Do you like your work?

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
I'm starting this discussion to try to get a feel for what you all think of what you do for a living. What you like about your work and what you dislike. Do you have a hard time concentrating on your work or can you put yourself completely into it? Do you work outdoors or inside?
Are there women in your workplace and what percentage of the workplace do they make up? Are women a problem to work with/for? Generally speaking, anything you'd like to say about your work, I'm interested in.

In my own case, I'm retired Iron Worker. If you'd like to sak me about that, I'll answer to the best of my ability.

Tom Iron...
Tom, I'm in the IT industry & have served in various capacities (Project Manager, Architect, Analyst, etc.). I've mostly worked as an IT PM the last 8+ years. I enjoy working with the multiple "towers"/teams...DBAs, SysAdmins, Developers, etc. I try to absorb as much knowledge as possible when working with these resources. I'd say my biggest "dislike" is the standard politics & red-tape/hoops I deal with as a PM. There are women in my field (PM, Managers, QA), but not many female Developers, SysAdmins or DBAs.

One of the biggest pet-peeves of mine is the amount of H-1B visa workers in IT. My last (direct) company had a slew of indian ("rubyknoggin") H-1B's serving mostly in QA & Development. These corporations use H-1Bs because of their lower rate ($), BUT these rubyknoggins are often arrogant yet have sub-par results. I primarily blame the traitors in DC for allowing the massive amount of H-1B visas & Globalist Elite vermin (like Bill Gates) for their endless lobbying for (even) more H-1Bs. Of course, these (Globalist minded) "U.S." corporations have NO allegiance to American workers anymore.
DixieDestroyer said:
Tom, I'm in the IT industry & have served in various capacities (Project Manager, Architect, Analyst, etc.). I've mostly worked as an IT PM the last 8+ years. I enjoy working with the multiple "towers"/teams...DBAs, SysAdmins, Developers, etc. I try to absorb as much knowledge as possible when working with these resources. I'd say my biggest "dislike" is the standard politics & red-tape/hoops I deal with as a PM. There are women in my field (PM, Managers, QA), but not many female Developers, SysAdmins or DBAs.

One of the biggest pet-peeves of mine is the amount of H-1B visa workers in IT. My last (direct) company had a slew of indian ("rubyknoggin") H-1B's serving mostly in QA & Development. These corporations use H-1Bs because of their lower rate ($), BUT these rubyknoggins are often arrogant yet have sub-par results. I primarily blame the traitors in DC for allowing the massive amount of H-1B visas & Globalist Elite vermin (like Bill Gates) for their endless lobbying for (even) more H-1Bs. Of course, these (Globalist minded) "U.S." corporations have NO allegiance to American workers anymore.

Dixie, do you mean that your company outsources work to India? The company I used to work for has been completely bought out by Indians. No white Americans at the company any longer.
WA33, my former company imports/INsources H-1B visa workers via India. Outsourcing means the American jobs go overseas (India, Red China) or south of our border. Insourcing means these Globalist sorry@$$ traitors haul the rubynoggins onto our soil to steal OUR jobs!
DixieDestroyer said:
WA33, my former company imports/INsources H-1B visa workers via India. Outsourcing means the American jobs go overseas (India, Red China) or south of our border. Insourcing means these Globalist sorry@$$ traitors haul the rubynoggins onto our soil to steal OUR jobs!

My company does both. We train some and then they ship them back to India and then they bring some over to stay and work with us and bring their families with them.

Sir, how do you rate the "rubynoggins" as workers as opposed to our workers.

What do you make of our workers by age group? Would you rate them top notch?

Tom Iron...
DixieDestroyer said:
WA33, my former company imports/INsources H-1B visa workers via India. Outsourcing means the American jobs go overseas (India, Red China) or south of our border. Insourcing means these Globalist sorry@$$ traitors haul the rubynoggins onto our soil to steal OUR jobs!

I'm guessing using these Indians saves the company lots of money. I'm out of work right now but the financial company I most recently worked for is owned by a tribesman. He refuses to hire workers and goes through temp agencies to avoid paying benefits.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
Tom, the rubys are arrogant & believe they're much more intelligent then us Americans (especially the males). The Developers are often prone to coding mistakes (missing bugs, etc.), and American (White, male) developers are (honestly) far superior in coding, testings. The ONLY reason these "American" companies use H-1Bs is (as WA33 said) just for cost savings (lower rates & no benefits). The dots in QA do okay, but it's an easier job & some of the females don't have the ego of the males. The dot age-range is late 20s to late 30s usually. The best Developers are usually White males in their late 20s-mid 30s, and the best PMs are also White males from mid 30s to early 50s. Being a PM takes solid "people"/soft skills...communication, leadership, etc...which the rubys don't (usually) have. Hence, I rarely see a H-1B PM.

WA33, contract gigs (in IT) usually pay more then regular/direct, but usually don't offer benefits. I've worked regular (for a Fortune 10 company) for 13 years & worked contract a few times. There's less job security with a contract gig, but that's the downside of making more $. I've been doing some contract development these last several months, & am about to start a contract IT PM gig for a large corporation. Y'all wish me luck!
I hate my job but I like my wages and benefits, my job is with the u.s. postal service, I am called a mailhandler. My advise to any one who is considering a job as a mailhandler, forget about it, if you do your job you will be persecuted by the lazy employees and management. The postal service where I am at (virginia) is pathetic and evil.

I advise you to put yourself fully into your work. don't worry about those people who are lazy employees or management. Concentrate on what you're doing so it becomes second nature to you. For every lousy thing they do to you, be pleasant and courteous. It will drive people crazy to the point that they'll keep clear of you. Then your work will actually become enjoyable for you.

As far as advancement goes, if you're the best worker they have, you will get what's coming to you in the end. I've seen this time and time again. Buddies, pals, relatives, etc. get promoted over better people and they louse things up for themselves. Then, the person who initially advanced his crony finds he has to promote the competant person. These things always have a away of working themselves out for the best. Be patient. Sometimes things don't happen overnight.

Take care and have a good day.

Tom Iron...
Gentlemen, I hope this comes though for you to see the tempo of my work as it used to be. If it doesn't come though (I always seem to louse these copy and paste thing up - maybe I'll be luckier with this one), go to Youtube and look at the listed video. You'll like it.

No More Teirs.mpg

Tom Iron...
I am a self employed construction worker. Do I enjoy it? Absolutely, it certainly beats my previous "career" of sitting in a stuffy building at a cubicle all day pushing papers! I love what I do but even still, I hope to be retired by my mid 30's and residing in a small town somewhere, preferably in Ireland.
The one thing about a man and his work is that if he does it completely, he will be fine. That means throwing himself 100% into whatever he's doing. Wearing blinders to everything around him as he goes into each workday. At some point, he will see that whatever he's doing, whether it be mopping a floor, all the way to CEO of a major corporation, and everything in between, it will define him. Even to the point of not worrying about money. The work itself will become the most important thing in his life, beside his family and people.

Tom Iron...
The one thing about a man and his work is that if he does it completely, he will be fine. That means throwing himself 100% into whatever he's doing. Wearing blinders to everything around him as he goes into each workday. At some point, he will see that whatever he's doing, whether it be mopping a floor, all the way to CEO of a major corporation, and everything in between, it will define him. Even to the point of not worrying about money. The work itself will become the most important thing in his life, beside his family and people.

Tom Iron...

Great post as usual Tom.
I like my work fine. After more than 10 years of this, I can can get things done quickly and efficently enough to stay cool in a job that can get pretty hectic. I love watching the young hotshots melt down when the pace picks up. Not that it's important, but I'd rather not say what I do in case somebody puts 2 and 2 together and gets me transitioned into unemployment before I'm ready.

I hate my boss and I'm getting ready to move out of my current field and into something else. At my age, it's risky but exciting and we've planned for it.
I am in the initial process of preparing to relocate and seek new employment. At my current job I have pretty much peaked, there is not much more potential for challenges and growth. I am not sure I will stay in my current career trajectory or find something else. I feel I am confident, intelligent and my work ethic can help me really learn/pickup any job. I can only echo Tom Iron's words of wisdom. I don't think many adhere to that type of advice in this day and age.

Bronk, how is your search going?
I absolutely hate my job. I dread going in every Monday. It really isn't that hard or that bad, but I truly hate it. The sad thing is I'm stuck there for personal reasons.

I work an office job and the office BS just drives me nuts. "fun" work parties that are mandatory since they know most people wouldn't go to if they weren't. Then while you're at the party everyone says "isn't this fun?" - it's just all BS. Then there's the mandatory training that never ends. Not anything useful of course but team building crap and role playing - basically some a55hole consultant makes big bucks coming up with training crap that the supervisors decide will be "fun". I feel like Toby from the Office.

If i had it to do over, which i don't, there's no question i would have learned a trade of some sort. Of course the mexican illegals have taken over a lot of those jobs by undercutting wages. I'm just hoping to put my time in and retire at a decent age. I'll keep playing the lottery in the meantime. and if i win, WN will have a millionaire funder.
[h=3]I hope this comes through. Pretty good video of my work. Notice, the guy mentions both Indian and White guys, but not blacks. That's because blacks are a non-entity in this work. All they can do is anything that's easy.

Sky Walking: A Mohawk Ironworker Keeps Tradition Alive - YouTube[/h]
â–º 3:10â–º 3:10 16, 2012 - 3 min - Uploaded by wnycradio
WNYC profiles Mohawk ironworker Kaniehtakeron 'Geggs' Martin who's been climbing high steel for 15 ...

Tom Iron...
I worked in downtown Salt Lake City in the 80's and watched these guys put up a some building called the American Towers. Not long after they were finished some guy did a swan dive off the top. I missed that one. One time I was at an eatery and a couple of the ironworkers came in and stood in line next to me. I'm any thing but puny, but I felt that way standing next to those skywalkers. I almost told them I thought they were crazy, but I was afraid they might take it the wrong way.

And by the way, I read on another thread about how they snubbed your effort to recruit trainees for that work. Everything is college now. I think that everyone goes to college thing has peaked. With all the layoffs at schools and class reductions it all amounts to the college downsizing. I hate to break it to them, but some of those kids will have to find another place to party.

But hey, at least they won't have to skip class to do it.
I hope this comes through. Pretty good video of my work. Notice, the guy mentions both Indian and White guys, but not blacks. That's because blacks are a non-entity in this work. All they can do is anything that's easy.

Sky Walking: A Mohawk Ironworker Keeps Tradition Alive - YouTube

â–º 3:10â–º 3:10 16, 2012 - 3 min - Uploaded by wnycradio
WNYC profiles Mohawk ironworker Kaniehtakeron 'Geggs' Martin who's been climbing high steel for 15 ...

Tom Iron...

Tom, this was my dad’s profession. He lived and breathed it. I’ve known quite a few Ironworkers in my time. Never has there been such an assortment of characters. Here’s a video from the site you posted about in the other thread:

Quiet Speed,

Yep, it's great work, or it was. But like everything else, they had to insert blacks and create an illusion that blacks could do the work. I suggest you read my essay, "Blacks on High Steel" that appeared in Amren. That'll give you an idea of how everthing went. But it still takes place outdoors and is still great work. That's what I loved about it. It takes place outdoors. I have some good indian friends, although I haven't seen them for awhile. They're still my friends.

Tom Iron...
Tom, I hope you don’t mind. I’m taking the liberty of posting a link to your article. I remember reading it a few years ago. I enjoyed it the second time around, too.

If I recall correctly, the entry for Blacks in the New Orleans local was when the local absorbed the rodbusters union which was largely Black or predominately Black. I would have to verify the details, though. That move allowed the younger Blacks to drift into the structural ironworking that we’re talking about. It was all probably a result of trying to accomplish some racial goals.

Blacks and High Steel