Eugene Terre Blanche RIP


Jul 16, 2005
My friends, it is with great sadness I report to you all that the great leader of the Afikaner people, Eugene Terre Blanche was murdered on april 3 2010 by two black racists. Mr. Terre Blanche was beaten and hacked to death with lead pipes and machetes as he slept in his bed. We will miss the great leader of the white tribe, RIP Eugene
moose, I share your sentiments. This gruesome murder has been mentioned in a couple of other threads in Happy Hour.
I have not had internet access this month until today, I did not realize it had been on here before
No problem moose.
moose said:
My friends, it is with great sadness I report to you all that the great leader of the Afikaner people, Eugene Terre Blanche was murdered on april 3 2010 by two black racists. Mr. Terre Blanche was beaten and hacked to death with lead pipes and machetes as he slept in his bed. We will miss the great leader of the white tribe, RIP Eugene

Did you get his name right? I thought his first and middle name were "White" and "Supremecist" because that is all I have ever heard him referred to as.
Blanche was murdered by two blacks who he employed at his farm. Why would a white supremacist have anything to do with black South Africans (the most vile blacks to inhabit the Dark Continent)"¦let alone employ them? Probably a government program.
He was a great leader who loved his people and strongly resisted the injustices against White South Africans.

Rest in peace, my brother.
Thrashen said:
Blanche was murdered by two blacks who he employed at his farm. Why would a white supremacist have anything to do with black South Africans (the most vile blacks to inhabit the Dark Continent)"¦let alone employ them? Probably a government program.

I believe it's an Affirmative Action law in South Africa that blacks must be employed.

They're going to great lengths to slander this man. First it was a "wage dispute" now he was trying to molest these 28-year-old and 15-year-old "boys." The reality is that this was a political assassination.
Anak said:
Thrashen said:
Blanche was murdered by two blacks who he employed at his farm. Why would a white supremacist have anything to do with black South Africans (the most vile blacks to inhabit the Dark Continent)"¦let alone employ them? Probably a government program.

I believe it's an Affirmative Action law in South Africa that blacks must be employed.

They're going to great lengths to slander this man. First it was a "wage dispute" now he was trying to molest these 28-year-old and 15-year-old "boys." The reality is that this was a political assassination.

Ignoramus NeoCON Glen "Peck(er)" called the AWB's tri-7/triskelion flag a "swaztika" & said the AWB/TerreBlanche supporters (at his funeral) giving Eugene a (final) roman salute were doing the "nazi salute". This from a so-called "conservative"?! This smear campaign of the martyred SA patriot TerreBlanche is so typical for the (PTB controlled) MSM.

NeoCON Beck Besmirches TerreBlanche & the AWB!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
[Ignoramus NeoCON Glen "Peck(er)" called the AWB's tri-7/triskelion flag a "swaztika" & said the AWB/TerreBlanche supporters (at his funeral) giving Eugene a (final) roman salute were doing the "nazi salute". This from a so-called "conservative"?! This smear campaign of the martyred SA patriot TerreBlanche is so typical for the (PTB controlled) MSM.

NeoCON Beck Besmirches TerreBlanche & the AWB!

The other day, Glenn Beck was interviewing Bill O'Reilly's wife, Al Sharpton. Both twits were graciously praising the universally-revered, always-angelic, immortal GodMan, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr (which, of course, is not his real name...and he's not a doctor, or a reverend).

Beck, the unofficial "leader"Â￾ of the new species of (non) conservatives even recommended that "the tea party members of today feel the way King felt back then! Like nobody was listening, like they had no voice!"Â￾

Really, Glenn? So blacks and other non-white minorities during the 1960's felt just like the "conservative"Â￾ whites of today, huh? I suppose 1960's blacks and non-white minorities were irate that the government was stealing their money to be properly redistributed to lazy, unemployed, and uneducated white citizens? Or that every single piece of state and federal legislation was offensively pro-white? Or maybe they were angry with the government's absolute apathy towards violent white immigrants crossing the U.S. borders morning, noon, and night for decades"¦breeding at insanely high rates, not paying taxes on their wages, and reaping the benefits from tax dollars hustled from non-whites? Yeah, it's "the same."Â￾

The truth, of course, was that the Ivory Tower Dwellers were already developing new legislation to accomplish the complete opposite of what Beck is suggesting"¦affirmative action, educating blacks at all costs, rigidly anti-white legislation, and striving for complete desegregation of society have been the chief objectives of the American government since Woody Wilson, the father piggie of Zionist Puppetry, took office in 1913.

Glenn Beck is probably the finest member of the mainstream media in American history (which isn't saying much, but nevertheless). His fact-checking is sublime, his ability to make the "connections"Â￾ is remarkable, his arrogance and utter defiance towards Marxism is refreshing, and his overall common sense is excellent. However, his knee-jerk negro adorations are nauseating...and his never-ending usage of the Jewish-Marxist buzz word "Nazi"Â￾ in describing all things negative makes me want to smash his face.Edited by: Thrashen
DixieDestroyer said:
Ignoramus NeoCON Glen "Peck(er)" called the AWB's tri-7/triskelion flag a "swaztika" & said the AWB/TerreBlanche supporters (at his funeral) giving Eugene a (final) roman salute were doing the "nazi salute". This from a so-called "conservative"?! This smear campaign of the martyred SA patriot TerreBlanche is so typical for the (PTB controlled) MSM.

NeoCON Beck Besmirches TerreBlanche & the AWB!

The first time I became aware of Glenn Beck was when I was making a three hour round trip drive about six years ago. The station I normally listened to on those occasions when I monitored what the (neo)con talk show hosts were dishing out had replaced Rush Limbaugh with Beck. For the first 45 minutes of the show Beck went on about how he had attended a movie and upon leaving claimed he found a piece of pro-nazi literature on his car. He spent three-quarters of an hour denouncing "neo-nazis" in the strongest language possible, no different than what one finds in communist, liberal, conservative and JBS literature. One would have thought this tiny, utterly powerless group was in imminent danger of taking over the country from the way Beck was so mortified and angry.

I listened to him a few other times but could never stomach him for more than several minutes. I was shockedwhen he emerged as the country's "leading conservative" talk show host. How people can watch those YouTube videos of him sobbing on cue for a photo shootand then immediately breaking into a smile and consider him anything other than the phony actor he is, is beyond me. But then again, America has always been characterized by many charlatans effortlessly pulling the wool over the eyes of a way-too gullible population.
Good article on the mass genocide of White South Africans (especially the Boers)...

Genocide in South Africa

By Pamela Geller

The genocide of white South Africans is heating up.

Last week, South Africa's ruling African National Congress (ANC) finally told its members to stop singing the song "Kill the Boer" -- that is, murder white South Africans. ("Boer" is Afrikaans for "farmer," but colloquially, it is a disparaging term for any white South African.) This came after ANC Youth League leader Julius Malema defied a court ruling and kept singing the song (he still refuses to stop), and after Eugene Terreblanche, leader of the noxious and hateful neo-Nazi Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB), was found savagely bludgeoned to death at his farm in South Africa's North West province.

The international media focused on Terreblanche's white supremacism, showing his followers giving the Nazi salute at his funeral. No account of his murder or funeral spoke about Malema, "Kill the Boer," or black supremacism -- yet that is the really important story in South Africa today.

Whites in South Africa are keenly aware of the plans to kill them. They expect mass killings to begin very soon after the death of Mandela, but to tell this to the world is a waste of energy. More than three thousand white farmers have already been murdered, and Genocide Watch lists the Boer farmers in South Africa as victims of genocide -- but the media couldn't care less. Malema has praised Zimbabwe's murderous seizure of white-owned farms as "courageous and militant." White South Africans know what's coming.

Malema keeps singing the apartheid-era song "Kill the Boer" even though South Africa's highest court ruled that the song was hate speech (a decision the ANC is appealing, although they've asked their followers to stop singing it in the meantime; they've emphasized that they have not banned the song).

Under ANC rule, the government has stopped reporting the race of murder victims and the race of the murderer. This is because the international community (mainly was starting to notice the disproportionate number of whites being murdered in South Africa. The ANC stopped reporting the race of the victims of murder so there would be no way to track the number of black-on-white murders. Problem solved.

A Jewish journalist in Johannesburg wrote me last week to shed light on the Malema situation and on the chaos and deteriorating conditions in that country. About Malema, he lamented, "Why isn't anyone standing up to this moron, not even the president?" He noted another South African journalist's observation: "The problem surrounding Malema is that he is basically a 'dumb orator with popular support.' Like Hitler."

Another reader in South Africa wrote this to me:

Have you searched facebook "Julius Malema" I see they have closed down his account, but a new one has already opened with over 2000 fans already.

The remarks there were really horrible.

They have threatened to "Rape all the white whore bitches and burn all their children"

... makes me sleep with one eye open.

The American media says little or nothing about the genocide in South Africa because it's black against white, so it's politically incorrect to notice. The mainstream media portrays all white South Africans as racist monsters like Eugene Terreblanche. This is simply not true. And remember: A key step on the road to genocide is to dehumanize the intended victims.

What is happening in South Africa against the white population is a crime against humanity. Savage. And no one will speak of it. The leftist media (all big media) and the international community (notoriously left-leaning) ignores it entirely. Their silence is affirmation; it sanctions the evil. Most decent people are perplexed by the uneven humanity and inhumanity of our leftist moral "superiors." I am not. They unremittingly vilify the Jewish people and Israel, the most benevolent government and army in the Middle East, but pay scant attention to jihad and the Islamic culture of honor killings, clitorectomies, child slavery, forced marriage, child marriage, etc. Why?

Because the leftists are bigots and racists, that's why. Because as morally superior as they think they are, they have no regard for their own side's perpetrators of violence, like the black South Africans. Their subliminal message is clear: "They're animals, whaddaya expect?" That is their prejudice. It's the soft bigotry of low expectations.

The genocide of white South Africans? Yawn. "Whaddaya expect?"

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
I do not ask for, nor do I care for media exposure and support; especially considering who the media are.

I want us to stand up for us; rather than hope for international support (which for Whites in SA will never come from the United States or Europe, busy annihilating their own Whites) I want us to resist the genocide. I want us to deal with those who lust for our flesh and blood. Mercy has always been a White virtue; let us reserve it for our kin. The foe, whatever form he may take, will certainly have none.

(as for the article, I notice the irrelevant and utterly dishonest comment about the "vilif(ication of) the Jewish people and Israel, the most benevolent government and army in the Middle East..."
In addition, by engaging in the "you're the REAL racist" pissing contest (at the end of the article) the author gives support to the idea that racists - and we know that in America and Europe that means Whites supporting and loving their own - are abhorrent and evil, like - and I quote "racist monsters like Eugene Terreblanche"; based on the aforementioned gratuitous comment about jews, this is IMO not accidental)
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