Great moments in black history

Apparently his "nigga" taught him this "shet" (his words). Always good for a laugh.

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You know there's a n!@@a out there whose going take it a step further. Can you guess how. You know how.
Muh Dik.
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Tks., Celtic.
Sickening to read the NY Times spin on the the reasons why this monkey business occurs.
Naturally the first twist to their explanation for the dindu nuffin body count is gun legislation law. They also make a comparison with New York City throughout the article.
After acknowledging Chicongo's tough gun laws, they bring up the recent loosening of hand gun purchase laws. The implication being that these are the weapons ending up in the innocent "hands" of the killers. They know damn well that the handgun laws were struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional. They also know that the weapons being used in these murders are not legally purchased handguns, but illegal guns, including handguns, purchased from criminals, especially the Mexican gangs and mafia in the Chicongo area who are also the **** drug wholesale suppliers.
The following 2 paragraph example is precious:
Chicago’s Police Department, overwhelmed, can respond only to the most serious problems, leaving citizens to feel responsible for their own security, he said.
"Everyone has to establish deterrence on a retail basis,” he said. “People carry guns in public because other people are carrying guns. It’s literally an arms race, a vicious cycle. There are lots of indications that New York City, by taking guns more seriously and hiring more officers, has gotten a lot of guns off the streets, creating a virtuous cycle.”

The implication being that due to a lack of police presence in the hoods (just like Bantumorque they don't want to live in a "police state"), and because the Supreme's have interpreted the Constitution as allowing citizens the right to defend themselves, the gang-bangers have no choice but to lock & load. Meanwhile, in typical incredulous socialist authoritarian fashion, the reporter thinks how sad that a human, not a gang-banger, would have to take responsibility for his own life! Of course what he doesn't tell you is that these aren't normal law-abiding licensed gun owners establishing "deterrence on a retail basis" but gangs establishing "retail" turf disputes with illegal, non licensed weapons. The killings are overwhelmingly being committed by those kinds of retailers and wholesalers, not decent law-abiding shop keepers mowing down hordes of orcs pouring through their storefronts. It's a f'in "arms race"! Viciously mowing down the future wards of the penal system! Again implying, disingenuously, that it's legally purchased fire arms, by legal law-abiding citizens committing crimes (and if not crimes, what, defending their lives???!!!) that are responsible for the body count. The last sentence in those 2 "quoted" paragraphs is both true and false. It's true that up till recently NY took guns more seriously, but not in the way the Times reporter would have you think. It's not the strict gun laws (that make it very difficult for good decent law-abiding citizens to own a gun for self-defense) that have gotten the KINDA of guns that commit murder and mayhem off the skreets, but the very large, pro-active, agressive police presence that's made a difference (that's changing).
The example he trotted out initially was that Chicongo only has a mandatory 1 yr. sentence for people caught with an illegal handgun. The comparison is with NY's 3-1/2 yr. law, which we assume the Times likes, and thinks is a more effective deterrent than Chicongo's more lenient law. They even go so far as to bring up the fact that Chicongo used to have longer sentencing for that offense, but reduced it because of all the young black yoots who were being locked up for so long. The irony doesn't seem to cross the mind of the Times reporter, as he types those words, is that this is the PROBLEM that continuously undermines laws that work, only to be discarded because bleeding heart liberals and the black community think that it's raciss to lock up the aspiring rappers for so long. NY City's recent growth in crimes of all categories is directly graphed with their communist mayor's changes in policing tactics and the changes in laws associated with street crime. The very same "it's raciss" reasoning is behind the changes and the increased "BLEEDING" in Chicongo.
Another gem in this article, that only a Lib would think is intriguing and worthy of further analysis and government funded research, is the idea that:
"Recent studies, including one that looked at increased police presence in London after a terrorist attack, have suggested more police might mean less crime, said Jens Ludwig, the director of Crime Lab at the University of Chicago, which studies crime in both Chicago and New York."
That's it, you can read the rest of the article for yourself and discover the lunacy of the Grey Old Lady, I'm just too Lib/Negro-fatigued to point out anymore mind rot.
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Only stat you need to look at.

"75% of murders and shooting victims in Chicago are Black."

I have no problem with civilized minorities of any color, besides most want to replace me. There is no way you can justify that statistic above though. The South and West sides of Chicago murder rates are on par with ghettos from Brazil and Venezuela...

If you ask me it looks like the gorilla did a better job parenting than the boys own parents. They should have given him full custody of the child.

Parents-of-four whose son fell into zoo enclosure sparking killing of Harambe the gorilla as it emerges father has a lengthy criminal history - including kidnap and drug trafficking

Tks., Celtic.
Sickening to read the NY Times spin on the the reasons why this monkey business occurs.
Naturally the first twist to their explanation for the dindu nuffin body count is gun legislation law. They also make a comparison with New York City throughout the article.
After acknowledging Chicongo's tough gun laws, they bring up the recent loosening of hand gun purchase laws. The implication being that these are the weapons ending up in the innocent "hands" of the killers. They know damn well that the handgun laws were struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional. They also know that the weapons being used in these murders are not legally purchased handguns, but illegal guns, including handguns, purchased from criminals, especially the Mexican gangs and mafia in the Chicongo area who are also the **** drug wholesale suppliers.
The following 2 paragraph example is precious:
Chicago’s Police Department, overwhelmed, can respond only to the most serious problems, leaving citizens to feel responsible for their own security, he said.
"Everyone has to establish deterrence on a retail basis,” he said. “People carry guns in public because other people are carrying guns. It’s literally an arms race, a vicious cycle. There are lots of indications that New York City, by taking guns more seriously and hiring more officers, has gotten a lot of guns off the streets, creating a virtuous cycle.”

The implication being that due to a lack of police presence in the hoods (just like Bantumorque they don't want to live in a "police state"), and because the Supreme's have interpreted the Constitution as allowing citizens the right to defend themselves, the gang-bangers have no choice but to lock & load. Meanwhile, in typical incredulous socialist authoritarian fashion, the reporter thinks how sad that a human, not a gang-banger, would have to take responsibility for his own life! Of course what he doesn't tell you is that these aren't normal law-abiding licensed gun owners establishing "deterrence on a retail basis" but gangs establishing "retail" turf disputes with illegal, non licensed weapons. The killings are overwhelmingly being committed by those kinds of retailers and wholesalers, not decent law-abiding shop keepers mowing down hordes of orcs pouring through their storefronts. It's a f'in "arms race"! Viciously mowing down the future wards of the penal system! Again implying, disingenuously, that it's legally purchased fire arms, by legal law-abiding citizens committing crimes (and if not crimes, what, defending their lives???!!!) that are responsible for the body count. The last sentence in those 2 "quoted" paragraphs is both true and false. It's true that up till recently NY took guns more seriously, but not in the way the Times reporter would have you think. It's not the strict gun laws (that make it very difficult for good decent law-abiding citizens to own a gun for self-defense) that have gotten the KINDA of guns that commit murder and mayhem off the skreets, but the very large, pro-active, agressive police presence that's made a difference (that's changing).
The example he trotted out initially was that Chicongo only has a mandatory 1 yr. sentence for people caught with an illegal handgun. The comparison is with NY's 3-1/2 yr. law, which we assume the Times likes, and thinks is a more effective deterrent than Chicongo's more lenient law. They even go so far as to bring up the fact that Chicongo used to have longer sentencing for that offense, but reduced it because of all the young black yoots who were being locked up for so long. The irony doesn't seem to cross the mind of the Times reporter, as he types those words, is that this is the PROBLEM that continuously undermines laws that work, only to be discarded because bleeding heart liberals and the black community think that it's raciss to lock up the aspiring rappers for so long. NY City's recent growth in crimes of all categories is directly graphed with their communist mayor's changes in policing tactics and the changes in laws associated with street crime. The very same "it's raciss" reasoning is behind the changes and the increased "BLEEDING" in Chicongo.
Another gem in this article, that only a Lib would think is intriguing and worthy of further analysis and government funded research, is the idea that:
"Recent studies, including one that looked at increased police presence in London after a terrorist attack, have suggested more police might mean less crime, said Jens Ludwig, the director of Crime Lab at the University of Chicago, which studies crime in both Chicago and New York."
That's it, you can read the rest of the article for yourself and discover the lunacy of the Grey Old Lady, I'm just too Lib/Negro-fatigued to point out anymore mind rot.

We have to protect ourselves; hoping public agents can do it is wishful thinking.
We have to protect ourselves; hoping public agents can do it is wishful thinking.

Keep thine powder dry, thy eyes sharp, senses keen & boots tight.
Imagine "The Day EBT stood still," and multiply this scene a few million-fold and with more "vibrancy."
This diabetic raspy wheezing 4-Newport-pack-a-day sowpotamus was relatively tame and was so slo-mo that she looked like she had been hit with a tranquilizing dart as she bitch slapped the merchandise on her journey down the aisles.
This one was comic relief, but seriously the madness is growing exponentially worldwide.
The minstrel and beaner shines are ratcheting up as the hollowed-out Empire begins to implode. My colors are White and not the color of surrender as the old red-white-blue bleeds a rainbow of mud.
The ultimate answers to these problems are beyond human hands and recounting all the daily outrages is like counting the missing lifeboats on that Metaphor of hubris--the Titantic.

Is there anything more classless than the way black people act when there is a fight between a black person and a white person.
The white kid takes him down twice and each time they stand it up.
The kid fought like three kids his own age and one adult. Still came out without a scratch on him.

Is there anything more classless than the way black people act when there is a fight between a black person and a white person.
The white kid takes him down twice and each time they stand it up.

Disgusting! No not the TNB which is what you expect from missing links. No what is disgusting are the white guys who milled around talking and laughing like wiggers "world star world star" as they filmed the one white kid get constantly jumped every time he got the upper hand. That's right those narrators were white kids not aspiring rappers. The only thing they had to say was "let him be it's one on one" without lending a hand. Finally a white adult steps in between the mostly underage babbling troop at the risk of a future lawsuit from the ghetto lottery. This is what's wrong with too many white people. They've become cowards.
I like when the skinny crack head steps up to the older white guy and crumbles like a little bitch as soon as he's hit. Intimidation and jumping in = typical hood tactics. From personal experience I know plenty of white kids/guys who weren't scared to go 1 on 1 but were hesitant to fight because they knew it'd likely end in them being jumped. A lot of white people simply aren't used to hood rats and pointless violence they live by.
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