I like to read the articles in this thread from time to time, but not too often because I can't do anything about them. The South Carolina murder linked above just makes me sick.
Thats why Whites need to move away when blacks move in.......Yet most of the whites stay silent on these types of matters. No matter how much evidence you provide them with they refuse to believe that negroes are violent by nature. You give them statistics on interracial crime and they call you a racist.
Just browsing through my local paper here I find multiple black on white crimes every day. It's either armed robberies, burglaries, or car jackings. The blacks come from ghettos like Paterson and Newark into white suburbs to cause chaos.
Thats why Whites need to move away when blacks move in.......
That works, but only to a point, because it is getting more difficult to find a place away from all the diversities.
Untermenschen run wild with TNB at Mall of America (yo)...
Up here in the Pacific NW, the great majority of shopping malls around the Seattle area simply not safe to go to anymore, but it wasn't always this way. Some of the malls and shopping centers that have become a haven for ghetto trash used to be great places to shop, eat, and just hang-out with friends and family when there was less diversity.
I have personally stopped going to malls all together. I usually order stuff online or try going to smaller shopping areas near where I live. It's nice to walk around and see 80% Whites everywhere, though not sure how long that will last before diversity eventually arrives at our doorstep.
Indeed. Even if malls weren't full of untermenschen, I'd still avoid them as I don't like to be around snot-nose, punk teens. Save for a few good young'uns (like my kids, a few at church & here on CFYes, the “American Mall” has become a dank sanctuary for all forms of non-white scourge, interracial couples, obnoxious teenagers, wiggers cloaked in full garb, and other assorted green-haired, pierced, tattooed, obese, and sickly freaks. Thankfully, I don’t live within 30 miles of a major mall in any direction.
Indeed. Even if malls weren't full of untermenschen, I'd still avoid them as I don't like to be around snot-nose, punk teens. Save for a few good young'uns (like my kids, a few at church & here on CF ;-)), most kids are rude & obnoxious these days.
Negro thug murders HS teacher girlfriend:
From the looks of it, the 'ol sucker punch appears to have done the trick. She probably never saw it coming and was out cold by the time she hit the ground and hit her head, which proved to be the fatal injury.
Apologies if I sound insensitive, but I have zero sympathy for any woman who gets mixed up with a black man and then meets her untimely demise as a result.
The victim:
The suspect:
![]() An article entitled "Okla. Woman Shoots, Kills Intruder: 911 Operators Say It's Okay to Shoot" One 18 year-old woman raped, one not-- the difference a 12 gauge.The brutal attack in Chicago was perpetrated by blacks against a white victim. Several dozen local news stories have been published by local media. Every single one censor the race of the victim and perpetrator. An 18 year old white female from Highland Park was denied entry to a concert in Chicago because she forgot her id. Within minutes, a wolfpack of black thugs pounced on her as she waited for a ride home by herself. For the next thirty minutes she was brutally gang raped and beaten by six to eight black thugs. She was beaten into a coma and nearly died. The perps placed her bloody, naked body back on the sidewalk. Security guards for the concert venue saw some of the perps and apprehended three. They turned them over to the Chicago PD. Despite having the victim’s blood on their clothes, they were released after questioning. Police believe this girl was alone for just a few minutes before the wolfpack attacked her. The thugs simply wanted to do horrible things to a white female victim.
A Colorado man returns from the hospital to find a group of Hispanics squatting in his home.
Ocala, Florida bus beating was a racially motivated attack on a white female.
We had been speculating that the victim would turn out to be white in this brutal school bus beating. The media had been hiding her race. Now police have confirmed that the victim is white and was targeted because of her race.
The victim is a white fourteen year old who was brutally beaten by seven male and female black thugs on her school bus. Police have arrested the seven thugs. Naturally the seven thugs say the innocent victim started it. Because of their age they will be slapped on the wrist.
The victim was severely injured and had to be rushed to the hospital. The school district says they may have to add security to their school buses because of the violent behavior of black students.
A huge mob of Latino immigrants, screaming in Spanish, attacked a group of three white teens in Orange County, CA. One of the victims had his head smashed in by multiple blows from bricks. He is comatose in critical condition. His father rushed into the attack and drug his son away and the Latino thugs beat him as well.
Well, the TV commercials tell these people otherwise. Whether it's a silly Applebee's, Chili's, or ChuckECheese commercial, or some commercial showing a group of people in their living room enjoying their favorite corporate lite beer or corporate pizza while watching their favorite corporate football team, the crowd is always pretty much the or two black dudes, with one of them sitting close or next to some White girl, maybe some other White girl and one or two White guys, usually dressed in their DWF-best, and then, maybe, a light-skinned black woman.What gets me is what goes through people's minds when they see all sorts of blacks in a place like that. They go in as if everythings honky dory? They don't have enough sense to just walk away? They don't know that no good can come of their going in there? Lord, these people must be dumb.Tom Iron...
Deus Vult,
What gets me is what goes through people's minds when they see all sorts of blacks in a place like that. They go in as if everythings honky dory? They don't have enough sense to just walk away? They don't know that no good can come of their going in there? Lord, these people must be dumb.