Earthquake in Haiti

The good old debt ridden US of A pledges 100 million of our tax money. I wonder if any Asian nations will pledge money? How about Israel?
Westside said:
301 when you mentioned that Haiti is heavily involved in satanism, and voodoo, it cleared up why Pat Robertson said the Island had a pack with the devil. I was wondering why a religious man would say such a thing.

If I had any black friends on that island I would be very concerned for them, that being said, this is just another example of the West(white people) coming to the rescue of the affelet kindred with one hand and on the other hand suppressing our "when are you people ever going to get your act together i.e. running a functioning government based on the rule of law, building structures based on todays codes, having a plan for a major disaster? When!!!

Its the same old frustrating and expensive story with these people. They have contributed so little to mankind, but yet have been a major burden and pain in the ass for time in memorial.

I guess I will send a contribution to help these "people" when I get around to it.
They practice Voodoo in Cuba and even Trinidad. Rural blacks that were isolated from the rest of society kept their old religions or partially kept them and used to with Christianity. If you notice Haitans look like full blooded Africans. The part of Trinidad where the people practice this voodoo the people look like that too.
Corpse-laden road blocks used as "blackmail"Â￾ to receive free money faster?

What, they couldn't at least find whites on the island to rape/torture/kill? Wait, that's not a proper ransom, our government encourages that in our own nation. I like what Foobar said about the Iowa floods, I followed that story, too.

These little house pets are even more presumptuous and spoiled rotten by their white / jewish overlords than our own gluttonous, worthless blacks. If I was a billionaire, I wouldn't give them one cent. Let the supposedly liberal (accept when it comes to money) Hollywood circus clowns hand these creeps their dirty jewish money. Let Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, BHO, and all the Neocons adopt their violent little brats"¦.the rest of us have suffered enough as a result of these useless sponges.
TNB never ceases to amaze me. Don't worry though whitey will look past all the negroes repulsive behavior and continue to help. Then after this story is over they can go back to calling us white devils again.
This is wrong. Every Haitian in the US must be rounded up and sent back to help rebuild Haiti. This plan to bring Haitian childre to the US is all wrong. They will be needed to rebuild Haiti. When did the USA become a nation of kidnappers?
Further proof of the fallacious "Left vs. Right" paradigm (used by the PTB to control the sheeple)...

Obama, Bush and Clinton launch Haiti aid appeal


Bush, Clinton join Obama in aiding Haiti Play Video AP â€" Bush, Clinton join Obama in aiding Haiti

President Obama is joined by former U.S. Presidents Bush and Clinton at the White House in Washington Reuters â€" U.S. President Barack Obama is joined by former U.S. Presidents George W. Bush (R) and Bill Clinton (L) "¦
By Alister Bull Alister Bull â€" Sat Jan 16, 12:20 pm ET

WASHINGTON (Reuters) â€" U.S. President Barack Obama, flanked by his predecessors George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, on Saturday said the two former presidents would lead a national drive to raise money for Haiti's earthquake survivors.

"By coming together in this way, these two leaders send an unmistakable message to the people of Haiti and to the people of the world. In these difficult hours, America stands united. We stand united with the people of Haiti," Obama said.

Haitian authorities believe as many as 200,000 died in Tuesday's earthquake that devastated the Caribbean nation, prompting a worldwide humanitarian response as rescuers race against time to save people still trapped in the rubble.

Obama, who has pledged an initial $100 million in quake relief, enlisted the help of Bill Clinton, a Democrat who is the United Nations' special envoy for Haiti, and former President George W. Bush, the Republican who proceeded him the White House, to spearhead private sector fund-raising efforts.

Obama said they had launched the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund and directed Americans to visit the website at and give money, because Haiti faced a lengthy road back to recovery.

"We also know that our longer term effort will not be measured in days or weeks, it will be measured in months and even years. And that is why it is so important to enlist and sustain the support of the American people," he said.


Bush, who spoke next after Obama, said that both he and former First Lady Laura Bush had been deeply saddened by the scenes of horror and death from Haiti.

"The most effective way for Americans to help the people of Haiti is to contribute money ... I know a lot of people want to send blankets or water. Just send your cash," he said. "One of the things President Clinton and I will make sure is your money is spent wisely."

The public has already responded to Haiti's plight.

Hollywood star George Clooney will host a telethon on MTV next week, the music network said, while Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have donated $1 million from their foundation to Doctors Without Borders.

A texting campaign that First Lady Michelle Obama made a public appeal for had raised almost $6 million by Thursday.

"Right now, all we need to do is get food and medicine and water and a secure place for them to be. But when we start the rebuilding effort ... we want to be a place where people can know their money will be well spent," Clinton said.

The website was already up and running, with a link for visitors to make donations from $25 upward. "What we do right now determines how many lives we can save. Together, we can help communities get back on their feet," the site said.

It was Bush's first visit to the White House since leaving office almost exactly a year ago to return home to Texas.

Since then he has kept a low public profile, but accepted Obama's request to join a bipartisan effort which echoed the mission he asked Clinton and his own father, former President George H. W. Bush, to perform after a massive earthquake in 2004 caused a huge tsunami in South Asia and killed 226,000.

Obama's high profile efforts to stay on top of the Haitian crisis may reflect a determination to counter criticism of his own initial reaction to a foiled Christmas Day bomb attack on a Detroit-bound plane, as well as from Bush's own experience.

Bush was slammed for what critics said was a slow and half-hearted response after Hurricane Katrina deluged New Orleans in 2005, stranding thousands of the city's mainly African American residents and providing the world with a graphic view of festering inner-city U.S. poverty.

(Reporting by Alister Bull; Additional reporting by Susan Heavey, Editing by Sandra Maler)

***Reference article...

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
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Report PostQuote Reply Posted: 14 January 2010 at 7:07pm
The insanity of "pro-lifers": attacking an abortion practitioner for opposing immigration and calling her racist for not wanting to flood the United States with Haitians. Another anti-white "pro-lifer" calls abortion "black genocide

I have mixed feelings about the whole abortion thing. However, I would take away one point away from the article into my own view. The mistake western cultures (whites) make with assisting third world countries is that they send them food and medicine, and don't make as a condition on sending them food, a requirement for these third world countries to pracitice responible re-production practices.

See the problem is that the western cultures send these third world countries food and they re-produce like rabbits on their full bellies. They don't have the sames sense as western societies (especially white people) to only re-produce the amount of children that you can reasonably provide for.

So the result of sending these third world countries food without teaching them about and giving them condoms and birth control pills, and to just have a reasonable amount of children, as a condition of heloping them, is that they overpopulate even more leaving more hungry children. Another detriment, is that the overpoplulated third world countries leave their countries from overcrowding and invade countries like the US and try to change our culture to theirs.
Interesting...Bush sayingthey don'tneed blankets and food; and calling for "money donations only" and that Clinton and him will "make sure" your money is spent wisely...are the insiders who run these relief agencies going to keep most of the money for themselves?
According to the people I know who have relatives there, food and water is in very short supply. Sounds like the whole "relief effort" is set up to fuel further corruption and fraud. It's not like Haiti or the FedGov have any problems like that to begin with.
It's time for Denzel, Will Smith and Morgan Freeman (the lord himself) to step-up and save Haiti.

They've already saved TONS of helpless Whites, especially White women and children...
DixieDestroyer said:
France accuses U.S. of leveraging earthquake to occupy Haiti...

U.S. Forces Occupy Haiti
Interesting scenario, Dixie!

I was recently watching O'Reilly, and I say CRAP!!!

$500 million in aid, and nothing will change at all. Haiti will remain the stinking cesspool of the Western Hemisphere. 95% of that money will go to it's long corrupt institution. What a waste of taxpayers money and donation. To any of our "guests", I'm not being pessimistic, it's being REALISTIC!!
Obama says we're 'in it for the long haul.' Long after the ticker at the bottom of CNN ceases to carry news about Haiti.. we'll still be there.

If the French don't like what we're doing in Haiti, why don't they come and take over?

Edited by: White Shogun
Wyclef Jean is upset that people are questioning his charity and where the money is going. According to him all he cares about is "his people." Then again all I care about is "my people."
guest301 said:
jaxvid said:
It's silly to think of natural disasters in terms of some divine retribution. There are a lot more deserving targets of God's wrath then a poor run down Carribean island nation.

I believe in a active and involved God in the affairs of men. I also believe in divine blessings upon a nation and divine retribution when he chooses to do so. If that seems silly to some of you, so be it. I am not saying God is behind every natural disaster but the circumstances of this one with the loss of their Presidential palace, Parliament building,main courthouse and the UN building made me wonder if this was divine retribution for years of Satanism, voodoo and a corrupt and very violent one family rule despotic goverment. That doesn't mean I don't feel sorry for these people and want to help.

I think that God is about love and forgiveness, not hate and retribution..
accesscrimea said:
guest301 said:
jaxvid said:
It's silly to think of natural disasters in terms of some divine retribution. There are a lot more deserving targets of God's wrath then a poor run down Carribean island nation.

I believe in a active and involved God in the affairs of men. I also believe in divine blessings upon a nation and divine retribution when he chooses to do so. If that seems silly to some of you, so be it. I am not saying God is behind every natural disaster but the circumstances of this one with the loss of their Presidential palace, Parliament building,main courthouse and the UN building made me wonder if this was divine retribution for years of Satanism, voodoo and a corrupt and very violent one family rule despotic goverment. That doesn't mean I don't feel sorry for these people and want to help.

I think that God is about love and forgiveness, not hate and retribution..

God is about love and forgiveness but he is also holy and righteous. Any God that is only about love and forgiveness is a doormat and patsy and not worthy to be worshiped. All of his attributes have to be satisfied one way or another. For instance, Jesus had to die on the cross to satisfy God's holiness so he could provide love and forgiveness to those who accept his sacrifice. I stand by my original post on the matter of Haiti being possibly judged by God although I did take some marginal heat about it in church last Sunday but had several people see it my way as well. But regardless of our various viewpoints we raised over 700 dollars for the victims in Haiti.Edited by: guest301
So, God destroys Haiti and a whole lot of Christians who did charity work and ran mission outreaches.How's that for a thank you?Not to mention that most of the do-gooders would claim that God sent them there to save the lost and share Christ's love.And just for kicks all the refugees from Haiti as those from Katrina will be shipped to other places to screw up, rape, kill, rob and destroy.Nice plan.Negroes-the gift that keeps on giving.

Thanks God.

"The Lord spoke to me and told me to go to Haiti."No, you've been brainwashed and believe a lot of nonsense.
Fast Eddie(jew)Rendell aint' wastin' no time. Not nearly enough blacks in PA. Those racist White hicks in Western Pennsylvania almost threw a monkey wrench in the old shyster's corrupt machine last November.

They'll never have the numbers to buck the system, Eddie and his clan will make sure of that.

Dozens of Haitian Orphans Travel to U.S. for Adoptions

Dozens of Haitian orphans from the devastated Caribbean nation are heading to Pennsylvania on Tuesday to meet their newly adoptive parents, administration officials confirmed to Fox News.

Dozens of Haitian orphans from the devastated Caribbean nation headed to Pennsylvania on Tuesday to meet their newly adoptive parents.

Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell and a crew of medical personnel traveled aboard a plane with the 54 Haitian children, who landed in Pittsburgh Tuesday morning. The orphans -- who are all under age 4 -- will be taken to Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh to be examined by doctors.

"We're going to save the 54 kids and lead them to great lives," Rendell told Fox News in Haiti. "They're happy, good kids despite all the things that have happened to them, despite being orphaned, despite being in a hurricane (sic). I'm amazed at how happy these kids are. I think everyone of us in Pennsylvania has a wonderful feeling."

Edited by: Bart
Guest301, haven't the white members of your church already paid enough for their lovable Haitian pets? I'd pay $700 to help Haitians return to Haiti, forever.

This the exact reason I stopped attending my Methodist church a few years back. I couldn't stand to watch my white brothers and sister weeping, adopting, praying for, and throwing zillions of dollars at the feet of little brown turd-worlders (who despise whites and Christianity anyway) without it turning my stomach.

They are literally funding their own surrogates, the eventual demise of a DNA that their ancestors endured a living hell to earn and pass on. Send the fraudulent little god-boys and god-girls to Haiti; see how long they last before the customary rape / torture / kill session is completed. I'm sure thousands of white Christian "fathers"Â￾ can't wait to send their teenage daughters to help.

Not to worry, the forgiveness of non-whites (for even the most devastating and odious of crimes) is everlasting within the white man's "heart."Â￾ God forbid we feel the sting of hatred against those who deserve it"¦.we might accidentally devolve back into real men and real women.
This brings tears to my eyes. But for different reasons then intended, I think.

When Matt & Mandy heard their
adopted daughter was alive, they
rushed to Haiti to take her home.

WARNING: potentially sickening video content

emotional reunion?Edited by: jaxvid