Do you claim Genghis Khan as part White ? he was apparently red haired and green eyes

Is he part white?

  • yes

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • no

    Votes: 4 57.1%

  • Total voters
And learn some history about the Ottoman empire. The Balkans, Caucasus, Nubian slaves were brought there is even afro-turks descendants of slaves in turkey.
99% of Ottoman slaves were Caucasians.

As can be seen here. Mongolian autosomal DNA samples were taken from western Mongols and Eastern Mongols. In this study Western Mongolians are 83% Mongoloid in DNA but eastern mongolian 95%
Time for another English lesson:
If Mongolians were 10-20% Caucasian you'd most certainly bitch if I said they were ~20% Caucasian.
I didn't say Mongolians were 10-20% Caucasian, I said if, as in hypothetical. Do you make a habit out of being stupid?

Caucasians as a whole are very closely related.

Unfortunately not related enough to be considered European or white. They are only Caucasoid, related in terms of ancient DNA connection and skull features but they are seperated from very long time ago, in terms of DNA North Africans are mostly North west African DNA, Middle eastern are mostly west Asian and South West DNA. Europeans only have their own Euroopean cluster

However North African, Middle easterners in addition to their different caucasoid DNA have some non-caucasoid admixture.


12.5% are over 25-50% Black

1 Sample: 53% Sub Saharan
1 Sample: 32.9% Sub Saharan

87.5% are below 25% Black African

2 Sample: 22.1% Sub saharan
1 Sample 14% Sub saharan
2 Samples 13% Sub saharan
2 Sampple 12% Sub saharan
1 Sample 11.5% Sub saharan
3 Samples 10% Sub saharan
2 Samples 9.7% Sub saharan

Caucasoid looking Moorocans

I despise white people.
Are things okay in Statesville, NC?

Would a sane white man hate white people like you do Joe?

It seems you despise yourself because you're such a loser. You must really be suffering if you feel the need to obsessively bash and discredit white athletes on the internet every day.
Have a Sumo salad, fatty! :pound:
Are things okay in Statesville, NC?

Would a sane white man hate white people like you do Joe?

It seems you despise yourself because you're such a loser. You must really be suffering if you feel the need to obsessively bash and discredit white athletes on the internet every day.
Have a Sumo salad, fatty! :pound:

"Have a Sumo salad, fatty!" :pound:That made me lol!
This whole idea that Caste Football "claims" somebody as White or not is a non-starter. We are individuals, not a hive of identical thinking drones as is the left.

What we've agreed is that "White" can be subjective at the margins and some will disagree with others on whether someone should be considered White or not. But that's a trifle, and has nothing to do with this site and its mission. Everyone roots for whatever athletes they want to, and that has sometimes included Euro/Asian mixes. For example, Jaxvid always rooted for Johnny Damon (half Thai) and no one cared or took issue with it.

As far as the word Caucasian, I never use it as it's an unattractive word both verbally and in writing. It also sounds and looks like a variation of the word Asian. I love the word White and for variations, European or Euro or Euro-American is fine. I have noticed that Caucasian is used by the system more than it used to be, especially among blacks who would recoil in horror if someone referred to them as Negroes. It's curious that as Oriental has fallen out of use for Asians, and Negro for blacks, Caucasian is becoming more commonly used for Whites. That's not coming from the "White community"; I've heard very few Whites ever refer to themselves as "Caucasian" rather than White.

But as for the thread itself, it's ridiculous, but it also creates an instant frenzy of posting like the one earlier in the Boxing forum. If the consensus is to ban this weirdo that's fine with me. If we want to keep him around for entertainment purposes that's fine too.
99% of Ottoman slaves were Caucasians.

Time for another English lesson:

I didn't say Mongolians were 10-20% Caucasian, I said if, as in hypothetical. Do you make a habit out of being stupid?

How about it's just you being delusional? I showed a genetic graph of Mongolian which clearly shows they caucasian admixture range from 5-17% only and I made the points Turkish and Azeris have much more non-Caucasian admixture than Mongolians have non-Mongoloid admixture.
Unfortunately not related enough to be considered European or white. They are only related in terms of ancient connection and skull features, but in terms of DNA North Africans are mostly North west African DNA, Middle eastern are mostly west Asian and South West DNA. Europeans only have their own cluster with some europeans have some west Asian DNA.

You don't know how clusters work do you? All the North African and Middle East clusters fall under the Caucasian race. Genetically Caucasians are all very closely related.
This whole idea that Caste Football "claims" somebody as White or not is a non-starter. We are individuals, not a hive of identical thinking drones as is the left.

What we've agreed is that "White" can be subjective at the margins and some will disagree with others on whether someone should be considered White or not. But that's a trifle, and has nothing to do with this site and its mission. Everyone roots for whatever athletes they want to, and that has sometimes included Euro/Asian mixes. For example, Jaxvid always rooted for Johnny Damon (half Thai) and no one cared or took issue with it.

As far as the word Caucasian, I never use it as it's an unattractive word both verbally and in writing. It also sounds and looks like a variation of the word Asian. I love the word White and for variations, European or Euro or Euro-American is fine. I have noticed that Caucasian is used by the system more than it used to be, especially among blacks who would recoil in horror if someone referred to them as Negroes. It's curious that as Oriental has fallen out of use for Asians, and Negro for blacks, Caucasian is becoming more commonly used for Whites. That's not coming from the "White community"; I've heard very few Whites ever refer to themselves as "Caucasian" rather than White.

But as for the thread itself, it's ridiculous, but it also creates an instant frenzy of posting like the one earlier in the Boxing forum. If the consensus is to ban this weirdo that's fine with me. If we want to keep him around for entertainment purposes that's fine too.

White became subjective only when Americans started promoting this bullcrap idea that White includes people from Europe, middle east, North Africa but than Europeans would never consider them whites.

Is there any nations who would include Kazakhs as white in the census? only U.S and maybe Canada.

Even in the Americans census Kazakhs are considered white LOL while Pakis are considered Asian. Don't you see how stupid this is?
How about it's just you being delusional? I showed a genetic graph of Mongolian which clearly shows they caucasian admixture range from 5-17% only and I made the points Turkish and Azeris have much more non-Caucasian admixture than Mongolians have non-Mongoloid admixture.

It's called a hypothetical, moron, why is that so hard for you to understand? I said you would object to me saying Mongolians are ~20% Caucasian (which you did) but have no problem saying Anatolian Turks are ~15% Mongoloid when they're only ~10%. :der:
You don't know how clusters work do you? All the North African and Middle East clusters fall under the Caucasian race. Genetically Caucasians are all very closely related.

Every continent has their own cluster, North Africans and Middle eastern cluster have their own different Caucasian cluster to Europeans. So call them Caucasoid but don't try to call them White.

With your logic, am I suppose to claim Native Americans are Asians and Mexicans Mestizo as Eurasian? Being Caucasoid is not the same as being white. Caucasoid is very diverse you can't just claim a light skin Arab or even a light skin Paki as White
Here are two examples of Arabs that I would consider white;


Haifa Wehbe, Lebanese singer


Zinedine Zidane, Algerian-French footballer

I mean, honestly, these Arabs are absolutely Caucasian and if you didn't know any better you'd probably assume that they were European. They look white and they are white. Many Arabs and Persians will pass an appearance test and many will consider them white.

Well, Haifa Wehbe did cut a song in which she referred to Nubians as monkeys, so she's at least honorary white.
Here's some gypsy genetics.

60% of gypsies have the Haplogroup H Y-Chromosome. Haplogroup H is common among Dravidians, who most certainly aren't white and aren't Caucasian either.

I'm dissapointed. I though you understand genetic more. Y-DNA has little to do with autosomal DNA, they are 65-90% European in DNA.

Don't claim Turks, Jews, Arabs, or any Middle eastern people as white unless you claim GYPSIES or ROMA as white first. They have more European DNA than any of those groups.








With your logic, am I suppose to claim Native Americans are Asians and Mexicans Mestizo as Eurasian? Being Caucasoid is not the same as being white. Caucasoid is very diverse you can't just claim a light skin Arab or even a light skin Paki as White

I never called them white, I called them Caucasians. You had a problem with that though, even going so far as to say they weren't genetically related.

Unfortunately not related enough to be considered European or white. They are only related in terms of ancient connection and skull features, but in terms of DNA North Africans are mostly North west African DNA, Middle eastern are mostly west Asian and South West DNA. Europeans only have their own cluster with some europeans have some west Asian DNA.

You later edited your post, but I still remember. :smiley:
I never called them white, I called them Caucasians. You had a problem with that though, even going so far as to say they weren't genetically related.

You later edited your post, but I still remember. :smiley:

You call them Caucasian but deep down you're trying to call them white that is the point you're trying to prove. You didn't hesitate claiming Genghis Khan had some white blood even though it's actually small and in reality more similar to west Asian Tajiks than to European DNA.

The Caucasian admixture in Mongolians is more similar to Tajik who are west Asian in DNA, so first try and claim them as white than try to claim Genghis Khan have white blood.

This all gets to an interesting question. Can we consider Doug Flutie and Jeff George "white" quarterbacks? John Elway might also be questionable. Personally, I think any definitional scheme under which those guys are non-white is absurd.
Well, Haifa Wehbe did cut a song in which she referred to Nubians as monkeys, so she's at least honorary white.
I know a Persian man (a young engineer) who told me he refused to have sex with a negro girl because he felt it would be like having sex with an ape.
That's meaningless, Obama would rate as 50% Africa and 50% European. He's got more European DNA than an Arab. By your logic I'm more closely related to him than I am to Middle Easterners.

That's exactly why this whole North Africans and Middle easterners as white is LOAD OF BULL**** from whites.

Only self obsessed white Americans would claim these people. Just recently they were talking about if the boston bomber from Chenchya and with typical questions are Chechnya white?

This all gets to an interesting question. Can we consider Doug Flutie and Jeff George "white" quarterbacks? John Elway might also be questionable. Personally, I think any definitional scheme under which those guys are non-white is absurd.
I wouldn't worry too much if someone is 1/4 Middle Eastern.

Though according to EurasianFan if someone is 1/4 black and 3/4 white they're just as white as someone who is 1/4 middle eastern and 3/4 white. :icon_rolleyes:
That's exactly why this whole North Africans and Middle easterners as white is LOAD OF BULL**** from whites.

Only self obsessed white Americans would claim these people. Just recently they were talking about if the boston bomber from Chenchya and with typical questions are Chechnya white?


They're only considered white by the census, they most certainly are Caucasians though.
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