GB Reaction to the Jordy Nelson Pick


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Posted: April 26, 2008

No slack: One of the more memorable moments of the Packers' draft last season came when fans at the team's draft party at Lambeau Field showered Thompson with boos shortly after he made the surprise pick of defensive tackle Justin Harrell at No. 16 overall.

Green Bay's faithful was a bit more reserved at the party this time around, though not by a whole lot.

News of Thompson's trade out of the first round was received with cheers by the crowd of an estimated 2,000, especially after one of the Packers' projected possibilities at No. 30, cornerback Antoine Cason, went to San Diego at No. 27. The pick of Jordy Nelson at No. 36 roughly a half-hour later was met with relative silence at first and then a smattering of boos.

When Thompson made his way out to the stage, crowd reaction was split about 60-40 between boos and cheers. Thompson, true to form, responded with a wry grin before getting into the specifics surrounding Nelson's selection.

"I don't think so," said Thompson when asked later if he deserved to be booed. "But who knows? We'll see. I think the kid's going to be a really good player."

Jordy Nelson transcript
By Greg A. Bedard
Saturday, Apr 26 2008, 08:03 PM

Green Bay - Here's what Jordy Nelson had to say:

(Where are you and what are you doing)

I'm actually at a restaurant that my family just opened last November or December. So we're up here with some family and friends watching the draft. Just sitting around, I watched the whole thing, just waiting and the phone finally rang in the second round. I got it a pick or two before Green Bay was up so I didn't know who it was. I answered the phone and it was Green Bay. They said they were going to take me. I got awfully excited. I'd like to thank Mr. Murphy, coach McCarthy and all those guys up there in the organization for taking (inaudible). I'm real excited and ready to get started.

(Are you a run after the catch guy or a catch after the run guy)

I think so. It's something I've developed over the years at K State. I've been able to make a couple guys miss and get vertical, something I hope to do a lot. Not too much juking, but get vertical and get what I can get right away and not waste any time. I think at the next level where the speed is even faster than it was in college, I think that it's important not to waste a lot of time just dancing around and get vertical and get the ball north and south. I think I'll fit in well with Green Bay and I'm excited to get stated next week.

(Were you expecting to get drafted high in the second round)

It's something we really didn't know where. We were real confident about the second round, but as this last week went on I've been moving up rapidly, thinking low second round and possibly slipping into the first. I was just going to sit back and wait for the phone call and just wait for it to happen. I'm glad it did and I'm happy to be with Green Bay.

(You're going to a deep receiving corp)

They did not tell me how they're going to use me. It was just a quick conversation with a couple of guys in the room, and they told me congrats and said they were excited to have me up there. I'm just looking forward to getting into rookie minicamp up there, getting started and getting the playbook and practicing hard and doing what I can to help the program.

(Were you a regular on special teams?)

Yes, that's soemthign at K-State we focus on a lot. Our last two coaches if we weren't playing special teams we weren't playing offense or defense. So I was on punt team, returned some punts this last year, blocked on kickoff returns, so I've been involved with special teams and it's something I look forward to doing in the NFL, helping out wherever I can to keep winning in Green Bay.

(Who is your agent)

Vann McElroy.

(Could you ever imagine you'd go from walk-on defensive back to second-round pick)

Um, not really. It's something all kids dream about, wanting to play professional sports, playing football in the backyard and stuff like that. But as my career at K-State kept piling up, year after year great things are happening to me and I think that I've gotten a lot of luck. I've been healthy for the most part. I've gotten a lot of help from a lot of people that kept me improving and staying on me year in and year out to try to make the next step. It's just something that everything kept rolling. As the year went on, I got more and more, I guess, thinking that I would be making the NFL and these last couple of weeks, I've been real confident about being picked on the first day. And I'm glad they did it. I'm just ready to play some more football.

(How did you injure your PCL and were there any other injuries teams cared about)

My PCL happened my junior year. I just got tackled, I landed wrong on it, just the way I landed, I kind of strained it a little bit. It's nothing that was serious. I went all of last year without any pain. It just kept nagging me my junior year and wasn't allowing me to play full speed. But completely healthy. That's the only, that's the biggest injury I had. Everything else was just sprained ankles, little things like that, that you always get banged up playing football. I've been real lucky playing football and hopefully it continues.

(How much did you match up with Talib?)

Um, it was off and on. That was something when I was used at K-State, I moved around a lot, played a lot of slot, played outside with two receivers or one receiver. It was hit and miss when we matched up. Obviously, I think about everyone saw the play where I scored on him. But Talib's a great player. We had our battles and I think we both won our share. Everyone saw how we matched up and I think it was just a battle between two great plays.

(Know anything about GB)

I know they have quite a few guys, a lot of good guys I know. Obviously, with the stats Brett Favre has put up, he has had some guys to throw to. So I know they have a good crew, a core group of receivers and I'm just looking forward to working with those guys and hopefully mesh and become one of the best tandems in the league.

(Are you a run after the catch guy or a catch after the run guy)

I think so.


April 26, 2008 8:06 PM | ReportAbuse
Man, look at the videos. Look at how he follows blockers on that punt return. The guy looks like he's got a clue.

April 26, 2008 8:19 PM | ReportAbuse
BYNTQ - Huh indeed

Are they implying some receivers walk their route as opposed to running it?

April 26, 2008 8:22 PM | ReportAbuse
Dude caught a lot of passes last year and outran Aqib Talib a couple times. Fast riser. Interesting pick.

Well, I was one of the fools that was holding out some hope TT would trade up in the first, especially with Jenkins and Mendenhall lasting longer than most expected. Today is evidence that Ted will never, ever, under any circumstances move up in the draft, I believe.

I was glad they took Brohm and not Henne. I like the Lee pick as well. I wouldn't mind seeing another d-backfield pick fairly early tomorrow. There might be a chance at RB later in the day who might surprise.

April 26, 2008 8:26 PM | ReportAbuse
Not a bad 1st day, really like the first 2 picks, and Lee may work his way onto the field at some point this year. Nelson and Brohm are great additions both in ability and character. Both will see playing time, maybe more than we expect right now. Those 2 are as NFL ready as rookies come IMO. Lee is more raw comming in, but it sounds like his style fits the defense. Lots of early picks tomorrow, rds. 3 & 4. Can't wait till the morning!

April 26, 2008 8:33 PM | ReportAbuse
(Are you a run after the catch guy or a catch after the run guy)

I'm guessing he only heard the first part...

Never heard of a player being called a catch after the run guy anyway. Who the hell asked that question?

April 26, 2008 8:58 PM | ReportAbuse
Looking like a damm good start to the draft. Nelson was a surprise pick again, but that seems to be Thompsons M.O. He has HIS draft board and clearly he sets it according to what he thinks... NOT the talking head, so-called experts.

I give up trying to guess what he is going to do. LOL At least until next year!

Nelson, Brohm, Lee... Brohm ans Lee cover two of our bigger needs. Nelson doesn't seem to, but KRob has knee problems, and DD isn't getting younger. Jennings and Jones are really good so I am looking forward to seeing these guys next year and into the future.

Brohm falling to 56 was unbelievable! Never in a million years did I see that happening... Just our good fortune I guess.
April 26, 2008 9:09 PM | ReportAbuse


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Latest comment on the article:

Nelson makes a heckuva #5 WR. Jones has got real competition on his hands. Nelson will replace DD when he hangs 'em up, which may be sooner than we think.
April 28, 2008 12:35 AM | ReportAbuse

I think this guy meant #4 WR this yr., since Jones is the #3. It looks like the consensus is that Jordy will be the future #2 WR, when Driver moves on or hangs em up. Hopefully this will be sooner rather than later.

Greg Jennings is a smaller guy (5'11) w/ 4.4 speed. I think Jennings would remain the #1 and Jordy the #2, but I'm o.k with that as long as Jordy is starting by his third season in the league and at least playing 3rd by next year. (Jordy can be both a possession and vertical guy). I think James Jones will play the slot in the future; his skills translate well there! Lets hope those three can work together as a good tandem and Jordy can get at least a few 1000 yard seasons in his career! Good luck to him!

Capt. Larsen

Apr 20, 2008
jared said:
Just go to video page and see what WR Coach Jimmy Robinson and Scout Lenny McGill (black by the way) have to say about Jordy. Very positive words.
I was shocked when I saw the mid-plains scout for GB!! LOL!

ToughJ.Riggins said:
News of Thompson's trade out of the first round was received with cheers by the crowd of an estimated 2,000, especially after one of the Packers' projected possibilities at No. 30, cornerback Antoine Cason, went to San Diego at No. 27. The pick of Jordy Nelson at No. 36 roughly a half-hour later was met with relative silence at first and then a smattering of boos.
These people are idiots, that's why the Pack quit playing in Milw. As far as the Journal/Sentinel....what good can you say about that liberal rag.
Packer fans have changed a lot since SB 31. A lot of Lambeau tailgaters have turned into the old Candlestick types.

I had talked to a friend in Neb., and they know Jordy's the real deal!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
From what I've read Jordy appears to be a very good prospect, BUThow about this for an analysis?Found at J-S online?

Nelson is a well built receiver that uses his size and determination to come away with the ball.His speed is far below average for his position and, consequently, he is rarely able to get away from defenders in tight man-to-man coverage. His strengths are being able to fight through tackles and make plays in traffic. Nelson has a solid understanding of how to play his position, which helps make up for his lack of quickness. Overall, he is a mentally tough player who will do what is asked of him in order to win ball games.


Mar 2, 2007
Outside North America
Most of the post I've seen on differents packers forum are very positive about Jordy, they are thrilled, as I am. But some are talking of bulking him up to play TE... caste system at work.Edited by: Gi-15


Nov 13, 2007
What bothers me as I read the national "draft report cards" for each team put out by the various media outlets is the continual barrage of comments regarding Green Bay's oversupply of wide receivers.

It really ceases to amaze me that no one points to the fact that Green Bay's trio of wideouts from last year are all similar in size. While, Jordy is several inches taller at 6'3".

I watched a replay of a Kansas State game from 2007 just last week. Kansas State utilized Nelson in the same manner that Terrell Owens has been used in his NFL career, maximizing his talent in a number of varying ways. Specifically as it relates to a glaring Packers need, Kansas State would line Jordy up as a flanker and then throw a quick pass to him at the line of scrimmage, allowing him to juke or overpower the man covering him. Nelson consistently gained at least 7-8 yards on this safe play, one reason he caught 122 balls last season. Dallas runs virtually the same play with Owens.

My point here is that Jordy is a more physical receiver than any of the wideouts Green Bay currently features.

Did the pundits not watch the NFC Championship game? Aside from Driver's long TD reception, Green Bay's offense was shut down. On that bitterly cold day at Lambeau, the team was in dire need of a player like Nelson who possesses the ability to muscle his way for quick 5-10 yard gains when first downs are at a premium.

Green Bay made a very smart pick here. Contrary to what the media is saying, this pick was made with the 2008 season clearly in mind. A top tier team saw a weakness, and plugged the hole.

Green Bay did what the Washington Redskins are also doing, though the Redskins are employing a larger overhaul. Simply put, the Redskins realized that the Joe Gibbs' strategy of playing "Smurfs"(smallish wideouts) at receiver will not win you key games in January that are played in arctic like conditions against teams that are continually utilizing big, physical cornerbacks. Washington used three 2nd round picks on receivers.

Green Bay fans can look forward to Jordy Nelson playing a role in helping the team win playoff games in January 2009. Furthermore, the former walk-on safety has a very high ceiling and will continue to improve as a professional.

He's in a great situation, playing alongside other established wideouts. Furthermore, he'll have the same opportunity to build a rapport with a brand new quarterback as the veteran wideouts. It's an even playing field in that regard, and Jordy most likely will have the chance to form a strong rapport with fellow rookie Brian Brohm (a very polished QB who lives football).

I applaud Green Bay's management and personnel men for selecting Jordy. It will be nice to have an NFC team to root for in 2008. I look forward to hearing Troy Aikman's comments regarding Jordy this fall during Fox telecasts.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
As usual, a nice and informative post, stonewall. Nice to have you back on a regular basis.

I honestly believe the Packers will not only win their division, but that Aaron Rogers will take them deep into the playoffs. Nelson is going to be a very fun player to watch, and one of the few white WRs in the NFC. What I like most about him is that he'll never be given the dreaded "possession WR" title that so many white skills players are given (translating to slow). He's big, strong, fast, quick, and productive.

Honestly, I don't think the caste system will hold this guy down....not only because of his high draft status, but because it seems like the Packers really WANTED to pick him. From what I've read, Nelson was "thier guy" all many times can that be said about a white WR?

I think the most descrimination he'll face won't be playing time or starting'll be not getting any credit from the media puppets WHEN he succeeds at a high level in the NFL. Best of luck, Jordy!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Greg Jennings will be an unrestricted free agent after the '09 season. If Nelson looks to be the receiver the Packers think he can be, they may let Jennings sign elsewhere. And Driver will likely be gone or demoted by that time, so the future does look good for Jordy even if he isn't used a lot as a rookie.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Another good thing about Jordy is that he is a proven receiver with good athletic abilty. The last white guy picked high as a receiver was Matt Jones, who had never played the position before and has a lot to learn AND a lot to prove. Nelson won't have that baggage. The only thing that could hold him back is an injury. His pick by Green Bay, already loaded with white lineman, is the high point of the draft.


Mar 2, 2007
Outside North America
Don Wassall said:
Greg Jennings will be an unrestricted free agent after the '09 season. If Nelson looks to be the receiver the Packers think he can be, they may let Jennings sign elsewhere. And Driver will likely be gone or demoted by that time, so the future does look good for Jordy even if he isn't used a lot as a rookie.

look for Jenning's contract to be extended this season, Thompson is the type of GM who will be inactive in FA and looking to keep his homegrown talent. Jenning is a good player and a good citizen, there is no way he let him go. Jordy should be no.2 next year though, Driver's play is definitly going downward.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
JordyNelson is 6'3'' and about 220lbs. He ran a 4.51 at the combine.Isn't that a damn good time for a guy his size? They make it sound as though he runs with cement in his shoes. Greg Jennings repeatedly ran away from defenders last year and everyone raves about him. He ran a 4.40, but is only 5'10-ll" and under 200 lbs.

JS-online: But taking the collective commentary offered on ESPN, the NFL Network and Sirius NFL Radio, the only whiff of a question about Nelson's game was his 40-yard time at the scouting combine, which ESPN reported as 4.51 seconds.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Jordy's best electronic timed run was actually 4.49. 4.51 is the average of the hand times (which aren't as accurate) and electronic times of both his attempts. My take is that the Packers will extend Jennings contract. He is considered an upstanding citizen in GB and played very well last year. Donald Driver will likely play out the remaining 3 years on his contract in GB, but only be the starter for two more years.

From my research; the Packers depth chart will probably look like this for this year:
Split End/ 1st WR: Greg Jennings
Flanker/ 2nd WR: Donald Driver
Slot/ 3rd WR: James Jones
Backup Flanker/ Slot WR: Jordy Nelson who may surpass Jones on the depth chart nearing the end of the season.
5th WR: Ruvell Martin
6th WR: Koren Robinson
PS: Brett Swain (will take a roster spot next season)

Look for the Packer's future (3 seasons from now) at WR to be:
Split End/ 1st WR: Greg Jennings b/c of his blazing speed.
Flanker/ 2nd WR: Jordy Nelson (physical w/ impressive speed)
Slot/ 3rd WR: James Jones
Backup Flanker/Slot/4th WR: Brett Swain (this one's probably wishful thinking though)
5th WR: Ruvell Martin


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005

first pic as a Packer

and here's some praise for him:

GREEN BAY -- Green Bay Packers coach Mike McCarthy was quick to characterize this weekend's Rookie Orientation Camp as educational rather than a time for evaluation of players. But that didn't mean he didn't come away with some first impressions of his newcomers Friday.

Among those who caught his eye was wide receiver Jordy Nelson, the team's top pick in last weekend's NFL Draft. The 6-foot-3, 217-pound Nelson, who was the fifth pick in the second round, demonstrated sure hands and speed to get deep as the rookies went through drills at the Don Hutson Center.

"I really like the way he moves," said McCarthy, noting a catch he made on one deep pass, in particular. "You could see the patience he has with the ball in the air. You can see that he's an accomplished route runner. I'm glad he's on our team."

Nelson feels the same way and he's eager to get the chance to play alongside the team's veteran receivers like Donald Driver and Greg Jennings.

"Donald Driver is a great, consistent player, one of the best that's been around the last few years," Nelson said. "I'm going to hang around him and try to pick his brain and learn as much as I can from him."


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
I am hoping Swain impresses as well. The Packers seem to be becoming one of the more white friendly teams in the league under mccarthy.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Here's the article Jared was refferring to. I know it's older but i am so pumped to see jordy don the Green and gold this upcoming 2008 year!

WR Nelson Often Made Big Impact

by Mike Spofford,
posted 04/26/2008

In the eyes of Packers scout Lenny McGill, Kansas State receiver Jordy Nelson didn't have a signature, standout game at the collegiate level.

He had a whole bunch of them, and his consistent, go-to production led to a high evaluation from the Packers, who drafted Nelson with their first selection, the 36th overall, in Saturday's NFL Draft.

"For me this was one player that there wasn't one game," said McGill, who scouts the Central Plains region for Green Bay. "Week in and week out he was consistently just making plays, on a team that really didn't have a lot of offensive weapons.

"Teams they played against, it was their focus to stop Jordy Nelson. You basically stop him, you beat Kansas State, and in spite of all that, week in and week out he would make plays. Every week he did his thing."

Particularly last year as a senior. In 2007, Nelson earned consensus All-American honors with 122 receptions for 1,606 yards and 11 touchdowns. The reception and yardage totals both set school records, while the number of catches also set a Big 12 Conference mark and the yardage number ranks second in league history.

Nelson's consistency was reflected in catching eight or more passes in 10 of 12 games, and 10 or more passes six times. He also topped 100 yards eight times, and in three of the other four games, he had at least 90.

"Everything that he does, we think he does very well," receivers coach Jimmy Robinson said. "He's solid, catches the ball extremely well, very good run after the catch. You see the size of him, he blocks well. To a man, everybody is very high on Jordy."

The Packers took Nelson with the 36th pick after trading their first-round pick at No. 30 overall to the New York Jets. In the trade, Green Bay picked up a fourth-round pick, No. 113.

This marks the first time in 22 years and just the third time in team history the Packers didn't actually select a player in the first round. The previous two times, in 1986 and 1975, the first-round pick was traded away for veteran players Mossy Cade and John Hadl, respectively.

Nelson becomes the fourth receiver GM Ted Thompson has taken on the first day of the draft in the last four years, following second-rounders Terrence Murphy in 2005 and Greg Jennings in 2006 and third-rounder James Jones last year. He also follows all of those players in terms of being a high-character individual with no off-field issues in his past.

The Packers are hoping he'll add to the depth of the receiving corps, which in addition to starter and Pro Bowler Donald Driver also includes Ruvell Martin, Koren Robinson and Shaun Bodiford.

"I think he adds quality to our group, and we like our group," General Manager Ted Thompson said. "I don't think you could ever stop trying to push the envelope and make the group better, and I think he will. He has a chance to."

Thompson added that he had an eye on Nelson for a while and was impressed watching film of his dynamite senior season and seeing his abilities on slants, in traffic, and going up for contested throws.

"The more you watch of him, the more you like him," Thompson said. "I don't know how many drops he had but it couldn't have been more than a handful for the entire year."

Nelson showed plenty of run-after-the-catch ability at Kansas State, making him a good fit with this team, which finished in the top two in the league in yards after the catch each of the last two years.

Lining up mostly in the slot in a spread offense, Nelson used his size (6-2 1/2, 217 pounds) and strength to separate from defenders both before and after the ball arrived.

"That's something I've developed over my years at K-State, being able to make a couple guys miss right off the bat and get vertical," Nelson said. "That's something I focus on a lot.

"I try to get what I can right away, not waste any time, and I think at the next level where the speed is even faster than what it is in college, that's real important not to waste a lot of time dancing around, and just get vertical and get the ball north and south."

With a 40-yard dash time in the 4.5 range, Nelson (who was the third receiver taken early in the second round after none were selected in the first round) was rated lower than a handful of other receivers with faster times.

But the Packers don't see Nelson losing a lot of foot races, and the size and speed combined make for an attractive package. As evidence, he had just five punt returns last season, but he took two of them for touchdowns, from 89 and 92 yards away.

"When you're 6-2, 220 pounds you don't have to run 4.4 or 4.3," McGill said. "The important thing about him is he has functional quickness. Very few receivers run a legitimate 4.3, 4.4 in the NFL. 4.5 is running, and when you're 6-2 and as big as this kid is, I think 4.5 is good enough speed.

"One thing about him is he lined up in the Big 12 Conference against pretty good competition, and week in, week out the kid made plays. Whether his timed speed was 4.5, when he lined up against some of these top corners, he had no problems getting open and beating them, so I think his speed won't be an issue."

One of those top corners was Kansas' Aqib Talib, a first-round draft pick of Tampa Bay (No. 20 overall). Though he wasn't matched up against Talib the entire game, Nelson had 10 catches for 137 yards and a touchdown in that contest. The TD came on a go-route against Talib.

"This is not a slow receiver," Robinson said. "He'll have his share of running by guys, I feel certain of that."Edited by: celticdb15


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
So looking forward to watching the Pack even without Favre. With Nelson, Hawk, Rodgers, Kampmann, Poppinga and a white offensive line, there will be plenty to root for. Didn't they draft or sign a white TE as well?


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
They signed joey haynos a 6'8 tight end form maryland. I think they also have a white tight end by the name of Petersen from NW missouri state? i know it is a small college., but not sure of the exact name.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
celticdb15 said:
They signed joey haynos a 6'8 tight end form maryland. I think they also have a white tight end by the name of Petersen from NW missouri state? i know it is a small college., but not sure of the exact name.



Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Let's get you guys Jordy Nelson statistical predictions. If Rodgers starts I think he will take a liking to Jordy in 4 WR sets and Jordy will end up seeing the field some in 3 WR sets as well. If one of the starters misses a couple games Jordy could start. Here's my prediction for Jordy in his first season as a Packer. 39-515 yds- 4 TDs. What do you guys think of my predictions? Too low? Too high


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Posted on Sat, Jul. 05, 2008 10:15 PM
Jordy Nelson earns praise from Packers coach McCarthy
The Kansas City Star

When former Kansas State star Jordy Nelson was picked high in the second round by the Green Bay Packers, draft experts everywhere were a bit puzzled.

But Packers coach Mike McCarthy couldn't figure out why anyone would question the pick. He got his man.

McCarthy, a former Chiefs assistant coach, fully admits he has a thing for big receivers. Nelson, at 6 feet 3 and 220 pounds, is a perfect fit for McCarthy's system.

"Football has become a big man's game," McCarthy told me by phone. "And it's become a big man's game at that position.

"In our situation, with the conditions we play under late in the year, it's a game of possession, and you need big targets who can be physical under tough conditions. We felt he could be one of those guys."

McCarthy also was impressed with Nelson's playmaking ability.

"Overall, when we saw him on film, we kept coming back to his production," McCarthy said. "This is a young man who constantly produced, constantly got the job done somehow.

"We put emphasis on yards after catch. We've led the league. That has become an important element to our offense. His talents match our philosophy."

As K-State fans know, Nelson is more than capable of racking up yards after the catch. He had more than 1,600 receiving yards last season and scored 11 touchdowns. He also gained 264 yards on just five punt returns â€â€￾ two for touchdowns â€â€￾ for a 52.8 average.

"You can't really put your finger on any one thing about him other than he's just a good football player," McCarthy said. "He's picked up our system very well. He's a smart kid, a good kid. We think he's going to fit in very well here."

Baker gets $100,000

McCarthy, who got a degree in business administration at Baker University, knows the importance of giving back: He and the Packers contributed $100,000 for a football scholarship in McCarthy's name.

"It's all about giving back and remembering where your success came from," McCarthy said. "I owe much of my success to what I learned at Baker. I still have friends there, and I still keep in touch with the people there. I won't forget it."

More fan conduct

The issue over the Chiefs' "fan conduct code" and whether fans will be allowed to stand (yes, they will be, but no continuous standing) got me searching the conduct codes for other NFL teams.

The Pittsburgh Steelers' conduct code states that fans can be removed from the stadium for "displays of affection not appropriate in a public setting."

What about a man making love to his beer?

To reach Jeffrey Flanagan, call 816-234-4492 and leave a message or send e-mail to


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
In a 16 game season, and even as a rookie, Jordy could get 700 or 800 yards receiving if used correctly.

7 TD's as well.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
To the national media he is barely talked about, but i think he is a dark horse to win rookie of the year.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
celticdb15 said:
To the national media he is barely talked about, but i think he is a dark horse to win rookie of the year.

Wouldn't that be something.