I was thinking the other day about guys like Muhammed Ali and how much I couldnt stand him...Then i remembered how much I loved Joe Frazier, not only because he shut Ali up by breaking his jaw
but also because of how humble and kind he seemed to be. He was ferocious in the ring but he never acted out or did anything like what Ali did and because of this he was called an uncle tom...which is really sad. I was also thinking about George Foreman, (who is my favorite black fighter of all time) and how vicious and scary he was in the ring, not to mention powerful, but once he was out of the ring (especially when he retired and sold grills...lol) he really seemed to be a kind hearted fellow...there are other fighters that come to mind like Floyd Patterson, Joe Louis, and Ezzard Charles, that seemed to be humble and kind, and seemed to not have anything against whites or white fighters...so i was thinking...out of all the black heavyweights...who would be peoples favorite??? keep in mind there performance inside the ring, and how they acted outside the ring...and how they felt about whites and white fighters...Thanks
P.S. George Foreman gets my vote
Also...Joe Frazier was quoted as saying (Marciano and Joe Louis were the greatest of all time....they would have beaten Ali....as for Ali...I beat him so that puts him somewere below me on the all time greats list"

P.S. George Foreman gets my vote
Also...Joe Frazier was quoted as saying (Marciano and Joe Louis were the greatest of all time....they would have beaten Ali....as for Ali...I beat him so that puts him somewere below me on the all time greats list"