Great moments in black history

Is there anything more classless than the way black people act when there is a fight between a black person and a white person.
The white kid takes him down twice and each time they stand it up.

There isn't an honest bone in them.
There is no such thing as black history. Blacks never invented a system of writing. They only use writing that they have borrowed from their colonizers and slave masters. Without writing there is no history. Without history it means that the race is prehistoric. That is just the simple definition of the word.

Swahili, for instance, the lingua franca of central african negroes, originally used the arabic script which came from the arab slave traders. It now uses the roman alphabet which was introduced by christian missionaries. It was a fad to offer Swahili courses at USSA colleges for a while. Useful phrases were taught such as, "Please don't throw me in that big cooking pot!"
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There is no such thing as black history. Blacks never invented a system of writing. They only use writing that they have borrowed from their colonizers and slave owners. Without writing there is no history. Without history it means that the race is prehistoric. That is just the simple definition of the word.

Thanks CM,
I needed a good laugh and those certainly supplied it!
Didn't quite know where to place this, but check out this amazing video from Chicago which shows a pair of "Obama's Sons" or Kyle Korver's misunderstood "urban yuffs" trying to assault a tough-as-nails, middle aged white man!

Two things to notice: Look at how meekly "Obama's Sons" walk away when they realize "whitey aint' be playing"....Also, at the 10 second mark, notice how loudly the ghetto dwelling, McDonalds junk food consuming Hoodrats shriek in horror when they realize "whitey aint' playing". Obviously when whitey was being outnumbered and mugged, these aspiring WNBA rodents didn't care, nor did they try to alert employees to possibly help?

Eventually an illegal alien employee comes out to help, but whitey already has the situation under control. Personally, outside of the very annoying screeching zoo animals, I can watch this video a million times!
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I saw that vid last night. I was thinking exactly the same thing. Everything was just ho hum, Whitey gettin' beat up...yawn...probably musta said sumpin'....
It really tells the truth of what we're up against.
It always amazes me how so many white people out there think it’s safe to live in communities with a large amount of blacks. On average they have significantly less intelligence and these guilty white people continue to make excuses for them.
I have some advice I like to share all CM. The best weapon for a fight is an icepick. It's light and easy to hide. Pull the guy toward you and stick it straight up toward the bottom of the ribcage. This takes a direct path to the lung and he starts to lost air immediately, you might have to stick him twice but it' very effective and not bloody. I was taught this by a guy named Nick The Greek, he knew ever survival trick in the book. I know it works I had to use it on a brotha who was using my head for a speed bag and stepped about one foot to close and stuck him twice. Left him gasping for air on the ground.
Africa: Evala Dog Meat Festival In Togo


That's ******* disgusting, wonder why the civilized considered them savages..
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