Does posting about Hitler make us look like neo-Nazis?

Maybe you are forgetting, or simply don't know that The Happy Hour thread is for subjects other than sports as it clearly says in its header: Happy Hour: "Vent, or just hang out and relax. Less serious topics and meditations on the human condition go here".

One of the last freedoms left on the face of the Earth (in some countries at least) is the ability to vent and discuss issues on the human condition. That includes discussions of historical figures, whether they be controversial or not. Go "stay on message" in the sports forums if you wish, that is indeed commendable. Nobody is forced to come here, especially to the Happy Hour thread(s) and if an occasional visitor is so "offended" even by discussing these things in even less than bantering tone, then they are sheep and belong in the veterinarian forums of Yahoo Chat Rooms...

I understand the happy hour concept and I enjoyed the thread a few days ago about Hitler and I learned a good amount, as I'm no authority on the subject. The thing is its a big jump from Toby Gerhart getting screwed to what to be considered "neo-nazism" or whatever its called nowdays. Did you develop your world view overnight? I sure didn't and mine is changing everyday, just like most casual visitors of this site. Saying "weird that Welker wasn't drafted" and finding this site is how a lot of people stumble upon it. There are plenty of most serious things discussed in happy hour and it benefits everyone. Its hard for people to change what they are told and taught overnight and I think this site is a perfect gateway into becoming more informed of how the world really works.
You know there's an interesting irony here. If the leftist/liberal scum (or anyone else for that matter) did a little bit of research on the National Socialist German Worker's Party, they would find a great deal in common with today's insane liberal policies that are destroying this country.

Nazism is a label that has been ascribed to the right because some of those folks, like those of us here, support cultural cohesion and possess a certain degree racial awareness that's a direct threat to what the fascist leftist vermin are trying to promote.

I will continue to support and promote White culture and interests and if anyone labels me a Nazi, I will tell them to go study Nazism and get a better understanding of what it really means.
I'm pretty sure that none of the people who are complaining and irate here even watched one single minute of the film in question.
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I'm pretty sure that none of the people who are complaining and irate here even watched one single minute of the film in question.

Guilty but I plan to. I watched the 9-11 video you sent me and it was excellent, which kind of gets to my point. When I joined this site I thought anyone who didn't believe the official 9-11 story was a crazy conspiracy theorist, now I feel if you don't doubt it a little you're the crazy one. Get people checking in here a few times a week natural human curiousity will lead them into the more serious topics. I just think to many overty "raciss" threads can chase people away.
I'm not complaining or irrate either. I actually enjoyed reading that thread. I was just answering the question posed in this thread and I do think it makes members of this site look like "neo-nazis". I hate that term btw.
You know there's an interesting irony here. If the leftist/liberal scum (or anyone else for that matter) did a little bit of research on the National Socialist German Worker's Party, they would find a great deal in common with today's insane liberal policies that are destroying this country.

Nazism is a label that has been ascribed to the right because some of those folks, like those of us here, support cultural cohesion and possess a certain degree racial awareness that's a direct threat to what the fascist leftist vermin are trying to promote.

I will continue to support and promote White culture and interests and if anyone labels me a Nazi, I will tell them to go study Nazism and get a better understanding of what it really means.

Of course, the term “Nazi” merely stemmed from the manner in which the word “National” (which sounds like “Nat-zio-nal”) is pronounced in German. It is the equivalent of being slated as a “Nationalist”…but nobody seems to care about the true etymology. Every American I meet seems to adore the “N-word,” constantly utilizing pejorative terms such as: Femi-Nazi, Grammar-Nazi, Enviro-Nazi, Eco-Nazi, and ceaselessly applies the term to any person whom they dislike and view as overly aggressive, controlling, opinionated, mean-spirited, hateful, xenophobic, or an excessive abuser of their power. Of course, every man who behaves in a manner that is viewed as the least bit antagonistic towards the Jew/***/Fem/Negro/Marx establishment is impulsively, witlessly, automatically likened to Adolf Hitler. How much courage does that take?

It's not fair and it bothers me, so I always try to provide them with a more suitable suggestion of totalitarian behavior (Bolshevism, the USSR, Zionism, American Marxism, North Korea, the American Armed Forces, Communism, China under Mao Zedong) throughout world history. But, like Don has mentioned several times when attempting to explain the Caste System to DWF’s…give it a few days, and it’s as if the conversation never occurred.
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I'm pretty sure that none of the people who are complaining and irate here even watched one single minute of the film in question.
Not only did I watch the film before you even made the thread, but I was already aware of pretty much everything revealed in it, through some research I did on my own back in 1983.

However, my research also clearly indicated Hitler had little regard for the lives of the brave German soldiers. He went against the advice of his best field marshals and generals such as Von Bock when they said it would be unwise to try to take Moscow in Nov-Dec 1941 and to try to hold Stalingrad in late fall and winter a year later. The Germans' finest army was destroyed at Stalingrad, after that they had no chance of winning the war.

Was Hitler looking out for his white brothers when he ordered them to their deaths in Stalingrad? When you look at the photos of the destroyed German cities in 1945 and read about the horrors the German people went through in places like East Prussia after the war, isn't it clear Hitler would have been wiser to choose a more cautious and diplomatic direction for Germany?

To be fair, Hitler wasn't the only one in history who placed little value on the lives of his own troops. In WW 1, General Douglas Haig ordered the English and Newfoundland soldiers to march into the open toward the well-entrenched German machine guns. That first morning of the Battle of the Somme was probably the bloodiest slaughter of enlisted troops of any morning in the history of war.
Of course, the term “Nazi†merely stemmed from the manner in which the word “National†(which sounds like “Nat-zio-nalâ€) is pronounced in German. It is the equivalent of being slated as a “Nationalistâ€â€¦but nobody seems to care about the true etymology. Every American I meet seems to adore the “N-word,†constantly utilizing pejorative terms such as: Femi-Nazi, Grammar-Nazi, Enviro-Nazi, Eco-Nazi, and ceaselessly applies the term to any person whom they dislike and view as overly aggressive, controlling, opinionated, mean-spirited, hateful, xenophobic, or an excessive abuser of their power. Of course, every man who behaves in a manner that is viewed as the least bit antagonistic towards the Jew/***/Fem/Negro/Marx establishment is impulsively, witlessly, automatically likened to Adolf Hitler. How much courage does that take?

It's not fair and it bothers me, so I always try to provide them with a more suitable suggestion of totalitarian behavior (Bolshevism, the USSR, Zionism, American Marxism, North Korea, the American Armed Forces, Communism, China under Mao Zedong) throughout world history. But, like Don has mentioned several times when attempting to explain the Caste System to DWF’s…give it a few days, and it’s as if the conversation never occurred.

Good post, as always. It never even dawned on me that "Nazi" was just a shortening of the first word of the NSDAP, much as they call the Democratic Party faction of the USSA occupational government the "Dems". Governer George Wallace, before they shot him down: "Democrats and Republicans, not a dimes's worth of difference". Governer Huey Long was another one who said the same thing and he too scared them because he was so tremendously popular and he too was going to run for president. They shot him down too, just like they did JFK.
Carcharias - If you watched all six hours of the film it's more than I did, so far anyway. Your points are perfectly valid I think, especially in retrospect, and I could come up with more too. Nobody here is deifying "Uncle Adolf" as someone sarcastically called him above. The film isn't even pro-Hitler, but you're not supposed to even dare to look at that critical time in history with any objectivity. You're not allowed to mention Hitler without foaming at the mouth about their Holohoax shakedown racket and how evil he is. The film is taking an objective look at him, that's all.

The deliberately machinated and totally necessary world wars of the twentieth century have all but finished us off. Prior to WW1 western governments and western civilization were traditional and stable. The white man unquestionably ruled the world. The white population of the world, excluding the duskier branches of the white race in the Indian subcontinent and Araby, was about 34%. Now it's down to something like 8 or 9%.

I don't disagree with what you just said, but as they say hindsight is 20/20. Yeah, looking back it might have been good if Hitler had kept the truncated Germany that was left after the Versailles Diktat -that was especially designed to ensure a bigger and even far worse and even more money making war for the international bankers, and wise men at the time knew it and said it - and made Germany into an impregnable fortress, maybe something like Ataturk did with truncated Turkey - and ignored the atrocities committed upon the German people in "Poland" and had them immigrate - but how could he ignore the untenable situation with East Prussia totally cut off - and of course there's the open question of whether he invaded Russia at the 11th hour just before Stalin was going to invade Germany. And then it was the earliest and worst winter of the century. The Devil is very powerful here on Earth.

The worst to me is how he turned the people of the east against him after most of them had initially welcomed the Germans as liberators from Bolshevism. There's no reason why Germans and Russians and Poles should hate each other. It's bull****. They're all great people (and Poles are my favorite - I like their sense of humor - the way they like to laugh at themselves - Germans need some of that!) - And yeah in hindsight he should have just headed straight for the oilfields in the Caucasus. And yeah, Germans do a have a knack for making themselves hated, even when they act perfectly correctly. British are brutal as hell but people miss them in their former colonies. French too. Germans no.

I'm rambling now....
Werewolf, I've never said Germany invading the USSR in June 1941 was a mistake. The capture of an enormous number Soviet troops, as well as tanks, planes, and other materials during those first ten days was enough to justify it. The USSR was unable to invade Europe for some time after that. After taking Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia from the USSR, the Germans found many allies in those countries.

But Hitler was foolish to go against wise counsel and send his troops deep into Russia try to take Moscow in Nov-Dec 1941.

He made a terrible mistake in casually declaring war on the USA in December 1941 (considering Japan refused to go to war with the USSR at that time).

And worst of all, Hitler was irrational the way he ignored his best advisors and tried to hold Stalingrad in late 1942.
Where Hitler made his mistake was invading Poland. Perhaps his fanboys here think the Poles deserved it or brought in on themselves however Hitler knew that England and France had treaties with Poland that called for a mutual declaration of War. He ignored it, and by the way his own non-aggression pact with Poland (that had been very unpopular with the German people as there were significant former German territories given to Poland). Instead he signed a pact with Russia (HA!) enabling them to divide up Poland.

And yeah, in the end he went to war with Russia because he went to war with everyone on the continent. And he was well aware of it. I'm sure he was surprised that Britain and France honored the pact with Poland (although very warily--they didn't do anything besides declare war and restrict trade) until German troops or bombers showed up in their neighborhoods. He had gotten away with taking Czechoslovakia, Austria, the Sudetenland, and I guess they figured they were next. Which as it turned out was true.

I'm sure you will consider this description as the jew version of the story and if I was not so brain washed I would know that France and Britain invaded Germany with the jew Rosenfeldt sending in the US, oddly enough via North Africa and Italy.

C'mon be serious. Hitler was a dick. Sure he was a stand up guy for his people and all, maybe he liked White people in general, but his actions were underhanded, over aggressive, and in the end suicidal.
Where Hitler made his mistake was invading Poland.
Ribbentrop had an agreement with Stalin to divide Poland, and was pushing Hitler to send in the troops, telling him France and Britain wouldn't do anything.

Goering was advising Hitler to NOT invade Poland, telling him it wasn't worth it because France and Britain would go to war. Hitler's ally Mussolini was not in favor of it either.

Interestingly, Poland did not exist in the 19th century. It was created in 1919 from areas of the German and Russian empires and although much of it had a Polish-speaking majority, some of the Western parts had a majority of German-speaking people.
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He made a terrible mistake in casually declaring war on the USA in December 1941 ...

The last thing Hitler wanted was war with the USA - or Britain. Roosevelt was trying to provoke Hitler for years but he would never take the bait. Roosevelt, supposedly neutral, was busting the German blockade shipping arms to the UK and the USSR, acting as spotters for British submarine hunters, ramming and shooting at German submarines, attacking German merchant vessels, and so on.

Finally Roosevelt got his back door to war with Germany because that's what his masters, the international bankers/world jewry demanded. He knew of course that Germany had a mutual defense pact with Japan so he forced Japan's hand - and Japan didn't want war with the USA either - and then set up the old battleships loaded up with sailors in Pearl Harbor and got his war.

Hitler made an extempoaneous 4 1/2 hour speech before the Reichstag explaining why he declared war on the USA. That speech was censored in the USA. They just told the schmucks that Hitler wanted to take over the world. It's available online now, 70 years too late.
The last thing Hitler wanted was war with the USA - or Britain. Roosevelt was trying to provoke Hitler for years but he would never take the bait. Roosevelt, supposedly neutral, was busting the German blockade shipping arms to the UK and the USSR, acting as spotters for British submarine hunters, ramming and shooting at German submarines, attacking German merchant vessels, and so on.

Finally Roosevelt got his back door to war with Germany because that's what his masters, the international bankers/world jewry demanded. He knew of course that Germany had a mutual defense pact with Japan so he forced Japan's hand - and Japan didn't want war with the USA either - and then set up the old battleships loaded up with sailors in Pearl Harbor and got his war.

Hitler made an extempoaneous 4 1/2 hour speech before the Reichstag explaining why he declared war on the USA. That speech was censored in the USA. They just told the schmucks that Hitler wanted to take over the world. It's available online now, 70 years too late.

So the only international agreement Hitler honors is the one where he is "forced" to declare War on the US if they declare War on Japan? And Roosevelt's grand strategy to force Hitlers hand was to sacrifice half his navy and most of the US Pacific territory to make sure that Hitler declared war? That makes Roosevelt the stupidest jew in US history. He could have just sunk a ship (Maine, Lusitania, Gulf of Tonkin) not sacrifice half the damn navy. The idea is ridiculous. Hitler wanted war, just like Japan did. They did not properly estimate the war power of the US. Geez, Hitler loved war, it's obvious, why deny it?
There's an anecdote about Hitler (I like to thing it's true) that during one of Hitler's get-togethers with his underlings Ribbentrop presented the Fuhrer with a small coffin containing copies of all the agreements that Hitler had eventually violated. The story goes that Hitler laughed so hard he had tears in his eyes. Another story has Hitler summoning to his office one of his employees (a chauffer?) who had knocked up a female member of the entourage in order to give said employee a direct fuhrerbefel to marry the poor girl.

I think had Hitler been a Germanic Iron Age tribal chief his brutality and aggressiveness would have made him a hero. And he wouldn't have had the Jews to deal with.

I don't know that posting about Hitler makes us look like Neo-Nazis. I know I myself would make a lousy Nazi. Just too nice a guy. But a thread about Hitler with the title The Greatest Story Never Told in it, obliquely comparing Hitler's story to that of Jesus Christ? I know it's just a play on words, but please.

Anyone who wants to know more about Hitler and his times might want to try "Hitler" by Joachim C. Fest. Seven hundred and sixty-four pages of a hell of a lot about Hitler.

Someone said they got a virus with the words "we're watchng you" from the "greatest story" videos? I'm not sure if they were joking or not, so I'm a little leery of watching it, but I do plan on giving it a look.

Anyway, Werewolf you're a real character. I'm glad you have it all figured out with the real story behind everything. I read some of your posts and I think, man, who knew? You learn something every day.

Someone said they got a virus with the words "we're watchng you" from the "greatest story" videos? I'm not sure if they were joking or not, so I'm a little leery of watching it, but I do plan on giving it a look.

Nah, ya better not. You might get a "virus" from it. You'll be better off watching something safer like a show about the holocaust or the horrors of white racism or a golf match or the poker channel or something.
A very successful method used by the media to smear and discredit white nationalists is to label them "neo-nazis" or "white supremacists".

If we identify with Hitler or National Socialists, we fall into their trap.
A very successful method used by the media to smear and discredit white nationalists is to label them "neo-nazis" or "white supremacists".

If we identify with Hitler or National Socialists, we fall into their trap.

If you put yourself on the defensive then you play on their terms.
If you put yourself on the defensive then you play on their terms.

Exactly. They're experts at messing with words and messing with mens' minds - and by that line of reasoning you better not talk about race or they'll call you a racist, and you better not say women are different then men or they'll call you a sexist and you better not mention Lucky Larry Silverstein or they'll call you an antisemite and you better not say that perverts give you the heeby jeebies or they'll call you a homophobe.

They can take their bull**** labels that they make up and shove it up their big fat tukhases!
Who gives a flying **** if it does? Our opposition will call us neo-Nazis regardless of what we say or think about certain people. Agree and amplify. They have no defense for that.
to be honest, the virus was probably from watching football streams, some of them have a ton of pop ups, or, from paying traffic tickets (which also had a bunch of pop ups when I tried to pay online so I wound up calling). In New Orleans we have these cameras that are big scams, they take like 10 pictures of your car at certain spots, estimate your speed, then send you a ticket in the mail for going over the speed limit (even though you may have not but if you want to contest it, it costs more money than the actual ticket, and if you lose it winds up on your record and affects insurance) and then you deal with some place in India. Isnt that just f*cking great?

At first I thought the whole song coming on that says "Im watching you" was weird, but apparently its a common ad (wife just gave birth a week ago, E! channel on....dont ask)

so I wouldn't worry to much about getting a virus watching the video.
i think that youtube is a pretty safe website
that video about hitler was censored in france by the way, when i clicked on the link it told me that i couldn't watch it from my country
There is an article or two out there(google) on caste football and they pretty much run down this site as a neo nazi/white supremacist site just based on the fact its pro-white. just based on that the lurkers who dont understand the purpose of this site and dont read the material will come to that conclusion. Of course their perception might be partially right as some here are prejudiced. I am too but I wasnt born this way my worldly view changed everything. In a lot of ways i have never been more sure in my life about my worldly views than i am now. So i dont think it matters what we discuss as the cement heads out there will still see the site the way they want to see it.
i think that youtube is a pretty safe website
that video about hitler was censored in france by the way, when i clicked on the link it told me that i couldn't watch it from my country

The iron heel is stamping out the lamps of freedom all across the western world. It's even worse in many parts of Europe than it is in the USSA. They've flooded the white countries with the dregs of the third world and now the countries are being trashed and they've made it illegal to even mention what's doing it.

There are ways to get around those website blackouts, but I don't know how. I guess I could google it. Or maybe someone here knows. I'd like to know if for no other reason than the trivial one of watching boxing matches that are blacked out locally. More serious reasons, as above in occupied France, will be coming here too.
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