Donald Sterling racist rant

Tokowitz is typical.

His tribe may come across as pro-black and liberal, but that's just to promote race-mixing and the gradual destruction of white Gentile society.

The truth is, they consider blacks to be inferior and loathsome.

exactly, the reason why the MSM has no problem crucifying him is because he's just a white guy to everyone else. No one knows he's Jewish so the media isn't doing any harm to their tribe and their race. All they're doing is hurting White people and increasing black animosity toward Whites. I imagine the reaction would be different if his last name were stereotypically Jewish like Weinstein or Goldstein. We need to let people know, especially blacks, that he's not White

Well I've been doing my part around the internet, but as I'm sure you can believe I get called racist for mentioning it. Not that I mind much.

This reminds me: I watched a documentary on the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire on PBS not long ago. It was pretty dramatic. But what caught my eye and ear is that the show was very careful to mention that many of the victims were jewish but didn't point out that the owners who had locked them in to burn to death were also jewish. Because The Chosen People can only be victims, never malefactors.

One of the owners (a Russian jewish immigrant) was named Harris. I was spurred on to do some more research online and learned that not only were the owners careful to escape with their lives while letting over 100 people perish, they received only a rap on the knuckles for it and--most incredibly--were caught doing the same thing again (locking fire escapes in their factories) a few years later.

You have to dig for things like this, but the truth is out there. Trouble is, you really have to dig and 99% of people just take their MSM propaganda at face value.
We should call him by his real name--Tokowitz. Now imagine if every white slimeball in the country had taken a jewish name? What would be the MSM reaction when they were caught? Instead we have these people hiding behind names like Sterling, Ross, Lauren, even Smith. Of course the MSM doesn't mention his's not relevant, right? Especially when it doesn't suit the Agenda.

Control of the media isn't just important, it's everything. Because the media creates "Truth".

And everyone believes it. Well, almost everyone.

Very well put. This is so true. The media creates reality in today's society, at least for those who can't or won't think for themselves.
Very well put. This is so true. The media creates reality in today's society, at least for those who can't or won't think for themselves.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Considering the number of dwf's out there they need the media to help them form their thoughts. The witch-hunt is right on cue and so are the typical dwf amusing comments about one being inhuman or a bottom dweller if they hold non-egalitarian beliefs about other races.
Audio-visual propaganda is unbelievably effective

The really shocking thing to me is how many people, given a choice between what they know to be true from their own experience, and what's shown to them on television, will happily believe only the latter.
exactly, the reason why the MSM has no problem crucifying him is because he's just a white guy to everyone else. No one knows he's Jewish so the media isn't doing any harm to their tribe and their race. All they're doing is hurting White people and increasing black animosity toward Whites...

The media formula here is much like the FBI formula for tallying "hate crimes." "Hispanic" is a victim category; if a meztizo is assaulted by someone of another race, he is recorded as a hispanic victim. However, when that same mestizo commits an assault against someone of another races, he is tallied as a white perpetrator.

Mr. Sterling would be a Jew who is down wit' da skruggle if he donated a $million to da hood for a pre-Hade Start center. He would be a Jew if he gave big bucks to NAACP or SCLC.

However, when he is overheard making verboten observations about blacks, Mr. Sterling is just an old out-of-touch white guy, the kind whose imminent demise Tim Wise celebrates with great anticipation. He cannot be recognized as a Jew because it violates the media narrative. Special Relationship and all that...
Tokowitz is typical.

His tribe may come across as pro-black and liberal, but that's just to promote race-mixing and the gradual destruction of white Gentile society.

The truth is, they consider blacks to be inferior and loathsome.

Here's a Howard Stern on living among "Schwartzers".....
I was at the American Renaissance conference all weekend, which is now held in a Tennessee state park to ensure that it isn't shut down by liberal and communist thugs. The hotel is remote enough that the rooms don't have wifi, so I was truly out of the news loop when this "national crisis" broke.

I watched a bit of Sports Center last night to see if they covered the NHL playoffs at all (very little, and way to go Pens in Game 5; about time they played all-out for 60 minutes!), and the Sterling comments were of course a huge story at ESPN. But I didn't know what Sterling actually said -- ESPN merely said that Sterling had said something racist, and then one black after another was trotted out to condemn him. Michael Wilbon in particular looked like he was about to burst into tears. The gist of what he said was that the Clippers are almost all black and the head coach is black therefore this is unacceptable. I thought to myself, Well, isn't the team black and the coach black because Sterling was the one who hired them?

At any rate, I was listening to a bit of sports radio during the long drive home today, and again the coverage was wall to wall unanimous condemnation without ever saying what Sterling had actually said. It wasn't until I went to this thread and then the TMZ link that I finally read what Sterling said.

Sterling is a liberal Zionist scumbag who has been the worst pro sports franchise owner maybe ever. He's a total hypocrite and it's obvious that he's going to be made a sacrificial goat, but only as a "racist White man," not as a Jewish liberal hypocrite of the highest order. Yeah, and it's amazing and sad how psychologically fragile blacks have been conditioned to become. Not one in ten thousand would leave this country to go back to Africa, yet they are ever more racially paranoid and thin-skinned as can be, much like Jews in that regard.

The other lesson that is reinforced here is that everyone's private conversations are fair game for public exposure. Whether it's the NSA, your ex-wife or girlfriend, a friend turned enemy or whatever, the only privacy left in the "land of the free" is one's thoughts.
I was at the American Renaissance conference all weekend, which is now held in a Tennessee state park to ensure that it isn't shut down by liberal and communist thugs. The hotel is remote enough that the rooms don't have wifi, so I was truly out of the news loop when this "national crisis" broke.

I watched a bit of Sports Center last night to see if they covered the NHL playoffs at all (very little, and way to go Pens in Game 5; about time they played all-out for 60 minutes!), and the Sterling comments were of course a huge story at ESPN. But I didn't know what Sterling actually said -- ESPN merely said that Sterling had said something racist, and then one black after another was trotted out to condemn him. Michael Wilbon in particular looked like he was about to burst into tears. The gist of what he said was that the Clippers are almost all black and the head coach is black therefore this is unacceptable. I thought to myself, Well, isn't the team black and the coach black because Sterling was the one who hired them?

At any rate, I was listening to a bit of sports radio during the long drive home today, and again the coverage was wall to wall unanimous condemnation without ever saying what Sterling had actually said. It wasn't until I went to this thread and then the TMZ link that I finally read what Sterling said.

Sterling is a liberal Zionist scumbag who has been the worst pro sports franchise owner maybe ever. He's a total hypocrite and it's obvious that he's going to be made a sacrificial goat, but only as a "racist White man," not as a Jewish liberal hypocrite of the highest order. Yeah, and it's amazing and sad how psychologically fragile blacks have been conditioned to become. Not one in ten thousand would leave this country to go back to Africa, yet they are ever more racially paranoid and thin-skinned as can be, much like Jews in that regard.

The other lesson that is reinforced here is that everyone's private conversations are fair game for public exposure. Whether it's the NSA, your ex-wife or girlfriend, a friend turned enemy or whatever, the only privacy left in the "land of the free" is one's thoughts.
Hey Don good to hear from you. Are you going to drive from Tennessee back to Vegas? Wow, talk about a uber road trip. Safe trip home.
I read 23 of the 30 NBA franchises have a Jewish owner or GM. Sterling is the son of Jewish immigrants.

Connect the dots. Jews are behind the Caste System.

absolutely. But more importantly they control the sports media

Well I've been doing my part around the internet, but as I'm sure you can believe I get called racist for mentioning it. Not that I mind much.

This reminds me: I watched a documentary on the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire on PBS not long ago. It was pretty dramatic. But what caught my eye and ear is that the show was very careful to mention that many of the victims were jewish but didn't point out that the owners who had locked them in to burn to death were also jewish. Because The Chosen People can only be victims, never malefactors.

One of the owners (a Russian jewish immigrant) was named Harris. I was spurred on to do some more research online and learned that not only were the owners careful to escape with their lives while letting over 100 people perish, they received only a rap on the knuckles for it and--most incredibly--were caught doing the same thing again (locking fire escapes in their factories) a few years later.

You have to dig for things like this, but the truth is out there. Trouble is, you really have to dig and 99% of people just take their MSM propaganda at face value.

you just have to frame it the right away. Use their own arguments against them. Liberals love to use the argument that only Whites can be racist. So what you should say is that hey guys what Sterling said was horrible but we have to be careful not to call it racism because Sterling is Jewish American and that only White people can be racist because they're the majority and they have all the power. And if they call Jews a powerful group then call them out for anti-semitism


The really shocking thing to me is how many people, given a choice between what they know to be true from their own experience, and what's shown to them on television, will happily believe only the latter.
Yes tv is an extremely powerful medium. I think it's no different from real life experiences except that there's just way more of it so it's much more influential. A person may have only 3 real life encounters with blacks in the span of a month and they're all negative, but in that same month he saw 30 awesome portrayals of blacks on television and in the movies. At the end of the month obviously the positive portrayals, although artificial, are going to outweigh the 3 negative real life encounters. And I think a lot of it happens on a subconscious level. It's probably the reason why blacks are so ubiquitous in our culture when it comes to tv, music, movies, advertising, and sports. It's all done to increase artificially positive portrayals of blacks in order to outweigh all the negative real life experiences people have along with what they hear on the local news

The media formula here is much like the FBI formula for tallying "hate crimes." "Hispanic" is a victim category; if a meztizo is assaulted by someone of another race, he is recorded as a hispanic victim. However, when that same mestizo commits an assault against someone of another races, he is tallied as a white perpetrator.

Mr. Sterling would be a Jew who is down wit' da skruggle if he donated a $million to da hood for a pre-Hade Start center. He would be a Jew if he gave big bucks to NAACP or SCLC.

However, when he is overheard making verboten observations about blacks, Mr. Sterling is just an old out-of-touch white guy, the kind whose imminent demise Tim Wise celebrates with great anticipation. He cannot be recognized as a Jew because it violates the media narrative. Special Relationship and all that...
Jews definitely try and have it both ways. They're either Jews or Whites depending on what suits them best.When it comes to white "privilege" and the history of colonialism and slavery, no we're Jews we had no part in that (even though they did). When it comes to Jewish overrepresentation in the banking industry and the financial collapse, no they're a bunch of White guys, their religion has nothing to do with it. Or when it comes to college admissions. Harvard is technically 50% White but what they don't tell you is that half of those "whites" are actually Jews. So Whites only make up 25% of Harvard while Jews make up 25% as well. That's something Jews don't want to broadcast.
Hey Don good to hear from you. Are you going to drive from Tennessee back to Vegas? Wow, talk about a uber road trip. Safe trip home.

Westside, I moved back to Pittsburgh five months ago. It was about 625 miles each way from PA to outside of Nashville and back. Unfortunately Kentucky appears to have taken Pennsylvania's crown as the road repair state as I was stuck in a 7 mile backup going there and a 9 mile backup returning. It took two hours to go those 9 miles today, nobody working on the shut down lanes either time, pretty grueling especially as Sam Dickson had a well-attended party after the conference last night, hiccup. Will definitely fly and rent a car next time as the site is about 45 minutes from the Nashville airport.
Couple of things here. It seems the old man wasn't too happy with his old, wrinkly wife and decided to find himself a gold-digging, hoodrat in Stiviano. He gave her alot of money, around 2 million dollars, or she conned it out of him. I'm sure this wasn't the first mistress, just one of many who milked him for his money. Maybe he stopped giving her money and her plan to get back at him was to record some racist stuff. She may have even extorted money out of him saying she would release the tape. Now old man has a big problem.

The NBA is a business, nothing more, nothing less. The affletes on his team are paid very, very well and treated like royalty. In now way should a mans private conversation mean anything but of course this man committed the ultimate sin in America, degraded blacks. Now Sharpton and his cronies are getting ready for their next stick it to "whitey" campaign. I'm willing to bet that 99 percent of black NBA players feel the same way about whites and use racial slurs all the time only they can so it doesn't matter.
The thing that gets me about this is that this is a relatively minor story thats been blown up to biblical proportions, all because some crusty old senile Jew committed the cardinal sin of offending blacks. Our wonderful president even used this situation in one of his race-baiting tirades (as if there weren't more pressing issues in this country) A black Dominican friend of mine once told me that the problem with blacks (especially American ones) is that they have a huge inferiority complex. This couldn't be more obvious than how psychologically fragile they are as evidenced by how they're handling this situation.
I was at the American Renaissance conference all weekend, which is now held in a Tennessee state park to ensure that it isn't shut down by liberal and communist thugs. The hotel is remote enough that the rooms don't have wifi, so I was truly out of the news loop when this "national crisis" broke.

I watched a bit of Sports Center last night to see if they covered the NHL playoffs at all (very little, and way to go Pens in Game 5; about time they played all-out for 60 minutes!), and the Sterling comments were of course a huge story at ESPN. But I didn't know what Sterling actually said -- ESPN merely said that Sterling had said something racist, and then one black after another was trotted out to condemn him. Michael Wilbon in particular looked like he was about to burst into tears. The gist of what he said was that the Clippers are almost all black and the head coach is black therefore this is unacceptable. I thought to myself, Well, isn't the team black and the coach black because Sterling was the one who hired them?

At any rate, I was listening to a bit of sports radio during the long drive home today, and again the coverage was wall to wall unanimous condemnation without ever saying what Sterling had actually said. It wasn't until I went to this thread and then the TMZ link that I finally read what Sterling said.

Sterling is a liberal Zionist scumbag who has been the worst pro sports franchise owner maybe ever. He's a total hypocrite and it's obvious that he's going to be made a sacrificial goat, but only as a "racist White man," not as a Jewish liberal hypocrite of the highest order. Yeah, and it's amazing and sad how psychologically fragile blacks have been conditioned to become. Not one in ten thousand would leave this country to go back to Africa, yet they are ever more racially paranoid and thin-skinned as can be, much like Jews in that regard.

The other lesson that is reinforced here is that everyone's private conversations are fair game for public exposure. Whether it's the NSA, your ex-wife or girlfriend, a friend turned enemy or whatever, the only privacy left in the "land of the free" is one's thoughts.


As usual you have the best analysis.
I watched a bit of Sports Center last night to see if they covered the NHL playoffs at all (very little, and way to go Pens in Game 5; about time they played all-out for 60 minutes!), and the Sterling comments were of course a huge story at ESPN. But I didn't know what Sterling actually said -- ESPN merely said that Sterling had said something racist, and then one black after another was trotted out to condemn him. Michael Wilbon in particular looked like he was about to burst into tears. The gist of what he said was that the Clippers are almost all black and the head coach is black therefore this is unacceptable. I thought to myself, Well, isn't the team black and the coach black because Sterling was the one who hired them?

At any rate, I was listening to a bit of sports radio during the long drive home today, and again the coverage was wall to wall unanimous condemnation without ever saying what Sterling had actually said. It wasn't until I went to this thread and then the TMZ link that I finally read what Sterling said.

Sterling is a liberal Zionist scumbag who has been the worst pro sports franchise owner maybe ever. He's a total hypocrite and it's obvious that he's going to be made a sacrificial goat, but only as a "racist White man," not as a Jewish liberal hypocrite of the highest order. Yeah, and it's amazing and sad how psychologically fragile blacks have been conditioned to become. Not one in ten thousand would leave this country to go back to Africa, yet they are ever more racially paranoid and thin-skinned as can be, much like Jews in that regard.

Yes, Cultural Marxists may utter the poison-inoculated platitudes of “tolerance” and “equality” and “love” and “acceptance for everyone”...but they themselves exhibit none of those quality towards those who so much as think (and aren’t physically acting upon those thoughts) in a manner that reveals the slightest incongruity to their “core values.”

As Don mentioned, Tokowitz (alias Sterling) is Judeo-Casteon filth. Corporate lawyer. Lifelong millionaire Jew. Father to degenerate, criminal children. Real estate slum lord. Owns a Caste-enabling NBA franchise routinely featuring all-black rosters. Serial adulterer. Race-mixer. His only “saving grace” is that he seems to know the score with concern to Negroes and their repulsive conduct, social depravity, and malodorous personal hygiene.

If New England Patriots owner, Robert Kraft (who by all accounts seems to be a “righteous Jew”), had been “caught” saying something like this on tape, I’d gladly defend him. This bastard may have uttered a few generic, tame, slightly un-PC words against the “world’s most precious race,” but his actions throughout his life prove that he’s an upholder of anti-white epitomes. Here is the Arch Hypocrite with his plastic, home-wrecking, criminally-hideous, horse-toothed, acne-scarred, pie-faced, gum-smiling black/Mexican prostitute, “V. Stiviano”…






Obviously, this creature is far beyond ugly, she's facially deformed and looks far older than 32. Isn’t the only requirement of a gold-digger that they’re supposed to be hot?
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By the anti-NWO Jewish writer Henry Makow:

By spinning Jewish racism as white racism, the mass media reflects the real race-hatred: Illuminati Jewish hatred of white Christians and goyim in general.
Read the article, pretty much sums up the cabal and their scheme to marginalize White people here and world over, not mention the racists state of Israel. What will White people do? not holding my breath.
Yes, Cultural Marxists may utter the poison-inoculated platitudes of “tolerance†and “equality†and “love†and “acceptance for everyoneâ€...but they themselves exhibit none of those quality towards those who so much as think (and aren’t physically acting upon those thoughts) in a manner that reveals the slightest incongruity to their “core values.â€

As Don mentioned, Tokowitz (alias Sterling) is Judeo-Casteon filth. Corporate lawyer. Lifelong millionaire Jew. Father to degenerate, criminal children. Real estate slum lord. Owns a Caste-enabling NBA franchise routinely featuring all-black rosters. Serial adulterer. Race-mixer. His only “saving grace†is that he seems to know the score with concern to Negroes and their repulsive conduct, social depravity, and malodorous personal hygiene.

If New England Patriots owner, Robert Kraft (who by all accounts seems to be a “righteous Jewâ€), had been “caught†saying something like this on tape, I’d gladly defend him. This bastard may have uttered a few generic, tame, slightly un-PC words against the “world’s most precious race,†but his actions throughout his life prove that he’s an upholder of anti-white epitomes. Here is the Arch Hypocrite with his plastic, home-wrecking, criminally-hideous, horse-toothed, acne-scarred, pie-faced, gum-smiling black/Mexican prostitute, “V. Stivianoâ€â€¦






Obviously, this creature is far beyond ugly, she's facially deformed and looks far older than 32. Isn’t the only requirement of a gold-digger that they’re supposed to be hot?
How embarrassing this must be for the wife and his grown children. An 81 year old with a 32 yr old mud person. Tokowitz looks to be a couple years from the grim reaper. I suspect what got Tokowitz so angry was the whispers that Terrel Owens seen in the photos provided by Thrashen, was taxing that gold digger's ass. LOL
This whole issue has caused me to go into a major media blackout. It was all the written sports and news talk people could talk about for the last few days. The story is so objectionable in so many ways that I get a headache trying to think what there is about it I hate more.

1) jewish guys racism put on White people
2) mentioning truthful things about black people turned into a hate crime
3) gold digging nasty slut portrayed as a victim
4) another chance for the media to gorge itself on one of the few tiny examples of anti-black racism as they ignore the common and huge waves of anti-white racism that occur every day.
5) endless parade of whiny black wimps crying about their horrible persecution.
6) revolting DWF's piling on the bandwagon
7) hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy
This whole issue has caused me to go into a major media blackout. It was all the written sports and news talk people could talk about for the last few days. The story is so objectionable in so many ways that I get a headache trying to think what there is about it I hate more.

1) jewish guys racism put on White people
2) mentioning truthful things about black people turned into a hate crime
3) gold digging nasty slut portrayed as a victim
4) another chance for the media to gorge itself on one of the few tiny examples of anti-black racism as they ignore the common and huge waves of anti-white racism that occur every day.
5) endless parade of whiny black wimps crying about their horrible persecution.
6) revolting DWF's piling on the bandwagon
7) hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy

Outstanding summarization Jax. We (still) don't have TalmudVision, but I noticed (via internet) that closet f@99ot "Tragic" Johnson(taker) is flappin' his (blue) gums about it. Then the L(g)A(y) Clippers pulled some bush league stunt with their warm-ups. I think I'll look to (also) avoid any further intake of this (artificially hyped) "story".
This whole issue has caused me to go into a major media blackout. It was all the written sports and news talk people could talk about for the last few days. The story is so objectionable in so many ways that I get a headache trying to think what there is about it I hate more.

1) jewish guys racism put on White people
2) mentioning truthful things about black people turned into a hate crime
3) gold digging nasty slut portrayed as a victim
4) another chance for the media to gorge itself on one of the few tiny examples of anti-black racism as they ignore the common and huge waves of anti-white racism that occur every day.
5) endless parade of whiny black wimps crying about their horrible persecution.
6) revolting DWF's piling on the bandwagon
7) hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy

That sums it up very well. I listened briefly to a local sports radio talk show today and the (White) host was ranting about the "White racist owners" and the league's "millionaire boys club," etc. No one in the establishment media will dare bring up the Jewish angle for fear of receiving the same treatment on a smaller scale as Sterling.

As a further note, there has been bad blood between blacks and Jews for a long time. Je$$e Jack$on's infamous "hymietown" comments during the 1984 presidential campaign brought it out in the open in a major way at the time. A lot of Jews have been victimized by black criminals just as Whites and Asians have. The system has tried to paper over black-Jewish tensions ever since, and just about all black public figures other than Louis Farrakhan always pretend that there are no differences between the interests of Jews and those of Whites, but many blacks are pretty well versed on the subject, certainly much more so than the average White.
I haven't been paying much attention to the typical, formulaic overblown response. I have noticed however that the racist Doc Rivers turned down a meeting with sterling and the players seem to keep on playing and taking the money from the guy. So these noble, black negro victims can get on their soapbox about the guy yet have no problem taking the money. All the responses are typical from the usual players in this charade, yet white athletes are openly ridiculed and insulted on a daily basis.
Watching just a little of Snoop Dogg's profane tirade, it occurred to me that the tape was almost like black ops. (Snoop calls Tokowitz 'bitch-ass white-bread' among other things... the MSM has done its job.) A billionaire Tribal Leader incites race hatred, gets everything blamed on 'whites', then sits back and enjoys the fun.

Not one story in a hundred mentions--even obliquely--the tribal status of the malefactor. Except in Israel of course, where the story is almost catnip. The end result? More success in that "Divide and Conquer" strategy that the Tribe use to vanquish every society they've ever gotten in their grip.
Joojournal bemoaning he got caught and thank God he changed his name,


His descendants may also learn that Donald changed his last name from Tokowitz to Sterling to give himself an aura of success. The name Tokowitz, apparently, sounded too Jewish. I guess you can say that his name change was good for the Jews.

Can you imagine the anti-Semitism that would have been rekindled today had it been billionaire Donald Tokowitz spewing these racist rants? Not that people can't do quick research and figure out that Sterling is Jewish, but in our Twitter-dominated world, "Tokowitz the racist" is exponentially worse for the Jews than "Sterling the racist.""
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