George Carlin passes away


Aug 16, 2006
Well I was pretty bummed to hear about this one. Can't say I agreed with all of his political views but the man was damned funny at times and a comedic legend.
I won't miss Carlin one bit. That guy ripped white men, white culture and white civilization more than all the other comics put together. His humor had a real hostility to it when talking about white men. He seemed to really hate being white. F*ck him!
About time!
Carlin was an unabashed misanthrope. He was a genius at dissecting the absurdity of the way the language is commonly used, and pointing out the stupidity and mindless diversions Americans have been trained to embrace. He was also pretty right on about how the power structure works. One of his rants on the latter was linked here sometime ago from YouTube. Maybe someone can dig it up again.
Didn't like him, couldn't stand him and won't miss him. He was a athiest/agnostic and proud of it and routinely slammed Christians for their faith in his comedic rants.
I'm sure he was quite funny to his audience but I didn't really find him all that humorous. Still, it's sad when someone dies, and he was certainly less offensive in my opinion than a lot of comedians who use race as the sole basis of their schtick.
guest301 said:
Didn't like him, couldn't stand him and won't miss
him. He was a athiest/agnostic and proud of it and routinely slammed
Christians for their faith in his comedic rants.

Sorry Guest301 but I absolutely LOVED IT!!!! Oh man I still have a hard
time deciding if his rant on God or the 10 Commandments was more funnier. It really is a toss up. It's a shame there are a lot of people out
there who cannot see religion for what it really is: 1. Controlling people
and 2. Money/Power. Oh no as I type this I'm losing feeling in my right wait its just a cramp. Thank god. haha. However, getting back to
being serious. Carlin NEVER EVER claimed to be an atheist/agnostic. In
fact when he ends his 1992 HBO Special "Jammin in New York" he
says(paraphrasing), we're all apart of a higher order a bigger picture
called the big electron. It's doesn't punish and it doesn't reward.

Personally I call it"The Great Mystery". It doesn't judge, doesn't put others
down, and never deems anyone unworthy. It realizes that we're just
products of the world in which we have socially constructed. It just is and
so are we. Take care:)
Bart said:
Carlin was not exactly on our side of the fence, so to speak. I can't imagine him doing a similar routine at the expense of blacks or chosenites.

Carlin isn't on anyone's "side" bimbo. He says in his last HBO Special "It's Bad For Ya" that racial pride is stupid because its an accident. It's like being proud to have red hair or blue eyes. To him pride should be based on PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENT & ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

Carlin on God:

On the 10 Commandments:

Mr. Wassell Carlin's bit on who owns you America. Very sadly true:

The man was like a dark poet to a degree. His comedy was an art form that got better as he grew older like a fine wine. He was the BEST comedian ever and may he be looking up at us. Joe Bless Carlin! lol
WhiteCB, He was just one of a long line of jerk, classless, foul language comedians who has helped lead this country down the the dark path and moral decline it's on. Thank you Carlin, where would we have been without you. He may have dissed the ten commandments alot in his rants but I bet you he ain't dissing it now.
That being said, I am not happy at all with the fate that awaits him. What a wasted life.Edited by: guest301
GreatLakeState said:

A co-worker had a Carlin calender on his desk. The kind that has a different joke every day. It seemed like every other day he was putting down white culture. I can't remember any specifically but I pulled this one from the internet:

Wednesday April 26, 2006

"I'd like to point out that during the twentieth century, white, God-fearing, predominately Christian Europe produced Lenin, Stalin, Franco, Hitler, and Mussolini."

That's not even a joke, in my opinion, just white bashing for bashings sake. If he spread his venom around he would have more credibility. How about the Japanese leaders or the African leaders who butchered millions.

I do give him credit for making it big without the white bashing. But the later part of his career was money in his pocket at my(your) expense. Why should I support him?

WhiteCB, Carlin's idea that racial pride is stupid is myopic and leads me to believe he was an existentalist. Using Carlin's logic, I should not be proud of my family, my country, my heritage or my culture. Or even that I am human, as these are all unrelated accidents. When I tell my kids to be proud they're white, it is about a lot more than just the color of their skin.
whiteCB said:
Bart said:
Carlin was not exactly on our side of the fence, so to speak. I can't imagine him doing a similar routine at the expense of blacks or chosenites.

Carlin isn't on anyone's "side" bimbo. He says in his last HBO Special "It's Bad For Ya" that racial pride is stupid because its an accident. It's like being proud to have red hair or blue eyes. To him pride should be based on PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENT & ACCOMPLISHMENTS.


Pretty stupid comments whiteCB.

Rcial Pride is STUPID because it's an accident? WTF

I'm proud of my kids too, and it's just an "accident" they were born mine.

I honestly don't know why you are on the site if you agree that racial pride is stupid! castefootball is all about racial pride. Did that get missed by anyone else here?

And you should be proud to have red hair or blue eyes, it's a link to your forefathers (and mothers) and is what and who you are. Of course Carlin was a cocaine addicted junkie whose "accomplishments" were a trail of broken lives and sadness. So I guess it's easy to see why he was such an a-hole.
I was wondering the same thing Jaxvid. The bimbo comment came out of nowhere and was nonsensical and everybody at CF has racial and ethnic pride and I assume WhiteCB feels the same way, or at least I did.
Heard of him but never actually watched one of his shows.
Carlin was great for awhile back in the 70's and 80's. After that he wasn't much and started becoming more and more crude to mask the fact that he'd run out of gas.

Now he's dead, so his act is completely over. Let him rest in peace.

Tom Iron...
Years ago when I was in my late teens and in the first year of my enlistment I saw him in concert. Mostly old material. I cherry pick those bits that I like and the anti-white stuff I flush down the old memory hole.
Bimbo? Not the worse insult I heard. Critize the statement not the individual. In you start hurdling insults at others, people may think this is a black site. Be nice.
He was one of those guys who everyone said was funny, so you felt kind of less intelligent if you didn't find him funny.

Sort of like how everyone in the office will go on and on about how hilarious Seinfeld is but then you just want to call him a pompous, pretentious jerk wad whose observational humor isn't half as clever as he thinks it is.
I never foundCarlin funny and believe I am more intelligent for thinking so. I won't miss him. He had a sick mind and a filthy mouth.
I loved his sports commentary. I generally liked his humour. He was a tree hugging hippy though. What shocked me was the announcing of his age. Time marches on...Edited by: white is right
Humor is very subjective, so I would not argue with anyone who did not like Carlin, but for me he was hilarious and meaningful right until the end. I also saw many of his shows through the years and he did not pick on whites....he picked on everyone.

Unlike many other comedians he did not "mellow" and re-do the same old act but continued to come up with new material and his stage presence and performance was 1st rate.

Simply put, he was one of the best at what he did. You can take all the Adam Sandler's and Mike Myer's in the world and they do not add up to Carlin IMO.

Rest in peace, George.
Look I am a huge George Carlin fan whether you like him or not and whether you agree with his humor or not and NOTHING is going to change that. Some of you are wayyy tooo sensitive when it comes to Carlin saying a little "anti" white joke. His whole career, trust me, was not bent on making a mockery of whitey; just a couple lines here and there, which everybody seems to be getting their panties up in a bunch for. The man has truth to every comment he makes. He's the "thinking man's" comic and apartently some of you don't like to think, if it even slightly might go against your views on something. Even Mr. Wassell said Carlin makes some bright comments on how he has said everybody in this country has been bought off by gizmos and gadgets and no one questions nothing anymore. I was sticking up for him and TO HIM pride should be reserved for personal achievement not for having dark skin or praying Allah. I rest my case.

For those that loath Carlin please watch the last link I posted in my previous post. It might not make you like him but it will give you respect for the guy and show you he knows whats going on in America.
whiteCB said:
which everybody seems to be getting their panties up in a bunch for.

Speaking of bunched panties whiteCB, it seems to me that your post was questioned not because you like George Carlin's act, but because you referred to another member as 'bimbo,' for the mere fact that he did not like Carlin's schtick.

Now, in this latest post, you are saying that those who don't like Carlin 'don't like to think.'

So, what's with the insults? Was George a personal friend of yours or something?
I can't say I was a fan of Carlin, his anti-Christian material was the product of sheer hatred, but he had some funny bits, notably the comparison between football and baseball. My father used to listen to him when Carlin was a radio DJ in Fort Worth.

He was the heir to Lenny Bruce, who just wasn't funny, and helped to coarsen comedy and culture in general. Like to see the look on his face when he came face-to-face with the God he spent his ego-centric life mocking.
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