George Carlin passes away

whiteCB said:
Look I am a huge George Carlin fan whether you like him or not and whether you agree with his humor or not and NOTHING is going to change that. Some of you are wayyy tooo sensitive when it comes to Carlin saying a little "anti" white joke. His whole career, trust me, was not bent on making a mockery of whitey; just a couple lines here and there, which everybody seems to be getting their panties up in a bunch for. The man has truth to every comment he makes. He's the "thinking man's" comic and apartently some of you don't like to think, if it even slightly might go against your views on something. Even Mr. Wassell said Carlin makes some bright comments on how he has said everybody in this country has been bought off by gizmos and gadgets and no one questions nothing anymore. I was sticking up for him and TO HIM pride should be reserved for personal achievement not for having dark skin or praying Allah. I rest my case.

For those that loath Carlin please watch the last link I posted in my previous post. It might not make you like him but it will give you respect for the guy and show you he knows whats going on in America.

You are clearly the one "coming off like you got your panties in a bunch". You can defend that jerk Carlin without attacking everybody that posts against him. You are also avoiding the question that Jaxvid put out in his post. The question being, do you agree with Carlin that racial pride is not something to be proud of and just a accident? If you do agree with that, why are you here? WhiteCB; I suspect that you don't agree with any of that because I have probably read 95% of your posts here and thats alot of posts and I do think you have some racial and ethnic pride and that you are proud to be white, so I am not understanding your intense defense of Mr. Carlin. He's not worthy.
Calling Bart a bimbo was wrong, but I don't think anyone has to defend themselves on their racial views using George Carlin of all people as a litmus test. Carlin hated everyone. His contempt for "the people" and the system came through loud and clear. I found him original and often thought provoking and funny, even hilarious at times. Yes, I looked forward to his HBO specials. But he wasn't going to change my racial awareness in any way, just as I can watch NFL games without becoming a drunk white fan. I'm sure WhiteCB and everyone else here can do the same. Let's give it a rest.
Agreed case closed. The "bimbo" comment was unnecessary and meant no
personal harm.

BTW: I just view Carlin as somebody who sees things for what they are and
speaks his mind. I find that refreshing in today's America where everybody
on TV is a broken record saying the same old corporate garbage. That's all.
You have to respect a man whose comedy routine was always changing and
evolving for over 50 years!
i never thought Carlin was funny. yet, i still always looked forward to his HBO specials. i think it's because i found a significant portion of what he said to be thought provoking. i can't say he really changed any of my views about religion or race or anything really. he did however, make me question some things about my life. i remember his rants on who controls america and the power structure and i remember thinking "wow, this kinda makes sense." anyways, i hope he's found his peace.
I totally feel you and that johnyboy. He brings up some great points in his
"jammin in new york" special about how you got the "Ruling Class" who
owns and controls everything and pays pretty much nothing in taxes.
Then you have the middle class that does all the work and pays ALL the
taxes. Then you have the lower class which is there to scare the middle
class and to motivate them to keep working or something along those
lines. He also said how the media, or in others words the ruling class,
always seems to brings up stories and topics that divide us such as
abortion, race, religion, and so forth all in order to make us hate each
other and forget how badly we're getting screwed by the people that
"own" us. The ones in power like to divert attention away from themselves
and do so through their "news" stories by the topics stated above. In
order to keep people preoccupied with stuff that makes us forget how the
ones in power always win and we get crap.
People, come on.

If I had to agree with every viewpoint of every entertainer I've enjoyed, it would be a short friggin' list.

BTW, all God would have to have done was appear to George Carlin one day and say "George, worshiping Joe Pesci...thats funny stuff. But seriously, just wanted you to know that I AM up there. Be a good boy now." Then George Carlin probably wouldn't have been an atheist. The failure of an Omnipotent being to take such a simple step to affirm his existence and save so many people from the chill of atheism (and presumably, the heat of eternal damnation) really makes me wonder.
White_Savage said:
The failure of an Omnipotent being to take such a simple step to affirm his existence and save so many people from the chill of atheism (and presumably, the heat of eternal damnation) really makes me wonder.

Omnipotence doesn't imply all-loving. The deity might be omnipotent and laughing his ass off at the stuff we believe about the universe.
Larry King was on the other night eulogizing Carlin with a bunch of guests I didn't like like Bill Maher and Roseanne Barr. With friends like Maher and Barr singing his praises, no wonder I didn't like Carlin.
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