George Lucas' "Red Tails


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007

CAPTION: Negro-Jewish “Allies” Save the World

To me, the most amusing clip featured in the “Red Tails” preview is when a chubby-faced black “ace” (Hollywood’s concept of “fiction” taken to a new septic-tank low) is courageously dive-bombing a German train whilst roaring the words: “Take dat Mista Hiltla!”

[Cue gargantuan explosions, followed by the girlish shrieks of white men burning alive within the massive fireball, followed by the zealous applause from the U-S-A-chanting Neanderthals seated in the all-white audience]

Another deliciously-Lucas (the porker with the “Fecal Touch”) moment featured in the 30-second TV promotional comes as the “leader” of the group, played by the Terrance Howard, the now-ubiquitous Negro actor used in all “Black Roles,” is preaching the mantra of the Red Tails, bellowing that: “We count our victories by the fathers we return to our children, to the husbands were return to their wives!”

[Cue a black pilot’s hand caressing a black-and-white photo of his white mudshark, which he fastened to his plane’s instrument panel]


CAPTION: Lucas’ Upcoming Pornographic Film – “Homo-Erectus, Homo-Erotica”

“Red Tails” should be quite popular worldwide, particularly amongst the culturally-seduced, light-skinned American dullards. Although, I wouldn’t at all be surprised if it became a “hit” with my countrymen in Deutschland, Österreich, und Schweiz. Those disgraceful little Euro-**** are utterly addicted to white/male subordination.


CAPTION: Monkeys Slaughtering "Dogs"


CAPTION: Swastikas Burning at the Hands of "Cool Blacks"- How Risqué, How Cliché
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Wow, joe Kubert is still alive and drawing! He is Jewish of course.
Saw the preview commercial last night and threw up in my mouth. A movie about the world's greatest athletes who are also the world's greatest fighter pilots, complete with the requisite jive trash talking. Thank you, George Lucas, maybe your next film can be about brain surgeons from the hood.
Red Tails: Never has so much been owed to so few for so little.

Well I guess I won't get a career titling movies any time soon.
Oh here we go again. That squadron is supposely famous for one thing. During their escorts of Bombers in Europe, a bomber was never lost. On the billboard, it shows one of the Redtails flamming the most sophiscated aircraft of the war, the first operational jet period. I never heard nor read about this most likely fairytale. Leave it to the chosen ones to continue to outright lie about negros contribution to winning WW2.

Tyronne(insert typical negro last name) is going to view this, then have major dellusions about being a jet pilot. He will fall on his face when he realizes that you have be an officer and graduate from a 4 year school. Reality will hit him square, then a major "purple drank" binge will ensue to escape his pathetic reality. The America Negro from Detroit. N***A please.
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What's interesting is that the powers that be know that their constant propaganda only has a limited ability to con the people. Our best are already smelling a rat with all this overkill of how great blacks are. They know what they see and the propaganda doesn't mesh with reality. When the sh*t hits the fan in our country, the powers that be know there'll be a nucleus of determined white men who will tear their throats out. The times are changing and only the really stupid are buying into this baloney anymore. So they can go ahead and make all the stupid movies they want. It won't change whats coming one bit.

Tom Iron...
Just saw the main actor Terrace Howard on "Fox and Friends". To be fair I have seen some of his work and he has talent. He is obviously half black. But it appears that he identifies with his negro half. Why do most people who are half black / white identify with their black side? I can think of only one major actor who did not want to be boxed in as a sole die hard miltant negro. Jennifer Beals of "Flash Dance" fame. Another, below her is the Oscar winning actress Hali Berry who decided(smartly) to have a child with a good looking White mainstream model. Currently she dating a second teir actor from Spain.

Barry is obviously attractive and talented, her White mother rised her as a single parent, but she is all for these black causes and victimhood. I can never understand this mentality on the part of supposely biracial people rised by loving White people.
Westside, I was thinking the same thing about that picture of the "dogfight." The Me 262 was almost always shot at while they were on the ground, or either taking off or landing, due to their being a vastly superior weapon. Very few air to air engagements happened with U.S. pilots and it is very likely that the scene depicted in that picture never happened to a White fighter pilot, let alone a negro one. Total cultural Marxist inspired revisionist history! :thumbdown:
Westside, I was thinking the same thing about that picture of the "dogfight." The Me 262 was almost always shot at while they were on the ground, or either taking off or landing, due to their being a vastly superior weapon. Very few air to air engagements happened with U.S. pilots and it is very likely that the scene depicted in that picture never happened to a White fighter pilot, let alone a negro one. Total cultural Marxist inspired revisionist history! :thumbdown:
Exactly Col Reb. I have read about this squardon but never of them having an engagement with a ME 262. There is actual footage of a White pilot shooting down a ME 262 though, when it was landing. In the air with a full tank of jet fuel, no American plane would be a match for it. This machine would torch through several American bombers and lie in wait for a Mustang, P-38 or Thunderbolt to tangle with them. But when the fuel was low and headed home, they, like most planes were sitting ducks.

I will research a bit to see if the Redtail shot down a ME 262, I doubt it. Just typical hollyweird embellishment on what really happen to sell tickets to dumbed down guilty whites or legions of DWF nation. Damn, I sick of them and their utter embarrassment they cause me!
Saw the preview commercial last night and threw up in my mouth. A movie about the world's greatest athletes who are also the world's greatest fighter pilots, complete with the requisite jive trash talking. Thank you, George Lucas, maybe your next film can be about brain surgeons from the hood.
Sure, but not before we see a movie on the Manhattan Project about that group of negro nuclear physicists who built the first atomic bomb or how about the immense contributions of the negro rocket scientists and astronauts to our space program in the 50s and 60s? Gotta make a movie or two about that one. Come to think of it, wasn't it a black man who invented electricity, and of course can't forget about them D'Andre brothers who built the first plane. So many ideas for some great movies, where will they even begin?
Exactly Col Reb. I have read about this squardon but never of them having an engagement with a ME 262. There is actual footage of a White pilot shooting down a ME 262 though, when it was landing. In the air with a full tank of jet fuel, no American plane would be a match for it. This machine would torch through several American bombers and lie in wait for a Mustang, P-38 or Thunderbolt to tangle with them. But when the fuel was low and headed home, they, like most planes were sitting ducks.

I will research a bit to see if the Redtail shot down a ME 262, I doubt it. Just typical hollyweird embellishment on what really happen to sell tickets to dumbed down guilty whites or legions of DWF nation. Damn, I sick of them and their utter embarrassment they cause me!

Maybe if it was low on fuel and forced to coast. Probably just another lie like how they never lost a bomber.
This movie is trash what's even worse is the dubstep music that accompanies the commercial :thumbdown:
Saw a prev iew of this movie. It shows them escorting B-17s. Everybody on this planet, except George Lucas knows that the 15th AF had only B-24s! I wonder what else is wrong in the movie?
Here's a link to an article on how the Tuskegee boys DID lose bombers...

Tuskegee Airmen myths...

Also, I found more proof of the "Red Tales" fallacy via Stormfront....

T27b3x14 stated...

"when assigned to bomber escort duty the 332nd UNDERPERFORMED. Overall P-51 statistics claim a total of 4950 opposition aircraft destroyed in aerial combat versus a loss of 2520 aircraft to all causes.

P-51 totals minus Redtails
4839 versus 2454 lost (ratio of 1.971)

111 versus 66 lost (ratio of 1.682)

An underperformance of about 15% versus the average unit. Also, consider that the 332nd came into bomber escort rather late, AFTER the best pilots of the Luftwaffe had been killed.

Also consider that the 56th fighter group is credited with 677.5 for a loss of 128 (ratio of 5.3) in P-47 Thunderbolts!

All hail and worship the underperforming noble negro 'heroes'!"

Per skogkille....

"I’m sure there are many out there who fantasise about putting the historian Haulman (who uncovered the truth) in their crosshairs for the unforgivable PC crime of undermining the propaganda process.

2. ‘Tarnish the unit’s record’ is precisely what this sharp shock does—that is what makes it a sharp shock.

3. The fact that not a single one of the ‘nearly 1,000’ pilots who had witnessed for themselves one or another bomber being shot down, ever stepped forward to correct it in the 59 years this propaganda lie lavished undeserved praise upon them, provides a lasting testament to the absence of integrity and honour in the neg race. This mass participatory lie, in fact, ought to result in the unit being officially disgraced in some sort of ceremony in which its decorations are taken back.

4. The fact that it took 59 years for this propaganda lie to be challenged when, as the true historian, Haulman said, ‘All of these records have been here all along, it was just a matter of putting them together,’ provides a lasting testament to the unassailable agenda of the jewish controlled media. Namely, to revise history so as to steadily degrade the achievements of Aryan man whilst enhancing, concocting where necessary, the achievements of lesser races.

5. It did not escape my notice that there is such a thing as the Tuskegee Airmen Incorporated. Excuse me? A defunct WWII fighter group needs to be incorporated? Plainly, revising history in order to lavish undeserved praise on negs, and lobbying the Government for ‘long-deserved’ medals, is a serious business.

6. Nor did it escape my notice that there is such a thing as an ‘historian’ for the Tuskegee Airmen Inc—most likely a neg himself, because amongst lesser races, hiring exclusively within their race is immune from moral or legal repercussion. The obvious question then, is, where was this fool, not to mention his predecessors, when there was a sharply shocking truth to uncover all this time?

Actually, it should come as no surprise to those of us unhappy students of negrology to find such an ‘historian’ not performing his sole function. Much as his statement quoted at the top suggests, his job description most likely involved a great deal more public relations propaganda than actual history. I suspect that his position, far from conducting or curating research or records, was intended more to lend credence to their propaganda pronouncements.

Thanks to T27 for his enlightening statistics ‘shooting down’ the legend (lie) that these negs were superior to White pilots. The wide awake all knew better, of course, but insofar as statistics always bear out the WN worldview, they are our friends. Their falling 14.6% short of the average is, obviously, well short of the mark considering the praise that has been lavished on them over the years. To judge from the heroic stature these negs have been built into, their performance ought to have been at the highest end of the spectrum. But, as in all such cases, when the propaganda fog has been penetrated, the ‘kernel of truth’ one is left with is a rather sad little specimen.

One aspect of this, however, which struck me about this whole affair is the fact that credit has been comprehensively withheld from those truly deserving: the cadre of White instructors! We can only imagine the herculean effort entailed in training packs of jittery, slack-jawed early hominids to memorise technical procedures, operate controls, switches and monitor dials. The personal observations of these men, together with a full array of statistical comparisons between White and neg classes, would make for a truly entertaining and realistic documentary counter-film to the Hollywood ones. I myself have had the experience of training a neg to competently perform a technical job, and can attest to the fantastic effort attached to the slightest increments of progress. These zoo keepers performed the true miracle.

I once talked to two T-airmen at the Miegs field open house- before the evil destroyed that lovely field. Here are some interesting facts:
There are only a 1,00 T-airmen. To be an official T-airman you just had to be accepted into the program. If you washed out early in the program, you were still the equal to the guys who flew combat missions. There was some grumpling about this from these two.
--- The T-menwas almost disbanded. They had an above average accident rate before going overseas. The Air corp was afraid they would run out of pilots! They were flying P-40s. The P-40s which were easy to control aircraft. Elinor Roosevelt pressured the Air Corp to continue this social experiment.
There is a claim that certain pilots were sent home so that they would not become aces. The truth is their tour of duty ended. Unlike Blaklee or Zemke, they were not smart enough to figure how to increase the number of missions flown.
--- These two guys did admit they did get the easy missions.

Now, I just wish they would make a movie about white pilots.
Exactly Col Reb. I have read about this squardon but never of them having an engagement with a ME 262. There is actual footage of a White pilot shooting down a ME 262 though, when it was landing. In the air with a full tank of jet fuel, no American plane would be a match for it. This machine would torch through several American bombers and lie in wait for a Mustang, P-38 or Thunderbolt to tangle with them. But when the fuel was low and headed home, they, like most planes were sitting ducks.

I will research a bit to see if the Redtail shot down a ME 262, I doubt it. Just typical hollyweird embellishment on what really happen to sell tickets to dumbed down guilty whites or legions of DWF nation. Damn, I sick of them and their utter embarrassment they cause me!

Was looking up some things on Wikipedia and found this in an article entitled "Confirmation and overclaiming of aerial victories during World War II"

The 332nd Fighter Group was awarded a Distinguished Unit Citation (DUC) for a mission flown on 24 March 1945, escorting B-17s to bomb the Daimler-Benz tank factory at Berlin, Germany. The American pilots were credited with destroying three Me-262 jets of the Luftwaffe's all-jet Jagdgeschwader 7, despite the American unit initially claiming 11 Me 262s.[39] The bombers also made substantial claims, making it impossible to tell which units were responsible for those individual four kills.[40] Upon examination of JG 7 records, just four Me 262s were lost and all of their pilots survived.[

The article it is under included the words "overclaiming of aerial victories" which makes one question the truth of the 3 even.. It tells that they were credited with shooting down three Me-262 on 24 March 1945, but they claimed more. Looking at the article "Confirmation and overclaiming of aerial victories during World War II" clearly shows how even being credit with a kill does not mean it happened. German records indict only four lost that day and one would have to check the source and see if any more information like were they lost in air to air combat, on the ground, due to accident? Also, the article states bombers' Gunners also were present and claimed shoot downs and how many other fighter squadrons did the of JG 7 engage that day? With 332rd past record the claims seems very questionable, but with the U.S. government, even in the 1940s' trying to make heroes out of them, claims likely were settled in their favor. It means source documents and any surviving witnesses need to be checked closely to determine the truth of the claims.

On a side note in the 1970s they made a TV show called "Baa Baa Black Sheep" a fictionalized account of the 214th Marine squadron, a White unit, in the Pacific during World War II.
On a side note in the 1970s they made a TV show called "Baa Baa Black Sheep" a fictionalized account of the 214th Marine squadron, a White unit, in the Pacific during World War II

Right, I used to watch Baa Baa Black Sheep when I was a kid. It was about real life WWII fighter pilot Pappy Boyington who was a maverick. His son was a member the first Air Force Academy football squad.
I just finished reading Fighter Pilot, the autobiography of Robin Olds. I was shocked that his friend Chappie James, one of the few blacks I could respect showed some TNB. He was one of the T-men.
James and Olds fought together in Vietnam. They referred to as "Black Man and Robin." It would be un PC to say that now. Olds also had a monkey which he named Stokley Carmichael.

BTW, I think George Lucas is dating a black women. I think he is trying to impress her.
Glenn Beck trashed this movie. He said it was one of the worst But typically had to put all the blame on Lucas, who by the way did not direct this mess. He also had to say the good black actors were acting badly. Should be in Redbox in a
Sure, but not before we see a movie on the Manhattan Project about that group of negro nuclear physicists who built the first atomic bomb or how about the immense contributions of the negro rocket scientists and astronauts to our space program in the 50s and 60s? Gotta make a movie or two about that one. Come to think of it, wasn't it a black man who invented electricity, and of course can't forget about them D'Andre brothers who built the first plane. So many ideas for some great movies, where will they even begin?

I disagree, that is the jewish contribution to the war, ain't gonna be touched, but I hear a colored lesbian jewess raised the flag on Mt. Surabuchi.
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