bit like the movie "Taxi Driver" with Robert De Niro, lol. Probably you met lots of "characters" in that job!

Yeah, I met lots of characters.

Ha ha, when I was doing my psycho act so that none of the jerks, mainly bosses, would bother me, I'd tell them I watched that movie every single night. Ha ha. I only saw it once. Bosses need to be trained, like dogs.

Where I live in Toronto, I usually drive my car (and before I had a car as a youth I would walk or subway), but on occasion I take a cab and Ive never seen a single white man driving a cab here. Actually thats not true, I can remember literally only one time I had a white taxi driver, and thats in living in Toronto for 10+ years. Not sure what that means, but taxi driving in Toronto isn't a job that pays well anyways, Ive heard people say your hourly earnings as a cabbie is less than minimum wage.

It used to be very hard to become an independant licensed cab driver in NYC (as opposed to a gypsy cab driver). You needed to buy a medallion, and there was a fixed limit on how many were available, and they were very expensive. I don't know what it's like now. Guys like me would just work for the companies.

I hated working for tips, and I was always getting lost, and the people thought I was trying to cheat them, but I wasn't, I was just lost. And then there were, as I mentioned, the coppers. Once I got 3 tickets at once through no fault of my own - three really obnoxious passengers kept yelling at me turn right turn left! - and so I made some illegal turn and the cop was watching - late at night in Brooklyn of all places (I tried to stay in lower Manhattan) - and I just happened to leave my drivers license home that one day, so the coppers impounded my cab and I had to ride the subway way uptown and back again to the police station in the middle of the night + get yelled at by my boss for not making any money. Crappy job - but yeah some interesting experiences. I also drove a school bus on weekends sometimes, also when I was in college.

Yea I know, you're right Martin Rogan was a cab driver before he became a boxer in Northern Ireland. His win over Harrison was legendary! Martin Rogan is awesome and I can just imagine someone trying to skip a fare in his cab, lol! He was a great boxer. I don't mean to disrespect the profession of taxi driving.

I gotta watch that fight. I don't think I ever saw it. Yeah, he's a tough guy all right. Me, I used to carry a big knife under my seat and I practiced swinging it around and cutting my passenger's head off in case he tried to rob me, but I never got to try that, largely because I didn't pick up blacks - and then the coppers were laying for you trying to entrap poor cabbies who were trying to stay alive by not picking up blacks.

Sounds a bit like the movie "Taxi Driver" with Robert De Niro, lol. Probably you met lots of "characters" in that job!

Yeah, I met lots of characters.

Ha ha, when I was doing my psycho act so that none of the jerks, mainly bosses, would bother me, I'd tell them I watched that movie every single night. Ha ha. I only saw it once. Bosses need to be trained, like dogs.

Where I live in Toronto, I usually drive my car (and before I had a car as a youth I would walk or subway), but on occasion I take a cab and Ive never seen a single white man driving a cab here. Actually thats not true, I can remember literally only one time I had a white taxi driver, and thats in living in Toronto for 10+ years. Not sure what that means, but taxi driving in Toronto isn't a job that pays well anyways, Ive heard people say your hourly earnings as a cabbie is less than minimum wage.

It used to be very hard to become an independant licensed cab driver in NYC (as opposed to a gypsy cab driver). You needed to buy a medallion, and there was a fixed limit on how many were available, and they were very expensive. I don't know what it's like now. Guys like me would just work for the companies.

I hated working for tips, and I was always getting lost, and the people thought I was trying to cheat them, but I wasn't, I was just lost. And then there were, as I mentioned, the coppers. Once I got 3 tickets at once through no fault of my own - three really obnoxious passengers kept yelling at me turn right turn left! - and so I made some illegal turn and the cop was watching - late at night in Brooklyn of all places (I tried to stay in lower Manhattan) - and I just happened to leave my drivers license home that one day, so the coppers impounded my cab and I had to ride the subway way uptown and back again to the police station in the middle of the night + get yelled at by my boss for not making any money. Crappy job - but yeah some interesting experiences. I also drove a school bus on weekends sometimes, also when I was in college.


Would love to hear about some of your more interesting experiences if you ever have time. I like hearing real life unbelievable stories!
Hey WW, any "Taxi Cab Confessions" ala HBO style capers happen when you were a cabbie? Inquiring minds want to know.
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