guest301 said:
Didn't like him, couldn't stand him and won't miss
him. He was a athiest/agnostic and proud of it and routinely slammed
Christians for their faith in his comedic rants.
Sorry Guest301 but I absolutely LOVED IT!!!! Oh man I still have a hard
time deciding if his rant on God or the 10 Commandments was more funnier. It really is a toss up. It's a shame there are a lot of people out
there who cannot see religion for what it really is: 1. Controlling people
and 2. Money/Power. Oh no as I type this I'm losing feeling in my right wait its just a cramp. Thank god. haha. However, getting back to
being serious. Carlin NEVER EVER claimed to be an atheist/agnostic. In
fact when he ends his 1992 HBO Special "Jammin in New York" he
says(paraphrasing), we're all apart of a higher order a bigger picture
called the big electron. It's doesn't punish and it doesn't reward.
Personally I call it"The Great Mystery". It doesn't judge, doesn't put others
down, and never deems anyone unworthy. It realizes that we're just
products of the world in which we have socially constructed. It just is and
so are we. Take care