Does posting about Hitler make us look like neo-Nazis?

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I'm concerned about people coming to castefootball and seeing discussions about Hitler and using that against us as evidence that we're "neo-Nazis".

I'm not a neo-Nazi. I abhor any kind of socialism. I am just someone who believes white people should have the same rights as other races. What brought me to castefootball in the beginning was seeing the constant discrediting and ridiculing of white athletes by the caste media people and on the internet by the self-loathing white sports fans.

I agree with much of what's posted on this site. I'm tired of seeing photos of famous white people with their adopted white babies on the covers of tabloids, as if to encourage average white people to do the same. I'm fed up with movies and TV programs portraying white people as despicable, and negroes as wise and honorable. I believe white pride parades should be permitted and the people who participate given the same respect as is now given to people who participate in black pride parades and "million man marches". I believe there should be a free and honest media, without the anti-white agenda that we have now, not only in the US but in other countries like Canada and Australia.

But by posting and making threads about Hitler, we will automatically turn away many people who despite being concerned about the current direction white people are heading, are adverse to the idea of being associated with neo-Nazis.
I reject all those labels that they keep inventing - neo nazi, racist, homophobe, sexist, left, right etc. etc. They are all mind control bull**** meant to keep the slaves politically corrected and prevent them from thinking for themselves.
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Reject the labels all you want, the general populace believes in them and coming across as them hurts our position.
I'm concerned about people coming to castefootball and seeing discussions about Hitler and using that against us as evidence that we're "neo-Nazis".

I'm not sure who "us" is. There's a wide variety of political opinions held by various posters.

As I've posted (complained about) before, other than several posters I've known going back to before CF existed, not a single person from this site that I'm aware of from has so much as subscribed to the monthly political newspaper I founded and have edited for nearly 30 years. So either no one agrees with my perspective on the issues of the day other than the Caste System, or they're too apathetic to be bothered. At any rate there's no "us" here when it comes to political views as the sometimes contentious threads on political and social issues shows. I'm more concerned about those who don't follow the rules about not flaming and not using racial slurs and profanity than I am about controversial topics being discussed in a civil manner.
I don't think the Hitler thread is a good idea and as I have mentioned before I think its partly trolling to have such discussions which sow more dissension then information.

But as Don indicated it doesn't really make much difference. The sites views on White athletes (and the state of White society in general) is so marginal that there could be swastika's decorating the site and what difference would it make? There's only a few posters that are regulars especially compared to other sites and while I don't know the lurker traffic I would guess it's not really big.

White people are beat down. Our own society is working against us at every opportunity, there's an endless assault on our institutions, history, and culture. We are ruled by an occupying government that considers us the enemy. There is not a single leader who expresses the tiniest sympathy with us. We have to work endlessly to support the tremendous hoard of parasites that suck out our sustenance. How in that situation, can there be much of a spirited response?

Concerning the sports we follow, most people who would be sympathetic and understanding of the issues would have tuned out the NFL, NBA, MLB, and other corporate sports that are mere propaganda arms of the ruling elite, rather then follow with rapt attention the few carries that an occasional White running back gets. The young guys I know that understand this issue wouldn't watch a football game if you paid them.

So we're kinda on the wrong end of the issue on both sides. Powerless with no chance of effecting any meaningful change amongst our opposition, while the natural "constituency" for the site is either wholly uninterested in sports or completely opposed to the black supremacy they preach and wants nothing to do with them.

Ironically the world that Hitler lived in was pretty similar to where we are at (although also much different in significant ways), and the fact that he was able to rise above it and create a movement against such odds is something that I can understand would inspire people. However that didn't work out too good for him or his in the end either.
As I've posted (complained about) before, other than several posters I've known going back to before CF existed, not a single person from this site that I'm aware of from has so much as subscribed to the monthly political newspaper I founded and have edited for nearly 30 years. So either no one agrees with my perspective on the issues of the day other than the Caste System, or they're too apathetic to be bothered.

I think it has more to do with the huge number of options available for political opinion, information and expression. There's almost too many out there. I'd bet that several posters agree with you on a number of issues, but their political outlets are elsewhere. On the other hand, there's really only one place to discuss the Caste System, and that is right here, and thank God for it.
Reject the labels all you want, the general populace believes in them and coming across as them hurts our position.

If you're afraif of being called nasty names like "neo nazi" you shouldn't be on a place that's pro white in the first place because they're going to call you nasty names like neo nazi anyway.
I'm not sure who "us" is. There's a wide variety of political opinions held by various posters.

As I've posted (complained about) before, other than several posters I've known going back to before CF existed, not a single person from this site that I'm aware of from has so much as subscribed to the monthly political newspaper I founded and have edited for nearly 30 years. So either no one agrees with my perspective on the issues of the day other than the Caste System, or they're too apathetic to be bothered. At any rate there's no "us" here when it comes to political views as the sometimes contentious threads on political and social issues shows. I'm more concerned about those who don't follow the rules about not flaming and not using racial slurs and profanity than I am about controversial topics being discussed in a civil manner.

The little I've seen of your political and social views, such as your running this website and the little I've seen of the main page news headlines and your brief appearance on a 911 hoax thread, lead me to believe that our politics are quite similar.

It is going to be very very hard to get people to pay for a subscription nowadays because of the vast amount of info available online. Perhaps you should make your newsletter more prominent with big ads for it on the forum pages. I barely even knew it exists. Then if i go to the home page to look at it i find that all the news articles are locked except to paid subscribers.

I do contribute regularly to places like and and, the latter when I'm not angry at MR for putting up some pro-trayvon crap - but on the other hand that's where i found out about the new Hitler film that's got some of your posters here peeing in their panties, and others too, because they are so useful and influential and righteous and i look at them daily.

Another reason that i won't contribute here is because your choice of moderator makes me nervous and i don't care to give you my real name. Sometimes i think that forums tip their hand when it comes to their choice of moderator. When i saw Stormfront appoint their most pro establishment shill to moderate the 911 forum it made me suspicious to put it mildly. That's the one they call Lion of Judah. Same thing on the late great Liberty Forum, great at least in its heyday. Suddenly pro-establishment mods started appearing - and then it just vanished.

In fairness to your mod here I haven't seen him abuse his mod powerology, and he's probabably the mod for no other reason than he's a rare bird who actually sent in $, which is what he himself says. Anyway it makes me distrustful.

I don't know why i bother with this place. There are some excellent people here but too many who aren't that gïfted in the brains and/or honesty department at least from my point of view. Its the same phenomenon that causes people to persist in trying to reason and argue with their dopey cousin or some guy at work or on 10 million internet forums, I guess. Please feel free to ban me if you think Im endangering people to get called nasty names, whatever.

PS What a hassle it is typing on this tablet - out in the middle of nowhere by the way!

PPS Some people may think I'm poking around their home page because it shows home page visitors here, but no, the tablet text is so small that i keep hitting the wrong button is all.
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Everyone on this topic in particular has made some valid points, and the posters are being reasonable at least in this particular thread. As Don said, the name-calling and flaming and profanity can and is being curbed (thankfully) and healthy discussion and even disagreement doesn't hurt.

At least this "taboo" subject is being talked about and it is of course in the Happy Hour forum where things like this don't have to be on topic of sports directly. But back to topic...

Heck, Just Hitler's name garners so much animosity because people are engrained from the womb to the tomb to hate him but they don't even REALLY know why. I tell you why. It's simple. He did what our enemy hates him for to this very day from the depths of their depraved souls. It's because of what he tried to do and the reasons he tried and the enemy knows it even though they'll never admit it:

To rid Germany and its people of godless and evil Jewish corruption and influence and control from multiple areas of their societies.

Now, ask yourself, or anybody else for that matter, "Why else would OUR nation, which is controlled by the same spiritual and physical offspring, garner SO MUCH hatred for Adolf Hitler, and yet Stalin, who was WAAAAAAAAAAAY worse, hardly ever gets mentioned in our whole snake-pit educational system and mass media"?

Answer: Stalin and his regime and ideologies were one of "them". Period.
This is a good topic..

In my opinion, simply posting about Hitler does not qualify someone as a neo-Nazi.. But glorifying Hitler, or advancing his ideas does.. But, y'know it's a free country. I don't resent someone just because they have political beliefs (including NS) that are different from mine.

As far as being labeled a 'Nazi' by a Liberal, or Cultural Marxist.. that kind of stuff is comical. My beliefs are more in line with a Norman Rockwell painting than a Nuremburg rally. But the Marxists have been so twisted up, they think any Conservative Whiteboy is a member of the SS. Who cares ~
At Caste Football, we have all sorts of topics that could “offend” a curious lurker. From the Men’s Rights Movement, to the Holocaust, to the scourge of female chauvinism, to black slavery, to the hell that is post-Apartheid South Africa, to the Civil War, to the non-white savagery outlined in the “Crime Thread,” to International Jewry, to religion, to the two identical corporate political parties, to Cultural Marxism in modern media, to Global Zionism, to the USSR, to Hollywood, to conspiracies like 9/11 and Sandy Hook, to white mudsharks, to anti-white racism in films, to the NewzJewz “white race-pariah du jour” (George Zimmerman, John Rocker, Paula Dean, Riley Cooper, Sergio Garcia, and dozens of others), to personal anecdotes, to Hitler’s Nazi Germany, to the Caste System in athletics.

Of these topics (and the dozens I’ve omitted), which one wouldn’t offend someone or make them “think poorly” of the CF posters?
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If you're afraid of being called nasty names like "neo nazi" you shouldn't be on a place that's pro white in the first place because they're going to call you nasty names like neo nazi anyway.

Agree with that^.Male no mistake about it you are going to be called a racist,Neo-Nazi for merely speaking the truth in this day & age.
So,you might as well do it yourself.

I'm a Neo-Nazi....HAIL HITLER.:hat:
Glad to get that off my chest.
I've always gotten a chuckle out of being called a "neo-nazi" or "fascist". I'm not sure how those terms apply to someone who would do away with about 75% of the government at all levels. Meanwhile, Obamacare is the most fascistic program in the history of the United States, and will fail for the same reasons as all such schemes.

Not everyone here is a fan or admirer of Hitler (count me as a detractor for multiple reasons), but the occasional discussion is healthy, and it's really never a simple matter of pro or con. Where else can one have such a discussion, without it turning into "all Hitler, all the time"?
Posting about False Flag attacks makes us look like a nut job.

Its clear that Muslims did 9/11 just by looking at the Victims list. Theres hundreds of Jewish names (with pictures and biographies) to back them up.
The more nasty names the neo-bolsheviks call me the more i know I'm on the right track.

Oh yes, another thing that makes me distrustful of this place are the out and out trolls they allow to trash the threads, like Mr Philly Fan right above, Mr Menelik the Black Jewish Prince, Mr Phal, and others that dont come to mind but will probably show up on here to refresh my memory. But they banned the Golden Dawn man from Greece.
The more nasty names the neo-bolsheviks call me the more i know I'm on the right track.

Oh yes, another thing that makes me distrustful of this place are the out and out trolls they allow to trash the threads, like Mr Philly Fan right above, Mr Menelik the Black Jewish Prince, Mr Phal, and others that dont come to mind but will probably show up on here to refresh my memory. But they banned the Golden Dawn man from Greece.

If you were a mod, with your antagonism and name calling toward anyone who doesn't have exactly the same opinions as you, within a short period of time you would end up banning everyone but yourself. :boxing:
Unfortunately, we live in a day and age where freedom of speech in public is no longer existent.

Here in Canada, you can't be open and honest about race, history, and science, and if you are totally open and honest about these things in public you will most likely risk your career, livelihood, and social circle and perhaps even face imprisonment and/or fines.

Carcharias, while I fully respect and thank you your opinion, I think that people will call you a Neo-Nazi for having the most modest pro-White views anyway. Even being a part of this website, regardless if we discuss Hitler or not, will get you labelled as a "racist", "White supremacist" and "Neo-Nazi" (regardless of if you define yourself as such).

Whether we discuss Hitler at this site is irrelevant because mainstream society will throw the "Neo-Nazi" label at anyone who is remotely pro-White anyway, and according to mainstream this site was probably Neo-Nazi to begin with, even before the Hitler discussion.

Just my thoughts.
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If you're afraif of being called nasty names like "neo nazi" you shouldn't be on a place that's pro white in the first place because they're going to call you nasty names like neo nazi anyway.

+1 Quoted for truth.

Whether you want to be called a "Neo-Nazi" or not, most people will call you that anyway for expressing even the slightest pro-White opinion, or even being a part of this site in the first place.
I feel that when the common guy watches Hillis and googles "white running backs" or whatever and finds this site and sees posts about Hitler it discredits the entire site. Not that I don't read and appreciate the posts but it makes the posters seem "to racist" for the casual visitor IMHO. Pointing out double standards against whites is the most effective tool, particularly during the height of football season.
I feel that when the common guy watches Hillis and googles "white running backs" or whatever and finds this site and sees posts about Hitler it discredits the entire site. Not that I don't read and appreciate the posts but it makes the posters seem "to racist" for the casual visitor IMHO. Pointing out double standards against whites is the most effective tool, particularly during the height of football season.

I feel that when the common guy watches Hillis and googles "white running backs" or whatever and finds this site and sees posts about Hitler it discredits the entire site. Not that I don't read and appreciate the posts but it makes the posters seem "to racist" for the casual visitor IMHO. Pointing out double standards against whites is the most effective tool, particularly during the height of football season.

Hitler is the most bandied about name in world history after Jesus and Muhammad. My guess would be that every forum past and present, particularly those which still obsess over Hitler and spew vitriol at his name as if it's still 1945, has numerous threads and posts that mention Uncle Adolf. Someone doing a search and finding this site and who carefully reads the few threads that mention Hitler would see that few posters here are Hitler admirers, and let's face it for the most part it's only those individuals capable of careful reading and independent critical analysis who are going to realize there's a Caste System in sports roughly comparable to the affirmative action and pandering to blacks that occurs in all other institutions in the U.S.
Hitler is the most bandied about name in world history after Jesus and Muhammad. My guess would be that every forum past and present, particularly those which still obsess over Hitler and spew vitriol at his name as if it's still 1945, has numerous threads and posts that mention Uncle Adolf. Someone doing a search and finding this site and who carefully reads the few threads that mention Hitler would see that few posters here are Hitler admirers, and "let's face it for the most part it's only those individuals capable of careful reading and independent critical analysis who are going to realize there's a Caste System in sports roughly comparable to the affirmative action and pandering to blacks that occurs in all other institutions in the U.S."

That ^ should be on a t-shirt advertising CF, and at the very least, it should be by his name and 19XX-20XX as a dedicatory quote of wisdom for eons! ...:icon_lol:
I don't think affirmative action in sports is such a complex concept that someone has to be incredibly astute to grasp it. Everyone knows it exists in all other walks of life. I don't see the benefit of starting threads about Hitler when this site's traffic is presumably at its highest seasonal point. During the height of the football season and the world series I think it would be best to stay on message.
I don't think affirmative action in sports is such a complex concept that someone has to be incredibly astute to grasp it. Everyone knows it exists in all other walks of life. I don't see the benefit of starting threads about Hitler when this site's traffic is presumably at its highest seasonal point. During the height of the football season and the world series I think it would be best to stay on message.

Maybe you are forgetting, or simply don't know that The Happy Hour thread is for subjects other than sports as it clearly says in its header: Happy Hour: "Vent, or just hang out and relax. Less serious topics and meditations on the human condition go here".

One of the last freedoms left on the face of the Earth (in some countries at least) is the ability to vent and discuss issues on the human condition. That includes discussions of historical figures, whether they be controversial or not. Go "stay on message" in the sports forums if you wish, that is indeed commendable. Nobody is forced to come here, especially to the Happy Hour thread(s) and if an occasional visitor is so "offended" even by discussing these things in even less than bantering tone, then they are sheep and belong in the veterinarian forums of Yahoo Chat Rooms...
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