Anyone who was young in the 1970s and loved rock blasted this song like I did as a teenager on my good old 8 track player while driving my first car, a 1968 Firebird with 400 hp and which got about 5 miles to the gallon:
Anyone who was young in the 1970s and loved rock blasted this song like I did as a teenager on my good old 8 track player while driving my first car, a 1968 Firebird with 400 hp and which got about 5 miles to the gallon:
Man oh man, guys, this is what I love the most about being a kid in the 70's, other than females were still females for the most part and clown-world didn't exist yet.My '68 Firebird was green like the one in this pic. The guy who owned it before me must have beat the hell out of it as I had to have a rebuilt engine put in it fairly soon after I bought it, among other continuing mechanical issues. That cost a lot of money back then as I was starting college and working part-time at the then minimum wage of $2.20 or whatever it was circa 1977 (Boston's classic first album came out in '76). Didn't matter, I loved that car anyhow. We should have a thread about our first cars and other cars we owned that we loved. I had a silver 1998 Firebird that was just as sweet as the '68, but the '68 was pure muscle car.
Here's some 70s rock. Shot Down in Flames by AC/DC. The name AC/DC refers to different kinds of electrical current.