Greek MP of Golden Dawn shows us the way


May 18, 2012
In my world
1. Both "ladies" are two of the most famous communist, both famous anti-Greek and anti-European, both hardcore femminist (the fat one is openly a Lesbian).

2. The blonde one a few years ago, called Greeks and Europeans "sad existences" and in another time she welcomed all NON WHITE immigrants to mix our country and race, so then maybe Greeks we can have better genes in term of IQ and looks ( She openly claimed that we need to mix with Negroes and Pakistani for this purpose)

3. They call him fascist, criminal, animal, Hitler, as you see the fat one attacks him first and then it's all in the "hands of justice". They attacked him the whole time and degraded him, but the media will focus only in the outcome. They even insulted his mother and family during the "political" conversation.

4. Enjoy:

5. White Americans, wake up and stand for your rights finally, we are shrinking and extincting, I really don't know what you are waiting for :)
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It would've been a good touch to turn and nail the guy trying to stop him as well. I heard it continued off camera as well.

Tom Iron...
She disrespected him, she talks like a man, she insults everybody like a man, she calls Alexander the Great a faggit, she called our party Fascists and cowards, she attacked him first physically as well, she paid for it, fair and square![/QUOTE]

He b1tch slapped that lady. I cannot stop laughing. I watched the ending 3 or 4 times
Don't understand Greek. To me he looked like a man who lost his temper in a debate, throws water in one woman's face and starts to hit, GASP, another woman. Not much to emulate for me as a man. Someone like David Duke would have handled it much better. I remember reading about how Duke was giving a speech and upfront was a mud shark with one of the brohams trying to rattle him. At the end of the speech they both went up to him and asked him what he thought of them as a couple. From what I remember David Duke replied to the man you can do much better than this gutter snipe or words to that effect. You gain no converts by losing your temper and starting a fight. Especially with women.
She disrespected him, she talks like a man, she insults everybody like a man, she calls Alexander the Great a faggit, she called our party Fascists and cowards, she attacked him first physically as well, she paid for it, fair and square!

He b1tch slapped that lady. I cannot stop laughing. I watched the ending 3 or 4 times

I can understand that impulse to knock a cultmarxist into the next time zone (be it man or woman). However, throwing hands on a woman (the weaker of the species) puts us on the level of das untermenschen. As White men, we need to hold ourselves to a higher standard. I mean acting as gentlemen...until/unless we're defending ourselves, family, etc. OR disrespected as a man. I certainly don't advocate being a doormat pansy, but slapping a female is TNB.

Sir, as an older man, I agree very much with what you say. But at this point in time, these people have to be shown the error of their ways. If you look closely at the altercation, the older woman did lay hands on him first (a womanly push but her intent was not womanly). As much as it makes me cringe to even think along these lines, we can no longer sit their and allow these type of people to even seem to be winning a debate. That video has been seen by millions of people and they know he was provoked. I believe that this is going to turn into an overall positive for the Golden Dawn. Also, as it was explained to me, he kept going after the cameras stopped rolling, attacking men and escaping his imprisonment in a room by braking down the door.

Tom Iron...
Don't understand Greek. To me he looked like a man who lost his temper in a debate, throws water in one woman's face and starts to hit, GASP, another woman. Not much to emulate for me as a man. Someone like David Duke would have handled it much better. I remember reading about how Duke was giving a speech and upfront was a mud shark with one of the brohams trying to rattle him. At the end of the speech they both went up to him and asked him what he thought of them as a couple. From what I remember David Duke replied to the man you can do much better than this gutter snipe or words to that effect. You gain no converts by losing your temper and starting a fight. Especially with women.

To me David Duke is a role model and I admire his education and style, but let's be realistic, when he was at the age of the Greek PM, he was a KKK......... My question is, what percentage of the votes David gets in the US when he runs for president? 0,000001% maybe? You get the point, even David himself knows that the true revolution comes through fighting and in the battle field, I am sure he would agree with me!

Does Israel "put hands" on women when they throw their bombs to the Palestinians? I guess right? Do you see any media focusing on such thing? Mate, wake up, these codes of behavior (don't hit women, don't do this or that) are valid only for white men, in their blatant attempt to make us as weak and soft as it gets, same with all the rest anti-white codes of diversity and multiculturalism etc!

I have never personally hit a woman, but thank God I never had to.........if a fat black woman attacked me calling me cracker in the metro or train to rob me, I would fight her like I would fight a male, it's called if some of you don't "fight women" then let the woman to take your life and say thank you to her and the system which taught you like that ;)
I don't think any white women were prevented from being raped or white men's situation improved by slapping a fat obnoxious woman in a televised debate. He could have handled it better. His slaps didn't look too manly or do much to deter the woman from what I could see.

However I am sure it sent a message that he is an unstable person willing to defy the conventional social norms and in his situation that is probably a plus for him and his movement.

The very fact that Golden Dawn is involved in physical acts of violence in support of their race and are not immediately jailed and outlawed is so radical that I can't even fathom it happening here in amerika. I think the day is coming when White men are going to have to do things that were previously thought to be unthinkable. War does that to people and unfortunately we find ourselves at war.
I really do not expect people who come from a country like US, to understand the BRAVE act of Mr. Kassidiaris :)


Then why did you post the video if "US" simple people won't understand?
You miss the whole point of this comment, is OK I won't debate or explain myself on this one! Whoever gets what I am saying fine, if you choose to get offended by this comment, then fine that's your problem not mine!

I'm not offended however you seem to be. You posted a patronizing comment and I just pointed it out. I didn't miss anything.
I really do not expect people who come from a country like US, to understand the BRAVE act of Mr. Kassidiaris :)

i think everybody here understands: if that creature wants equal rights, then fine, she won the right to be hit, just like every other man

however, the best thing to do in my opinion would have been to don't answer that creature
we don't have to debate with them

by attacking her like that, honestly he looked a little bit irritable
but that's fine with me

7. The rise of the white proud man has started in Greece, very proud seeing this, even though to some seems to be non manly, to me seems to be the most manly action I have seen in the last 31 years in any of the countries I have lived, Greece, Italy or France :

i know that you are a very proud greek and all :icon_mrgreen: but in france during the 80's it was not rare for whites to go to the places where inmigrants lived and attack them, sometimes kill them
in france we were famous for having the biggest far right in the world, but look at us now

i had friends from smaller cities (in the biggest cities arabs were already more accepted) who told me how they used to attack inmigrants at night, some pretty fun stories
we called this "ratonnade", in england it was called "paki-bashing"

because of these attacks, the french jews (like julien dray) created "SOS racisme", a huge anti-racist organisation

i hope greece won't go the same way, but all this anti-inmigrant attacks could be the first step towards the acceptance of the inmigrants: first the far-right movements rise, the inmigrants are attacked, and then you end up like france
i know that you are a very proud greek and all :icon_mrgreen: but in france during the 80's it was not rare for whites to go to the places where inmigrants lived and attack them.......

Mon pot, you know very well that I am part French, I have lived in France, I have fully French relatives and family and I know French reality and history as well (not as well as you I bet, but still)

Allow me to know better from existence and experience that the Greek male will never end up like the French one............not because we are Biologically different, of course not, it would be stupid to make such claim since I have blood from both nations in me, but simply put the French brothers just like Americans, Dutch etc have fall into the trap of the Jewish anti-white propaganda of the whole colonialism, slavery, occupation "guilt"........Now they can't do that to the Greek male and they Know it very well and let's not forget that Greece had military government from 1967-1974 and was the very first nation (I think) to have a far right wing political party in the parliament back in the 50's, post WW2!

Let's agree that the Greek male is one of the most pro-white and patriotic if not the most patriotic, in the world right now!
I'm not offended however you seem to be. You posted a patronizing comment and I just pointed it out. I didn't miss anything.
Awww, no, not "Melenik" again. :tsk:

Zeus, I apologize for Melenik.

It's good to know Greek men have the courage to resist. We should be learning from your example. :thumbsup:

The man-hating dyke in the video is not a "woman" really, it's more like a creature from hell.
Awww, no, not "Melenik" again. :tsk:

Zeus, I apologize for Melenik.

It's good to know Greek men have the courage to resist. We should be learning from your example. :thumbsup:

The man-hating dyke in the video is not a "woman" really, it's more like a creature from hell.

You don't have to "apologize" for me Dempsey. It's a free world and you don't run **** here but your mouth. Such a delicate sister...
Now, now gentlemen...let's try to avoid petty in-fighting. We're all here in support of White athletes and causes. :)

Allow me to clarify....I should have said ONLY in very specific circumstances would I strike a woman. Some examples...if a grown woman tried to physically harm (abuse, kidnap) my children, then she'd not be long for this world. Also, if 2-3 groidian sows attacked my wife....then all bets are off. It'd have to be those type of "dire straights" situations.
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She disrespected him, she talks like a man, she insults everybody like a man, she calls Alexander the Great a faggit, she called our party Fascists and cowards, she attacked him first physically as well, she paid for it, fair and square!
Abso-effin'-lutley, Zeus. I agree 100%...and so does Sean Connery:
Awww, no, not "Melenik" again. :tsk:

Zeus, I apologize for Melenik.

It's good to know Greek men have the courage to resist. We should be learning from your example. :thumbsup:

The man-hating dyke in the video is not a "woman" really, it's more like a creature from hell.

You don't have to apologize for him, especially you my friend!

It's no secret that you are one of my very favorites in this site, your boxing knowledge is incredible and I learn tons of stuff from your posts all the time!

Keep the good job sir!
You don't have to "apologize" for me Dempsey. It's a free world and you don't run **** here but your mouth. Such a delicate sister...

I apologized to you in the Iceman thread but I take it back. Zeus has been nothing but polite in addressing members on this site. Though his thoughts may be a bit off the norm on this site I look forward to his posts as they are very interesting. Dempsey has been a great member on this site and I look forward to his posts in boxing every week. It's quality posters like him that make this a great site. Attacking both of them is nothing more than the work of a coward. I will not respond back to you in this thread again. I don't want it shut down. Now get back to your little attacks on members.
I apologized to you in the Iceman thread but I take it back. Zeus has been nothing but polite in addressing members on this site. Though his thoughts may be a bit off the norm on this site I look forward to his posts as they are very interesting. Dempsey has been a great member on this site and I look forward to his posts in boxing every week. It's quality posters like him that make this a great site. Attacking both of them is nothing more than the work of a coward. I will not respond back to you in this thread again. I don't want it shut down. Now get back to your little attacks on members.

Once again I didn't attack anyone, just voiced an opinion. Why is YOUR skin so thin? Why are you calling me a coward when I've addressed nothing toward you? It's not impressing anyone AND truth be told it's childish and immature. If you would like to talk privately pm me, otherwise please keep my name out your mouth. Have a nice weekend.
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Alright, I watched this video one last time. Here's what I think I saw. There were four men and three women at the table. The one woman got the guys goat and got doused with some water. We all saw that. Then one of the other women gave the guy a swat with a newspaper it looked like. Obviously, he wasn't hurt by it. But there are other things here that go beyond just what we visually saw take place. For example, we must understand there are always boundaries, especially when it comes to younger men. Once a younger man is pushed over his particular boundary, then it becomes a physical fight. Now, when the women (who may have knowingly pushed him to get the exact result they got)
pushed him to that point, he exploded as we saw. But interestingly, only one older man got up, not to defend the woman being slapped, but to try to intercede for him to stop. Also, that older man kept himself out of harms way. Of the other two men, one didn't move at all, and the other only partially rose but didn't approach the altercation, thus keeping himself clear of injury.

Now, as we didn't see it, apparently this continued off camera. The assailant is said to have beaten three studio employees and battered down a door and made good his escape. That's a young man to be careful of and apparently, everyone that had anything to do with this affair is well aware of it now, if they weren't before.

I'm not going to go after this guy for what he did. He's a good man and made a mistake, but in the overall situation, he did the right thing. The existance of his country is at stake and the usual niceties have to be put aside until after the country is saved.

I think that Golden Dawn should go on an absolute rampage in the coming days before the next election. They are not served in any way by being nice.

Tom Iron...
Alright, I watched this video one last time. Here's what I think I saw. There were four men and three women at the table. The one woman got the guys goat and got doused with some water. We all saw that. Then one of the other women gave the guy a swat with a newspaper it looked like. Obviously, he wasn't hurt by it. But there are other things here that go beyond just what we visually saw take place. For example, we must understand there are always boundaries, especially when it comes to younger men. Once a younger man is pushed over his particular boundary, then it becomes a physical fight. Now, when the women (who may have knowingly pushed him to get the exact result they got)
pushed him to that point, he exploded as we saw. But interestingly, only one older man got up, not to defend the woman being slapped, but to try to intercede for him to stop. Also, that older man kept himself out of harms way. Of the other two men, one didn't move at all, and the other only partially rose but didn't approach the altercation, thus keeping himself clear of injury.

Now, as we didn't see it, apparently this continued off camera. The assailant is said to have beaten three studio employees and battered down a door and made good his escape. That's a young man to be careful of and apparently, everyone that had anything to do with this affair is well aware of it now, if they weren't before.

I'm not going to go after this guy for what he did. He's a good man and made a mistake, but in the overall situation, he did the right thing. The existance of his country is at stake and the usual niceties have to be put aside until after the country is saved.

I think that Golden Dawn should go on an absolute rampage in the coming days before the next election. They are not served in any way by being nice.

Tom Iron...

Brilliantly SAID SIR!

Now, that's finally a truly pro white and supportive post from a member, thank you for this sir!

And you are right, he's a good man, actually I saw him in a live speech not too long ago, this afternoon.

At this point, I wish I could participate as a candidate of Golden Dawn as well, I am a member of the party, but I can't participate as an active candidate in the elections, you see I have a very "bad and violent" past life against "peaceful, innocent and harmless" illegal immigrants and I can only vote (only recently) not participate as a candidate until 2019. Hail the western laws (sarcasm)
What a mouth on that broad. I wouldn't be surprised if being treated like a man didn't turn her on a little. I've never hit a woman, don't believe in it, but in her case...

The guy on the video looks like a hothead man of action type. Not really suited to sitting down with the enemy in that situation. They might want to send someone with a cooler head next time.

The whole thing looks like Jerry Springer type set-up to me. Which brings to mind a question Zeus. Is the media in Greece crawling with you-know-who as it is here in the U.S.?
The guy on the video looks like a hothead man of action type. Not really suited to sitting down with the enemy in that situation. They might want to send someone with a cooler head next time.

The whole thing looks like Jerry Springer type set-up to me. Which brings to mind a question Zeus. Is the media in Greece crawling with you-know-who as it is here in the U.S.?

LOL, he's really hothead man and not the type of guy you want to mess with, he's the real deal. No we don't want to send someone "cooler aka coward", it's time for action, enough with political correctness which is the number one weapon in the hands of the enemy for the extinction of our kind.

I believe they did set him up, knowing how explosive and wild this man can get, but I bet they regret it now after seeing polls and how Golden Dawn gained 3% more of the Greek vote.

Are you asking if the media in Greece are controlled from the "chosen people" ? If that's what you are asking, then the answer is........OF COURSE!

Don't they control media on a global basis anyways? (Excluding the Muslim Arabic world)
Zeus, I have read that two Polish men were stabbed in Greece because they are minorities. Why are they attacking white Europeans in Greece?Why is this? Here is that article.

[h=1]Golden Dawn’s Violent War Against Immigrants in Greece[/h]by Barbie Latza Nadeau Jun 19, 2012 9:19 AM EDT
[h=2]The neo-Nazi party had a strong showing in Greek elections, winning a staggering 7 percent of the vote. Barbie Latza Nadeau on Golden Dawn’s violent campaign to force out immigrants.[/h]

The smell of urine and sweat, simmering in 90-degree heat, wafts through an open window like poisonous perfume. A half-full plastic water bottle balances on the ledge below a dirty mesh curtain tied in a knot. More than 20 illegal immigrants live behind the window, in the four-bedroom apartment on Filis street in central Athens, sleeping in shifts to share the beds. They pay what they can, and are forced to give up their bed when someone can pay more. “It’s better than the street,†says a man when asked what it’s like inside. A few blocks up, the doors are half-open with bare lightbulbs above them. When the light is on, it means the brothels inside are open. Women of all ethnicities and ages peer from the windows. This is not the Athens that tourists flock to. But it is home to roughly 1 million estimated illegal immigrants who live and work in the city.

Members of the Greek extreme-right ultra-nationalist party Golden Dawn (Chryssi Avghi) sing the national anthem out of the Golden Dawn's office in Thessaloniki, June 17, 2012. (Sakis Mitrolidis, AFP / Getty Images)
Being an immigrant—illegal or not—has become a risky way of life in Athens. Since May 6, when Greeks gave voice to extremist neo-Nazi anti-immigration party Golden Dawn, attacks on immigrants have doubled. On May 31, an Albanian man standing on the street in Athens’s Neos Kosmos neighborhood was stabbed with a sword by a masked motorcycle driver. Paramedics had to remove several ribs to dislodge the sword, which pierced his chest and was left sticking out of his back.

The same night, 20 minutes later, two Polish men were stabbed with knives in the same part of town. The next day men from Bangladesh and Pakistan were stabbed in the city’s subway stations. “Things have gotten worse since the elections,†Reza Gholami, who heads an association for immigrants from Afghanistan, told GreekKathimerini newspaper after the May 6 election. “There are daily beatings.â€

On June 17, Greeks again voted Golden Dawn into Parliament. The group won 6.92 percent of the vote, which will give them 18 seats in Parliament despite a platform hinged on kicking all immigrants out of Greece and setting up landmines on the borders. Polls consistently showed that a strong segment of Greeks supported the measures, even when party spokesman Ilias Kasidiari threw a glass of water on one female opponent and punched another on national television. After the election results, party faithful gathered at Golden Dawn headquarters at Larissa station in Athens, shouting nationalist slogans. "Today's vote proves that the nationalist movement is here to stay," the party's leader, Nikolaos Mihaloliakos, said in his postelection speech on Sunday night with a statue of a Naziesque eagle on his desk. "Golden Dawn represents the Greece of the future."

Since 2011, when Italy and Malta tightened their borders, Greece has become the primary gateway for migrants coming to Europe from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.
Many Greeks resent the presence of so many illegal immigrants on the streets. Since 2011, when Italy and Malta tightened their borders, Greece has become the primary gateway for migrants coming to Europe from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Nearly 90 percent of all irregular immigrants now enter Europe through Greece, according to international border-guard agency Frontex. Last year 130,000 people entered the country illegally. A spike in crime has been blamed on the wave, and even climbing jobless rates can be tied to illegal workers who are more willing than regular Greeks to take untaxed jobs in the growing black market. In April Greek authorities built the Amygdaleza detention center that can house up to 1,000 detainees who will eventually be deported back to their countries of origin. The rest live on the streets of Athens and smaller cities near the coastlines, working on farms and fishing boats to eke out a living. “There is not enough to go around and when what little social services there are go to immigrants, people are angry,†Athens retiree George Schinnachoritis told The Daily Beast. “There is not enough to share.â€

The week before the election, a group of thugs stormed the house belonging to a 28-year-old third-generation Egyptian fisherman near Piraeus, breaking his jaw and nose. Authorities say the man was a legal resident who paid taxes. His three children attended the nearby school, and his wife works in a local pharmacy. The next day, Golden Dawn candidate Ilias Panagiotaros promised supporters that the war to take back Greece from the outsiders has just begun. “If Golden Dawn gets into Parliament, we will carry out raids on hospitals and kindergartens, and we will throw immigrants and their children out in the streets so Greeks can take their place.â€

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Barbie Latza Nadeau, author of the Beast Book Angel Face, about Amanda Knox, has reported from Italy for Newsweek since 1997 and for The Daily Beast since 2009. She is a frequent contributor to CNN Traveller, Departures, Discovery, andGrazia. She appears regularly on CNN, the BBC, and NPR.
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