Greek MP of Golden Dawn shows us the way

Zeus, Hello again and thanks for the video. Some questions. Congradulations on your upcoming wedding. Please don't leave the movement.

There were some stands not smashed by the Golden Dawn Men. Why was that? Were they the stands of Greeks? Can you generally translate what that golden Dawn spokesman was saying?

What is the general situation in Greece right now? I saw the unemployment went to 24+%. Are you unemployed?

Is the Golden Dawn well recieved? Is the population coming over to your beliefs?

What action are the authorities taking about the illegal aliens, if any?

Is there a real chance Greece will leave the EU?

You are our only real source of information on what's going on over there. There is a virutual blackout on news there by the main stream media here.

Take care Sir and have a good day.

Tom Iron...
Zeus, Hello again and thanks for the video. Some questions. Congradulations on your upcoming wedding. Please don't leave the movement.

1. There were some stands not smashed by the Golden Dawn Men. Why was that? Were they the stands of Greeks? Can you generally translate what that golden Dawn spokesman was saying?

2. What is the general situation in Greece right now? I saw the unemployment went to 24+%.

Hello sir, I hope you and yours are well, you are always kind and a gentleman, I really appreciate this. Thank you very much for your good words and I assure you that there's no way I will leave the movement, I have just "upgraded" (if that makes sense lol) inside the party, if it's God's willing I might participate as a candidate in some of the upcoming elections :)

Thank you for the concern sir and I will try to answer all your questions as much better as possible:

1. GD, despite what you might read in American or International (chosen guided media) we are racialists and nationalists. Of course in a movement with so many hundreds members and thousands (if not millions at this point) followers and supports, opinions might differ, but GD central motto is for a pure nation and (European) race.
The stands which were not attacked, belonged to Greeks (mostly) and other Europeans (I personally saw a Scottish and Hungarian business there) who were legally there, they were owners of legal shops in the city, who pay taxes, respect the laws of the state and in fests/celebrations like this, they get legal permission from the various Municipalities to own legally a stand and sell their products, since in events like these there are thousands of people who attend. The spokesman of GD, Giorgos Germenis, in few words he said that "it's unacceptable to see these illegal immigrants selling their bootleg trash next to hard working and honest citizens without paying any taxes or any respect to the country's laws and since police is not willing to do something about it, someone has. Other than that he added, we are here to celebrate the religious day and it was never our intention to cause any problems, but the problems were there starring at us and one day we have to say enough is enough and act."

2. The general situation in Greece, first of all, is extremely EXAGGERATED by the media, on a gross level! A very good friend of mine, Devon from England and his girlfriend visited not too long ago and he said he was shocked with the beauty (well that's a known fact already) of the country, how clean the streets are compared to Birmingham, how people work so hard and are nothing like portrayed in the British media, plus he loved the food and sun here a lot. He also found amazing how the bars, the taverns and beaches are full of people and how Greeks don't lose their energy for fun and good life with all they go through!

Having said that, you are right, unemployment has reached 24% plus, highest ever post 1974, there are more poor Greeks than ever before, the middle class is a kind of extinction, taxes have totally dismantle the middle and low classes of Greece, our politicians in perfect co-operation with the "Chosen" guidance of Germany, continue to take new measurements and setting new laws and taxes, trying to completely destroy what we call "middle class" in here. A simple look back in 2004, speaks volumes...........Greece had the 7th highest number of tourists in the world, now we rank 15th, Greece had the 11th highest income per capita with 33,000$ per year, now it has gone down to 24.500$ only inside 8 years and another example is Olympics, Greek Olympic committee spent millions back in 2004 and a country of 10 million like Greece won 17 medals, while we only won 2 bronze medals this year..........This might not be that important, it's a sign of decadence and free fall too though!

Also let's not forget that some estimations say that the illegal immigrants in Greece are over 2 million now, which is the highest ever, if you consider how Greece hardly has a population of 11 million Greeks, that means that illegal immigrants make 15% of the total population and the government seems to be unable to do something serious about it!

I will continue in another post, cause If I make this like super long, it will not be pleasant to read.
Hello sir, I hope you and yours are well, you are always kind and a gentleman, I really appreciate this. Thank you very much for your good words and I assure you that there's no way I will leave the movement, I have just "upgraded" (if that makes sense lol) inside the party, if it's God's willing I might participate as a candidate in some of the upcoming elections :)

Thank you for the concern sir and I will try to answer all your questions as much better as possible:

1. GD, despite what you might read in American or International (chosen guided media) we are racialists and nationalists. Of course in a movement with so many hundreds members and thousands (if not millions at this point) followers and supports, opinions might differ, but GD central motto is for a pure nation and (European) race.
The stands which were not attacked, belonged to Greeks (mostly) and other Europeans (I personally saw a Scottish and Hungarian business there) who were legally there, they were owners of legal shops in the city, who pay taxes, respect the laws of the state and in fests/celebrations like this, they get legal permission from the various Municipalities to own legally a stand and sell their products, since in events like these there are thousands of people who attend. The spokesman of GD, Giorgos Germenis, in few words he said that "it's unacceptable to see these illegal immigrants selling their bootleg trash next to hard working and honest citizens without paying any taxes or any respect to the country's laws and since police is not willing to do something about it, someone has. Other than that he added, we are here to celebrate the religious day and it was never our intention to cause any problems, but the problems were there starring at us and one day we have to say enough is enough and act."

2. The general situation in Greece, first of all, is extremely EXAGGERATED by the media, on a gross level! A very good friend of mine, Devon from England and his girlfriend visited not too long ago and he said he was shocked with the beauty (well that's a known fact already) of the country, how clean the streets are compared to Birmingham, how people work so hard and are nothing like portrayed in the British media, plus he loved the food and sun here a lot. He also found amazing how the bars, the taverns and beaches are full of people and how Greeks don't lose their energy for fun and good life with all they go through!

Having said that, you are right, unemployment has reached 24% plus, highest ever post 1974, there are more poor Greeks than ever before, the middle class is a kind of extinction, taxes have totally dismantle the middle and low classes of Greece, our politicians in perfect co-operation with the "Chosen" guidance of Germany, continue to take new measurements and setting new laws and taxes, trying to completely destroy what we call "middle class" in here. A simple look back in 2004, speaks volumes...........Greece had the 7th highest number of tourists in the world, now we rank 15th, Greece had the 11th highest income per capita with 33,000$ per year, now it has gone down to 24.500$ only inside 8 years and another example is Olympics, Greek Olympic committee spent millions back in 2004 and a country of 10 million like Greece won 17 medals, while we only won 2 bronze medals this year..........This might not be that important, it's a sign of decadence and free fall too though!

Also let's not forget that some estimations say that the illegal immigrants in Greece are over 2 million now, which is the highest ever, if you consider how Greece hardly has a population of 11 million Greeks, that means that illegal immigrants make 15% of the total population and the government seems to be unable to do something serious about it!

I will continue in another post, cause If I make this like super long, it will not be pleasant to read.

Zeus, how many blacks do you have in Greece? I am assuming it must be less than 1 percent right? Who makes up the biggest percentage of the illegals? Is it Arabs?
Are you unemployed?

Is the Golden Dawn well recieved? Is the population coming over to your beliefs?

What action are the authorities taking about the illegal aliens, if any?

Is there a real chance Greece will leave the EU?

You are our only real source of information on what's going on over there. There is a virutual blackout on news there by the main stream media here.

Take care Sir and have a good day.

Tom Iron...

OK, continuing as my nephew is cussing me out cause I promised him a good match in Pro Evolution hehehe, I am replying and I am gone!

No sir, I am not unemployed, thank Lord. But since my 24% of my brothers and sisters are, it's the same thing to me. I see people who used to be proud and family men, now struggling to pay bills and raise their kids, that makes me literally ill!
On a personal level, I am a lawyer, so is my sister, my future wife and my first cousin.
I run my own law office for nearly 3 years now, i used to work with them until 2009, in a "mini law firm'' we have set, they still do and the ladies do REALLY WELL. I just realized one day that because of my openly political views, lifestyle and active battle for a better nation and a pure kind, I was causing them more problem than doing any good, so I decided to leave and follow my own path, because they love me and were kind enough never tell me the situations like this, you need to man up!
What I find ironic is that in the last 3 years and with the "awakening" there's inside the Greek society, the rise of the glorious GD party and the whole crisis, i have specific clients and the support of all the nationally and racially aware citizens (who keep becoming more and more) and I do incredibly well. The money that they return me from taxes and all the bonuses I get and seasonal gifts (X-mas, Easter, Summer) I offer them to various Greek ONLY charity foundations and organizations. I will do anything I can, to help my brothers, because like I say in here, if we don't stand for each others, no one will!

3. Sir, you can judge here by yourself, after I tell you that in the national elections of 2009 we got 0,26% of the votes, in May of 2012 6,9% and June of 2012 7% electing 18 MP's in the parliament. Here's the most recent poll they had on a national basis:

GD is right now the THIRD strongest party in the country with 12% and it has only started :)

4. Lately the government which has totally lost control on every possible level, tries to "collect" all the illegal immigrants who are here illegally and have no papers, they put them in former military campus and then are supposed to send them back in their shytholes......I Will wait to see results first! To be honest though, police starts to get more serious and severe with them, that's a good sign!

5. European Union, NO!
Eurozone, it depends if Germans decide to FINALLY ONCE IN THEIR HISTORY, act and treat their white co-citizens (Greeks, Spaniards, Portuguese, Italians, Irish etc) as equals and not trying to conquer them either with guns (they failed x2 in the past) or with the economic war they do to the south now!
A year ago everybody blamed Greece, UK and USA included, now the masks of Germany have fall and everybody, included France and USA, see that Germany borrows money from international markets with 0 up to 0,4% interest while FORCES Greeks, Italians, Spaniards etc to borrow with 7-8%, they treat their own white people, exactly like they would treat to Africans............typical German style! The good thing is that now EVERYBODY sees that is not the "Greek thief" to blame but the German politics who are the only people inside the EU who have become way richer with this whole crisis in the backs of other Europeans, especially Southern!

I think Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal should leave the Euro ON THE SAME DAY and then see how powerful Germany and Merkel is and where the wealth of Germany comes from :) If Eurozone will get destroyed, It's Germany's fault, even Hollande, Draghi, Barozo and Mondi agree at this point, not lil tiny Greece and the 3% of the total EU's economy we make.............The masks like I said did fall, we will see who was the one to blame and we will see why Germany sold to their fellow co-citizens their mercedes, siemens, bmw's etc x 2 and x3 more, while they sold them three times cheaper in the US and Russia!

Of course you won't hear any of this in your far, I think a tsunami of truth is coming soon!

The corrupt, deceiving Greek politicians are the first to blame for the economic situation of Greece now, that doesn't change, if these traitors and thieves were not lying and deceive the Greek people, no chosen banking control organization or no Merkel would have so much power over us now! The traitor is the one who opens the gates to the enemy, it has always been like this!

I am out!
Zeus, how many blacks do you have in Greece? I am assuming it must be less than 1 percent right? Who makes up the biggest percentage of the illegals? Is it Arabs?

Sorry I didn't see that earlier and I had to go, I was in rush.
According to official demographics (full of lies) the illegal immigrants in Greece are over 1 million, when police and pretty much every political party estimates a total of 2,2-2,5 million.
So if according to official ones blacks make 1,2% of the total population, a good 2,5% wouldn't shock me! They are like 90% of the heroine dealers and pimps of their African hookers though, not "poor helpless immigrants" as media portray them really!

Albanians make by far the biggest % of illegal immigrants in here, nearly 45% of all immigrants, then Pakkis must be undisputed #2, Eastern Europeans must be third, especially Bulgarians and former Soviets and then all the rest!

Tom Iron, in case you want to read a good article about Greece's current state. I find this kind of ironic because I just see this article was written today and we had this conversation in here earlier. It's written by a British journalist and it's by far the best and most realistic I have read from the International Press in the last 12 months!
Sorry I didn't see that earlier and I had to go, I was in rush.
According to official demographics (full of lies) the illegal immigrants in Greece are over 1 million, when police and pretty much every political party estimates a total of 2,2-2,5 million.
So if according to official ones blacks make 1,2% of the total population, a good 2,5% wouldn't shock me! They are like 90% of the heroine dealers and pimps of their African hookers though, not "poor helpless immigrants" as media portray them really!

Albanians make by far the biggest % of illegal immigrants in here, nearly 45% of all immigrants, then Pakkis must be undisputed #2, Eastern Europeans must be third, especially Bulgarians and former Soviets and then all the rest!

Tom Iron, in case you want to read a good article about Greece's current state. I find this kind of ironic because I just see this article was written today and we had this conversation in here earlier. It's written by a British journalist and it's by far the best and most realistic I have read from the International Press in the last 12 months!

As you probably already know blacks make up around 12 percent of the US population and commit over half of violent crimes. Excuse are excuse is made for them by the white liberals. It's sickening.

I wish you luck with GD. At this point the US are too brainwashed to see what's going on so I don't see any hope for us here.
Good morning Zeus, Looked at the Enlish language Kathimerini Greek paper. I love Glden Dawn. No meely mouth apologies from them. Stood their ground and defended their actions and told the powers that be they better mend their ways or they'll be getting some rough treatment too. Golden Dawn has the sympathy of the people I tink. No one tried to stop them. If they keep up the pressure, they will end up leading Greece. But when they take over, they must move immediately to throw out the illegal aliens, papers or no papers. But it must be done right in front of the populations eyes.

Well done.

Tom Iron...
As you probably already know blacks make up around 12 percent of the US population and commit over half of violent crimes. Excuse are excuse is made for them by the white liberals. It's sickening.

I wish you luck with GD. At this point the US are too brainwashed to see what's going on so I don't see any hope for us here.

Exactly. We're about finished as a Constitutional Republic, and those awakened & still "entact" have too small numbers to make an overwhelming impact. IMO, the PTB/Globalists will ensure their (current) puppet 0webuma "wins" re-election and puts the finishing touches on the middle class whilst overseeing a (full scale) police state.
The greatest, most vocal, fearless, pro white, pro Greek politician around the world, does it again! He exposes the minister of public order as a lawyer of Rothschild family, close friend of Soros and a member of a Zionist Tectonic group! At this point I think Golden Dawn is the best pro white organization/group/political party in the world.......only a blind or a jealous person wouldn't see that! They are worshiped in every pro white site around the world, I ever saw this today from some comrades :

David knows better hehehehe!

Here's the video he exposes him but there are no English subtitles unfortunately:

The minister is one breathe away from his quit from the government, he got exposed LMAO

Sorry I haven't been here more often lately, but it's being wild here lately, I think a white pro revolution might start from Greece all over Europe!
Zeus, Good to hear from you again. A couple of questions. I'm full of questions because of the virtual news blackout here.

Are any of the Greek Orthodox clergy on Golden Dawn's side? If so, wouldn't it be a good idea if you could get a priest to give a prayer before your meetings/rallies/etc?

Also, do you have other type groups who are involved with you (allies)?

Take care Zeus and watch yourself.

Tom Iron...
Zeus, Good to hear from you again. A couple of questions. I'm full of questions because of the virtual news blackout here.

Are any of the Greek Orthodox clergy on Golden Dawn's side? If so, wouldn't it be a good idea if you could get a priest to give a prayer before your meetings/rallies/etc?

Also, do you have other type groups who are involved with you (allies)?

Take care Zeus and watch yourself.

Tom Iron...

Hello sir and always feel free and comfortable to ask whatever you want!

Yes, there are a couple of Greek Orthodox personalities (from the clergy I mean), on Golden Dawn's side, I know of two in specific, with one being the Patriarch of Thessaloniki (the second biggest city in Greece, the most significant city of the nation during the great Byzantine Empire). Various sources agree that a big majority of the Greek Orthodox clergy is on Golden Dawn's side, but for obvious reasons most are scared to show their true feelings..........maybe when we reach 30% of the vote, more will come out and be a little more brave.

We have no other groups who are considered our friends inside the Greek politics scene and that's natural if you consider how ALL of them are corrupt thieves who have abused the system for decades and many of them have been sponsored by "chosen" people as Soros and so on! We used to have very good relationships with an Italian group with similar political views, that's all I know!

I would personally find very interesting if Dr. David Duke could ever make it to Greece and give a speech like he has done to Hungary, Slovakia etc............I think the people in here need to be racially aware too, not just nationally aware!

My friend, after all though..........what's the purpose and meaning to throw away the immigrants, when the "chosen" people in the US and all these brainwashed obese whites who believe everything their media serve them, start wars all over the middle east (even over movies nowadays), which will result thousands and millions more political refugees and immigrants from there in all over Europe?

Golden Dawn can't do much neither for the global salvation of the white kind, when the US is and has been for over 5 decades now the lethal weapon in the hands of the enemy!

You take care too sir and have a nice day!
But the hand-outs come at a price: allegiance to Golden Dawn. "A friend who was being seriously harassed by her husband and was referred to the party by the police very soon found herself giving it clothes and food in return," said a Greek teacher, who, citing the worsening environment enveloping the country, again spoke only on condition of anonymity. "She's a liberal and certainly no racist and is disgusted by what she has had to do."

Dixie, Thanks for showing that article. It makes me feel good that this organization has finally been formed somewhere. However, I'm angry at this woman (above) for her utter ungratefluness. It makes me want to go there and take her outside and hang a sign on her and whip her in public for the crime of "ungratefulness." It's beyond belief such people walk this earth. Sometimes, I get so angry, I think of the Taliban as a bunch of screaming liberals.
While I'm not a very religious person, I think her attitude is actually a sin.

I pray Golden Dawn doesn't in any way take their foot off the gas pedal. They are destined to win the country.

Tom Iron...
How many millions of whites in the U.S. would thank God for a group that would offer physical protection against the daily robberies, rapes, assaults and murders done against us by blacks?

Of course, the same police that are nowhere to be found when blacks are gang-attacking lone whites would suddenly spring into action against any group of whites that tried to protect our kids.
She's a liberal and certainly no racist and is disgusted by what she has had to do.

First, a liberal was someone who was against the king.

Then it was someone who was for better working conditions and pay for workers who are in your country and like you.

Now it's giving away your country to anybody who wants to come there.
But the hand-outs come at a price: allegiance to Golden Dawn. "A friend who was being seriously harassed by her husband and was referred to the party by the police very soon found herself giving it clothes and food in return," said a Greek teacher, who, citing the worsening environment enveloping the country, again spoke only on condition of anonymity. "She's a liberal and certainly no racist and is disgusted by what she has had to do."

The statement is second hand and why is she "disgusted" and disgusted at what? She could be "disgusted" that Golden Dawn is the only group that would help a Greek in the area, and I don't see how they could force her to give charity to them so she likely giving to them to help other Greeks out of gratitude.
At the link a comment that has over a thousand recommendations. (The Guardian's readers are overwhelmingly leftist).

Golden Dawn should be praised for the constructive and important role they are playing in protecting Greeks during such desperate times as these. While the leftists burn banks, vandalise buildings, attack the police and denigrate Greece's culture and history, Golden Dawn are actively seeking to improve people's lives and providing protection and comfort when nobody else will. Such initiatives can only be admired.

Sam Alexander 28 September 2012 8:16PM
get a load of what zionist prostitute beck thinks about the golden dawn party...

Claimjumper, Good video. Characters like beck don't know what to do with an outfit like Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn is going the right way and doing the right things and beck and all the bums like him, who've never in their lives done the right thing are freightened out of their wits.

Tom Iron...
get a load of what zionist prostitute beck thinks about the golden dawn party...

Golden Dawn must be on the right track if Israel/MLK fanboy Beck doesn't like them.
The first thing I thought when I saw Beck in the title was of that strange little alt musician. He's still around? But then I see it's Glenn "Crying Eyes" Beck. I'd forgotten all about him. He's still around too?

The whole purpose of Beck's little speil was not to inform or argue, but to make sure that both of his listeners know that the Golden Dawn are NAZIS. They're the second coming of the NAZI PARTY. They're NAZIS. They're in New York and they're NAZIS.


Got it? Time for a station break.
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1. Both "ladies" are two of the most famous communist, both famous anti-Greek and anti-European, both hardcore femminist (the fat one is openly a Lesbian).

2. The blonde one a few years ago, called Greeks and Europeans "sad existences" and in another time she welcomed all NON WHITE immigrants to mix our country and race, so then maybe Greeks we can have better genes in term of IQ and looks ( She openly claimed that we need to mix with Negroes and Pakistani for this purpose)

3. They call him fascist, criminal, animal, Hitler, as you see the fat one attacks him first and then it's all in the "hands of justice". They attacked him the whole time and degraded him, but the media will focus only in the outcome. They even insulted his mother and family during the "political" conversation.

4. Enjoy:

5. White Americans, wake up and stand for your rights finally, we are shrinking and extincting, I really don't know what you are waiting for :)

What a great man, a true role model to us all.

Taking up arms and reacting with force for something you believe in is truly valiant, shows passion, and even more so when confronted with this kind of left wing rhetoric.

It would be nice if politicians here in North America could show even one quarter of this man's passion.
The Prime Minister, Antonis Samaris of Greece has recently described the Golden Dawn party's tactics in Parliament as "incresingly insolent." The description is exactly correct and the tactic itself is absolutely correct. Once a situation gets to the point it has in Greece, anything short of insolence is a disgrace. The Golden Dawn gains strength every day. The Greek people know what they see. They see blacks and middle easterners walking around their country every day and doing all sorts of illegal, unGreek things and the only ones calling a spade a spade are the Golden Dawn. So no matter how much, people like Samaris howl, the Golden Dawn aren't nice, it doesn't matter as time goes by.

Tom Iron...

General Tsigantes's granddaughter attacked by far-rightists


The granddaugher of General Christodoulos Tsigantes (1897-1970) was attacked by a group of five far-rightists who demanded to see her ID.
The incident, which took place on Stisichorou Street, in central Athens recently, was unearthed after the woman filed a complaint with the British Embassy.
According to the report, the woman, who holds dual nationality, was asked to prove her Greek nationality and speak Greek.
General Tsigantes led the Ieros Lochos Greek special forces unit which was formed in the Middle East in 1942.
Meanwhile, according to Skai, several embassies located in Athens have received complaints from their citizens that members of far-right Golden Dawn party have demanded to check their IDs.

Gentlemen, Keep your eye on this. This Golden Dawn outfit is coming on strong. They're very active and gaining support. Now they're setting up their own identity checkpoints and the govt. is just looking on and can't do anything because they know many good Greeks support Golden Dawn.

Tom Iron...
Drudge is linking to this article that talks about Golden Dawn's strengthening and rise in popularity.

Of course cnbc uses the same tired "nazi" description but I don't care. They are grabbing headlines. They are forcing themselves into the conversation. They are preserving their culture and heritage. No doubt countless illegals are either leaving or thinking twice before coming to Greece now. The tide is turning. We need brainwashed American's, especially the neo-conned, to take notice. When will our Golden Dawn movement begin?