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Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Has anyone been paying attention to this situation? This has the potential to become much larger.
Guess who's been selling Georgia their weapons and advising their military?

It's everybody's favorite country!
Georgia would not have launched their attack without at least a nod from US/Israel, their principal supplier and adviser.

US/Israel needs cover for their upcoming assault on Iran. Since russia is an ally of iran, us/israel needs them occupied elsewhere, so they get georgia to start a fire in s. ossetia. their hope is: russians retaliate...look like the "bad guys"...get bogged down. world's focus in on the "evil empire" again.

Problem is; russia will have this nicely wrapped up within a week; and anyway their military is more than enough to make big trouble for the us/israel in iran.

Putin is not a communist...but a genuine Russian nationalist...understandably he wants to protect his nation. South ossetia has a right to break away from georgia, just as georgia had a right to break away from russia. Putin is helping a province which genuinely wants to be in the russian sphere of influence; and has had de facto independence from georgia since 1992.

Georgia baited the bear and the bear is biting back--hard.

I would think that from a CF-Amren perspective Putin would be considered a good guy who wants his nation to be protected from an increasingly multi-cultural, multi-racial europe, spearheaded by a constantly expanding NATO. Georgia is in Asia, for crying out loud,...not even a part of europe.
It is absurd that Georgia is a member of NATO. NATO should have been disbanded at the end of the Cold War 20 years ago. Instead it's being expanded to threaten Russia and any Middle Eastern countriesthat don't go along with Washington's Israeluber allesforeign policy.

Russia disbanded the Warsaw Pact after the Cold War. What Washington is doing is equivalent to the Russians expanding the Warsaw Pact to include Mexico, Cuba and other countries in our backyard. It's almost as if the neo-con madmen want to provoke WWIII.
Don Wassall said:
It is absurd that Georgia is a member of NATO.  NATO should have been disbanded at the end of the Cold War 20 years ago.  Instead it's being expanded to threaten Russia and any Middle Eastern countries that don't go along with Washington's Israel uber alles foreign policy.

Russia disbanded the Warsaw Pact after the Cold War.  What Washington is doing is equivalent to the Russians expanding the Warsaw Pact to include Mexico, Cuba and other countries in our backyard.  It's almost as if the neo-con madmen want to provoke WWIII. 

Don Wassall said:
It is absurd that Georgia is a member of NATO. NATO should have been disbanded at the end of the Cold War 20 years ago. Instead it's being expanded to threaten Russia and any Middle Eastern countries that don't go along with Washington's Israel uber alles foreign policy.

Russia disbanded the Warsaw Pact after the Cold War. What Washington is doing is equivalent to the Russians expanding the Warsaw Pact to include Mexico, Cuba and other countries in our backyard. It's almost as if the neo-con madmen want to provoke WWIII.
I think Georgia wants to be a member of NATO. If they were a member this border skirmish would be a much bigger deal. Also this would have been resolved diplomatically. It would be too funny though if the land of Stalin became another pawn in the US led treaty organization....
I'm pissed off with the Russians over this. Basically they have been stirring up separatist trouble in Georgia to help them eat away at the territory of this small neighbour. They have been granting the "south ossetians" russian citizenship. Basically if you are a south ossetian you go over the border with your ID card and get Russian citizenship in about 10 minutes. Then Russia can invade Georgia to "protect its citizens". If they want to be Russian citizens they can go and live there! Georgia is tiny compared to the Russian federation. It is a sovereign nation and needs support from the rest of the world or will get bullied out of existance.
Solomon Kane said:
Georgia is in Asia, for crying out loud,...not even a part of europe.

I've seen Georgia and the other Caucasus states listed as part of Asia and part of Europe. The people there look pretty white to me. No more swarthy than some of their Mediterranean cousins anyway. Plus they're one of the oldest bastions of Christianity. They've spent much of their history trying to repel Muslim and Eastern invaders.
Don Wassall said:
It is absurd that Georgia is a member of NATO.  NATO should have been disbanded at the end of the Cold War 20 years ago.  Instead it's being expanded to threaten Russia and any Middle Eastern countries that don't go along with Washington's Israel uber alles foreign policy.

Russia disbanded the Warsaw Pact after the Cold War.  What Washington is doing is equivalent to the Russians expanding the Warsaw Pact to include Mexico, Cuba and other countries in our backyard.  It's almost as if the neo-con madmen want to provoke WWIII. 

My thoughts exactly.
devans said:
I'm pissed off with the Russians over this. Basically they have been stirring up separatist trouble in Georgia to help them eat away at the territory of this small neighbour. They have been granting the "south ossetians" russian citizenship. Basically if you are a south ossetian you go over the border with your ID card and get Russian citizenship in about 10 minutes. Then Russia can invade Georgia to "protect its citizens". If they want to be Russian citizens they can go and live there! Georgia is tiny compared to the Russian federation. It is a sovereign nation and needs support from the rest of the world or will get bullied out of existance.

Ditto to what Devans said here. I am in total agreement. Have any of you noticed how the Russians have escalated the situation even more and are invading other towns now. Putin is the most dangerous man in the world in my opinion and he is the new dictator of Russia. Just do some research on all the journalists either murdered or imprisoned by this guy in the last decade and all the newpapers, magazines and tv news stations either censored or shut down by this guy. What is he hiding? He is nothing but a extremely dangerous and violent ex KGB agent who rules the country by fiat now. He is a enemy of the west and the world at large quite frankly. Just go look at the 10,000 to 15,000 nukes he still has pointing in our direction and those numbers are growing. Our current president has said many things I disagree with but the most stupid thing he ever said was that he looked in Putins eyes and saw a good man in there.I don't remember the exact qoute but I see nothing but a very evil authoritarian world leader with a dream of Mother Russia once again dominating and and intimidating everybody on the world stage once again. I almost wish the communists were still in control of Russia because they didn't take any unneccesary risks in their goal of world conquest and domination. They were very patient and didn't over reach that often. These gangsters in control of russia right now have no such patience and this thing in Georgia is only the beginning. Watch out for China soon as well.
Guest301 you have absolutely no idea what is really going on in Russia right now do you? Our country has antagonised russia with its idiotic neoconservative foreign policy and russia is pushing back.

Its time to admit that you are a full blown neoconservative, complete with illogical good/evil arguments for everything instead of logic.

This war started when our idiot in chief decided to force missile bases on the borders of Russia and ignored thier protests. The US also funded coups in several bordering nations, pouring money and weapons into these countries and promoting a threatening atmosphere.

Our military is stretched thin and the global economy outside of China and Russia is teetering on the edge. Russia knows this and is calling our bluff. They know full well that we cant do anything without bankrupting ourselves and collapsing.

With your posturing you would march us off to our assured collapse and destruction.

Get the neocons out of Washington before they destroy this country!
I have more in common with Vladimir Putin, than I do with the next soon to be U.S. President. Whetther it be the 98 year old communist turncoat (Mccain) or the Mulatto prince (Obama). Go to He has some pretty informative information as to what is behind all of this.
What posturing? I ventured and posted no opinion here on stopping the Russian invasion with our military. I am not for that and don't think we could anyway. These former Warsaw pact countries formerly dominated and controlled by the Russians wanted our missile defence system and we gave it to them, so what. It's just missile defence and no offensive threat to them.I don't care whether the Russians like it or not. I am sure Russia has it's fair share of lugitimate gripes about us, as do we about them. I am sure there are some things that democracy and unrestrained freedom(without meaning or purpose) that has ticked off the Russians about the Western world. Like the increased crime, corruption, drug use and pornagraphy that inherently comes along in a democracy. I am sure they blame us for that. But you didn't address my concerns about Putin and the thousands of journalists and other political dissidents either murdered or imprisoned on his watch. Doesn't that concern you at all or are simple minded concerns over good and evil to beneath a sophisticated guy like you to think about? I am not a neo-con but I do occasionally agree with them. That pretty much makes me in the minority around here so why be sweating me?Edited by: guest301
guest301 said:
I am sure there are some things that democracy and unrestrained freedom(without meaning or purpose) that has ticked off the Russians about the Western world.

They hate use because we are free and wealthy? That is THE prime tenet of neoconservative philosophy.

Pretend for a moment that Mexico and Cuba decided to sponsor russian missile systems right on our borders? Would you object? What would you do when Mexico and Cuba just laughed in our faces? How about if Russia overthrew thier governments on top of that? Would you feel threatened by those actions?

The excuse the US gave for those missile "defense" systems to prevent missiles from Iraq.
Iraq has no missiles capable of intercontinental flight, and the countries they placed the bases in were on the other side of Iraq, closer to Russia. The systems deny Russia the ability to defend itself if nucler war is initiated. Does that sound threatening to you?

Imagine if those theoretical bases in cuba and mexico could deny us the use of our missiles? Would you be comfortable with that?

I dont believe in good and evil, i believe in cause and effect. For example, I consider the Palestinians the "good guys" and you consider them the "bad guys" while supporting Isreal. The Palestinians respond with terrorism because they have had thier land stolen and thier children murdered by the Isrealis and do not have the military force to take back thier homeland. Cause and effect.
No time to respond now, gotta logg off but the fact you don't believe in good and evil speaks volumes. By the way, nobody in their right mind believes that the USA would ever initiate a nuclear war against the Russians. I am not so sure about the other way around. By the way, it's offensive missile systems that the Russians are attempting to put into Cuba and not defensive oriented systems and that is the problem I would have with that only 90 miles away from Florida.
Are you so sure? Remember "no options off the table?" in regards to Iran? We have threatened pre-emptive nuclear war with Iran already, why is it such a stretch to imagine Russia being a target? Particularly if they cant defend themselves due to our "defence system"?

Doesnt the through of nuking millions of innocent people make us "evil"? Or is it a "good act" to murder "evil" people?

The truth about Russia and GeorgiaEdited by: InfamousOne
devans said:
...Basically they have been stirring up separatist trouble in Georgia to help them eat away at the territory of this small neighbour. They have been granting the "south ossetians" russian citizenship. Basically if you are a south ossetian you go over the border with your ID card and get Russian citizenship in about 10 minutes. Then Russia can invade Georgia to "protect its citizens". If they want to be Russian citizens they can go and live there! Georgia is tiny compared to the Russian federation. It is a sovereign nation and needs support from the rest of the world or will get bullied out of existance...

Yugoslavia, a small, soverign nation, was basically destroyed by the Occident for many of the same reasons Russia is now condemned for destroying Georgia. Mahommedans - who since the 1970's wished a sharia-run state in Bosnia (where they are a minority) - with instigation from the usual suspects, and with the aid of an evil (in the true sense of the word) monster in Croatia (Tudjman) fully supported by the West and the puppet-masters, declared their independence from a sovereign nation, which then sought to recapture its rightful territory (as did the USA in the Civil War).

The result was the bloody evisceration of the Yugoslav state, and tens if not hundreds of thousands of murdered Yugoslavian Christians (I include Croats and Serbs in this), as well as the creation of a dangerous mahommedan state in the heart of White, Christian Eastern Europe.

If the mahommedans wanted to have sharia and to destroy churches (as they have in Bosnia and especially the lunatic mahommedans of Kosovo, where VERY few of the ancient, and absolutely beautiful Orthodox Churches remain - like few Serbs remain...) they could have gone to live in Saudi Arabia and Iran..

Incidentally, I'd like to see Saakashvili hunted like Serbian patriot Radovan Karadzic was. Oh I'm sure he will be

Yugoslavia needed support from the rest of the world, particularly Russia (found severely lacking in the end). Now I hear Bush is condemning the potential bombing of the Georgian capital. Never heard him condemn Clinton's criminal bombings of Beograd. I am no ally of Putin who IMO is NOT a White Nationalist or even a Russian one (How many abortion clinics has he shut down? The beautiful Russian People are disappearing, there are higher priorities than personal power...); truth is most important and truth is, the side I'm supporting in this one comes down to who is best for our people in the long run.
It really hurts me to say this, but the easiest way to figure out who is wrong in an international conflict is to figure out who the USA supports. That's the "wrong" side. Like I said, I'm not happy about it, but with our zionist dominated foreign policy this is reality.

I support Russia in their defense of ethnic Russians in Georgia. Also, for the USA to talk about illegal invasions is the height of hypocrisy.
Run Stuffing LB said:
It really hurts me to say this, but the easiest way to figure out who is wrong in an international conflict is to figure out who the USA supports. That's the "wrong" side. Like I said, I'm not happy about it, but with our zionist dominated foreign policy this is reality.

I support Russia in their defense of ethnic Russians in Georgia. Also, for the USA to talk about illegal invasions is the height of hypocrisy.

They are not defending ethnic Russians. As I posted above they are giving passports to minority groups in Georgia so they can march in and annex territory. I'm not saying the USA are faultless, but I don't think they are supporting the wrong side. It is the Georgian nation that will will have lost out when all this is over because american "support" will not save them if Putin wants to make an example of them and take control of the oil pipeline.

I forgot to mention the pipeline. As usual Oil and the Israeli state is in mix in this conflict. You should read this, about Israels "advisors"
Is it possible?

That there are jew puppet masters on both sides?

Profiting on the death of Gentiles?

And protecting the interests of Israel?

Is it possible?
"Georgian tanks and infantry, aided by Israeli military advisers, captured the capital of breakaway South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, early Friday, Aug. 8, bringing the Georgian-Russian conflict over the province to a military climax.

In Moscow's first response to the fall of Tskhinvali, president Dimitry Medvedev ordered the Russian army to prepare for a national emergency after calling the UN Security Council into emergency session early Friday.

Reinforcements were rushed to the Russian "peacekeeping force" present in the region to support the separatists.

Georgian tanks entered the capital after heavy overnight heavy aerial strikes, in which dozens of people were killed.

DEBKAfile's geopolitical experts note that on the surface level, the Russians are backing the separatists of S. Ossetia and neighboring Abkhazia as payback for the strengthening of American influence in tiny Georgia and its 4.5 million inhabitants. However, more immediately, the conflict has been sparked by the race for control over the pipelines carrying oil and gas out of the Caspian region.

The Russians may just bear with the pro-US Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili's ambition to bring his country into NATO. But they draw a heavy line against his plans and those of Western oil companies, including Israeli firms, to route the oil routes from Azerbaijan and the gas lines from Turkmenistan, which transit Georgia, through Turkey instead of hooking them up to Russian pipelines.

Jerusalem owns a strong interest in Caspian oil and gas pipelines reach the Turkish terminal port of Ceyhan, rather than the Russian network. Intense negotiations are afoot between Israel Turkey, Georgia, Turkmenistan and Azarbaijan for pipelines to reach Turkey and thence to Israel's oil terminal at Ashkelon and on to its Red Sea port of Eilat. From there, supertankers can carry the gas and oil to the Far East through the Indian Ocean.

Aware of Moscow's sensitivity on the oil question, Israel offered Russia a stake in the project but was rejected.

Last year, the Georgian president commissioned from private Israeli security firms several hundred military advisers, estimated at up to 1,000, to train the Georgian armed forces in commando, air, sea, armored and artillery combat tactics. They also offer instruction on military intelligence and security for the central regime. Tbilisi also purchased weapons, intelligence and electronic warfare systems from Israel.

These advisers were undoubtedly deeply involved in the Georgian army's preparations to conquer the South Ossetian capital Friday.

In recent weeks, Moscow has repeatedly demanded that Jerusalem halt its military assistance to Georgia, finally threatening a crisis in bilateral relations. Israel responded by saying that the only assistance rendered Tbilisi was "defensive."

This has not gone down well in the Kremlin. Therefore, as the military crisis intensifies in South Ossetia, Moscow may be expected to punish Israel for its intervention."

Mel Gibson was speaking the truth when he said the Jews are the ones behind all the wars in the world. But they have so much power that he got in trouble for it...

How can people be so stupid as to not be aware of who our real enemies are? Edited by: JD1986
Just my opinion here. This whole situation is simply part of a new Russian imperialism and a future goal of pushing southward little by little and linking up eventually with radical Islamic allies in the Middle East. Russian forces are daily bombing the crap out of the innocent and free civilians of Georgia. Over 2,000 have been killed so far while the murderous Putin is hob-knobbing with everybody at the Olympics. They are actively trying to overthrow the democratically-elected leaders of Georgia if they percieve they can get away with it.There is a economic interest here as well for Russia. Their goal is to try to eliminate the oil pipeline route through Georgia for all the oil flowing from the Caspian sea to the West. They want to cripple us this way. Putin not only wants to eventually control Georgia and much of the breakaway former members of the Warsaw Pact but also particulary Armenia, Azerbarjian and Turkey which is growing more radically Islamic by the day. That's it in a nutshell and we should all be worried about that country plan's for the next ten years. You will all see what I am talking about very soon. I said this before in two other posts in this thread which nobody has addressed. Why is Putin murdering and imprisoning thousands of journalists and other political dissidents throughout a suppossedly free Russia? Why is he censoring and throwing out of business multiple newspapers, magazines and TV stations. The Soviet Union is back and while I root for their white athletes, I certainly don't root for their goverment. Russia throughout it's history has always had a massive inferiority complex in relation to the Western world, it drives them and dominates their thoughts.The communists were never reckless and always very patient in pursuit of their goals, these new russian nationalists will not be. They see a weakened and stretched out America and a useless NATO in their way. They will be hard to stop.Edited by: guest301
guest301 said:
Just my opinion here. This whole situation is simply part of a new Russian imperialism and a future goal of pushing southward little by little and linking up eventually with radical Islamic allies in the Middle East. Russian forces are daily bombing the crap out of the innocent and free civilians of Georgia. Over 2,000 have been killed so far while the murderous Putin is hob-knobbing with everybody at the Olympics. They are actively trying to overthrow the democratically-elected leaders of Georgia if they percieve they can get away with it.There is a economic interest here as well for Russia. Their goal is to try to eliminate the oil pipeline route through Georgia for all the oil flowing from the Caspian sea to the West. They want to cripple us this way. Putin not only wants to eventually control Georgia and much of the breakaway former members of the Warsaw Pact but also particulary Armenia, Azerbarjian and Turkey which is growing more radically Islamic by the day. That's it in a nutshell and we should all be worried about that country plan's for the next ten years. You will all see what I am talking about very soon. I said this before in two other posts in this thread which nobody has addressed. Why is Putin murdering and imprisoning thousands of journalists and other political dissidents throughout a suppossedly free Russia? Why is he censoring and throwing out of business multiple newspapers, magazines and TV stations. The Soviet Union is back and while I root for their white athletes, I certainly don't root for their goverment. Russia throughout it's history has always had a massive inferiority complex in relation to the Western world, it drives them and dominates their thoughts.The communists were never reckless and always very patient in pursuit of their goals, these new russian nationalists will not be. They see a weakened and stretched out America and a useless NATO in their way. They will be hard to stop.

That's the Zionist propaganda line you're giving us! We've already read that BS, from the mainstream Zionist-owned media.

Guest301, remember you sent me the PM letting me know that you're Jewish?
JD1986 said:
guest301 said:
Just my opinion here. This whole situation is simply part of a new Russian imperialism and a future goal of pushing southward little by little and linking up eventually with radical Islamic allies in the Middle East. Russian forces are daily bombing the crap out of the innocent and free civilians of Georgia. Over 2,000 have been killed so far while the murderous Putin is hob-knobbing with everybody at the Olympics. They are actively trying to overthrow the democratically-elected leaders of Georgia if they percieve they can get away with it.There is a economic interest here as well for Russia. Their goal is to try to eliminate the oil pipeline route through Georgia for all the oil flowing from the Caspian sea to the West. They want to cripple us this way. Putin not only wants to eventually control Georgia and much of the breakaway former members of the Warsaw Pact but also particulary Armenia, Azerbarjian and Turkey which is growing more radically Islamic by the day. That's it in a nutshell and we should all be worried about that country plan's for the next ten years. You will all see what I am talking about very soon. I said this before in two other posts in this thread which nobody has addressed. Why is Putin murdering and imprisoning thousands of journalists and other political dissidents throughout a suppossedly free Russia? Why is he censoring and throwing out of business multiple newspapers, magazines and TV stations. The Soviet Union is back and while I root for their white athletes, I certainly don't root for their goverment. Russia throughout it's history has always had a massive inferiority complex in relation to the Western world, it drives them and dominates their thoughts.The communists were never reckless and always very patient in pursuit of their goals, these new russian nationalists will not be. They see a weakened and stretched out America and a useless NATO in their way. They will be hard to stop.

That's the Zionist propaganda line you're giving us! We've already read that BS, from the mainstream Zionist-owned media.

Guest301, remember you sent me the PM letting me know that you're Jewish?

That's a well known fact around here at Caste Football for those that have been here for awile. I am part Jewish as well as Irish,Greek, Scotch and a little Su Indian. I was raised Baptist by my mother and not raised to be a jew in anyway. I in fact did not find about about my jewish ethnicity till into my early twenties. That was talked about in more detail in some of my very early postings on this site.
Finally, you have no class sir. Pm's are meant to be private. You are the only poster in all the time I have been here to reveal the contents of a private message(pm). There are many times I could have used the contents of a private pm to damage another here or make my case for a post better but I have refused because divulging names would not be the right thing to do and is dishonorable. It goes against all the unwritten rules of a site like this. I have even sent pms to people who don't like me on this site who have not revealed the contents of what I said to them, good and bad. Honor is the only gift a man can give himself, go find yourself some.

Edited by: guest301
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