My answer to this thread (in intellectual Ebonics) and I rest my case:
" I ain't kno' what dat nigga were but he ain't no black! He ain't real, he ain't a brotha, feel me? Dig wit me dawg? Asian, White, Arab or Native American, I ain't give da s h i t brah. All dese people have explored, invented, produced empires, philosophy, went on da moon, created powerful nations and continents, had kings and great warriors, won and fought wars...........we niggas all we got is some basketball, boxing and some trashy music in da USA, and all dat was during the 20th century dat our Zionist bosses decided to make us fashionable puppets. We still slaves but wit a different boss dis time and plus we get over-paid. But so what? 95% of us is ending up broke crying on national TV. All we got is dese three things in da USA from thousands years of history, society and civilization. All we have traditionally dominated on a global level is poverty, slavery and disease..........Boy wut? Who gives a s h i t if dis pale mothaf u c k e r was Asian, Arab or white......he wasn't no nigga, I know dat. He wasn't no slave so I ain't diggin' here. WHOAH!!!!!!!!!!"