Happy 4th of July


Jul 12, 2007
I pledge animosity to the Thugs
of the United Banks of America,
and to the Corruption with which they scam:
one Nation beset by Fraud, indefensible,
With Misery and Suffering for all.

July 4th is a sad holiday to me. Watching clueless white people celebrating amerika 2.0 as if it was the original America is depressing. They are celebrating the instrument of the war on their race and culture. There is so much wrong with the current system and society that goes by the name of USA that it would be impossible to describe it in a short post.

I just read that Chris Rock called the 4th of July "independance day for White people". Yes once it was, but those people are gone, we live in the here and now. And now the oppressed, the unfree, the ones in need of independence from an overbearing govt. that wants to subjugate and eventually exterminate them is....White people.

We will have no "civil war" fought for us by our "oppressors" there is not one politician or public person that can speak for us, or if necessary fight for us. All we can look forward to is a long slow slide into an ever growing abyss of anti-White ideas and reality. We have a federal govt that has all branches arrayed against us, a coming election that will put in office bad or worse, 50 state govts. that match or exceed the fedgov in their desire to put in place the same agenda.

And a population made up of violent anti-White minorities and fearful, willfully blind, whites that will aid the agenda at every turn. But other then that Happy 4th!!
Went over to my hometown and watched their fireworks from the rice fields. Lots of mosquitos but they weren't biting for some reason, maybe it was the wind. It was a pretty good show. I wonder how many people any more (including a lot of the younger whites) even know what July 4th is about. Some of them probably think they're celebrating the invention of fireworks.

Now if some fireworks could knock down a drone, that would be something to cheer about.
i throw a party every 4th of july. i invite family and friends and make it whites only. i don't even have to promote WN, i just watch it unfold in front of me. it's amazing how when you get whites together in their natural social environment, how the actual problems come to the surface.

if you were ever wondering what YOU can do for the cause, consider throwing a whites only party. remarkably, we still can control this. and when the topic of race comes up (and it will), just be ready with the mantra (http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/the-white-mantra/), you could promote WN sites like caste football or the political cesspool or amren (entry level stuff). stormfront might be a little hard to swallow for the DWF, so go easy on them.

and say things like... "it doesn't bother me when black people look out for their own interests. it seem natural. what i can't stand is how whites don't stand up for themselves like other ethnicities do.
Jaxvid said:
July 4th is a sad holiday to me. Watching clueless white people celebrating amerika 2.0 as if it was the original America is depressing. They are celebrating the instrument of the war on their race and culture. There is so much wrong with the current system and society that goes by the name of USA that it would be impossible to describe it in a short post.

I just read that Chris Rock called the 4th of July "independance day for White people". Yes once it was, but those people are gone, we live in the here and now. And now the oppressed, the unfree, the ones in need of independence from an overbearing govt. that wants to subjugate and eventually exterminate them is....White people.

We will have no "civil war" fought for us by our "oppressors" there is not one politician or public person that can speak for us, or if necessary fight for us. All we can look forward to is a long slow slide into an ever growing abyss of anti-White ideas and reality. We have a federal govt that has all branches arrayed against us, a coming election that will put in office bad or worse, 50 state govts. that match or exceed the fedgov in their desire to put in place the same agenda.

And a population made up of violent anti-White minorities and fearful, willfully blind, whites that will aid the agenda at every turn. But other then that Happy 4th!!

As always, more superbly-articulate ponderings from Jax!

Yes, the glittering explosions of fire and light against the dark blue summer sky deliver a fitting allegory for an ignorant, petty, shallow, perpetually-distracted race of dullard herd animals presently masquerading as “white” men and “white” women. An entire race of people consumed by consuming, purposely addicted to all that is carcinogenic, psychologically-perverted, sexually-transformed, culturally-embezzled, racially-castrated, socially-taunted, whored-out, drugged-up, and dumbed-down into an “armistice trance.” White soldiers that fight global wars against Jewish enemies for Jewish monies (instead of tribal or racial warring). White men that are effeminate, Negro-cheerleading, fickle, walking-paychecks and occasional sperm donors (instead of loyal husbands and respected fathers). White women that are imitation-men, tawdry flesh-objects, pornstars, mudsharks, cheating harpies, and childless, unmarried “career women” (instead of loving wives and stay-at-home mothers). White children that are raised by the most self-abhorring “parents” in human history and have become nothing but a hobby (instead of an unconditional motive for one’s existence and spiritual happiness). A sense of love for one another that is a discretionary emotion (instead of the driving force behind our race’s success and persistence).

As you said, how does one include or describe so much degeneracy in a single post? Among the many zillions of pertinent, white-destroying photos I could post, here are few of the “low points”…


CAPTION: WoodyPig - The Father of the Americo-Zionist Alliance


CAPTION: FDR – Fat, Crippled, Israeli-Supremacist, Mass Murderer


CAPTION: Dead White Male Soldiers, Tough Women (Such “Rosey” Imagery)


CAPTION: Female Supremacist Founder, Bettye Goldstein (Alias Friedan)


CAPTION: Hippie Vermin - The Founders of Wiggerhood


CAPTION: Gays No Longer Ashamed of Themselves


CAPTION: Black Supremacist Million “Man” March with Mikey Queen


CAPTION: Civil Rights Act – Non-Whites Officially The Most Important Citizens


CAPTION: Non-White Immigration Kingping, Ted Kennedy

20111214-reagan menorah.JPG

CAPTION: NeoCon “Gipper” With Ubiquitous Confidantes


CAPTION: MTV Ushers “The Genesis of the Wig”


CAPTION: Sire of Black Children, Wild Billy


CAPTION: Strangest Day in American History (Z.0.G. False Flag?)


CAPTION: DWF Subculture on the Rise


CAPTION: B.H.O. (Barry Dunham, Barry Soetoro, Harrison Bounel, Etc)

So how does one wish “happy birthday” to a nation that was diagnosed with a terminal illness nearly 100 years ago, succumbing to said illness approximately five decades later…since laid to rest, naked and decomposing with all the windswept pungency of maggot-marinated flesh left deserted in July.
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^^^^excellent job of the pictoral history of the fall of a once great people. It it only because I know there are other good men out there that see the truth that I even bother to care.
I wonder how many people any more (including a lot of the younger whites) even know what July 4th is about.

If you watched ESPN this week you can be forgiven for thinking it is all about Nathan's Hot Dogs and "competitive eating".


CAPTION: Gays No Longer Ashamed of Themselves
Nice and accurate, albeit disturbing, summation. On an older post of mine, I remember wondering what year it was exactly that the once pure and innocent word "gay" came to define an abomination instead of simply meaning "merry" or "happy". For whatever year was prior to that year was really the last year of America 1.0, at least culturally.

I thought it was probably '72 or '73, but obviously not, as this banner shows it was at least 1970. Crazy sh*t. It would be good to know, because if time travel ever became possible, I'd want to travel back at least to whatever that prior year was.
I don't know if it can be determined exactly when "gay" came into common usage when referring to homosexuals as it was a slow process. It wasn't like when Negroes became "black" very quickly in 1967-'68 as there was a lot of resistance to using "gay" for a number of years. Now, sadly, almost all Americans use it, including those who purport to be against the radical homosexual agenda. I guess I'm one of the few remaining holdouts as I try not to use words changed by the Cultural Marxists whenever possible.
The thing I like about the word "gay" in reference to homos is that the word has morphed back into meaning "queer" as in unusual or weird. Haha, think about it, they tried to hijack the word to distance themselves from the connotation of the common word to describe them (at that time) 'queer'. But the word they pick--gay--turns back into queer.

Kids use it that way all of the time. It's common usage "oh that's just gay" is meant to mean something is stupid or strange. Adults will use it that way too but in a more guarded way because they have a lot more to lose then kids but it is still understood by everyone when used in that manner.

They have even tried to combat the conversion of the meaning of gay from "homosexual" to "weirdo" by making commercials aimed at teenagers where that ugly black actress dyke Wanda Syko berates some teenage White kids using the word in that manner. I have actually seen kids watching that commercial whose response to the that repulsive butch lesbian was the comment "that is sooo gay"!! And they weren't referring to her perversion, just that she was strange and weird. How queer is that?
Good posts above gentlemen. Like I texted to my pal Colonel Reb last night...my "celebration" was in honor of the real America of 1776, & to those brave men who founded our (once great) Republic. These were men without (modern) peers. They were men of legend, valor, might & spirit.

I shutter to think what an complete disservice we (as a race) have done to the legacy & memory of those Founding Fathers. It really saddens me to see how far this Amerika 2.0/USSA has fallen in a downward spiral towards hell. I fear there's no revival of the Olde Republic of 1776...we can only try to inform & educate those with ears to hear, eyes to see & minds to learn.
Yeah, Don, I guess I'm always looking for a concrete "year" which isn't always the case as it is more of a gradual "acceptance" (via deliberate social engineering, brainwashing, "conditioning", or propaganda) over a certain period of time. I guess it would be safe to say that in 1963 it still held it's original meaning, but by 1970, it had completely morphed.

The thing I like about the word "gay" in reference to homos is that the word has morphed back into meaning "queer" as in unusual or weird. Haha, think about it, they tried to hijack the word to distance themselves from the connotation of the common word to describe them (at that time) 'queer'. But the word they pick--gay--turns back into queer.
True, this was even happening when I was a child. However, notice the disconnect between how the MSM uses the term and how, especially, much of the younger crowd uses it. Pretty telling, huh? Funny to see how much of the younger crowd isn't following the script on this one.

The MSM, being the gatekeepers and promoters of all things Cultural Marxist, use it in the "acceptable" way to refer to, well, people like Anderson Cooper, while much of the younger generation use it in the "derogatory" fashion to refer to something that is stupid or "queer", as you say.

Anyway, getting back to the original topic:
Can Americans Escape the Deception? by Paul Craig Roberts

"Hot Air Day is upon us. On July 4 hot air will spew forth all over the country..."
For the last few years, my 4th of July celebrations have been very simple.

It's usually a family gathering, some good food and good discussion, and celebrating
The United States, 1776-1960, RIP.

If only there was some way for a do-over, to have the power to completely undo everything that has happened in the last 50 years and get our once great nation back. But unfortunately, at the rate things are going and the speed with which the radical feminist and homosexual agendas, among numerous other anti-White initiatives are being implemented across the board, this country will be completely unrecognizable in about 10 years.
Jaxvid said:
^^^^excellent job of the pictoral history of the fall of a once great people. It it only because I know there are other good men out there that see the truth that I even bother to care.
Thanks, but I foolishly omitted some significant imagery that has razed the very foundation of our tribe’s prolongation. That is, of course, the white womb, which now oozes with caustic napalm, the hollow secretions of promiscuous phallic penetrations, and the wilted dream that was once motherhood…


1960 – Birth Control Pill Approved by FDA


2010 - “Female” Elation Continues Some 50 Years Later

Abortion Our Right to Choose.jpg

Suicide Without Actually Dying
Now, sadly, almost all Americans use it, including those who purport to be against the radical homosexual agenda. I guess I'm one of the few remaining holdouts as I try not to use words changed by the Cultural Marxists whenever possible.

I pride myself on employing the correct terminology, namely: poof / poofter; as in "let's sink a few beers, then go out and bash some ****ing poofs!" :icon_wink:


Disgusting and sad.

"A nation that kills its own children has no future." ~Blessed John Paul II

Happy belated 4th.
