I see your point Thrashen but I don't know what him having sex with a young attractive female has to do with his love for his long time wife?
Sure by the measure of female standards they do not want their husband to stray but that is just a biological left over from the idea that if he was to father children elsewhere then her offspring would be disadvantaged. I don't see that, especially with a rich man and near grown children.
I remember some of the rich Italian relatives of mine (male) often had affairs with younger women, this was understood by their wives as acceptable because it never periled their marriage. They would have NEVER considered divorcing and moving in with the younger woman, that would be stupid, they had little in common with a woman many years their jusior, the relationship was basically sexual for the man and financial for the woman.
Thus it posed no threat to the wife who could be assured that the she would remain the wife, her kids and herself would be heirs to the estate and be supported properly. Now this is something I could not do myself, I don't have the money, I would be rightly cheating my wife and kids of my pledged support, this is NOT the case for Favre, who with his millions could have a concubine and his family would not suffer at all.
That is the state of relationships for men and women for most of the history of mankind, including as illustrated in the bible. I realize the cultural marxists and feminists have redefined the role of man and husband to be a wage-slave for the woman and whatever offspring she has, natural born, adopted, from another man, etc. But I reject that and I think other men should too. We are not women with occasionally used penises, we are men with strong drives to push our genes into the next generation successfully. For someone like myself the best option is one wife and well supported children. For a rich man it may be something else.
BTW Favre 'should' be the aggressor, he's the man.