Favre SEX Scandal!!!

Would there be any talk of a suspension if this matter involved an afflete?

Can anyone imagine if affletes were held to the same standard, the league would be 95% white by now, even with the Caste System, because all the affletes would be suspended permanently.
No, there would be no talk of suspension if it involved a black player. Some blacks haven't even been suspended for criminal acts let alone the NFL's personal conduct policy. I think Favre will be suspended, just like Big Ben, to again slam home the point that the NFL is not racist, white players must be punished more severely, and to appease blacks as well. It's just a matter of time at this point.
whiteathlete33 said:
Just like the article I previously posted there will most likely be more women who come out and say Favre had a relationship with them or hit on them.  If Favre did what was alleged I have no sympathy for him and he should suffer any consequences that get handed down.  He can actually get suspended even if there was no crime committed so he may have to sit out a few games.  The media is saying a suspension is unlikely since Favre is a "first time" offender.
Offender of what? Adultery hasn't been a crime since the 30's. I don't get this at all. Okay we have guys that commit real crimes and need to punished. I get that. We have a guy that had a lot of smoke around him from alleged crimes I sort of get that. This is nothing, it's between Bret his wife and god (if he believes in god).
white is right said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Just like the article I previously posted there will most likely be more women who come out and say Favre had a relationship with them or hit on them.  If Favre did what was alleged I have no sympathy for him and he should suffer any consequences that get handed down.  He can actually get suspended even if there was no crime committed so he may have to sit out a few games.  The media is saying a suspension is unlikely since Favre is a "first time" offender.
Offender of what? Adultery hasn't been a crime since the 30's. I don't get this at all. Okay we have guys that commit real crimes and need to punished. I get that. We have a guy that had a lot of smoke around him from alleged crimes I sort of get that. This is nothing, it's between Bret his wife and god (if he believes in god).


And for those that want some sort of 'punishment' for this non-crime, let me remind you that this is just another anti-male attack on a high profile White man. There should be no reason for the league to be concerned about this. This isn't 1960 with concerns that the fan base will be shocked or turned off by it, in fact it's the kind of salicious crap that the DWF's eat up.

The very idea that the 'man' is always guilty of some 'crime' in these situations is right out of the feminist playbook. Look, this woman is a slut. Look at the provocative pictures she poses for and the fact that her only reason for even being involved in sports is the 'sex' angle. Okay so now some athlete (probably not the first) takes her up on the sex thing and now POW, they get busted. What a load of crap. And now Favre is the bad guy.

I know a lot of people here would like things to return to the "old days" and the morality that existed then. Well back in the day if an attractive woman came on to a married man then SHE was at fault. Men weren't supposed to have female type sex drives where they can turn it on and off just on a whim. Married guys like most of us here remain loyal to our wives because it's easy. We don't have young gorgeous girls throwing themselves at us. That kind of temptation was never supposed to be part of the equation. Monogamous relationships existed only in the era when woman guarded their sexuality, in the age of universal sluttiness, the old rules don't exist. I'm not going to judge Favre by the rules of a long dead era. When woman begin excercising some moral decency then I will expect the same from men.Edited by: jaxvid
jaxvid said:
Married guys like most of us here remain loyal to our wives because it's easy. We don't have young gorgeous girls throwing themselves at us. That kind of temptation was never supposed to be part of the equation.

Agreed BUTI had/have plenty of chances of screwing around being in the military/ now teaching,but once I got married that became verboten.I ain't judging the guy, he just "put his business" out there for everyone. I don't think he should receive ANY type of fine for this also.
moose said:
gay sex is always and everywhere an abomination and a mortal sin.

DWFan said:
Menelik said:
DWFan said:
Nah I was saying he IS better, so far as I know, than Vick, and he might be better than Lewis. I don't care that he's able to get hot girls. I can't stand the Bible personally, though I don't necessarily dislike Christians.




<div>If I may ask what is it about the Bible that upsets you?</div>

The main thing about it is that I'm so sick of Jews, I just don't want to read about them unless it is something that might show a way to better resist their influence on my life. I sure don't want to read about them, of all people, being the elect chosen by God.

Also I just don't understand a lot of it. Jacob, to me, was absolutely evil while Esau seems OK. Why is Jacob the hero and Esau discarded by God as inferior? There's lots of stuff like this that just repels me. I do think Christ was, generally, an inspiring story though.

there are Christians on this board that are able to make Christianity, the Bible and their dislike of modern jews coexist, maybe they can explain it better. I would like to hear it because I have some trouble with it at as well.

As far as Favre, it seems most dwfs I have heard don't really care about this story, there not upset like with Big Ben
Edited by: snow
Freethinker said:
whiteathlete33 said:
I'd say Favre has pretty good taste in women.
Dang! As Borat would say, "wah wah wee wah"!

Favre is an all-time great and certainly one of my favorite athletes but the guy seems only slightly brighter than the afroletes he's throwing footballs to. Just plain dumb on his part.
Does anybody know what ethnic background she is? Some photos she looks Mexican/Mestizo maybe Jewish. Others she looks like a swarthy Anglo-Saxon.
Truthteller said:
This Sterger woman -- who looks like the typical New York area Jewish princess that you often see at Rangers and Mets games (she went to Florida State, but is from the N.Y. area)

If this was true, then I would do nothing but hang around Jewish princesses from the NY area!
Those eyes certainly look like 3rd-world "peasant girl" eyes... and that looks like an injun-type jawline.

I would have more respect for Favre if he was with a beautiful strawberry blonde or redhead lady.
Her last name sounds either German or Jewish.

There's no way she's 100% German. So either she's Jewish or a mixture.

She also looks to me like she has some Native American or Mexican. Maybe French too.
No doubt that girl has a smoking body. But that shoze looks liked it was demo'd then reconstructed a la Jennifer Grey, from Dirty Dancing and DWTS fame.
For all the BS that Butt Favre is or will go through, I wonder if he taxed that ass? I don't condone his behavior but it must have been really fun in a dirty way!
ESPN (Anti-White Headquarters) continues to repeat that "Favre had a tearful apology"Â￾ in front of the entire Vikings team, pleading for their forgiveness for "always being a distraction."Â￾ I don't like Favre, but continuously reiterating that "he cried"Â￾ is yet another attempt to emasculate a white man.

He cries during his many pseudo-retirements. He cries after being caught in a sex scandal in which the main objective of sending weird and perverted texts, pictures, and voicemail messages was to eventually cheat on his wife.

His wife. You know, the woman who he's know since elementary school. The woman who was his high school and college girlfriend"¦the woman who stood by him during his "drunken-party-boy-drug-addict"Â￾ phase early in his career (in which he entered a rehabilitation clinic on two separate occasions)"¦the woman who survived breast cancer in 2005"¦the woman who gave birth to his two daughters"¦the woman who is now a grandmother to his grandchild"¦.the woman who cheers him on during every game.

I wonder if Favre has ever cried for the plight of white athletes, or perhaps the totalitarian, systematic manner in which they are marginalized, denigrated, mocked, humiliated, undrafted, unwanted, ignored, disrespected, emasculated, buried on the depth chart, cut, waived, etc?

No, that inconvenient little subject doesn't involve "Brett the Superman Egomaniac"Â￾ (who, ironically, has the ‘Superman' logo tattooed on his shoulder)"¦so he doesn't care.

He should have sent the sexual messages to his one true love, the Ultra-Casteon (accept when watching Favre) John Madden. That elderly wigger wouldn't have told a soul.

Jax, I like your post concerning the "old rules,"Â￾ however, all accounts of the story make it seem as though Favre was the aggressor, and the Professional Slut was trying to avoid him. It doesn't seem as though they ever got together for dates, sexual encounters, etc.
I see your point Thrashen but I don't know what him having sex with a young attractive female has to do with his love for his long time wife?

Sure by the measure of female standards they do not want their husband to stray but that is just a biological left over from the idea that if he was to father children elsewhere then her offspring would be disadvantaged. I don't see that, especially with a rich man and near grown children.

I remember some of the rich Italian relatives of mine (male) often had affairs with younger women, this was understood by their wives as acceptable because it never periled their marriage. They would have NEVER considered divorcing and moving in with the younger woman, that would be stupid, they had little in common with a woman many years their jusior, the relationship was basically sexual for the man and financial for the woman.

Thus it posed no threat to the wife who could be assured that the she would remain the wife, her kids and herself would be heirs to the estate and be supported properly. Now this is something I could not do myself, I don't have the money, I would be rightly cheating my wife and kids of my pledged support, this is NOT the case for Favre, who with his millions could have a concubine and his family would not suffer at all.

That is the state of relationships for men and women for most of the history of mankind, including as illustrated in the bible. I realize the cultural marxists and feminists have redefined the role of man and husband to be a wage-slave for the woman and whatever offspring she has, natural born, adopted, from another man, etc. But I reject that and I think other men should too. We are not women with occasionally used penises, we are men with strong drives to push our genes into the next generation successfully. For someone like myself the best option is one wife and well supported children. For a rich man it may be something else.

BTW Favre 'should' be the aggressor, he's the man.
I was reading this blogger's post on Yahoo a little while ago that touched on the Favre "scandal", and in one paragraph it had a couple of real gems:
"As to potential discipline, it is hard to envision a suspension for what has been reported. No playerâ€"save Ben Roethlisbergerâ€"has been suspended without being charged with a crime or arrested. As one player told me: "If guys get suspended for inappropriate texting and sexting, there won't be many players left!"Â￾."

In the grand scheme of sports (!), I look at this as much ado about nothing. Brett and his wife will have to deal with it among themselves, and that is probably enough punishment. As for the league and media, well, it's certainly attracting attention (the goal), and keeping the normal wife-beaters and other serious miscreants off of the newswire.
Jax, thanks for the response. Unfortunately, your recounting of mankind's polygamous history is all too accurate.

If a white man marries a truly good white woman, I believe it is criminal for him to engage in infidelity (especially if this woman has had his children). Deinna Favre, from all accounts, seems like a good white woman. I don't think that I'm indoctrinated with feminist dogma for being critical of the fact that Brett was attempting to commit adultery.

Then again, I've never drank, smoked, done drugs, attended parties in college, or slept around before meeting my wife of 2 years. I just don't find those activities interesting. Perhaps getting high, wasted, and screwing random sluts is loads of fun"¦and I'm missing out, haha.

Brett Favre started playing football in the NFL when I was 5 years old. Back then, he was "my hero"Â￾ and the Packers were my favorite team. So many of my ideas and opinions have changed since then"¦but it doesn't seem as though Favre has changed at all. He's still an immature, selfish, borderline-wigger simpleton who devours his own hype.

Like most of his beloved black NFL peers, Favre is not a role model for young white children to emulate.Edited by: Thrashen
jaxvid said:
I see your point Thrashen but I don't know what him having sex with a young attractive female has to do with his love for his long time wife?

Sure by the measure of female standards they do not want their husband to stray but that is just a biological left over from the idea that if he was to father children elsewhere then her offspring would be disadvantaged. I don't see that, especially with a rich man and near grown children.

I remember some of the rich Italian relatives of mine (male) often had affairs with younger women, this was understood by their wives as acceptable because it never periled their marriage. They would have NEVER considered divorcing and moving in with the younger woman, that would be stupid, they had little in common with a woman many years their jusior, the relationship was basically sexual for the man and financial for the woman.

Thus it posed no threat to the wife who could be assured that the she would remain the wife, her kids and herself would be heirs to the estate and be supported properly. Now this is something I could not do myself, I don't have the money, I would be rightly cheating my wife and kids of my pledged support, this is NOT the case for Favre, who with his millions could have a concubine and his family would not suffer at all.

That is the state of relationships for men and women for most of the history of mankind, including as illustrated in the bible. I realize the cultural marxists and feminists have redefined the role of man and husband to be a wage-slave for the woman and whatever offspring she has, natural born, adopted, from another man, etc. But I reject that and I think other men should too. We are not women with occasionally used penises, we are men with strong drives to push our genes into the next generation successfully. For someone like myself the best option is one wife and well supported children. For a rich man it may be something else.

BTW Favre 'should' be the aggressor, he's the man.

Jaxvid - Please correct me if I have somehow misapprehended Your words, but are You saying that it's perfectly all right for men to cheat on their wives as long as they are rich enough to leave their estate to their spouses and guarantee their children's inheritance whilst simultaneously throwing money towards their "concubines"Â￾ and any resultant by-blows, and don't leave their families to move in with their paramours?

With all due respect, from what You are saying one can be led to understand that the only thing potentially preventing You (or any other man) from "legitimately"Â￾ copping a bit on the side is a lack of the requisite hefty millions... <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

Maybe I'm some kind of poetic oddity, but I actually believe that a man should not cheat on his wife because he made a commitment which transcends â€" and yet is concomitantly innately entwined with â€" the purely "sexual"Â￾.

Incidentally, I don't think that questioning the predication of marital fidelity on money makes me or any other man some kind of "feminised"Â￾ wimp or "omega male"Â￾ lacking the "strong drive to push our genes into the next generation successfully"Â￾.

Anyway, I'm not attempting to be some kind of "moral policeman" - I'm merely curious and don't intend any offence...
snow said:
DWFan said:
Menelik said:
DWFan said:
Nah I was saying he IS better, so far as I know, than Vick, and he might be better than Lewis. I don't care that he's able to get hot girls. I can't stand the Bible personally, though I don't necessarily dislike Christians.
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<div>If I may ask what is it about the Bible that upsets you?</div>

The main thing about it is that I'm so sick of Jews, I just don't want to read about them unless it is something that might show a way to better resist their influence on my life. I sure don't want to read about them, of all people, being the elect chosen by God.
Also I just don't understand a lot of it. Jacob, to me, was absolutely evil while Esau seems OK. Why is Jacob the hero and Esau discarded by God as inferior? There's lots of stuff like this that just repels me. I do think Christ was, generally, an inspiring story though.
there are Christians on this board that are able to make Christianity, the Bible and their dislike of modern jews coexist, maybe they can explain it better. I would like to hear it because I have some trouble with it at as well.As far as Favre, it seems most dwfs I have heard don't really care about this story, there not upset like with Big Ben

Snow, I'll answer your Christian/jew question (for me). I don't "dislike" jews (as a whole), but take issue with "Christian" Zionism & the Zionists stranglehold (via AIPAC, etc.) on many of the puppets in DC. I have a problem with the jews who run (cultmarx) "Hollyweird" & the "Sheepletainment" industry, the bank$ters & the NeoCONs. However, I applaud certain jews like Nathanael Kapner (a converted Christian) who runs the anti-Zionist website Real Zionist news. So, I don't have a "dislike" for ALL jews...just the ones I alluded to above.
Deanna Favre was on Fox and Friends moments ago. I didn't relize she was a breast cancer survivor. She appears to be a stand up woman who babied that narcissitic fool. Anyways he has alot to Amswer for. By the way Deanna is still very attractive. Like another CFer stated I'll pull for him on the feild, but I'll detest him until further notice.
Deanna Favre was on Fox and Friends moments ago. I didn't relize she was a breast cancer survivor. She appears to be a stand up woman who babied that narcissitic fool. Anyways he has alot to Amswer for. By the way Deanna is still very attractive. Like another CFer stated I'll pull for him on the feild, but I'll detest him until further notice.
Sorry about the double post, first time it happen.
If she is as good of a woman as I've heard Favre certainly has a lot to answer for. It's truly a rarity to find an honest woman these days and for Favre to screw her like that just isn't right.
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