GI "Jo(k)e"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
More adulation of the greeeeeat African American by Zionist Hollyweird...

Hollywood. Painting a black face on everything. News Team

Hollywood can't come up with any original ideas. Every movie is either a remake or based on an old tv show or comic book. If the original show wasn't full of racial minorities, many of the characters are converted into nonwhites.

At right is the original GI Joe "Codename: Ripcord"Â￾ toy"¦ a white guy with red hair. Below is GI Joe Codename Ripcord in the trashy new Hollywood GI Joe movie. Can you spot the difference?

Of course Hollywood must also ignore the fact that America's elite special forces combat troops are overwhelmingly white. This is immediately apparent when you look at Iraq war deaths. 74% have been white, when the United States active duty Army is now 50% non-white.

Surprisingly, the Hollywood movie Blackhawk Down accurately depicted the most elite US special forces as being almost all white. Do not expect many more realistic or historically accurate movies from Hollywood.

Hollyweird "Blackens" GI Jo(k)e...


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
Not only is the myth of super negro promoted in the film, but don't forget the ever present propaganda of stud chick as well. You know the type where woman (Latina, black, Asian or white) kicks estrogen addled white man in the junk, then KHTFO with a right cross, all the while she is wearing a testosterone powered grimace!

This method of brain washing is pure fiction. There are no super blacks or 100 lb stud chicks able to beat down a 200 lb white man. But these are the canned messages the screw turners are scripting into almost every action movie made since the early 1980's in order for the population to believe in them and loose confidence in whitey.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I watched G.I. Joe as a kid, but wouldn't think of watching this cultural Marxist propaganda.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
i've caught nothing more than the previews for this sure-to-be mega flop, and it looks horrid. i mean, seriously. enhancer suits that let a person outrun a car and dodge missiles?


Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
DixieDestroyer said:
Hollywood can't come up with any original ideas. Every movie is either a remake or based on an old tv show or comic book. If the original show wasn't full of racial minorities, many of the characters are converted into nonwhites.

That's a good observation. The same old lame stuff is recycled over and over again, the main difference being much better special effects than in the originals, along with always raising the shock levels of violence and homosexuality.

Creative inertia hit this society big-time sometime in the 1960s or early '70s. Most of the best TV sitcoms and drama shows were made in the '60s. Even something original like MTV and music videos quickly became crap, as the original cheesy music videos of the '80shave held upbetter than what's come since.

"New" and "improved" are two age-old advertising slogans, and they are mostly hollow in American "culture." By most measurements the quality of life is declining for many, at the same time freedom is being snuffed out and mindless conformity and blind obedience to authority enshrined as the norm.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Don Wassall said:
DixieDestroyer said:
Hollywood can't come up with any original ideas. Every movie is either a remake or based on an old tv show or comic book. If the original show wasn't full of racial minorities, many of the characters are converted into nonwhites.
<div>most measurements the quality of life is declining for many, at the same time freedom is being snuffed out and mindless conformity and blind obedience to authority enshrined as the norm. </div>

You can say that again Don. Got a bold reminder of that an hour ago when I made one of my increasingly rare stops in the "Everything made in China/Marxist Mart". Mindless, unquestioning conformity, and freedom is nowhere to be found! Wake up white America!
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
DixieDestroyer said:
Hollywood can't come up with any original ideas. Every movie is either a remake or based on an old tv show or comic book.

Broadway is even worse. If it's not a revival of an older theatrical show, it's a theatrical version of a TV show or some relatively recent pop culture phase. Yes, there was even a theatrical version of "Debbie Does Dallas" some time ago.


Apr 6, 2007
Don Wassall said:
DixieDestroyer said:
Hollywood can't come up with any original ideas. Every movie is either a remake or based on an old tv show or comic book. If the original show wasn't full of racial minorities, many of the characters are converted into nonwhites.

That's a good observation. The same old lame stuff is recycled over and over again, the main difference being much better special effects than in the originals, along with always raising the shock levels of violence and homosexuality.

Creative inertia hit this society big-time sometime in the 1960s or early '70s. Most of the best TV sitcoms and drama shows were made in the '60s. Even something original like MTV and music videos quickly became crap, as the original cheesy music videos of the '80shave held upbetter than what's come since.

"New" and "improved" are two age-old advertising slogans, and they are mostly hollow in American "culture." By most measurements the quality of life is declining for many, at the same time freedom is being snuffed out and mindless conformity and blind obedience to authority enshrined as the norm.


I have been wondering the same thing too! At firstI thought it was laziness on the writers part; rehashing the same old stories and plot lines. One look at the original cast with who they are replaced with quickly dispels that notion!

Edited by: Menelik


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Eventually, every single piece of our "culture" will be a reference, of a reference, of a reference.

Either that, or every single movie will be based on WW2, and feature nazis as the racially-conscious "super villians." Oh wait, 1/2 of all movies are already WW2-based. The super-lame powers-that-be are too stupid and/or too lazy to create actual art through their "films."

Natually, as with everything else involving the PTB, anything thought-provoking or profound or meaningful will be ignored in favor of beer swilling, nudity, AA, homosexuality, and gorry death scenes.

I guess we're all supposed to be "impressed" and "wowed" by updated special effects and boring, cliched, affirmative action story lines.
Hollywood has produced boring, meaningless films for many, many years now. I will only watch movies of thought-provoking nature (the few that are produced). I nearly fall asleep when I see any of the dozens of action/comic book movies.

Not surprising, because we all know which ethnic group makes up 99% of the screen writers guild. As with everything, "white" america could care long as they, and their impressionable children, can be "entertained."

I always wondered what it feels like to be blissfully ignorant. Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I had a history professor who would not watch ANY movies made after the early 60s. He said everything made after that was junk. He also said, back around 2002 that America was really in trouble and that the answer to our problems wasn't going to be any man in Washington.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
Your professor sounds like an interesting man, and definitely a breath of fresh air in contrast to all the liberal anti-white America that plague our universities. One of my college history professors, an old Commie for sure, ranked a kid out in front of the entire lecture because he referred to the Pilgrims as settlers, not terrorists. Did this professor perhaps express racial awareness in privacy?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Alpha Male, thanks for the reply. Yes, he is an interesting man. I'm not sure about racial awareness but I wouldn't doubt it. He wasn't PC in a lot of ways and I'm glad he's still teaching. He's a credit to the profession and academia.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Wow who played TO?
Seriously the reshaping of history has been happening since at least the early 90's. I don't whether it's because of ethnic/gender pandering or because of more insidious reasons. But it's pretty obvious. Soon they will do Apollo 11 and the three astronauts will by a Dyke, an ultra macho black and a gay brown Latino....

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
</span><a href="file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Matt/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msoclip1/01/clip_filelist.xml" target="_blank">
It's</font> how the casting directors and producers
view reality. I don't think all participants are guilty of or knowledgeable
that they are participating in psychological warfare. I happened to sit
in on eight-hour panel where the casting director of CSI Miami was directing
actors. As load and obnoxious as she was, she - a stern woman of German
heritage - felt, at least subconsciously in my opinion, white guilt. When
she talks about casting roles, she says race doesn't matter, only talent, but
then contradicts herself by saying that we live in a multicultural world and
that the producer of the show gave her a headache because he wanted her to
recast a white actor with less talented black one. She also went on to
praise Obama for speaking his mind about the cop/Harvard fiasco. It's as
if the most outwardly anti-white, pro-black whites compensate by condemning
their true inner </font>"racist"</font></a>

Not trying to underline here guys. This happens when I use the copy from word feature in the edit post option.
<a href="file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Matt/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msoclip1/01/clip_filelist.xml" target="_blank">
</a>Edited by: Alpha Male


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
So the real question is has Hollywood tapped out every possible story line? Any suggestions on movies you would like to see, besides ones thatshed the image ofthe weak white nerd who likes to get drunk?


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
celticdb15 said:
So the real question is has Hollywood tapped out every possible story line? Any suggestions on movies you would like to see, besides ones that shed the image of the weak white nerd who likes to get drunk?

Since Hollyweird is so big on about one of "Birth of A Nation"?

Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
Has anyone seen white hating midget Spike Lee's movie Miracle at St. Anna? I was flipping through my mostly useless TV channels when I came across this. I didn't notice most of it, as I was working around the hosue. I'll tell you now, that has to be the most blatently obvious piece of propaganda out there.
EVERY white person in the movie Lee portrays to be a seething, evil, KKK type. Even the American whites. Their sargeant comes to mind, before the last part, not even listening to blacks, yelling and spitting in their faces. The Germans are portrayed like they are in most Hollyweird movies, usual white racists bent on killing all blacks and Jews. I did see a part at the end, the Germans were invading the town, and the blacks mowed down numbers of them until the Germans caught them from behind. The movie is your usual white guilt thing. It is a movie of white vs. black pretty much. I hope I never see that piece of **** on again.

Also, I notice alot of movies these days always seem to have a black guy and a white girl together.

If you want movies to enjoy, watch the Terminator series.Edited by: Jack Lambert


Jan 19, 2007
Pacific NW
I would like to see a remake of Planet of the Apes with certain NFL players in the role of the ...
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
ANY movie put out by little Spike Lee has an agenda to it, and it's the same one (I don't even need to explain the memes). Of course, when was the last time Lee made a movie that was a hit? Bamboozled fizzled and this Miracle At St. Shaniqua went straight to TV I take it. I'm surprised one of his "joints" wasn't "Obsessed", the one with Beyonce and her husband/lover/bf/whatever who's being stalked by the White blonde mudshark.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Travis Henry could play a good ape soldier. I swear certain guys when they take HGH look very simian looking.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
OldSchoolBoy75 said:
ANY movie put out by little Spike Lee has an agenda to it, and it's the same one (I don't even need to explain the memes). Of course, when was the last time Lee made a movie that was a hit? Bamboozled fizzled and this Miracle At St. Shaniqua went straight to TV I take it. I'm surprised one of his "joints" wasn't "Obsessed", the one with Beyonce and her husband/lover/bf/whatever who's being stalked by the White blonde mudshark.

Yeh, "Tyke fLee" loves portraying White women as ******* lusting mudsharks. In "Jungle Fever", Wesley Snipes was the "professional" who attracted mudshark (secretary) Annabella Sciorra. "fLee" is a grossly overrated "talent" & useful idiot for the Cultural Marxist enablers.


Nov 26, 2004
A modest defense of Spike Lee. He's black and makes movies for blacks. He was praised and promoted by the mainstream because it was believed his success would aid in the culture war against white gentiles.

But something happened. Yes, he attacked whites, but Jews as well. But more significantly he portrayed blacks as a stand alone entity with little need of white assistance.

A young white woman approaches Malcolm X and asks, 'What can I do to help?'

Malcolm X stops for a moment. Considers. Then answers, 'Nothing.' And walks away with his Fruit of Islam contingent leaving the white woman astonished.

Rather than everybody loves everybody Lee argues everybody hates everybody. 'Do the Right Thing' and 'The 25th Hour' both have actors address the camera and declare their hatred of 'those' people. 'School Daze' broaches the forbidden topic of colorism among blacks. Whites are not supposed to know that about blacks. Which helps to explain why whites were surprised at the treatment Clarence Thomas received from his 'fellow' blacks.

'The 25th Hour' also sets the record straight about prison rape. The friendless white character sent to prison isn't going to be assisted by the kindly Negro ('Shawshank Redemption', 'American History X', et al.), but rather mercilessly punked out by Uncle Remus and his pals.

I prefer being truthfully told I'm hated than falsely told I'm loved.

Spike Lee objected to Quentin Tarantino's liberal use of the N-word. Which is to say a black artist objected to a white artist's approach to blacks. Has there ever been a white artist who objected to the way whites were portrayed? Blacks have a seemingly endless supply of advocates, in and out of the entertainment business. Whites have none, or at least none who can access the masses.

Art which deadens the expectation of an aracial utopia serves the cause of nationalism, racial and otherwise. Generally distopian art is intended to psychically undercut white gentiles and prime their dispossession. 'If only whites, uniquely bad, can be reformed or eliminated, goodness will issue forth.' Spike Lee has no hope of reforming whites and has instead set about to reform blacks in preparation for their eventual emancipation from whites (and Jews).

Nor does Lee imagine whites can be eliminated. In '25th Hour' he warns of the emergence of barbarian whites through the character of the Eastern European gangster. Blacks know such creatures exist. Others know as well.

The 450+ Soviet and Axis divisions massed on the Eastern Front before Operation Barbarossa had the capacity to conquer the world several times over. Instead they slaughtered each other over ideology.

At some point white power will re-emerge and will once again be armed with the modern equivalent of T-34 tanks and Me 262 jets - and God willing united in the same cause. Prescient non-whites, like Spike Lee, know they have a limited amount of time to get over on whites and possibly become self-sufficient.

That's my opinion anyway. I seriously doubt we're going to wind up in thrall to Hindus and Chinese, much less blacks.


Apr 22, 2006
Charlie said:
A modest defense of Spike Lee. He's black and makes movies for blacks. He was praised and promoted by the mainstream because it was believed his success would aid in the culture war against white gentiles.

But something happened. Yes, he attacked whites, but Jews as well. But more significantly he portrayed blacks as a stand alone entity with little need of white assistance.

A young white woman approaches Malcolm X and asks, 'What can I do to help?'

Malcolm X stops for a moment. Considers. Then answers, 'Nothing.' And walks away with his Fruit of Islam contingent leaving the white woman astonished.

Rather than everybody loves everybody Lee argues everybody hates everybody. 'Do the Right Thing' and 'The 25th Hour' both have actors address the camera and declare their hatred of 'those' people. 'School Daze' broaches the forbidden topic of colorism among blacks. Whites are not supposed to know that about blacks. Which helps to explain why whites were surprised at the treatment Clarence Thomas received from his 'fellow' blacks.

'The 25th Hour' also sets the record straight about prison rape. The friendless white character sent to prison isn't going to be assisted by the kindly Negro ('Shawshank Redemption', 'American History X', et al.), but rather mercilessly punked out by Uncle Remus and his pals.

I prefer being truthfully told I'm hated than falsely told I'm loved.

Spike Lee objected to Quentin Tarantino's liberal use of the N-word. Which is to say a black artist objected to a white artist's approach to blacks. Has there ever been a white artist who objected to the way whites were portrayed? Blacks have a seemingly endless supply of advocates, in and out of the entertainment business. Whites have none, or at least none who can access the masses.

Art which deadens the expectation of an aracial utopia serves the cause of nationalism, racial and otherwise. Generally distopian art is intended to psychically undercut white gentiles and prime their dispossession. 'If only whites, uniquely bad, can be reformed or eliminated, goodness will issue forth.' Spike Lee has no hope of reforming whites and has instead set about to reform blacks in preparation for their eventual emancipation from whites (and Jews).

Nor does Lee imagine whites can be eliminated. In '25th Hour' he warns of the emergence of barbarian whites through the character of the Eastern European gangster. Blacks know such creatures exist. Others know as well.

The 450+ Soviet and Axis divisions massed on the Eastern Front before Operation Barbarossa had the capacity to conquer the world several times over. Instead they slaughtered each other over ideology.

At some point white power will re-emerge and will once again be armed with the modern equivalent of T-34 tanks and Me 262 jets - and God willing united in the same cause. Prescient non-whites, like Spike Lee, know they have a limited amount of time to get over on whites and possibly become self-sufficient.

That's my opinion anyway. I seriously doubt we're going to wind up in thrall to Hindus and Chinese, much less blacks.
Man thats a hell of a post!!! I agree, blacks that do know about the world in general know that whites on that part of the globe run things a little different than here...