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Ten "women" and several dozen "young people"? :icon_mad: Thank God they are showing the video clips of these black pack attacks (BPAs) otherwise the public would be none the wiser.

More like a pack of rats or other such filthy vermin.
Latest drive-by targeted former Socceroo

A string of eight shootings in seven days in western Sydney has prompted Premier Barry O'Farrell to urge fearful victims to speak to police before someone is hurt or killed.

Meanwhile, NSW police have reminded uncooperative witnesses that they too could be breaking the law.

In the latest incident, the family home of former Socceroo Ahmad Elrich was targeted in Merrylands about 4.30am (AEST) on Thursday when his aunt's Toyota Camry took two bullets.

"It's a cowardly act," Elrich told the Seven Network on Thursday.

Elrich is facing court over 11 weapons and drugs charges but said he has nothing to do with the recent spate of drive-by shootings.

"I've got no association with any gangs that are fighting. I'm not involved in anyone's dramas."

No one was injured in the incident.

Mr O'Farrell said witnesses who don't come forward could be risking lives

"The real concern is these drive-by shootings, which so far haven't taken a life, may take the life or cause injury to an innocent bystander," Mr O'Farrell told reporters in Sydney on Thursday.

"That's simply unacceptable but it's made worse by a police concern that a lack of community feedback is hampering their investigations."

A total of seven drive-by shootings and one street shooting emanating from a domestic dispute, in which two people were injured, have taken place since last Friday in the Merrylands and Fairfield areas.

Detective Superintendent Peter Lennon joined Mr O'Farrell at Thursday's press conference and reminded witnesses who might know the offenders or have links to them the consequence of not coming forward.

"You could be charged with concealing a serious offence, hindering a police investigation or accessory before or after the fact to a serious crime," the Fairfield Local Area Commander said.

"If they know that this has occurred, then they are involved."

Det Supt Lennon also said that many residents' fears may be based on their experiences in their country of birth.

"I'm talking about elements of southwestern Sydney who are new to the state of New South Wales who may have memories of previous lifestyles or encounters with authorities that we've got to break down," he said

"They need to understand what arrangements we can put in place for them."

Initial ballistic reports show handguns were used in the attacks, and police are working to determine if any of the incidents are linked.

Detective Chief Superintendent of Organised Crime Malcolm Lanyon said he'd seen similar strings of shootings among rival bikie groups.

"It could be a dispute over a territory, it could be a dispute over a slight between two different parties, it could be a domestic-related matter," Det Chief Supt Lanyon told AAP.

"And then invariably what would happen is there would be a tit-for-tat set of incidents."

As well as the shooting at the Elrich home, six homes and businesses in the area have been fired upon in drive-by shootings since Friday.

In a separate incident on Monday night, two men were shot in Barcom Street at Merrylands over a domestic dispute.

One had been shot in the face and shoulder. The other had been shot in the back.

Police charged a third man with attempted murder over the incident.

Det Supt Lennon said the double shooting and a shooting at a hairdressing salon in Fairfield in which a man was injured were not linked to the other incidents.

Detectives are still working to determine if the other six attacks on homes and a pizzeria in Merrylands West are connected.

No one was injured in those incidents.

NSW Police created Strike Force Restore this week to crack down on the shootings.

The team includes local police and officers from the Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad.

Police are appealing for anyone with information about the shootings to come forward.


Elrich is representative of the type of Arabic scum infesting Australia - and to top things off, such a piece of reeking excrement has been allowed to sully the Australian shirt.

As things go, this "macho" Middle Eastern poseur was pulled over by police in May and was found to be carrying a couple of loaded pistols and a stash of pecker-stiffening pills. :rofl:

"Police have alleged that two pistols and ammunition were found, as well as a quantity of the erectile dysfunction drug Cialis, for which Elrich did not have a prescription."


"Erectile dysfunction drug" - what a pathetic wimp. Yet again, a posturing non-White "gangsta" has been exposed as an all-round loser...

How to Fix the NFL's Violence Problem-below is the best part. The writer's answer is that more people need to play sports. Well, we know there is a lot more to it than that.

"Welcome to the end of Western Civilization. Please leave your humanity at the door.

That's what people seemed to do in San Francisco last weekend, when fans attacked each other at Candlestick Park during an NFL preseason game between the 49ers and Oakland Raiders. In addition to countless fights in the bleachers—many of which were caught on camera--serious injuries included two men being shot in the parking lot, and another badly beaten in a stadium restroom.

On Monday, the NFL reacted. 49ers chief executive Jed York announced increased security patrols and more DUI checkpoints around the stadium, and a ban on tailgating at Candlestick after games have started. The league also said that any season ticket-holder found to have taken part in the violence will have their tickets revoked.

This doesn't seem like nearly enough. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has defined his tenure by taking a hardline on character issues for players—witness Tuesday's meetings with Kenny Britt and Aqib Talib—and should be just as tough or tougher on fans who misbehave. After all, who affects the average fan's experience more directly: a player who gropes a waitress a thousand miles away, or a belligerent fan in the next row? At the very least, any fans found guilty of fighting at an NFL stadium should be banned for life from attending another game.

York, as expected, also said he would ask the NFL to remove the annual preseason meeting between the Bay area rivals from next year's schedule. That's the right call, of course, but it nevertheless feels like the wrong one. There's something demoralizing about the mighty NFL declaring itself unable to provide a safe environment for fans when the Niners and Raiders meet. It feels like the league is capitulating to thuggery.

The fan-on-fan violence at Candlestick, along with less severe but equally creepy brawls in Baltimore during Friday night's meeting between the Ravens and Chiefs, was immediately lumped in with an attack earlier this summer on Bryan Stow, who is still in the hospital, months after being savagely beaten at Dodgers Stadium for the crime of being a Giants fan.

On his video blog for, Jeremy Schapp articulated the conventional wisdom that fan-on-fan violence merely reflects a rising tide of aggression in society a whole. It's hard, Schapp said, not to "see a correlation between what's happening with fans, and what's happening in the culture at large," suggesting that this culture-wide rise in violence is caused, at least in part, by the widening gap between rich and poor.

Toronto Star columnist Cathal Kelly agrees with the economic argument. He writes that "times for many North Americans are mean, and as a result, North Americans are getting meaner."

Seems logical. There's only one problem. It's not true. There is no rising tide of violence, not if you believe the FBI crime statistics, whose latest figures show a 5.5 percent drop in reported violent crimes between 2009 and 2010. "
An article entitled "Black flash mobs have been in Philadelphia, Chicago, Wisconsin, Ohio, Nevada and now Maryland."

The latest negro crime wave, which involves flash mobs of blacks, who suddenly coalesce out of nowhere thanks to Twitter or other text messaging to rob stores, assault Whites and commit acts of mindless destruction, is now coming to neighborhoods near 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Stealing is NOT a normal thing at a store in a White neighborhood. Business owners who try to run stores near Black areas need to calculate if the expected shoplifting from garden variety blacks is tolerable or will it drive them to bankruptcy. In completely black areas, sometimes all you see are liquor stores.
An article entitled "Obama’s backdoor amnesty allowed slaughter of family in Texas."

An illegal alien was caught drinking and driving a few weeks ago in Texas a few weeks ago. He was simply released back into society rather than deported.

Obama’s backdoor amnesty plan directly contributed to this slaughter! The police tried to give him to ICE, but ICE said he hasn’t broken enough laws yet. Months ago Obama issued “guidelinesâ€￾ calling for a halt to deportations except in the case of major criminals. Obama has made it clear that he believes open borders will keep the radical left in power by stacking the electorate.
I will have to give the blacks one kudo. They have never let us down when it comes to supplying materail for this thread.
An article entitled "Muslims Riot against Safety Rules in New York Amusement Park"

There was a mid-sized riot in a New York state amusement park Tuesday in which 15 Muslims were arrested. Rye Playland was closed for two hours as the fracas ensued. Two park rangers were injured in the county-run park.

The problem arose when Muslims were informed that “headgearâ€￾ like hats and scarves was not permitted on some rides for safety reasons to prevent an Isadora Duncan-type event.

But being Muslims, they were unwilling to follow the rules required of everyone because they believe they are Special.
I had to respond to the phrase "mid-sized riot" in that article. I find it laughable that we try to put everything into categories, especially something like a riot.
An article entitled "Racially motivated murder on bus in Springfield, MO."

All across the nation, public transportation is becoming a no-go zone for white people. Brutally racially motivated black on white mob attacks have occurred on public buses all over the nation. In Atlanta and Chicago, mobs of young blacks have actually stormed public buses and brutally beat all the white passengers while leaving the black passengers unharmed.

Even private cross country buses have become dangerous for white passengers.

This time a black man allegedly walked up to a seated white man without provocation and just shot him for the fun of it. They were on a private bus going from Texas to Missouri.
A British man was killed and his wife kidnapped by the black savages in Kenya. Why in the world would these idiots go to that hellhole?

[h=1]Kenya police: Briton killed, wife kidnapped
[/h]By KATHARINE HOURELD - Associated Press | AP – 2 hrs 53 mins ago

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NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Armed men shot dead a British man and kidnapped his wife from a beach resort in northern Kenya near the border with lawless Somalia, officials in the East African nation said Sunday.
Police Commissioner Mathew Iteere said Sunday that the couple arrived at the resort Saturday after visiting Kenya's Masai Mara reserve. He said they were the resort's only guests.
Other sources said they were staying at the Kiwayu Safari Village resort about 30 miles (about 50 kilometers) north of the island resort of Lamu.
Iteere said attackers were able to enter their dwelling easily as the door was just a piece of colorful cloth hanging from a rod. He said police believe the husband resisted and was shot.
Iteere said the attackers took the woman away by boat. He did not say where the attackers may have been from.
A Kenyan security official said a policeman arrived at the scene and saw six men carrying away the woman. He didn't shoot out of fear she could be hurt. The official spoke on condition of anonymity as he said he wasn't authorized to speak to journalists.
Britain's Foreign Office confirmed the attack in a statement and said they are working closely with Kenyan officials.
"We have deployed a consular team from our High Commission in Nairobi and are offering all possible support to the family of those involved," the statement read. "Our thoughts are with them at this difficult time. We are working to secure the safe and swift release of the British national who has been kidnapped and ask those involved to show compassion and release the individual immediately."
There was no answer from the resort, which consists of 18 luxury cottages spread along a private beach.
It was not known if the attackers came from neighboring Somalia, where pirates often prey on foreigners and an al-Qaida-linked insurgent group called al-Shabab holds much of the south, or if they were Kenyans.
A statement posted on the Foreign Office travel advice website said: "We continue to advise against all but essential travel to within 30 kilometers of Kenya's border with Somalia. There have been previous attacks by Somali militia into Kenya. Three aid workers were kidnapped in July 2009, and two western nuns in November 2008."
In 2007, the U.S. Embassy warned that Somali-based Islamic extremists might try to kidnap Westerners at beach resorts near Kiwayu Island.
Still, attacks on tourists are unusual in Kenya, which is popular for its safari vacations and pristine beaches.
Associated Press writers Cassandra Vinograd in London and Tom Odula in Nairobi contributed to this report.
The Indian Lawyer better shave his head and put on a Caribbean accent or he is going to be jail food for the vultures in jail.....:biggrin:
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