Former Packers

A few guys briefly on the Packers recently I always felt got screwed over recently Ripkowski and Swain could have been promising power rusher and wideout
There's no direct connection, only that two different people informed me second-hand that both Kuhn and Cooper were aware at least to some degree of the anti-White discrimination in football. As with all hearsay, it might be accurate, might not be.
Frankly how can you not know about the caste system, they basically say it explicitly and then it's up to us to pretend it is all kosher.

Anyway a few years ago on the usual cuck board I mentioned the Pack had three potential 1000 yd rushers on the team at the time one being John Kuhn of course a cuck debated that Kuhn could grab that many yards. Of course he could have since that year from memory he had a 4.0 yd average and do the math. Also he had skills not just brute power which IMO was average he literally had that knack for contact/break contact/ slide up field for more yards, not a home run hitter but solid. One of the most memorable games was back in 2010 against Detroit and McCarthy must have not gotten the memo but to run the clock out in a fairly close enough game he lined up Korey Hall as FB and JK as HB and ran and ran the ball right up their gut and dominated. Of course fancy pants Rogers complained and that was that (FTR I luv all white QBs, and I certainly hope that once Rogers retires he does not go into the ocean off his Malibu beach house and get eaten by a great white shark, that would be bad)
There's no direct connection, only that two different people informed me second-hand that both Kuhn and Cooper were aware at least to some degree of the anti-White discrimination in football. As with all hearsay, it might be accurate, might not be.
Was it not Paul Kersey for the SBPDL blog who made the claim about Cooper in one of his sports related articles? If I remember correctly, he claimed that Riley’s dad had emailed him or something like that.
Was it not Paul Kersey for the SBPDL blog who made the claim about Cooper in one of his sports related articles? If I remember correctly, he claimed that Riley’s dad had emailed him or something like that.

He may have as Kersey has a good knowledge of the Caste System and has posted on Caste Football a few times, but I was informed by someone communicating to me directly. But again it was his friend who supposedly knew Riley, so it was second-hand, not directly "from the horse's mouth."
Just a reminder to any new posters, we've been down the debate road if a white athlete should do a kamikaze routine when it comes to the Caste System, and the overwhelming consensus has been a resounding NO. Till the CS is discredited and the people who enforce it are delegitimized and disqualified it would be way too counter productive.
Just a reminder to any new posters, we've been down the debate road if a white athlete should do a kamikaze routine when it comes to the Caste System, and the overwhelming consensus has been a resounding NO. Till the CS is discredited and the people who enforce it are delegitimized and disqualified it would be way too counter productive.

To make any in roads into the caste system white athletes need to speak up. I am convinced of that. It has to be a collective movement - athletes especially at the high school level would need to come out en masse to speak about the discrimination they faced during the recruiting process.
They will do it wrong they will try and have that "discussion" like Shadowlight with all the correct facts and figures and they will get absolutely trounced, the Caste System and the Left sit unchallenged upon the throne of authority, trying to reason with them is like the smart boy in the principal's office explaining he is correct and the teacher is wrong.

To challenge authority you first have to question authority and get others to question authority, then you work to the point that all those who support authority start to pay the price for that support, we are not even close we are still trying to have that "discussion" about measurables.

But since I do not Black Pill, we have one hell of an advantage we can simply discredit any of the Caste Clowns by stating that their politics skews their opinions, in statement or question form.
Brian Leonard ran a 4.4 something 40 in the combine which for some reason I was watching and that verminous scum Dick Vermeil blurted out "FB", now who is going to argue with him about 40s? Yeah Brian was probably faster than most of the black RBs by a long shot, did that matter? I don't want to spin on a spiffy bow tie and sit down with Dick and his support staff on the NFL Network and have that "discussion" about measurables, they need their credibility and authority utterly destroyed, do you really think you can "educate" Vermeil and the scum who support him?

As an aside that was the last game played in Milwaukee and me and two friends were 1st level just to the left of the ball placement marker if I remember right. Favre was an hombre on that drive and he ran it in for the winning score, maybe Reggie White's huddle pep talk put some pep in his step.
Brian Leonard ran a 4.4 something 40 in the combine which for some reason I was watching and that verminous scum Dick Vermeil blurted out "FB", now who is going to argue with him about 40s? Yeah Brian was probably faster than most of the black RBs by a long shot, did that matter? I don't want to spin on a spiffy bow tie and sit down with Dick and his support staff on the NFL Network and have that "discussion" about measurables, they need their credibility and authority utterly destroyed, do you really think you can "educate" Vermeil and the scum who support him?

I remember they were all projecting Leonard to run a 4.7 40 and he made them all besides Mayock look stupid. Mayock to his credit believed in Leonard’s ability to be a running back. That was one of those formative moments in my caste system awareness.

Paul Ott Carruth 3 year player for GB then a year with KC. Could have posted this in the college football section as well probably entitled "Last white RB to get carries for the Tide?" Honestly I think Paul is best remembered in GB lore as having an athletic wife who always lead the wives flag football games with victory over the other wives, (I'll assume she was a smoke show)

First pic is of Brian Noble, a pretty decent player at LB for the Pack but mostly in the dark ages of sub mediocrity. Anyway he was an Orange County, CA young man who went to AZ I believe. He was honest about dreading being drafted by GB and he was correct, but over time as the SoCal area collapsed and since he was an outdoorman type he softened up in his opinion of WI.

As an aside I think I met him at my health club in the suburban Chicago area, now that I think about it. A guy who resembled him was working out with his elderly parents in the weight room and he had one chopped up knee. Anyway I had on a Packers something or another and he kept looking at me but never said anything, but I can tell you if was him they exaggerated his height.

"Rock" works for the Packers now as the color guy in their booth and doing their homer propaganda videos for their website. And frankly the Packers might as well just be called BET Sports. We die hard fans appreciated all the players that played well in the 70s/80s dark ages of Packer Fandom. That said with their turn to appease the gods of Critical Race Theory I hope they lose 15 games this year, they suffer from Black entitlement cancer and the GreenBay area, the fans and everyone else is accused of "racism" and all generally just rot in hell for destroying an institution.

"Rock" works for the Packers now as the color guy in their booth and doing their homer propaganda videos for their website. And frankly the Packers might as well just be called BET Sports. We die hard fans appreciated all the players that played well in the 70s/80s dark ages of Packer Fandom. That said with their turn to appease the gods of Critical Race Theory I hope they lose 15 games this year, they suffer from Black entitlement cancer and the GreenBay area, the fans and everyone else is accused of "racism" and all generally just rot in hell for destroying an institution.

Thanks for sharing. Always knew he was a Scrappy Center, but really an incredible athlete to play that long at that size. 6'3 255 and he could squat 525! Now that's friggin impressive and unheard of these days to see a lean and strong OL like that. We're in The Age of The Sumo.

It was lightning in a bottle that year. Next year I think he got his 1.5 million dollars per year which now is rookie bust money or something. When Jim McMahon came to GB for the SB season as a backup he was paid 1 million for taking a couple of snaps all year and collecting a ring and SB winner's check and wearing a Bears jersey to the WH to troll the Packers fans.

Anyway Majkowski was a player, now I think he is dealing with side effects from his football injuries.

Safety for the Packers during the years we don't like to think about.

The second half of that article is little more than a series of racial stereotypes. Apparently the point has to be made over and over again -- Murphy was an overachieving White safety who didn't belong on the field with "real" safeties but who overcame his many athletic limitations with smarts and grittiness:

There were faster and rangier safeties in the NFL than Murphy, but he was smart, tough, a model of consistency and a survivor. "You'd like to have 47 Mark Murphys and you could go out there and line up and you could play anybody," Lindy Infante, head coach of the Packers from 1988-91, once said. "You'd like to clone him. He's maybe not the most gifted of all the safeties in the league, but I doubt seriously if there are any more professional about what they do. He's a leader. When you put Mark Murphy on the field, you don't worry about that position."

A physical force against the run, Murphy led the Packers in tackles in 1984 and 1990 and shared the lead in 1988. While his speed might have been ordinary, he was snap-of-the-ball quick at diagnosing plays and reacting. As a result, Murphy was better in zone coverage than man-to-man, but he also grasped the details of the passing game and his own limitations well enough to be effective, no matter what the coverage.

"Murphy is as tough as any strong safety in the league," Hank Bullough said after the 1988 season, his first as Packers defensive coordinator. "He's probably a little better athlete than people give him credit for." A year later, after Murphy had a career-high five interceptions at age 30, defensive backfield coach Dick Jauron said: "He had an outstanding year … has there ever been a year when he didn't? I think he's greatly underrated. I don't see many (strong safeties) I'd take over him."
Yes but when people make statements like that no one on our side will ask the antagonist if they are an anti-white racial bigot. Instead being conservatives trained in facts and logic they will try and argue 40 yard dash times then it gets messy and allows the anti-white racial bigot an escape hatch back to the usual leftist moralizing scolding of the conservative for even daring questioning the leftist antagonist and the victim person/group.

Good write up of a very good player who bridged the gap from the awful years to the heights of the Favre years. I kind of wondered if the Packers gave him a SB ring since he left in the middle of the year with a knee, I doubt it but it would have been classy.

I was a young pup when this guy was around. I'll have to ask my pops about him next time we speak.

As for the ring, looks like Green Bay being the classy franchise it is, gave one to Ruettgers!
I was just going from old memory of him coming back that year and playing a few games then it read like he left on his own accord and not the injured reserve route. FTR the Packers had a starting white safety the year they won the Super Bowl Mark Prior he even had sure enough hands that he returned punts. Thought I would mention that as incredible as it sounds in the NFL's CRT years as they are these days.

Went to Illinois State the only school to offer, don't know if because he had a prerequisite that he be allowed to play baseball or the usual Caste System nonsense. Kids call ISU "I Screwed Up" basically it is a state school that takes you if you have a pulse and Bloomington is literally cornfields to the horizon and then out of the ground plastic houses, so basically not a hot spot.

Edit; geez old man memory not good, I did the stat search thing and while he saw the field a lot he was not the starter that often, but he did draw a paycheck thru the Holmgren years which is an accomplishment for a white defensive player.
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