Gays and the Military

Should gays be allowed to openly serve?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I don't think the Constitution is the issue. The military is a special case. Weak people, handicapped, people, people that want to overthrow the govt of the US, etc. are prohibited from military service for obvious reasons. There is no "right" to serve in the Armed Forces. It is a priviledge and sometimes a duty.

If the Army thinks lefthanded people or people who like opera or gay people are a risk to the ability of the service to do it's job then they should be prohibited.

The very fact that you would make the point you are making is reason to exclude them. It's a sign of an intent to make the military another government agency dedicated to following the agenda of cultural marxism and PC thinking, not the mission of defending and protecting our country and it's interests.

As for Romans 9:11-22, if the path God hath determined for you is the path to hell, then why would you want anyone to follow?
flight said:
Just as you cannot deny them the right to safety (although I'm sure most of you would disagree, yeeeehaaaw) you cannot deny them the other rights such as right to marry.

"Yeehaw?"Â￾ Was that little dig intended to be some Hollywood-contrived character reference to "racist rednecks"Â￾ terrorizing gays? God, you're so far out of your league, little newbie boy. Modern whites are the most accommodating of homosexuals in history of humankind. To argue such a fact would be futile.

And, much to your chagrin, U.S. citizens (under your precious constitution) do have the "right"Â￾ to deny homosexuals the "right"Â￾ to marriage. For the infinitesimal subculture of butt-pirates that actually do value marriage, well, "majority rules"Â￾ in the constitutional voting process"¦.unless a federal Jewish judge "overturns"Â￾ said majority decision.

flight said:
And if the argument arises that nobody is born gay, that it is a decision that has to be made because God would never create a homosexual, then I am here to tell you that you are wrong; </div><div></div><div>Romans 9:11-22 tells of how there is nothing you can do about the predetermined path God has set for you. 2 Thessalonians discusses that God has either decided you will be saved or go to Hell even before the world was created.</div><div></div><div></div><div>Maybe if it was scientifically proven that homosexuals are much better suited for combat, you would change your minds?</div>

For this to be true"¦God would merely be watching a man's life like a TV show where he already knows the ending (in this case, eons before the TV show was ever filmed). If these two passages are indeed accurate, it proves that the concept of "free will"Â￾ could not possibly exist. What good is "free will"Â￾ if the eventual decisions of which are frozen, predetermined outcomes? Also, it would prove that God is evil"¦in that he creates men knowing full well their "fate"Â￾ after death will be banishment to "hell,"Â￾ no matter what worldly decision is made.

If you think the Christian Bible is full of weird inconsistencies"¦you should glance over the odious Jewish Talmud. Those ancient Jewish "prophets"Â￾ weren't too bright, huh? Their doctrines were nearly as transparent as that of their modern brethren. Control religion, control media, control politics"¦it's all the same objective in the end.Edited by: Thrashen
The army private who gave all the classified docs. to wikileaks was gay. The reason the military doesn't want them is because of all the pyschological baggage they carry as that army private proved.
imo, gays are perfect cannon fodder in the war to protect israel.
If gay people can live their lives in freedom in THIS Country, then they shall have the right, privilege or what ever you want call it, the act of DYING in serving in it's wars. Simple.

If I was charging a hill I would gladly have a dozens of homosexuals give their lives to soften up the hill's defenses, awaiting my ultimate take over, and thus victory and glory.
C Darwin said:
imo, gays are perfect cannon fodder in the war to protect israel.

Hence what I mentioned earlier about people (especially White men) not joining the military. There are already a lot of good reasons against joining up. This adds another in my book. Let the fairies go be the world's policemale.
Colonel_Reb said:
C Darwin said:
imo, gays are perfect cannon fodder in the war to protect israel.
Hence what I mentioned earlier about people (especially White men) not joining the military. There are already a lot of good reasons against joining up. This adds another in my book. Let the fairies go be the world's policemale.
I doubt seriously that the repeal of this law is going to result in untold thousands of sodomites lining up at recruiting offices to enlist in the military. On the other hand, it will most assuredly have a deliterious effect of the recruitment of normal heterosexual folks.

The end result may result in a reinstitution of the draft down the road to make up for the lack of enlistment. Won't Joe Biden be happy then?
For all we know, these sodomites may want special treatments...

don't train (or punish) them as hard as heterosexuals.
j41181 said:
For all we know, these sodomites may want special treatments...

don't train (or punish) them as hard as heterosexuals.

This is already the case with women in the military.
I'm agaisnt this stuff. I'm disappointed that Jim Webb (Virginia Senator) voted for repeal. It's done. Just another nail in the coffin of our Constitution. The Congress has no idea of what peril they put our country in. At some point, there'll be a backlash (I'm not talking about any stupid voting - I'm talking about the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse") against this type of immorality and Congress will be completey surprised. They won't know how it all happened.

Tom Iron...
jaxvid said:
It's a sign of an intent to make the military another government agency dedicated to following the agenda of cultural marxism and PC thinking, not the mission of defending and protecting our country and it's interests.

BINGO! Jaxvid. I'll admit it I am one of the 3 people who did vote YES in the poll. I honestly don't care either way. I know of ZERO homosexuals in the military so it really doesn't affect anyone I personally know. I think its just a big media charade to distract people. To keep them focused on issues that do not effect their everyday lives. Sort of the total opposite of say a Audit the Fed Bill that affects every Americans life yet it gets NO media time. It's all just a distraction to keep people's focus off the continuing economic decay of the country's middle class. The PTB gotta love the drivel Wedge Issues Create!!

Edited by: whiteCB
American Freedom News