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guest301 said:
Honor is the only gift a man can give himself, go find yourself some.
Honor? There is no honor in deceit!

Especially when deceitful manipulation causes suffering, death and destruction!

However, there IS honor in revealing the truth!
Guest 301 is right, sorry on behalf of caste football.
I have no problem with Jewish people. Nor do i have a problem with you, Guest301. I am trying to show you the truth of what is going on, and since you seem to parrot media soundbytes we will clash from time to time.

I have a serious problem not with Jewish people in general but with Isreal because it has STOLEN the sovereignty of my government. It owns major stock in the media here and uses that to lie about its intentions.

The claim that the soviet union is "less democratic" then the US and has a controlled media is refuted here
again on Another article about Russian democracy.

Saying the Russian media is closed is especially comical since our media was a war cheerleader for Isreal in Iraq. I got more of the truth about the war in Iraq from Pravda, ironically enough Guest301.

The government of Georgia has been less then civil since their CIA aided coup. In this article dated November 9, 2007 Justin Raimando points out that Georgia is a hotspot.

I dare you to read and refute them.

P.S. I do agree that it is distasteful to divulge the private contents of a PM.Edited by: InfamousOne
I dont believe in good and evil, i believe in cause and effect. For example, I consider the Palestinians the "good guys" and you consider them the "bad guys" while supporting Isreal. The Palestinians respond with terrorism because they have had thier land stolen and their children murdered by the Isrealis and do not have the military force to take back thier homeland. Cause and effect.[/QUOTE]

If injustice causes terrorism, the people of East Timor must be the most violent people on this planet. What they endured under the occupation of Moslem Indonesians is unspeakable. Yet, they did not hijack airplanes, kidnap people at the olympics or have suicide bombers blow up schools. They used diplomacy, and appealed to the good nature of the world's citizens and their government leaders.
Again, I do not agree with terrorism. I am simply explaining why it happens to those who beleive "they hate us because we are rich and free".

And you forgot to mention that the US prevented the UN security council from interceding in East Timor and preventing the Indonesian brutality. The US government feared East Timor's ties with "communist" china would cause a "domino effect."
"Why is Putin murdering and imprisoning thousands of journalists and other political dissidents throughout a suppossedly free Russia?"

Short answer: None of our business.

Long answer: Does anyone really think that Putin could have peacefully displaced the powerful oligarchs? We won't be able to throw-off our own masters in America without a little blood spilt. Most of our news media will have to be forcible displaced if we are ever to have a real revolution. I hate rain on your Mom's apple pie version of the Russian Oligarchs.
"The communists were never reckless and always very patient in pursuit of their goals"

Which was genocide of their own people. Appalling that you think communism was "never reckless." Millions of Christian Russians killed by communism. 1/2 of Poland, Finland and other provinces taken over by Communist Russian prior to the full outbreak of WWII.
"Why is Putin murdering and imprisoning thousands of journalists and other political dissidents throughout a suppossedly free Russia?"

This statement is a lie - just Zionist propaganda. There is no evidence whatsoever that Putin is murdering anybody.

People, don't believe everything you read. It's important to think about who's saying it, and to understand that person's motives!

Russia may be the last hope of the white race.
JD1986 said:
guest301 said:
Honor is the only gift a man can give himself, go find yourself some.
Honor? There is no honor in deceit!

Especially when deceitful manipulation causes suffering, death and destruction!

However, there IS honor in revealing the truth!

What deceit? There is no deceit coming from me. You didn't reveal anything that most posters around here didn't already know anyway. Do you honestly think I have been hoodwinking Wassall, Jaxvid, and White Lightning during my time here? You did the site no favors in fact you dishonored it and yourself by revealing the contents of a pm to everybody here. Other posters have come on here and affirmed that very fact, even ones like Infamous who agree with you on the issue this thread is about. The only honorable thing for you to do is to apologize, admit your error and move on. Nobody in the history of Caste Football(to my knowledge) has come on here and posted the name and content of a pm. Shame on you and you are worthy of no further responce from me on this thread. But fellow posters beware, never send this guy a pm.
celticdb15 said:
Guest 301 is right, sorry on behalf of caste football.

I appreciate it celticdb15 and infamousone. By the way infamousone, I have no personal problem with you either, just a disagreement. Not the first time or probably the last time. Thanks to you guys for holding up the honor of the site.
Kaptain Poop said:
"The communists were never reckless and always very patient in pursuit of their goals"

Which was genocide of their own people. Appalling that you think communism was "never reckless." Millions of Christian Russians killed by communism. 1/2 of Poland, Finland and other provinces taken over by Communist Russian prior to the full outbreak of WWII.

What I meant by reckless is doing something you couldn't in the long run get away with. That was awful and horrific what they did but not dangerous to their rule and those atrocities played virtually no role in the Soviet Unions ultimate demise 50 years after the fact. So don't be so appalled that I think so highly of communism, I don't and you know that I don't. To further make my point about a earlier post here on what the Russians are up to. Today they bombed a BP oil pipeline in Georgia which is basically what I said they would do in a earlier post on this thread BEFORE it actually happened.
Done with this thread. JD1986, shame on you.
celticdb15 said:
Guest 301 is right, sorry on behalf of caste football.

No offense celticdb15, butwhen did you become the spokesman for Caste Football?No, it is not considered good etiquette to divulge information sent from private e-mails,but let's put this in perspective. JD said Guest sent hm an e-mail and said he was a jew. Eveybody here knows what Guest ( Aragorn) is -- it's common knowledge,nota secret. JD didn't give any other details or the contents of the PM. Guest himself often mentions his lineage, so the only thing JD told us that we didn't know is that Guest sent him an e-mail.Big deal. Not much of a scandalor breach of ethics, is it?
God only knows that you will never be a spokesman for Caste Football with that disgusting little exit you made from this site for 8 months for all the lame and pathetic reasons which I cleverly kicked your ass all up and down the "Dutch women raped thread in Happy Hour." recently. Leave it to you to defend the indefensible on this site. You will always be the loser who left this site for 8 months because you couldn't use all the racial perjoratives you used to post all the time at caste football. I will always be happy to reference that story about you in more detail everytime you reference me in any of your posts. Whatever the consequences for bringing this up again I truly don't care, I won't get punked by the lamest and most hatemongering of all the posters here which is you blackhearted Bart. I could reveal all the pms I have gotten about you and you would be suprised about what alot of posters here think about you and your contributions here. But I would be guilty then of what JD1986 did. Guys like you and JD1986 take almost all the fun of being at a site like this. But I am not just here for fun.Edited by: guest301
I'm locking this thread. If someone wants to start it up again so we can stick to the subject, which is an important one, then I'm all for it.
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