Good Investment

Yes, by now the banksters (JPM and HSBC) should have smashed the price by now. Doesn't appear to be happening. We could be seeing the melt-up, commercial signal failure right here, right now. It appears that the free market is wrestling control away from the banksters, and nothing makes me happier than seeing the shorty banksters get cooked in their own juices (short positions) like today.

My daily routine:

Check GoldSeek (see the price action and read cool articles)
Check JSMineset (see what the great Jim Sinclair and his traders have to say)
Check KingWorldNews. He has a great blog and interviews the top financial minds in the world.
Harvey Organ's Blog -- Great coverage of the metals

Today, the charts at GoldSeek show gold and silver moseying along and then shoot higher. Yeah!! No 8-12 smash in site. Over at the King World News blog, there's a short entry on how James Turk feels gold will "rise over $100 in a matter of days." Trader Dan over at JSMineset has just posted his comments of the day which are very, very heartwarming to the metal bugs. Dan indicates the metals are separating from the rest of the crowd and are marching to their own, bullish drummer. Yeah!! Later tonight, it's the Financial Survivor Show and a check of what Harvey Organ has to say.

Weekly routine:
Mon-Wed-Fri: Financial Survivor Show with Bob Chapman--discusses gold and silver and takes questions. google discount gold and silver trading net

Silverbear cafe: Great Articles every week

Financial Sense Newshour -- Great Radio Articles

Dr. Stan Monteith -- Has great radio shows

Bob Chapman newsletter

Monthly Routine:

Jim Willie newsletter

Hey, Don and Co., if you guys have some great sites that you visit, please post them!!
qj said:
Yes, by now the banksters (JPM and HSBC) should have smashed the price by now. Doesn't appear to be happening. We could be seeing the melt-up, commercial signal failure right here, right now. It appears that the free market is wrestling control away from the banksters, and nothing makes me happier than seeing the shorty banksters get cooked in their own juices (short positions) like today.

My daily routine:

Check GoldSeek (see the price action and read cool articles)
Check JSMineset (see what the great Jim Sinclair and his traders have to say)
Check KingWorldNews. He has a great blog and interviews the top financial minds in the world.
Harvey Organ's Blog -- Great coverage of the metals

Today, the charts at GoldSeek show gold and silver moseying along and then shoot higher. Yeah!! No 8-12 smash in site. Over at the King World News blog, there's a short entry on how James Turk feels gold will "rise over $100 in a matter of days." Trader Dan over at JSMineset has just posted his comments of the day which are very, very heartwarming to the metal bugs. Dan indicates the metals are separating from the rest of the crowd and are marching to their own, bullish drummer. Yeah!! Later tonight, it's the Financial Survivor Show and a check of what Harvey Organ has to say.

Weekly routine:
Mon-Wed-Fri: Financial Survivor Show with Bob Chapman--discusses gold and silver and takes questions. google discount gold and silver trading net

Silverbear cafe: Great Articles every week

Financial Sense Newshour -- Great Radio Articles

Dr. Stan Monteith -- Has great radio shows

Bob Chapman newsletter

Monthly Routine:

Jim Willie newsletter

Hey, Don and Co., if you guys have some great sites that you visit, please post them!!

I'll have to check some of those sites, qj. I've been reading Ted Butler's research for years. Some of his archived articles can be found here: you have to pay to read them when they're new.
Thanks for the info, Don. I'm aware of Ted B., and have read his stuff for years when it was free at Investment Rarities. Many people consider him (myself included) to be the premier silver analyst. Him and his friend, Israel Friedman, will make you jump up and to go buy, buy, buy!!!
Colonel_Reb said:
whiteCB said:
What websites are safe for buying silver bullion? What sites have you guys' personally used?

Ditto what Don said, CB. I'd recommend talking to individual coin dealers in your area and ask each one what they are selling "junk silver" for. Junk silver isn't really junk at all, it is composed of circulated 90% silver pre-1965 U.S. coins, dimes, quarters and halves. I usually buy by the roll, 50 dimes per roll, 40 quarters, 20 halves. It is worth it if you call every dealer in your area, as you will find some who have more than others and some who will sell it cheaper than others. I had a good friend who was a coin dealer in Louisiana, but sadly he passed away almost 3 years ago. I do know of a good dealer in Illinois that usually has plenty of rolls to sell. I also buy individual lots of 90% U.S. silver coins on ebay. Keep up with silver prices day to day and find as many dealers/sellers as possible and you'll find some good deals.

Some people prefer buying 1 ounce .999 silver bullion rounds or 10-100 ounce .999 silver bullion bars to buying circulated silver coins, but I'm not one of them. If/when TSHTF, coins with well known silver content, and especially smaller coins (dimes, quarters), will be more useful and practical from day to day.
Do you think the same applies to silver doubloons? the ones that were around a long time ago at mardi gras. l'll have to look the at how much silver content but my dad handed down a few binders full, and he got them from his dad. I was wondering if it would be worth more if kept the way they were and not melted down.
Edited by: snow
Find out what the percentage of silver content is. Kennedy half dollars from 1965-1970 were silver on the outside but copper-nickel on the inside. Their overall silver content is only 40% but they are routinely melted down for the silver they contain.
Yeah snow, Don is right. Find out how much silver is in them before you do anything with them. Personally, once finding out what silver content they are, I'd probably sell them and invest the money back into 90% silver U.S. coins. Reason being is that not a lot of people are going to know the silver content of them (and they probably won't be apt to take your word on it) which would make them less useful in a worst case scenario. The doubloons might, however, prove useful in getting some cash that you can buy good silver coins with in the near future.

Also, for anyone on the board who cares, silver is down to $25.53 today, so if you've been holding back a bit the last few weeks, now is the time to buy.

Don, you mentioned the 40% silver Kennedy halves. A lot of people argue over the value of them in a SHTF scenario, and I am one who believes they will have worth and be useful. You might not get "the best deal" or rate when using them compared to 90% or .999 silver, but I suspect there will be a decent exchange rate for the so-called silver-clads. What do you think?

Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Colonel_Reb said:
Don, you mentioned the 40% silver Kennedy halves. A lot of people argue over the value of them in a SHTF scenario, and I am one who believes they will have worth and be useful. You might not get "the best deal" or rate when using them compared to 90% or .999 silver, but I suspect there will be a decent exchange rate for the so-called silver-clads. What do you think?

Reb, I think they will continue to have value, just not as much as the pre-1965 silver coins. In a truly devastating economic and social SHTF scenario, Americans might be almost exclusively using coins that are 45 years and older, as many of the "junk silver" coins haven't been melted. That and local and regional coins and currency that would undoubtedly be minted and printed.

Besides the debased metallic content, one of my pet peeves is the pure idiocy behind U.S. coinage. Pennies haven't circulated for decades due to inflation and should have been discontinued long ago, replaced by rounding up or down for transactions, yet continue to be minted by the billions every year. The dollar bill should have been discontinued, which is the only way a dollar coin will circulate. Every other country that has introduced a higher denomination coin has withdrawn the equivalent paper money from circulation, and in all of those countries the new coin successfully circulated. But here, the Mint makes hundreds of millions of dollar coins every year that are never used in commerce, and has been doing so going back to the introduction of the Anthony dollar in 1979. Thirty-one years later, nothing has been learned and the vast majority of Anthony, Sacajewa and presidential dollar coins sit, never used and with zero demand for them,in Federal Reserve vaults.

Fifty cent pieces also stopped circulating decades ago and now are minted only for collectorsand coin dealers to purchase. Of the U.S.'s six different coin denominations, only three -- the nickel, dime and quarter -- actually circulate. It should consist of the nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar, dollar coin, five dollar coin, and maybe even a ten dollar coin. After one hundred years of Fed-induced inflation the geniuses in Washingtonstill insist on using the same coinage systemthe countrydid at the beginning of the 20th century.
I agree with you about revising the system of coinage/currency, Don. The nickel is the only coin we have that still uses its historical base metals and its cost of production and actual value are above the 5 cent face value. Funny how the FedGov banned the melting of them and pennies a few years ago. Can't have us making money off of their money now can they.

I own some 40% halves, but I usually buy 90% junk silver when I find good deals.
Silver broke through the $30 barrier today. Will be interesting to see if it keeps going up from here or retrenches some, which has been the pattern of late. Some silver promoters are urging Americans to buy small amounts of silver to force J.P. Morgan to cover the shorts it holds (and is being sued for fraudulently manipulating the silver market).

Some silver bugs think if the manipulation is finally ended, silver will soar in price as it's in less supply than gold and has many industrial uses that can't be replaced.
Its funny how there are people out there advertising to buy silver for 15 times face value, roughly 3/4 of its value in the market today. Anyone with a brain needs to hold on to any silver coins they may have, and try to buy more if they can. It is almost incredible that silver has topped $30 an ounce, but with our current economic policies bent on destroying the value of the U.S. fiat currency and increasing inflation, silver prices are poised to go even higher.
Silver, in my opinion, will exceed $250.00 per ounce before the silver rocket peters out. That's the price Gold was at the start of this bull. Gold was $35.00 per ounce at the start of the bull in the 1970's. Before the last bull climaxed, silver exceeded the beginning price of gold of $35.00 and went to $50.00. Same thing is going to happen this time.

Every week, King World News does a weekly wrap up internet radio interview with Bill Haynes of CMI, and Trader Dan of Haynes is a major, major dealer of our shiny metal friend, and I use to go and buy the stuff from him in person when I lived and worked in Phoenix. Really nice guy and knows the silver market very well. Bill feels there's more to go in this short run. If you're interested in the good investment, you might want to tune in to the Weekly Metals Wrap Up every Friday night at Good stuff, friends.

Regarding the Doubloons, Snow, here is an article that addresses the issue:

BTW, the dollar mentioned in the Constitution is the same 8 Reale (dollar) mentioned in the article above. After the Constitution was ratified, Congress passed the Coinage Act of 1792. In drafting the act, the US Government studied the 8 Reale coin to determine how much silver was in it. After extensive study, it was determined that the Dollar (8 Reale) contained "three hundred and seventy-one grains and four sixteenth parts of a grain
of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver."Â￾ Here is an article that addresses the issue:

Snow, if you own real, old Spanish "doubloons," you might want to check around to see how much they are worth and even if they are real or copies. Ebay prices and coin dealers should be consulted. I would check around. Sounds like you might also own Silver Mardi Gras Doubloons. Google the 2010 Crescent City Doubloon Traders Mardi Gras Doubloon Guide. If the doubloons were mine, I'd trade 'em for silver bullion in the forms outlined below.

Lots of guys like the 90% silver "junk" coins. These are the old constitutional silver coins that were stamped throughout our history until the end of 1964 before the scoundrels started to remove silver as real money. The positive for these coins is that they are really well known and issued by the Government. The trade in really small units. They will trade well in a crisis.

Others like the generic 1 ounce, .999 pure silver rounds. These are round silver chunks that look similar to coins but are privately minted, so they're legally called rounds rather than coins. They are currently widely accepted. Also, they are pure silver coins so they do not need to be refined to be used by industry unlike the 90 percent silver "junk" coins. The negative in my opinion is that they may become less acceptable in the future as the price of silver skyrockets which may allow for counterfeiters to fake the rounds.

Others like 10 ounce and 100 ounce .999 silver bars. Some like these because they are in bigger units than 1 ounce rounds. Some dislike them for the same reason. They may also become less acceptable as the price of silver skyrockets for the same reason cited above. Also, when and if silver is at $250 per ounce, it may be more difficult to move a 100 ounce bar than a 1 ounce silver round or old, 1963 junk silver dime.

Still others like the 1 ounce American Silver Eagles and other 1 ounce coins made by various governments. I really like the Eagles. They carry high status because they are stamped by the US Gov't. They are widely recognized. I believe they will be highly acceptable in the future as the system melts, just like the 90 percent junk silver coins. Unlike the junk silver coins, though, the Eagles are .999 pure silver and do not need to be refined to be used by industry. The negative is that consumers have to pay higher premiums for the Eagles (less silver for your buck).

Bottom line. Buy, buy, buy!!! Buy the silver "junk" coins if you like. Buy the rounds. Buy the bars, buy the Eagles. I don't really care if you like one over the other. They are all good to me. Just buy, buy, buy!!!!

The price of silver (and gold) will likely astound all of us before it's over. <b id="main">

Silver closed at $30.91 and ounce today. It was $10.79 an ounce two short years ago. I keep thinking the prices will get checked and level off a bit, but they keep going up! It is pretty exciting to watch.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
The tightness in the physical silver market is driving this bull to higher highs even in the face of an unprecedented short paper position by the banksters. The silver users and banksters simply cannot afford to have investors buy physical silver as there is not enough to go around. Not only is regular Joe buying physical silver, the big whale billionaires in Asia are as well. Guys, it's as simple as THAT.

JPM is trying to slither out of its monstrous short position as I write, but even if they manage to cover, it will chum the waters for the big white trader sharks who will pounce on silver even more in a feeding frenzy (which is already happening BTW). This will launch the silver price even higher which will continue to attract many a Joe Investor because he likes to buy things that are going up in price. Oh, and lots of these folks no longer trust ANY paper market dominated by the big, criminal boys (for good reason), so they're buying PHYSICAL and taking it offline. Meanwhile, big whale investors in Asia are buying PHYSICAL on any price drop engineered by the Boyz--Ha, Ha!!! Funny, funny, funny. The billionaire Asians are mad at the western banksters and are actively buying physical silver in order to destroy them. THEREFORE, DON'T BET ON A BIG DROP IN THE PRICE OF SILVER AT THIS JUNCTURE. THE MARKET HAS FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED AND IS CONTROLLED BY THE BIG ASIAN WHALES. Remember, it only takes a few billionaires to really jim jam the puny little silver market. Yes, and there are millions, perhaps billions of people on Planet Earth that no longer trust paper money to act as a store of value, so they're now preserving their purchasing power with real money which is PHYSICAL gold and silver. But, gold is way over a $1,000 per ounce, so many will buy silver instead. This will spiral the silver price even higher until the silver users PANIC. Then, the Silver Volcano will really explode.

We haven't seen anything yet.

Got physical?
I am planning to invest a thousand dollars I just acquired from odd jobs and am thinking about going 70/30 silver. I personally see gold leveling off but silver prices soaring. The big banks are withdrawing from their short positions on silver and are starting to buy silver in large volume, so I want to get on that train before it is too expensive. I see gold as a security as opposed to quick money, that is why i would buy it. If I were to invest in paper, I would either invest in large domestic blue chips like McDonald's or Walmart or Pepsi which always do good and increase dividends to their shareholders. Either that or I would take Peter Schiff's advice and invest in emerging Asian markets. That is my take at least.
Per King World News, it appears the world's richest man, Carlos Slim, wants to invest in Silver by purchasing a mining company. Please see the blog at King World News. In the article, it was noted that 1 billionaire can really move the price of silver and perhaps the only practical way for a billionaire to invest in silver is to buy mining companies because of the small size of the silver market.
From the articles I've been reading, even a small portion of the middle class investing public can cause a huge silver scarcity by buying some. Unlike gold, silver has many industrial uses and the amount being mined hasn't kept up with the amount being used for many years now.
Forgive me for my ignorance guys. But would investing in silver mean buying silver coins and physically keeping them in my house?

If so, I would redeem them by selling them to someone else years later (hopefully at a higher price)?Edited by: Liverlips
Liverlips said:
Forgive me for my ignorance guys. But would investing in silver mean buying silver coins and physically keeping them in my house?

If so, I would redeem them by selling them to someone else years later (hopefully at a higher price)?

You can buy pre-1965 silver coins (and 40% silver Kennedy halves from '65-'69), or silver bars and ingots up to 1,000 ounces. From what I've read it's best to have physical possession or keep them in a safety deposit box. Then sell to a coin dealer when you're ready, many times it can be the same one you purchased from.
Liverlips, of the different types of silver, circulated pre-65 U.S. halves, quarters, and dimes are 90% silver (and 40% silver halves from 65-70), and can be bought at prices at or just above the spot value (current price) of their silver content. Silver bullion coins such as American Eagles and the privately minted silver bars and ingots demand a price that can be as much as 10% higher than spot value. Because of this and a couple other reasons, I recommend buying the circulated U.S. silver coins. As Don mentioned, it is best to keep them at home or in a bank box after you buy them. Silver and gold stocks, imho, aren't the way to go. Having the physical silver in your possession is the best way to provide for immediate needs in a worse case economic collapse. I believe it is also a great investment and a hedge against inflation.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Silver went up over 3.5% today. After a bit of a dip for a few weeksthe price is rising again very quickly. The Chinese are reportedly buying as much silver as they can, and investor and speculator demand is very strong in the U.S.and elsewhere. It's hard to see how the price can be suppressed again; the main question seems to be whether the price will be allowed to soar to where it should be after being manipulated all these years, or whether it will be more of a "controlled rise,"similar to the way the banks have kept over a million foreclosed homes off the market in order to keep the price of houses from completely tanking in many areas.
I was really curious to see what would happen after yesterday's rise in price. I'm glad I invested in some more physical while the prices were down. Don, you are right about it being interesting to see how the rise will go.
BIGGOV and the silver users simply cannot afford to have investors buy silver as a financial investment as there is not enough to go 'round even now, and very, very few Americans have any silver at all. An ounce of gold is too expensive for the average Chinese (and American) citizen, so they will be buying silver in ever increasing amounts, yet there is not enough silver RIGHT NOW to satisfy the demand. Users are going to panic which will drive price higher which will attract the trend followings and finally, average Joe Americano will join the party. Last weekend an old friend told me the Feng Shui dudes buy precious metal as part of their Feng Shui way of life. The Chinese have a historical love affair with silver, and their commie GOV is telling Wang Chen to buy silver. There's not enough to go 'round right now! Ha Ha! Can you imagine when Wang Chen and Joe SixP really start buying the shiny stuff? The party hasn't even started yet
. China is a big silver producer and is now importing the stuff. There's not gonna be much exported to America. The US only produces 40 million OZ of silver each year, and BIGGOV Mint is on track to sell over 40 million Silver Eagles this year. We're not even talking about the privately minted silver rounds and bars. There's no above ground stocks left to speak of, at least stocks that Americans have access to at this point. Guys, this market is real simple. There's not enough silver stuff to go around right now, and the big, chunky gains haven't even begun yet. The paper tigers can play their paper silver shorting games all they want, 60 times over, but it's the PHYSICAL SILVER MARKET that will rule out in the end. Their games are comin' to an end. They're gonna get sqqquueeeezzzzeeed. HA HA!! Go over to KingWorldNews. Turk thinks the silver juicer (market) is ready to start smashing and mashing the paper silver tigers. $50.00 silver is around the corner.

Don, another "technique" that banks use to keep foreclosed homes off the market is by letting deadbeats stay in homes, who have not paid their mortgage for over two years!

I have a friend who is upside down in a nice home in a great area. He wanted to modify his rate, Wells Fargo said, no, you and your wife make good money, no can do, you have to show 'cause'.

My friend said ok, I'll show cause. He has not paid a mortgage of 3000.00 a month, going on 3 years. He is now waiting for the bank to see his 'cause'. His only consequence thus far is a wrecked credit rating. In the mean time he is buying a speed boat, wave runners and vacations to Hawaii with the Mrs.

I don't condone his decisions, but he thinks BO will forgive him and the rest of the deadbeats.
11% of all homes in the U.S. are empty, in part because there are a million or so that have been foreclosed on but the banks haven't put them on the market yet. Given that, and continued very high structural unemployment, it could be a very long time before the housing market returns to where it was when the bubble burst.
As far as silver, in addition to all the investing and hoarding of it going on (by admittedly a still small number of individuals) there is also an inelastic demand for it for many different manufacturing operations. Ted Butler and others have maintained that once silver becomes scarce, to the point that companies have a hard time locating and purchasing it, the price could then skyrocket because those companiesmust have silver or suffer major disruptions in their operations with some possibly even going out of business, thus they will pay any price for it in a time of true scarcity.
American Freedom News