Gays and the Military

Should gays be allowed to openly serve?

  • Yes

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  • No

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  • Don't care

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Apr 6, 2007
I see that Obama is trying to do away with "don't ask don't tell." During my 20 years in the Army gays serving never was one of my concerns or that of anyone I knew. I suspected at times that some fellow soldiers weren't "quite right" but it never was that big of a deal.I mainly served in airborne\mechanized infantry units. I do wonder why the impetus to take this cause up now with the economy being what it is.
Back when my Grandad was in the service, anyone outed as a sodomite would face an automatic court martial and time in the brig/stockade. Not only should there be no sodomites allowed, but women shouldn't be allowed in combat units (including fighter pilots, etc.). Enough of the PC BS!
DixieDestroyer said:
Back when my Grandad was in the service, anyone outed as a sodomite would face an automatic court martial and time in the brig/stockade. Not only should there be no sodomites allowed, but women shouldn't be allowed in combat units (including fighter pilots, etc.). Enough of the PC BS!

Ditto! When I was in boot camp I heard stories about how sodomite soldiers were treated to blanket parties if they came out of the closet. Nobody wants one of these pervs in a foxhole, they can't be counted on to be warriors when the need arises. The military should not be subject to social engineering like this.

I agree with you up to a point. That point is I don't want them in any of our services period. We're a nation founded on Christianity.

However throughout history, homosexuals have been superb fighting men.
Alexander the great for one, Lawrence of Arabia, Most Spartans, and it's said that many of the Pathan tribesmen (Taliban) we're fighting today engage in homosexual behavior, but claim they're not homosexuals.
Whatever that means.

Tom Iron...
I don't really care and here's why. We should not having a standing military according to the constitution and I believe strongly in that. A strong national defense is all we should have in peace times. If people refused to fight in wars, there would be no wars. Now of course there are exceptions like the American Revolution which needed to be fought against tyranny. Every US war was a war of aggression which could have been avoided by our leaders.(WWII may never have occurred without US involvement in WWI) I respect people who serve in the armed forces because their reasons for serving are good intentioned but they are being used as pawns. The political elite, banksters, war profiteers and other scum who finance and perpetrate these wars get rich and powerful while the soldiers die, develop post traumatic stress disorder or become exposed to chemical weapons like agent orange. If a gay person wants to be a part of this, should I care?

Now if this country were to become invaded or if we ever revolted again against the leeches who are draining this republic then I honestly wouldn't care who was fighting on my side and that includes gays.
Tom Iron said:

I agree with you up to a point. That point is I don't want them in any of our services period. We're a nation founded on Christianity.

However throughout history, homosexuals have been superb fighting men.
Alexander the great for one, Lawrence of Arabia, Most Spartans, and it's said that many of the Pathan tribesmen (Taliban) we're fighting today engage in homosexual behavior, but claim they're not homosexuals.
Whatever that means.

Tom Iron...

You can't confute a generalization that I make by pointing out anomalies in a different situation, time and place. I don't think the average limp wristed American sodomite can even be remotely compared to the warriors you mentioned above, especially the Spartans, whether some of them were gay or not.Edited by: guest301
Homosexuality does not determine the worth of a soldier and the number of homosexuals in the services is very minimal. They are a smaller fraction of a small fraction of society, making this debate pretty dumb when you consider it's actual scope. However, military forces should not be the playground for social engineers and political activists. Don't ask, don't tell is a perfectly reasonable policy.

Having served as a Marine, I can tell you the presence of known, open, practicing homosexuals is disruptive to the order and discipline of a military unit. Barracks life is very communal, privacy is almost non-existant. These conditions foster the camaraderie and the unit cohesion that is vital to a functioning, combat force. Respect and loyalty between men in this situation is powerful enough to transcend almost any difference and animosity. The nature of homosexuality would poison this atmosphere. Soldiers are soldiers to fight, not ... well, you get what I mean.

This a a left-wing social policy aimed primarily at making homosexuality "normal" in the minds of most people. If allowed to wedge it's way into the military, this policy will result in factionalism and other consequences that will ultimately harm the armed forces in general.
Whatever weakens the personal security force of israel (us military) is ok by me.
jaxvid said:
Whatever weakens the personal security force of israel (us military) is ok by me.

How true. In fact, I would fully support America engaging in permanant middle-eastern wars...perhaps we can send the "most athletic" of our soldiers?

Yes, an all gay / black / latin / indian / asian army of "americans" would certainly "kill" two birds with one stone. Na, the Z0G knows that these losers are only considered "real men" in the fully controlled fantasy world of TV commercials, magazines, athletics, politics, etc.

Perhaps the white soldiers could stay home (for once) and make 5-10 white children with their white wives.Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen said:
jaxvid said:
Whatever weakens the personal security force of israel (us military) is ok by me.

How true. In fact, I would fully support America engaging in permanant middle-eastern wars...perhaps we can send the "most athletic" of our soldiers?

Yes, an all gay / black / latin / indian / asian army of "americans" would certainly "kill" two birds with one stone. Na, the Z0G knows that these losers are only considered "real men" in the fully controlled fantasy world of TV commercials, magazines, athletics, politics, etc.

Perhaps the white soldiers could stay home (for once) and make 5-10 white children with their white wives.

Thrashen, I like your scenario. Since we are not fighting real wars, then why send real soldiers. We can just send Mexicans under the popular phrase, "they do the jobs that lazy Americans won't do".
jaxvid said:
Whatever weakens the personal security force of israel (us military) is ok by me.

LOL..funny, yet sad (& accurate).

Unfortunately, our troops are largely serving (in the meat-grinder/quagmire by design) as expendable tools for the Globalist Elite's empire building & defense of/for Israel. I wish we'd extract ALL troops out of the middle east and let the Muhammedans & Zionists fight amongst/for themselves!
Dixie destroyer,
I agree. We should pull out of the middle east and let the mohammedans and the zionists battle it out without any interference from us. The mohammadans would get their butts kicked, but who cares?
if anyone is going to die for israel, let them be an un-reproducing gay.
jaxvid said:
Whatever weakens the personal security force of israel (us military) is ok by me.
Actually I was almost a soldier and I will tell you Lesbians are more of a problem. The recruiting officer for me was tougher than the average guy that I suited up on the gridiron with....
Edited by: white is right
there are some great posts in this thread!
It has happened. The Senate just passed a repeal of don't ask, don't tell. Now it goes to Obama to be signed into law. Just another reason to add to the already large number of reasons one doesn't need to join the military.
Well I don't have a major issue with it. Gays have always served in the armed forces. They just better not have "special groups for them" but probably will.

This congress just flipped the finger to the Armed Forces. They choose not to wait for their findings. January can't get here soon enough.

Colonel Reb, I served in the Corps and I am straight as an arrow. If no one joined the Armed Forces a draft would be instituted and the quality of people going in would drop. The United States Armed Forces would become second/thrid rate and our security as a Nation would suffer.

Our freedoms would diminish and lawlessness would rule. The government would become bigger and restrict what we read and this site would be disappear. No, we need a strong military. If all refused to join the Armed Forces and no draft was instituted who fend off the Wide awake giants China and Russia??????

Gays in the military is not a reason to not join. Just my opinion.
I remember Don posting a while back that much of the government is run by homosexuals, and I wondered how he came to conclusion. Then I ran across an HBO documentary called "Outrage" that dealt with all the closeted homosexuals in congress and the fact that many of the assistants in key positions of power are homosexual. At one point one of the persons in the documentary stated that the U.S. government is run by homosexuals. He was exaggerating of course, but their influence does go way beyond their numbers (just like another small minority).

This decision is evidence of the power that homosexuals wield in Washington, with no regard to the wishes of the majority in this so-called democracy.

The rot continues to deepen and spread. Edited by: The Hock
Westside said:
Well I don't have a major issue with it. Gays have always served in the armed forces. They just better not have "special groups for them" but probably will.

This congress just flipped the finger to the Armed Forces. They choose not to wait for their findings. January can't get here soon enough.

Colonel Reb, I served in the Corps and I am straight as an arrow. If no one joined the Armed Forces a draft would be instituted and the quality of people going in would drop. The United States Armed Forces would become second/thrid rate and our security as a Nation would suffer.

Our freedoms would diminish and lawlessness would rule. The government would become bigger and restrict what we read and this site would be disappear. No, we need a strong military. If all refused to join the Armed Forces and no draft was instituted who fend off the Wide awake giants China and Russia??????

Gays in the military is not a reason to not join. Just my opinion.

Westside, you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

My opinion about it is that I don't want to be in close quarters in a military situation with them. I don't believe our military would be weakened by a draft. Our national security suffers when we spread troops all over God's green earth and fight other nation's wars for them instead of addressing real, close to home problems like our southern border. Freedom is already greatly diminished here and I see this law as being another example of us heading further and further away from it.
Sheesh, that's why I'm not so convinced on the 2010 Midterms, can't wait for 2011 elections to see if anything can be reversed from the travesties this once great nation is enduring in the last 4 years. He'll it's more like 12 years to as much 20 years of travesty (Clinton & Bush 2). Thanks to CF website, I realize the Federal gov't has been anti-American for as long as I can fathom.
My Dad served in Viet Nam (82nd AB), my (paternal) grandad was KIA in Korea (Chosin Reservoir Campaign) USMC, X Division. My cousin is a Gunner's Mate in the Navy (active duty). My Dad & cousin are staunchly against sodomites in the service, and I totally agree.
Actually, the United States was not founded on Christian principals.<div>
</div><div>If you remember correctly, the Pilgrims came to the new found land to escape religious tyranny and to exercise religious freedom. This was the basis of the new country, which is heavily engraved into the constitution, look no further than the first amendment.</div><div>
</div><div>It is the God you worship, and the document that you obey, that both state that all men are created equal. Just because a homosexual is different from you does not mean he deserves less rights than you. Does somebody born with albinism have less rights than you? I would hardly say so.</div><div>
</div><div>You have the right to avoid this person and the right to speak your opinion on this person, but you cannot deny this person rights promised within the constitution. Just as you cannot deny them the right to safety (although I'm sure most of you would disagree, yeeeehaaaw) you cannot deny them the other rights such as right to marry.</div><div>
</div><div>And if the argument arises that nobody is born gay, that it is a decision that has to be made because God would never create a homosexual, then I am here to tell you that you are wrong;</div><div>
</div><div>Romans 9:11-22 tells of how there is nothing you can do about the predetermined path God has set for you. 2 Thessalonians discusses that God has either decided you will be saved or go to Hell even before the world was created.</div><div>
</div><div>Maybe if it was scientifically proven that homosexuals are much better suited for combat, you would change your minds?</div>
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