Good Investment

Now is a great time to buy physical silver. I know a couple of men who've been hesitant to buy any to this point but have now changed their minds and started investing.
Max Keiser is an interesting character. He's a self-described "revolutionary," urging people to bring down the fiat money system by being part of his "Silver Liberation Army." He's Jewish, but he's been attacked by pro-Semites as a "self-hating Jew." I saw a video interview in which he really went after Israel and its policies. He's a self-promoter and grandstander but I find his site to have a lot of useful economic and political information:
Jim Willie posted a nice article on silver today at Goldseek. Here it is: He says it's a great time to buy according to the charts.

James Dines predicts $300-$500, "Believe it or not." His interview will be posted at KingWorldNews soon.

It appears the Powerz were unable to get silver under $30.00. We'll see. Summer doldrums appear to be coming to a close. Time to buckle up and enjoy the ride.
Thanks for posting the article above, Don. Keep 'em coming.

I was in a break room a few days ago at work, and some mindless lady told me that gold was surely in a bubble status. This gal is supposed to be "educated" and a professional, not. Her statement is typical of the clueless masses out there and is proof positive to me that we have a long, long way to go before gold (and silver) bubbles. I asked her where the local coin shop was. You all know the answer to that one. I then told her that I'll know it will be time to sell when folks like her are heard bantering loudly about their latest gold buy in every break room in the building. She wasn't amused about my reply but I really don't care. I also directed her to go around downtown and poll about 100 people about where the local silver and gold coin shop is because I was (and am) confident that virtually no one would know where it is.

My sources are saying it's a good time to buy, and I've been following this market for at least 10 years. No, I'm not buying now, but only because I have already filled my cup over the last decade. Right now, I'm blowin' the cash on fun stuff like a boat and fishing gear to enjoy life since I've scrimped and saved over a 10 year period. However, I'm tempted to buy and would surely buy here if I hadn't been fully invested. BTW, Kyosaki and the Gold Seek radio guy says they are now NatGas. It's pretty much at rock-bottom.

Have a great weekend.
qj, you mentioned King World News earlier in this thread. I wasn't aware of it before, but now check it out every day.
That's where I found the Maguire article.

What do you think of Max Keiser's site? It has a lot of the same type material on precious metals, but also covers politics and more general economic issues.
Looks like silver is back on the rise and I hope some of you who haven't gotten in yet will take advantage of the timing and buy some physical silver before prices really go up. Interesting site that you mentioned, qj. Thanks for making us aware of it!
qj, you mentioned King World News earlier in this thread. I wasn't aware of it before, but now check it out every day.
That's where I found the Maguire article.

What do you think of Max Keiser's site? It has a lot of the same type material on precious metals, but also covers politics and more general economic issues.

Sorry for the late reply, Don. I really like watching Max, but he could certainly be viewed as being too caustic for many folks. Personally, I think we need a guy like Max who goes out there and tells the masses to get the bankers. I also like how he spearheaded the campaign to destroy JPM by purchasing physical. Last I heard is that he has a show on RT, and I've seen it a few times. His material is often linked to by the sites I visit such as PrisonPlanet and WhatReallyHappened. However, I've only been to his site a few times, not because I don't like it, but because I already have a long list of sites to visit on a daily basis, including CasteFootball :). From my memory, Max has a good website. On the other hand, the Silver Keiser (silver round) guys do not seem to have it together to sell the Silver Keisers. I ordered about 10 several months ago and did not get anything, so I had to seek a charge back.

Perhaps since you mentioned it, I'll check out his MaxKeiser more often.

Best wishes,
Keiser's site has a lot of good articles covering various political and economic issues, but nothing about race.

Silver has been roaring upward again the last few days. All the silver and gold bugs appear super-bullish again, we'll have to wait and see. The demand for precious metals is strong world-wide and getting stronger, but the manipulators squashed the silver market in early May; can they still do so in the face of all the factors in favor of silver?
I really like Trader Dan Norcini’s commentaries, both on KWN and his blog. Can’t say I’m up to speed concerning all of his technical analysis about markets. He’s baffled that precious metals would trade down on news that a debt ceiling talks are going favorably. I guess if a deal is struck metals will take a hit in the short term. If you really, really believe spending cuts over ten years in the deal are anything other than fantasy, I guess it would make a little sense.

[h=3]Another leaked news story suggesting a deal on the debt ceiling[/h]
Being Watched at All Times

In July a section of the Dodd-Frank Act prohibited US residents from trading over the counter precious metals. I recall reading individuals that relied on this type of trading were upset. Something else might have ramifications on how people acquire their PMs. In a astonishing move, Obamacare has a provision that will require the reporting of all purchase over $600 to the IRS. Here is an excerpt from an article dealing with the Dodd-Frank Act:

The Obama Administrations assault on precious metals began with the passage of Obamacare. Section 9006 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act amended the Internal Revenue Code to expand the scope of Form 1099. Currently, 1099 forms are used to track and report the miscellaneous income associated with services rendered by independent contractors or self-employed individuals.

Starting Jan. 1, 2012, Form 1099s will become a means of reporting to the Internal Revenue Service the purchases of all goods and services by small businesses and self-employed people that exceed $600 during a calendar year. Precious metals such as coins and bullion fall into this category.

Not only does the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill now outlaw over the counter precious metals, the IRS is requiring dealers who sell more than $600 in precious metals to the government, giving them a database of potential outlaw gold buyers. Will Gold be completely outlawed like it was during The Great Depression?
In July a section of the Dodd-Frank Act prohibited US residents from trading over the counter precious metals. I recall reading individuals that relied on this type of trading were upset. Something else might have ramifications on how people acquire their PMs. In a astonishing move, Obamacare has a provision that will require the reporting of all purchase over $600 to the IRS. Here is an excerpt from an article dealing with the Dodd-Frank Act:

The Obama Administrations assault on precious metals began with the passage of Obamacare. Section 9006 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act amended the Internal Revenue Code to expand the scope of Form 1099. Currently, 1099 forms are used to track and report the miscellaneous income associated with services rendered by independent contractors or self-employed individuals.

Starting Jan. 1, 2012, Form 1099s will become a means of reporting to the Internal Revenue Service the purchases of all goods and services by small businesses and self-employed people that exceed $600 during a calendar year. Precious metals such as coins and bullion fall into this category.

Not only does the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill now outlaw over the counter precious metals, the IRS is requiring dealers who sell more than $600 in precious metals to the government, giving them a database of potential outlaw gold buyers. Will Gold be completely outlawed like it was during The Great Depression?
Thankfully, this horrible provision was repealed under H.R. 4 and signed by 0bama.
Just thinking out loud here -

Historically, silver has risen in price in July through the Fall. I just read somewhere that Silver has risen 30 out of 34 years in August.

Lately Silver and Gold have risen when the Market has gone down. That's different than what happened in 2008 and a very bullish sign. It has gone down some when the market has risen which is also different than what has happened since 2008. Silver has no where to go but up right now because the only way the market will go up is more news about increased spending - QE3 - which is still very bullish for silver.

Physical is always a safe investment, but I think we may see a better return in silver mining stocks soon. Even if the price of silver stagnates 35 or 40, the miners have got to be making tons of profit with oil dropping with the market.
It' pretty odd today that gold was down only 0.83% while silver was down more than 7%. Gold had just made new highs where as silver hasn't broken 50. Also seems funny that other metals suffered less than silver. I know silver is volatile but it had pretty much set a nice floor at $35 dollars recently. The good news is that gold actually held pretty well and it can't completely decouple from silver. Is this a buying opportunity or should you wait a little bit?
It' pretty odd today that gold was down only 0.83% while silver was down more than 7%. Gold had just made new highs where as silver hasn't broken 50. Also seems funny that other metals suffered less than silver. I know silver is volatile but it had pretty much set a nice floor at $35 dollars recently. The good news is that gold actually held pretty well and it can't completely decouple from silver. Is this a buying opportunity or should you wait a little bit?

Only buy if you're a believer, have studied the investment, and are committed to ride the trend and not simply trade. If you are committed, believe, and have some knowledge of the silver investment, then the best time to buy is when you have the money. Trying to time the silver market is next to impossible in my opinion. Just buy when you have the cash. Sometimes you'll get the shiny cheap and sometimes you'll pay too much but the long term trend appears to be up, up and up. Last time silver took a real nose dive was in 2008 when it dropped over 50 percent and many silver stocks went down over 80 percent. Only a true believer would stick with those type of paper losses. In order to ride the silver tide, you'll have to brace yourself for some big, big drops along the way.

As for me, I think JPM paper gamed silver off a cliff on Friday. No problem. Just means they put silver on sale again, and you can be assured that the Asians will be taking advantage. Thanks JPM:tongue:
Silver was up over five and a half percent today, the biggest one day increase I can remember, though it has dropped that much and more in a day a few times in recent months. The silver promoters all still believe that the price will go much, much higher in the next couple of years. Given its unique status as both a precious metal and a metal with many vital industrial uses, they're probably right, especially if the world financial system continues to teeter on the edge as it's been doing of late.
I've done just fine buying and selling some silver the last few years. It will be interesting to see if silver can bust through the $50 barrier soon. A couple of coin dealers in my area were telling me the other day they expect silver to continue to rise, even above $50.
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