Good Music Videos

This thread requires a huge bump... :bump:


Here is an example of the Southern rock / metal sound which I love...


Was listening to the following on the way to work yesterday morning...



That is some cult stuff,right there.

You're into Black Metal?
That is some cult stuff,right there.

You're into Black Metal?

Philosopher -

I'm renowned as a hard-core NWOBHM fanatic (as evidenced by the majority of my posts in this thread...) but I do also enjoy most other metal genres - with the exception of the "ultra heavy" (read: cacophonic), "death growl / screech vocals" stuff, which I loathe.

When it comes to black metal, most of it is - in my opinion - unmitigated ****e sporting the ridiculous no-skill "vocals" I referred to above. The earlier proto-black metal, however, had a lot more to recommend it and Mercyful Fate and King Diamond featured prominently among the non-NWOBHM bands I listened to as a teenager. In fact, my nascent yet already reasonably serious "career" as a metal singer / lyricist literally screamed to a painfully abrupt halt when I permanently damaged my vocal chords ostentatiously surpassing the high notes in Mercyful Fate's "Into The Coven" (see below) while I was arrogantly showing off my vibrato-laden range in front of a few girls at an impromptu jam session whilst drunk. The merest memory has me spiralling into fathomless sadness. One of the gravest mistakes of my mistake-strewn life (Rebajlo shakes head...)...

Just a little caveat: I'm not - nor have I ever been - a Satanist or some other cavort-naked-beneath-a full-moon cultist. I simply like Mercyful Fate's style and King Diamond's highly theatrical vocals. :lol:



If You are interested, here's Paralex's website:
Folk music from Slovakia, rather relaxing (but without a touch of melancholy):

Rory Gallagher was one of those guys who took the blues and made it fun. One of the best.



Killer Song from the Portuguese band Ironsword.
Heavy Metal of the old school variety that'll make you headbang like crazy.
The following song's lyrics are in Polish (the title translates as "Black Bread and Black Coffee") so they'll make no sense to You lads but the overall mood conveys a slice of the desolate misanthropic isolation I've felt my entire life. All in all, it could very well serve as my Polish-language "theme song". It deals with the profound emotional despair, reflection and fatalism associated with entering prison for the first time but - like many tunes - is also metaphorical. Despite being very well known and having been covered by several bands its provenance is sometimes the subject of over-imaginative speculation but it was written in 1974 by a university student named Jerzy Filas while he was briefly incarcerated in Krakow for publicly singing anti-government (i.e. anti-Communist) songs.

This version was released in 1994...


Bon Scott of AC/DC. A tonic for those tired of the sullen upper middle class English 'art school' do-gooder rockers of later years:

Herman Frank - Moon II


A great song by Herman Frank(Ex-Accept) from his album "Loyal to None".
You'll get better tunes,better performances.But such songwriting is extinct now,almost.Killer.
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My wife exclusively listens to “classic rock,” so despite the fact that I personally like heavy metal, I know countless rock songs from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s by heart because she’s always listening to them while working in the kitchen. I’ve heard the classic song “Money for Nothing” by the band “Dire Straits” hundreds upon hundreds of times, and I never noticed the “controversial” nature of the lyrics until hearing the song several days ago…

“Money For Nothing”

Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it
You play the guitar on the MTV
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and chicks for free
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya them guys ain't dumb
Maybe get a blister on your little finger
Maybe get a blister on your thumb

We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's

See the little ****** with the earring and the makeup
Yeah buddy that's his own hair
That little ****** got his own jet airplane
That little ****** he's a millionaire

We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchens deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's

I shoulda learned to play the guitar
I shoulda learned to play them drums
Look at that mama, she got it stickin' in the camera
Man we could have some fun
And he's up there, what's that? Hawaiian noises?
Bangin' on the bongoes like a chimpanzee
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Get your money for nothin' get your chicks for free

We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's, Lord

Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
You play the guitar on the MTV
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and your chicks for free
Money for nothin' and chicks for free

This song, which was a #1 hit, debuted about a year before I was born, so of course I have no knowledge of whether or not the general populace was “offended” by a song that employed lyrics such as “******” and “chimpanzee.” Do any of you guys remember this song causing any controversy? Better yet, could you imagine lyrics such as those being tolerated from a white artist in today’s Marxism-encumbered world?

Here is the video, which censors the second verse…
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There was no controversy. The song was regarded as humorous, reflecting the resentment of working class stiffs at the wealth and privileges of rock stars (basically Dire Straits poking fun at themselves).

It came out in the early days of MTV and was played over and over again ad nauseam. As I recall the Jewish lead singer of Dire Straits was a well-established liberal, as virtually all mainstream rock stars were/are, and wasn't given any grief. The "chimpanzee" reference was regarded as being directed toward a White drummer, while the use of "******" was quickly becoming verboten at that time but in the context it was used in the song it didn't create an orchestrated backlash as it was another decade before the "Gay Mafia" solidified total power and began wielding it openly.
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... it was another decade before the "Gay Mafia" solidified total power and began wielding it openly.

Here's the great Ernie Kovacs from the earlier days of television. His wildly imaginative and original show parodied everything from homosexuals (his Percy Dovetonsils character) to Negroes (The Nairobi Trio) to modern art and poetry. The "intellectuals" of the day called 1950's tv "the wasteland", but now it is looked back upon as the golden age of tv, so much has it declined. Ernie Kovacs was on tv from 1950 until his death in an auto accident in 1962. He wouldn't even get in a kosher tv studio door now, except maybe they'd let the "stupid homophobic goy" sweep up the floors.

Percy Dovetonsils (Ernie Kovacs)
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Actually, there was controversy over the song though not as much as there would've been if the song came out five or six years later.

The single version of the song had that entire verse excised. However, that was in part because the album cut was considered too long to be a single so part of it had to be cut. Whether that particular verse was cut due to the offending lyrics I do not know.

When they performed it live they always sang "the little Queenie" instead because it was deemed less offensive. Even at Live Aid*, which was before the song became well known and thus before it generated any controversy, "little Queenie" was sung. I was really into music at the time (the beginning of my teens) and I listened to music around the clock that summer and recall Mark Knopfler being criticized on the radio by the mostly liberal DJs I listened to for changing the lyrics. Back then (young people used to "microaggressions" may find this shocking) liberals thought that altering your "art" in order to not offend was caving in to the dark forces of censorship. Indeed, the most hated public figure of liberal American pop/rock stars of the time was Tipper Gore, who was seen as some kind of ultra-conservative book-burner type for leading Congressional wives' efforts to clean up popular music.


Listen to the words at 3.26.
Thanks for the information, guys. It should be noted that the radio station on which I heard the song several days back did not alter or cut the “controversial†lyrics. I found this to be quite interesting, especially given the totalitarian “Sodomite Supremacy†movement over the past 5 years or so.

As Don alluded to, the song was certainly written from the perspective of an “average (white) guy†expressing his intolerance and jealously for wealthy rockers, whom he believes aren’t working hard, effortlessly get the girls, act like monkeys on stage, and resemble homosexuals. Because the song is written in this “bigoted†voice, the lyrics wouldn’t provoke any criticism towards the band, who don’t exactly look the part of “gay bashersâ€â€¦

Matra is right that there was a bit of controversy at the time, so to be accurate I should have written "a small amount of controversy" rather than "no controversy," but as someone who has always monitored pop culture and even enjoyed some of the videos MTV showed in the '80s before it went to total and permanent crap in the '90s and especially after the turn of the century, that song always had the kosher seal of approval from MTV and every radio station that played rock. In fact the video is an early example of cross-promotion and product placement, which has since become ubiquitous in a society now wallpapered with advertising and "sponsorship."
Thrashen, "Money for Nothing" came out when I was in college and I thought it was hilarious. It's interesting how the younger guys here on CF use the word "controversial" about lyrics, movies, etc. when I was young we didn't use the word controversial, I guess because calling fagg a fagg was correct and truthful. I never understood why queers got offended for calling them what they are.

Another word we used was "retarded." Now my daughter says she can't use that word in school. She has to call students who are slow, "special." I still say retarded and I still call *******, *******, queers, weird or whatever is truthful. Faggs and Lesbians, are queer and weird in every sense of the word!

Anyway, the use of ****** and queer was used often in 70's and 80's movies without any controversy. The movie, "An Officer and a Gentleman" comes to mind when Marine Corps Drill Instructor Louis Gossett asks one of the recruits if he's a queer. Now when you see the movie on TV, they cut that version out. Another movie "Full Metal Jacket" is so truthful you'll never ever see it on TV again because they would have to cut too much of the movie so the PC crowd could stomach it.

My brother still uses the word "colored' when describing blacks and they get offended by this. He asks blacks that get offended, what does NAACP stand for?

This could be a great topic on a new thread if it hasn't already been discussed.
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Motorhead, live on the ECT (Extra Celestial Transmission) back in 1985...


Hey, Jack Bruce passed away. In the winding road of music, he definitely did his part to alter the path for the better.

Here's Jack feeling free, the first recording by Cream.

Motorhead, live on the ECT (Extra Celestial Transmission) back in 1985...



Lemmy's the all-time greatest heavy metal warrior. He also has an extensive collection of Nazi uniforms and regalia according to a Rolling Stone article from several years ago. Too bad I can never understand a single word he's singing. :icon_lol:
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