Earthquake in Haiti

Thrashen, I hear ya partner! My church supports missions all over the world...including Europe, the Ukraine & the U.S. However, I recently saw a bulletin where one fella was going down to Haiti to help the poor wittle untermenschen...and was looking for "donations". I kind of want to jackslap some sense into his dumb@$$ for his misplaced pity. If my church ever started overly stacking up the missions "focus" on turd-world countries, I'd engage the Pastor about it &/or leave. I can't openly be a part of a church that supports cultural Marxism (even disguised as "Christianity").
Why do white people always have to help blacks? Can't these people be self sufficient for once? I understand there was an earthquake but even when there are no natural disasters whitey has to send aid and food. Does anyone think that if the roles were reversed and many blacks around the world had money and most whites were poor that we would receive any help from them? Never, not in a million years. I can guarantee that.
For those of us who take our Christian faith seriously it is our duty and moral obligation to help those in need. I personally would rather raise money to help those in Eastern Europe or adopt Ukrainian and Romanian orphans instead of those in Haiti but duty calls sometimes. I care about the white race I belong to because I am here at CF afterall but my faith and what it demands of me will always come first. The denomination I belong to has missionairies all over the world and not just places like Haiti and other third world countries. I have told many Christians at my church and others I have come across that we need to reduce immigration coming in from the third world and open up to immigrants coming from places like Poland, Russia, Ukraine etc...and because I choose to contribute some money to the victims in Haiti doesn't make me a sucker of which one is born every minute. Edited by: guest301
White Shogun said:
Here you go, Guest301:

Haiti's voodoo priests object to mass burials

They're afraid the dead will return as... zombies.

Thanks Shogun, printed a copy of that one. How can one practice Catholicism and Voodoo at the same time, kinda makes my point in my earlier postings. We probably are pouring money down a rathole, just like New Orleans but it's hard to standby and watch people suffer, starve and die without doing something.
Guest301 I have to disagree with you on this one. I can't help a race of people that hate my race more than anything and kill thousands of us every year. No way!!!
whiteathlete33 said:
Guest301 I have to disagree with you on this one.  I can't help a race of people that hate my race more than anything and kill thousands of us every year.  No way!!!

Hey man, no problem. I can totally understand why you feel that way and absolutely not trying to guilt trip anybody here into doing anything. If it wasn't for my faith and wanting to be a decent human being, I most likely wouldn't be giving them squat either with all the black on white crime in this country that is largely unreported or commented on by the MSM.
Pat Roberstson and TBN are now soliciting funds for Haiti relief efforts. Ha ha ha. Why would he do that? I thought the Haitians were suffering God's judgement and wrath? What makes him think God has finished his task? Perhaps the earthquake was only the first step. Check out the bible and see what God has in his arsenal.

Sodom and Gommorah-no traces left of them. The Egyptians were subject to plague upon plague and untold suffering. The enemies of God saw every man, woman, child and animal killed. Bible is filled with that stuff. Sometimes the poor saps were cursed for generations.

An earthquake is only the first step. Disease, gnashing of teeth, pestilences, plagues of every description, starvation, oh man, the list goes on and on.

So now Pat goes in and tries to alleviate the suffering. If God wanted them to suffer, let em suffer for goodness sake. Who is Pat to decide it's been enough? Geez. What if another quake or after shock causes more carnage and kills a bunch of Christians?

Think about it!

I would suggest to Pat and others who know God so well to double check and ask God if His wrath has been appeased yet. If not, Pat might get judged too. Wouldn't want to circumvent the Almighty's will.NO, no, no.
I was thinking the same thing today, Bart. If Pat (or any other Christian) believes this is God's judgment on Haiti, then who are they to rush in and help out? Doesn't that call God's, er, judgment into question?

Or does God punish the Haitians, then test our faith to see if we will step in and help out afterwards?
While watching CNN (motto: all Haiti, all the time) at the gym I was struck with a brilliant idea that would help with the current health crisis in america. It occurred to me that something was wrong. There were thousands of health care professionals in Haiti from the US. The Navy even sent a huge hospital ship there.

I wondered, what the hell do these people do when they aren't in Haiti? I know if I'm gone from my job for a week or so everything that I've been doing grinds to a halt. Same for my co-workers, heck even the guy at McDonalds has to be there or they get someone else, I mean someone has to make the burgers, right?

And the folks in Haiti are highly trained medical professionals from what I've seen on TV. So they should REALLY be needed where they work. So I guess they have just been hanging around with nothing to do and were able to zip off to Haiti when an unexpected disaster hit.

Soooo my solution: put these people to work taking care of americans, you don't even need more money to do it because someone is paying them right now anyway, so when they get back to the US they can continue to provide those services at no extra cost. And the overhead will be a lot lower as they can live in the area where they work.

What all this tells me is that there is a glut of health providers and that the prices for health care would be lowered if the whole business was run as a real business and had to meet the requirements of supply and demand. You can't tell me that there aren't extra health providers if a whole army of them can rush off to Haiti at a moments notice.
Wyclef Jean only paid himself $400,000 out of his charity. Life ain't easy for a pimp 'n all, nor for an entertainer with a declining career.

Mr. Jean, 'I just want to say something. I saw pictures of them dropping food and water on my people. My people aren't animals.'

Gratitude defined. Also quite relieved to know Haitians aren't animals. Wasn't sure.

We plan on housing 10 to 15 Haitian victims. It'll be crowded, but I think they're used to that. I don't know about the Voodoo rituals thing. I suppose they can use the bathtub for their chicken sacrifice dance.
Someone needs to launch Wyclef to Haiti and put him in charge of aiding all the AKs.

Once there someone needs to steal his identity and liqudate his checking account and use that money to prevent further adoptions and shelter for little AK orphans. You know build a shack(s) with basic water and sanitation with a endless supply of MREs.

The objective: keep them people over there. I am sure Whywork's "earned" money will accomplished that.
Yeah, Dixie read the article. Good news is that their stay is "only" good for 18 months and given a work permit. The bad news is...they are staying for ever to sponge and be criminals and all sorts of anti social creeps. Man, glad that I live on the west coast and 3000 miles from the soon to be real crime wave unleashed on the good people of the east coast.
Charlie said:
Wyclef Jean only paid himself $400,000 out of his charity. Life ain't easy for a pimp 'n all, nor for an entertainer with a declining career.

Mr. Jean, 'I just want to say something. I saw pictures of them dropping food and water on my people. My people aren't animals.'

Gratitude defined. Also quite relieved to know Haitians aren't animals. Wasn't sure.

We plan on housing 10 to 15 Haitian victims. It'll be crowded, but I think they're used to that. I don't know about the Voodoo rituals thing. I suppose they can use the bathtub for their chicken sacrifice dance.

Wait, are you actually housing Haitian victims, or not? For your sake, I hope you were kidding.

Welcome to the Site WASP.

About the o'bama T Shirt. I would bet pretty much any amount, it wasn't made in haiti.

Tom Iron...
"...Wait, are you actually housing Haitian victims, or not? For your sake, I hope you were kidding..."

Just kidding. Having dealt with Haitians in America I've no use for them.

But still, if only every white family in America took in 50 or so precious Haitians all of Haiti's problems would be solved. The Dominican Republic would include all of Hispaniola. Our new Haitian fellow citizens would contribute mightily to scientific and technological advancement. They just need an opportunity. It's our duty to give it to them.
That's a serious tongue in cheek post there Charlie.
What I hope and pray for is someone has the good sense to mix in oral contraceptives with the food aid. If successful the program could be expanded to the dollar menu at McDonald's.
Didn't know half as much about Haiti as I thought. This article written nearly ten years ago is fascinating. Sobering!

The Revolution in Haiti

Renaissance, Apr. 2001

Most Americans do not give much thought to Haiti. They may know it is a black, French-speaking country, which shares the Caribbean island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic. From what they see on television they realize it is a poor, violent nation ruled by a succession of dictators, each seemingly worse than the last. They may also associate Haiti with AIDS, crime, drug gangs, boat people and environmental disasters. These are all correct associations but the history of Haiti puts all this in a broader context. It offers one of the most sobering lessons about race in the New World. It is a story that is rarely told, but the grim realities of the aitian revolution and its aftermath are just as worthy of our attention today as they were 200 years ago. None other than Lothrop Stoddard (see AR, Jan. 2000), who wrote his Ph.D. thesis on Haiti and later published it as The French Revolution in San Domingo, called the black uprising "the first shock between the ideals of white supremacy and racial equality."Â￾


One white who managed to return to France predicted the outcome: "You may announce unreservedly that it is all over with San Domingo. One of three things will follow: the whites will exterminate the whole mulatto caste; the mulattos will destroy the whites; or the negroes will profit by these dissensions to annihilate both the whites and the mulattos. But in any case, San Domingo should be erased from the maps of France."Â￾

This wouldn't surprise me one iota...

DHS Making Plans to Entice Haitians to Risk Illegal Boat Effort Into U.S.?

By Roy Beck, Monday, January 18, 2010, 3:33 PM EST - posted on NumbersUSA

We are getting conflicting stories out of the Department of Homeland Security that it may be preparing to entice hundreds of thousands of Haitians to try to illegally enter the U.S. and then grant them some kind of legal status and work permits. Here is what we are hearing . . .

A source from within DHS is hearing of an effort to gather all French and Creole speakers in DHS to move to our Gitmo base in Cuba. This is where Haitian boat people trying to illegally enter the U.S. would be taken after being intercepted on the seas. At Gitmo, according to this DHS source, the boat people would be processed and then allowed to enter the U.S. for some undetermined amount of time with work permits.

Another source says DHS Chief Janet Napolitano was asked about this plan by a journalist and has denied it. I was certainly pleased to see her over the weekend trying to send a message to Haiti that people should not take risks to take a boat to the U.S. and in warning people contemplating it that they would be picked up and taken back to Haiti. But it could be that internally there are fears that a flotilla will emerge anyway and the floaters really won't be repatriated.

At this point, I am not weighing in on the credibility of any of the information.

But I do want to point out that it would be incredibly cruel to the Haitian people for the Obama Administration to provide any sign whatsoever that Haitians who try to enter the U.S. illegally would be allowed to stay and work.

Even without a devastating earthquake, Haitians for decades have shown a willingness to drop everything and risk their lives on leaky boats to try to get to the U.S. when they thought they might have a chance to settle illegally.

Many of you may remember that thousands of Haitians took to the seas just before Pres. Clinton was first inaugurated because they thought from some of his campaign comments that he would allow them to sneak into the country. Many Haitians drowned in the process. The first act of the Clinton Administration was to intercept the Haitian boats and make it clear that taking to sea was fruitless because the boats would not be allowed to land in Florida and illegal aliens who evaded the Coast Guard would be sent back to Haiti when caught on land.

In short, the first time that Haitians try to illegally enter the U.S. and are allowed to stay legally, we can expect to see a massive flotilla of rickety boats heading here from Haiti, and hundreds or thousands of Haitians will die in the process.

For now, we can hope that if DHS is setting up a processing center at Gitmo, it will be for the purpose of moving Haitians rescued from their boats back to Haiti.

The whole world is committed at this moment to assisting the 8 million Haitians who are in their home country. The Haitians are suffering from a momentous tragedy. Since there is no indication that the vast majority of them will be accepted for resettlement in other countries, it only makes sense to put all resources into rebuilding their own country for their habitation, rather than allowing a small fraction to move to the U.S. and further exacerbate the unemployment and economic distress of our own most vulnerable Americans.

We must watch very carefully to make sure that the humanitarian efforts for the Haitians are the most effective for the largest number, rather than helping a few move to the U.S. and enticing far more to risk their lives to get the same treatment.

***Reference article...

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
When I first heard an FM music station announcer say something about Haiti, instantly many things came to mind. I knew that it would spark massive drive for money to Haiti, the U.S. again being the biggest contributor of funds we don't have, and a huge wave of Haitians in addition to the many that are already here. Hatian's in America used to be a small phenomenon in South Florida. Now Miami is practically 1/3 Haitian, with large populations all the way up to Orlando, and of course significant amounts other jet setting from there to Atlanta, Nashville, Charlotte, DC, NYC, Chicago, etc. I knew that the VAST majority of doctors, rescuers etc. would be from white Americans and Europeans, ironically the French sent a large contingent when they were ruthlessly murdered and driven out of that country.

What I didn't know was the extent of young white females that were there trying to "help" the Haitians. These young bright young females who had so much to offer the world had to go waste time in a pointless cause to help a black nation even bring itself back to it's humble beginnings, let alone become a first world industrialized society. They gave their lives to a pointless cause.

These are the moments that make me feel that the days of white people as a recognizable group are numbered. White's being down to 12% of the world's population simply don't have the genes to waste by going into African and other Third World countries. I met a girl a couple weeks ago who said she is going to some village in Togo with the Peace Corps. I wondered why, and she said she wants to help the people and bring love. I told her that many people there would love nothing better than to rape and murder her. She said she knows, but hopes it doesn't happen but was willing to take the risk to help develop harmony in the world. I told her to sneak some weapons. She said she wouldn't. I asked if she had security there, she said no just her in an African village for a whole year. F*CK THAT! These girls are totally clueless as to why things are the way they are. What they are doing is like trying to stop a rising river by throwing in paper towels.

White people as a whole truly need a reawakening. Going to minority plagued third world countries is unacceptable. People congratulate them when they go, we need to make them feel stupid for going. We need to let them know that if they are raped and killed in these countries, chances it won't even make the news. We need to push to put a LONG TERM moratorium on immigration from Third World countries, and send back all illegals now.

Haiti can only solve Haiti's problems. I would love nothing more than if black Haitians can buck the trend of human history up until this point and start inventing and innovating things, create infrastructure, start their own medical schools, advance science, take care of their own environment and create their own funding mechanisms. Until then all the money, white male rescuers and young white women hanging out in Haiti will do exactly nothing to stop that country form deteriorating further and constantly GROWING in population to export to the US and Europe!

Why aren't the Haitians escaping to Africa or Asia or other Caribbean nations?

I hope and pray and will do my part to help reignite the self esteem of white Americans as a special and distinct group of people!
That girl is in for a rude awakening. A few years ago when I lived in new orleans I had this "hippy" girl room mate who was always talking about stupid pc crap about "making the world a better place" but she never talked about race (she would yell at me if i forgot to put something in the recycle bin or compost pile. Another roommate brought home a black friend one night he was light skinned and a video game nerd, but she packed her bags the next day and left. Apparently she did some volunteer work in South Africa, and she didn't get into details but she was held hostage by a group of men with huge knives. Im sure there is more to the story, enough to make her never want to be around a black person ever again, so thats why she left, the possibility of a black guy coming over. I told her she should stay and just say she pays rent and doesn't want black people in the house, doesn't seem like such a big thing to ask given her experience but she said no. She had this weird mentality like "its not their fault, its the culture they grow up in". So she didn't seem to learn much.

This Haiti stuff is on every channel pulling at people's emotions. They don't do this for every crisis, only a select few. It sucks that people died, but Haiti was nothing before this and has never been anything relevant since they "gained their freedom" by violent attacks against Whites, many of the ones who were fortunate enough to not be killed escaped to places like Louisiana. Unfortunately some managed to bring their slaves with them (of course the ones that weren't revolting at the time), but it might explain why some of the people in the New Orleans area seem to have the same violent mentality.Edited by: dwid
Electric Slide said:
What I didn't know was the extent of young white females that were there trying to "help" the Haitians... These are the moments that make me feel that the days of white people as a recognizable group are numbered. White's being down to 12% of the world's population simply don't have the genes to waste by going into African and other Third World countries.

Very interesting, thought provoking post. We are probably less than 12% of the world's population, even more troubling is that almost all White women have been manipulated to serve other races instead of their own.

Hell, if they were ambivalent it would not be so bad, but they actively work against our best interests.

But women are women. They are followers by nature. Whatever system or ideology in force is the one they comply with.

Yesterday evening I went to a grocery store to pick up a few items. As I was waiting in the checkout line I heard the female cashier ask the customers if they could donate a dollar for Haiti. The three women in front of me all said yes, gave a buck and received a feel good sticker to put on something. When It was my turn to pay and I was asked the question I loudly exclaimed - "Never in a million years!" Spoke for a few moments on their genocidal killing spree two hundred years ago, and suggested to patrons that they investigate the history of Haiti before giving their hard earned money.

The store manager gave me a dirty look. Hell with him.
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