Good Investment

Yep, I knew it wouldn't be long before it started heading back to where it was a few months ago. I think silver will go much higher once that Asian market opens up. China uses tons of silver for making solar panels and they currently have 50% of the world market. They aren't mining enough of it to satisfy growing demand and it will eventually grow beyond the control of those who manipulate it now.
I've done just fine buying and selling some silver the last few years. It will be interesting to see if silver can bust through the $50 barrier soon. A couple of coin dealers in my area were telling me the other day they expect silver to continue to rise, even above $50.

I am happy for you, but most traders ("buying and selling") simply do not make any money trading in the long run, especially in the precious metals market which is a highly manipulated market that could blow up at any time. I hope you're "in" if and when the price of silver double or triples in a single day because JPM had a financial cardiac infarction.

Why "buy and sell" when the trend is clearly up? I remember when family members whined about how their silver investment dropped from $7 to $5 per ounce (about a 29% paper loss). I asked them if it was really going to matter that much in 5-10 years when silver was at $50 or more per ounce. So I ask you why would you wait for a price drop into the late $30's to buy more when the price of silver will likely be $200-300-400-500 per ounce or more in a few years? Why try and time the market right now when the price is going way higher?

The United States produces 40 million ounces of silver per year and the U.S. mint is selling well over 30 million ounces of silver per year in silver eagles alone. The silver is suppose to come from domestic production. There are no silver stockpiles left. As much money is being spent on physical silver by the little people (us) as is being spent on gold right now. Silver is absolutely vital to a modern society and silver users cannot afford to have folks (like us) invest in silver because there is little left for use in industry right now even in the absence of heavy silver demand. There is simply not enough silver for BOTH investment and for use in industry. Yes, there may be a stockpile of silver in India and China, but you really think the wise Asians are going to export their precious silver (and gold) to the U.S. for worthless fraudy fiat federal reserve notes? Not a chance. JPM can paper game all they want and the Asians are going to take chunk after chunk of physical on each paper price dip until JPM cannot play any more paper games. Then the paper game will be over, and it could happen very fast (like overnight) when it ends. I would NOT want to be on the sideline when JPM has its paper game ending moment.

Silver had a really good run this Summer which is normally the doldrum period and is gearing up for the normal fall run (of historic proportion?). I hope you guys are not short or on the sidelines right now.

Buckle up and enjoy the ride.
I bought 100 ounces of silver about 25 years ago when silver was about 6 dollars an ounce, I bought 6 one ounce kruggerands then too, but I sold them over 20 years ago, I wish I had"nt done that.
I am happy for you, but most traders ("buying and selling") simply do not make any money trading in the long run, especially in the precious metals market which is a highly manipulated market that could blow up at any time. I hope you're "in" if and when the price of silver double or triples in a single day because JPM had a financial cardiac infarction.

Why "buy and sell" when the trend is clearly up? I remember when family members whined about how their silver investment dropped from $7 to $5 per ounce (about a 29% paper loss). I asked them if it was really going to matter that much in 5-10 years when silver was at $50 or more per ounce. So I ask you why would you wait for a price drop into the late $30's to buy more when the price of silver will likely be $200-300-400-500 per ounce or more in a few years? Why try and time the market right now when the price is going way higher?

The United States produces 40 million ounces of silver per year and the U.S. mint is selling well over 30 million ounces of silver per year in silver eagles alone. The silver is suppose to come from domestic production. There are no silver stockpiles left. As much money is being spent on physical silver by the little people (us) as is being spent on gold right now. Silver is absolutely vital to a modern society and silver users cannot afford to have folks (like us) invest in silver because there is little left for use in industry right now even in the absence of heavy silver demand. There is simply not enough silver for BOTH investment and for use in industry. Yes, there may be a stockpile of silver in India and China, but you really think the wise Asians are going to export their precious silver (and gold) to the U.S. for worthless fraudy fiat federal reserve notes? Not a chance. JPM can paper game all they want and the Asians are going to take chunk after chunk of physical on each paper price dip until JPM cannot play any more paper games. Then the paper game will be over, and it could happen very fast (like overnight) when it ends. I would NOT want to be on the sideline when JPM has its paper game ending moment.

Silver had a really good run this Summer which is normally the doldrum period and is gearing up for the normal fall run (of historic proportion?). I hope you guys are not short or on the sidelines right now.

Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

I wasn't clear qj about why I sold some stuff 3 years ago. I had to for personal reasons after I moved back. Luckily, I did alright and got some bills paid off. And I've been able over the past 2 years to rebuild what I have and then some.
I think the biggest tipoff that gold and silver aren't a great idea is the fact that people are willing to accept cash in exchange for it. Doy!
I think the biggest tipoff that gold and silver aren't a great idea is the fact that people are willing to accept cash in exchange for it. Doy!

Silver Ready to Breakout - Technicals and Fundamentals Suggest $50/oz in Early Autumn

Gold has stolen the limelight from silver in recent weeks with gold reaching a series of new record nominal highs. But silver has been quietly consolidating after the sharp falls seen at the end of April and in early May when many claimed the silver ‘bubble’ had burst.
Media coverage of silver remains nearly nonexistent which is bullish from a contrarian perspective.

Technically silver is looking better by the day and is now trading not far above its 50 and 100 day moving averages (see chart above).

Today the 50 day moving average is trading at $38.70/oz and the 100 day moving average is trading at $38.74/oz. The 50 DMA is rising after recent price gains and looks set to cross the 100 DMA in the coming days. This will be a bullish technical signal.

Silver’s sell off was very sharp but volatility and a correction was expected and warned of once silver reached the nominal inflation adjusted high of $50 per ounce.

Value buyers continue to accumulate silver bullion. Jim Rogers, one of the most prescient investors of recent times and who arguably has a better track record than Soros in recent years, remains bullish on gold and particularly silver.

A tiny minority of retail investors has begun to look at silver, but it remains largely the preserve of the smart money, a very small amount of people in the United States and Europe concerns about currency devaluation and store of value buyers in Asia.

There are many factors that strongly suggest that silver remains a prudent buy and diversification today.

But there are three key metrics which strongly suggest that silver remains far from a bubble if not undervalued.

full article:
Vitamine D3 is a feel good hormone and probably becuase in september at the end of the summer it is in people the highest september is often a good month to buy statistically.
Vitamine D3 is a feel good hormone and probably becuase in september at the end of the summer it is in people the highest september is often a good month to buy statistically.

What does this have to do with gold and silver?
What does this have to do with gold and silver?

That a lot of people buy at this month looking at history of this month prices often go up.. it is the same as in the stock market.I just think mood which vit d3 has influence on along with a lot of factors have casual correlation with stocks.. silver market etc..I see a patern which isnt always there(becuase a lot of other factors) but often you see in this months people buy and they are pessimistic reatively at the end of the winter ..with resulting often in shrinkage.
That a lot of people buy at this month looking at history of this month prices often go up.. it is the same as in the stock market.I just think mood which vit d3 has influence on along with a lot of factors have casual correlation with stocks.. silver market etc..I see a patern which isnt always there(becuase a lot of other factors) but often you see in this months people buy and they are pessimistic reatively at the end of the winter ..with resulting often in shrinkage.

OK, I think I see your point.
Just a stab in the dark. I smell a possible stock market crash tomorrow. Perfect timing. It's a Tuesday (historically a big crash day). People are busy with back to school and other fall activities - lots of distractions. Merkel's party (Euro bailout party) just lost big in Germany. A pending federal lawsuit against many banks. An Obama speech begging for another stimulus scheduled this week. It will be an interesting week for silver.
Kaptain, we've had several crashes during this past month. Recall that one crazy week in August following the downgrade when the markets were up/down 400 each day?

Unless you mean a -1000 point day tomorrow, for which the conditions are ripe, I agree. We may or may not get it. In my estimation, the sooner this whole ponzi scheme comes down, the better. Gold and silver appear to be great bets going forward.
I just got a good deal on a bunch of 90% silver and I'm looking for the price to keep going up. If I could get the feds to provide me with some stimulus $, I'd buy some more.
Can anyone provide me with an explanation for the huge selloff in silver over the last 4/5 days? I'm not worried as I am in for the long term and expect ups and downs but this seems very out of the ordinary. I know silver is a highly manipulated market.
Precious metals market is totally manipulated. When the shills come out of the woodwork and rent their infomercials screeching about how gold will soon be $200,000 an ounce watch out.
I think the biggest tipoff that gold and silver aren't a great idea is the fact that people are willing to accept cash in exchange for it. Doy!

There ya go! If silver and gold are so great how come the shills are so anxious to sell it to you for money?
Can anyone provide me with an explanation for the huge selloff in silver over the last 4/5 days? I'm not worried as I am in for the long term and expect ups and downs but this seems very out of the ordinary. I know silver is a highly manipulated market.

Go to sites like King World News, Zero Hedge, and Max Keiser. They're all super bullish on precious metals but provide a lot of good anti-establishment analysis on the manipulation of stocks, PMs, and economic problems in general. This current silver crash is related to raising margin rates on shorts by the new Asian PM trading market, the Fed's attempts to strengthen the dollar, and the downward manipulation of the gold and silver market by central banks and other powerful players. Gold and silver took a big hit in '08 when Washington's global financial system tottered and it looks like we're in a repeat of '08 now with the system again near collapse.

The biggest thing in silver's favor is that it in addition to being an investment metal, it has many vital industrial uses for which there are no substitutes, so there is very strong demand for a limited amount of above-ground silver. The battle to suppress the price of silver has been going on for a long time and right now the manipulators are winning big but the larger struggle is between those trying to keep the status quo in place and those who want to end the corrupt, bankrupt and unworkable fiat money system with gold-backed money.
Thanks fellas for the insight. I do follow Max Keiser's show on RT but I should frequent his website too. I'll check out the other resources as well. If the piggy bank will allow, I may pony up for a few more coins while the opportunity presents itself.
Thanks for that link, Don. I'm going to pass that one around. Now is the time to be buying in, gents!

“So I am not surprised that they really laid the lumber to it. As it has throughout the entire bull market in both silver and gold, which began at the beginning of this century, this just creates another fabulous buying opportunity, this may be one of the best ones."

"May be" being the key words. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. These pundits always have the brilliant explanation for what happened - but always after the fact. And the gold and silver hustlers hustle gold and silver, and then when it crashes they disappear.

As I write this silver is up a little over 5% so far today, but still way down from what it was just last week. But the markets are so volatile, especially the manipulated silver market, that it could drop 10% within the next couple of hours. The only way to hold silver is for the long term; anyone that tries to time it is going to get burned.
Many folks might feel the recent smash down of silver (and gold) was just terrible. I think it's just par for the (crooked) course and actually positive for the future price of silver. The MACHINE used its immense power and prevailing negative market conditions to shock the infidel paper silver longs into panicking, tripping their sell stops, thus cascading the paper silver price lower. Meanwhile, many traders had to sell their positive silver and gold paper positions to cover margin calls on their other losers. The MACHINE needs to drive the price of silver lower in a feeble attempt to try and cover its massive short paper position. The MACHINE's Achilles heel is that many, many physical silver (and gold) buyers have and will continue to tear off huge chunks of physical silver from the market during the pseudo crash, thus making the physical silver shortage that much more acute. In the end, this type of action plays into OUR hands. Ha, ha!!! Thanks JPM :smiley:

To put the current situation into some perspective, in 2008, the MACHINE helped crush the paper price of silver from around $22 to under $9 in the course of a few months. However, the real physical price remained much higher in real terms than the spot price, although I was able to get some physical during the pseudo '08 crash at under $10 per oz. The dealers ran way low on physical and it was really hard to get any at all. In contrast, many silver mining stocks dropped 80-90 percent during the same period. If your paper investment dropped 50-80 percent in a few months, would you still believe? Yet, regardless of the B.S. paper game engineered by the MACHINE, the fundamental problems have remained which means the precious metals are still the best and perhaps only real investment around in my opinion. Even after the '08 smash, I stuck with the silver (and gold) investments and silver went from under $9 to just a sniff under $50 in the last couple years, and the amount of physical buying of silver has exploded during the same period, thanks to the big smash in '08, as many investors saw that the physical price of the precious metals did not really fall as badly as the paper-related futures and shares did. Check the mintage figures for both the US and Canadian mints since 1986 and you'll understand what I'm writing about.

Fast forward to 2011 and the evidence indicates the recent paper smash has resulted in yet another round of frenzied buying of relatively cheap physical silver.
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