Crime Thread

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Nurse fatally stabbed while protecting patients

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Gail Sandidge, a nurse in the Ambulatory Surgery Center of Good Shepherd Medical Center in Longview, Texas, was pronounced dead Tuesday morning after the fatal stabbing attack by a man who hospital officials said was at the facility to visit his mother.

Police arrested Kyron Rayshawn Templeton, 22, of Longview, a short distance from the hospital near a church a few minutes after the alleged incident. They found the murder weapon outside the hospital, police said.
WARNING: South Africa-style crime chronicled below…
Emmanual Paulino, one of the thousands of sewer-level “Hispanicsâ€￾ currently infesting Hazelton, PA, anally raped a woman with his fist (nearly killing her) and pulled out pieces of her small intestine…

CAPTION: Attempted Murder Via Anal Fisting

OMG, may he get shanked by somebody that is a lifer in the state pen. Maybe they did bath salts as users of that can go crazy......

Alright, here’s a brief synopsis…

A “white” nurse from Parsons, Kansas (a small city which features an 85% white population) and her three mulatto spawn (presumably all fatherless from birth, presumably produced by three different Negro sperm donors, who are presumably all currently incarcerated) are all ruthlessly slaughtered by her most recent Negro boyfriend. The young, virile black heartthrob proves once again that “Team Negro” indeed produces the world's greatest lovers…


CAPTION: Child Killer, David Bennett

It wasn’t her fault, you see, as she told the psychopathic Mudshark-eradicator to “leave her alone.” Now this portrait of a modern American “family” has been utterly erased…


CAPTION: Victims of “Mudsharkiside”

I think it’s acceptable to find a little satisfaction when an adult Mud Wrestler meets her doom whilst fraternizing with Negroes in any capacity…but it’s not the kids’ fault that both of their parents were prideless shills of America’s cradle-to-grave race-mixing agitprop. That said, once a prostitute crosses racial lines, it also isn’t our place to feel sorry for them, either.


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When I first read about this news story I thought "this had to be a negro" and sure enough...


Tevin Kievelle Monroe's attempt to land a job last week ended in handcuffs instead of a handshake.

Police said they have charged Monroe, 31, with brandishing a firearm, carrying a concealed weapon and disorderly conduct after he took an unusual approach to influencing a potential employer.

It all began when Monroe walked into the McDonald's on St. Paul's Boulevard and asked the store manager for an application. After the manager explained twice that the process is handled online, police said, Monroe lifted his shirt to reveal a gun tucked in his waistband.

The quick-thinking manager then asked him to have a seat while she retrieved a paper application (and contacted police). Monroe was filling out the application at the table when officers arrested him.

When I first read about this news story I thought "this had to be a negro" and sure enough...


Tevin Kievelle Monroe's attempt to land a job last week ended in handcuffs instead of a handshake.

Police said they have charged Monroe, 31, with brandishing a firearm, carrying a concealed weapon and disorderly conduct after he took an unusual approach to influencing a potential employer.

It all began when Monroe walked into the McDonald's on St. Paul's Boulevard and asked the store manager for an application. After the manager explained twice that the process is handled online, police said, Monroe lifted his shirt to reveal a gun tucked in his waistband.

The quick-thinking manager then asked him to have a seat while she retrieved a paper application (and contacted police). Monroe was filling out the application at the table when officers arrested him.

He was showing "great work ethic." Who else comes to a job interview with "heat"?
When I first read about this news story I thought "this had to be a negro" and sure enough...


Tevin Kievelle Monroe's attempt to land a job last week ended in handcuffs instead of a handshake.

Police said they have charged Monroe, 31, with brandishing a firearm, carrying a concealed weapon and disorderly conduct after he took an unusual approach to influencing a potential employer.

It all began when Monroe walked into the McDonald's on St. Paul's Boulevard and asked the store manager for an application. After the manager explained twice that the process is handled online, police said, Monroe lifted his shirt to reveal a gun tucked in his waistband.

The quick-thinking manager then asked him to have a seat while she retrieved a paper application (and contacted police). Monroe was filling out the application at the table when officers arrested him.

Hahahaha, this is a great start to my day.
When I first read about this news story I thought "this had to be a negro" and sure enough...


Tevin Kievelle Monroe's attempt to land a job last week ended in handcuffs instead of a handshake.

Police said they have charged Monroe, 31, with brandishing a firearm, carrying a concealed weapon and disorderly conduct after he took an unusual approach to influencing a potential employer.

It all began when Monroe walked into the McDonald's on St. Paul's Boulevard and asked the store manager for an application. After the manager explained twice that the process is handled online, police said, Monroe lifted his shirt to reveal a gun tucked in his waistband.

The quick-thinking manager then asked him to have a seat while she retrieved a paper application (and contacted police). Monroe was filling out the application at the table when officers arrested him.

Woooooo! This is really funny stuff. But, what on earth do we, who live in peace and liberty, do with idiots like this?
Woooooo! This is really funny stuff. But, what on earth do we, who live in peace and liberty, do with idiots like this?
Well there is always the Roman Coliseum(prison). He looks to well kept for being truly crazy or homeless, he must either be a borderline moron or being forced to do a job search to remain eligible for welfare. Even with that I figure he slings weed on the side as hardcore welfare types look close to homeless crackheads with the crap money you receive on the dole....
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More TNB over slave-made, grossly overpriced crap (Jordan shoes)....which I'd not give $1.70 for, much less any $170.
This is probably good news as usually members of the Black under class stab or shoot each other for these tacky over priced baubles. Also this guy was fit and looked like he actually could use these shoes for a game of hoops. Usually it's two obese whales that waddle on the shoes fighting over them...:huh:
More TNB over slave-made, grossly overpriced crap (Jordan shoes)....which I'd not give $1.70 for, much less any $170.
I liked this comment:

"I remember back in 1958 when the hula hoop was the thing to have! It was a national phenomenon, supplies usually selling out in a couple of hours. A local, family owned department store announced they would have a shipment in on a Saturday morning in the early summer of that year. Even before the store opened at 9:00 a.m. people were standing in line. It was a real mixed crowd of teenagers, tots, parents and grandparents. However, nobody seemed to mind the wait and everybody, even at that hour of the morning was having a good time. Also, everybody was well dressed. Young mothers were wearing dresses. Some teenage girls in their poodle skirts. Men sporting off Bermuda shorts, summer shoes and golf shirts. A few guys in their knothole baseball or Scout uniforms. Overall, no problems. When the doors opened, there was no rush, no stampede, just a lot of cheers! Some elderly women were allowed to get ahead in line so they could start their shopping for something(s) other than a hulu hoop! Just common courtesy in that by-gone era. In spite of the large number of people, there were was no need for security or police. Motorists didn't seem to mind the minor traffic jam near the store and they actually stopped for pedestrians who used the crosswalk in front of the store. My sister and I were able to get our hoops. They were 99 cents plus tax. We played with them well into 1960. The best part, they were made in the U.S.
What's amazing about tall this? We were always told that the future was going to be so much better, back then. I think somebody was wrong, big time."

There really was such thing as the "good ol days", shame I never got close to living in those times.
It's sad that this thread has about half a dozen stories about WWII veterans that have been beaten, killed and robbed in the twilight of their lives. These men should be treasures that can talk at public schools, colleges and libraries about their experiences while they are still around. Of course morons that beat, rob and kill these men aren't going to be attending any of these meetings.....
Another queer couple was caught molesting and producing child pornography with their adopted son.

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama - Readers from around the country are weighing in on the local crime drama surrounding two reportedly gay men accused of involving a son in child pornography.

Carl Philip Herold Bond Hearing 12.17.13
Carl Philip Herold, 32, faces charges of producing child pornography, distributing child pornography, allowing his child to be depicted in pornography, sodomy, sexual abuse and aggravated child abuse. He showed up for trial Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 17, after a judge raised Herold's bond to $1 million cash. (Sarah Cole/

The story, which surfaced weeks ago, gained a larger audience the past few days after a Madison County judge raised the bonds of the accused, Carl Philip Herold and Charles Dunnavant, to $1 million.

Herold, 32, faces charges of producing child pornography, distributing child pornography, allowing his child to be depicted in pornography, sodomy, sexual abuse and aggravated child abuse. District Judge Alison Austin issued a similar order Monday raising to $1 million the bond against Dunnavant, identified as Herold's domestic partner and suspected partner in the alleged crimes.

Herold left Wyoming to come to Huntsville earlier this year. He teaches a series of free interactive online programming classes and tutorials for beginners called, Computer Science for Everyone. His site on, CarlHProgramming shows he has 14,581 readers. He also has dozens of instructional videos posted on his YouTube channel, Carl Herold, which has nearly 5,000 subscribers.

Some readers posted comments on the YouTube videos to voice anger or simply post links to articles warning about the criminal charges he faces. For example, Liam Teague, wrote: "This man is a sick paedophile who abused his own son and filmed it for a child pornography ring. Letting an older man have sex with his son. BE AWARE".

The site apparently was not updated for a while, but a user identified as "Muffinut," issued a statement on, saying he realized a lot of people depended on the instructional videos, so he is trying to preserve the Website, He wrote the following:

"A few people have messaged me with their intent to entirely abandon Carl's lessons and ignore his worth as a human being, and considering these words and the general situation, in an act of good faith, I think it's best to keep Carl's lessons alive and ignore the situation for the time being until a verdict has been reached. There is no point in a witch hunt."

One of the site's followers, symbiosychotic, who expressed alarm at the "unexpected" reports, wrote ". . . the content's value is not connected to the moral worth of the human being who created it. Many great figures from history contributed incredible value to humankind, while in their time being known as some of the most worthless (expletive) to walk the Earth, had you interacted with them in person."

The article had drawn more than 250,000 page views early Thursday night and was averaging more than 1,000 new views every 10 minutes for much of Thursday before tapering off after 6 p.m. It has been reposted on Huffington Post, New York Daily News, WorldNetDaily and scores of other online news outlets.

Many readers of the story have declared outrage over what Herold and Dunnavant were accused of perpetrating. Many debate whether homosexuality is the ultimate culprit for the alleged crimes. Some have suggested proper punishment for such a crime, with several saying the death penalty would be too lenient. A few are urging people to put aside their eagerness to punish and think of how to help victims of pedophilia.

As for the charges, during the bond hearing Huntsville Police Department investigator Chad Smith testified investigators came across numerous photos depicting sexual torture involving a child. He said investigators had an interview with the child, now 9, and he led investigators to his father. Herold spoke to investigators for several hours, Smith said, and implicated Dunnavant. Dunnavant faces charges including sexual torture, sodomy, aggravated child abuse and transmitting or exposing a person to a sexually transmitted disease.

Smith also testified the child did not attend school in Huntsville and investigators could find no medical records for the child.

Charles Dunnavant was charged with sodomy, sexual torture, aggravated child abuse and exposing person to an STD for his connection to the Huntsville child sexual abuse and pornography case.

Two Alabama men kept a 9-year-old boy captive for months as they sexually tortured him and filmed it as part of a larger child porn ring, prosecutors in Huntsville say in a disturbing case.

So disturbing were the more than 100 photographs police found that officers could not even positively identify the boy because they could not bear to look, cops said in court on Monday, reports.

Charles Dunnavant is charged with sexual torture, sodomy, aggravated child abuse and exposing a person to an STD.

Carl Philip Herold, the boy’s father, is charged with sodomy, sexual abuse, aggravated child abuse, child pornography production, distributing child pornography and with allowing his child to be depicted in pornography.

"He has the means of travel, family out of state and some of the allegations are there was much travel in the lives of Dunnavant and Herold," Madison County Assistant District Attorney Gabrielle Helix said at a bond hearing Monday. "They held the child captive for eight months and there are no standards, taboos or lines this defendant and his co-defendant hesitated to cross."

Carl Philip Herold held his 9-year-old son captive for months, sexually torturing him and filming it as part of a larger child porn ring, prosecutors say.

Herold, originally from Wyoming, had only lived in Huntsville for about eight months. During that time, he allowed Dunnavant to move in, a partnership prosecutors say spawned the child porn ring.

Evidence shows the men took the child across state lines for “criminal sexual purposes,” reported.

Herold has a computer programming background and runs a popular YouTube channel where he livestreams programming lessons. Prosecutors say his son was not enrolled in school in Huntsville and that they think he was kept in the home without interaction with the outside world.

Dunnavant, who grew up near the northern Alabama and southern Tennessee border, was arrested at a family member’s home in Tennessee.

Prosecutors have requested $1 million bond for both men.
Justic Served?

Slain Hasidic slumlord and scam-artist kidnapped off the street and later found dead and burned in a trash dumpster.

Brooklyn slumlord Menachem “Max†Stark made plenty of enemies over the years.

He owed big bucks:
Stark and his business partner, Israel Perlmutter, defaulted on a $29 million loan in 2008, and were still entangled in federal-court proceeding brought by creditors looking to recoup.

He was a slumlord:
Stark’s 17 properties have racked up 233 complaints and 148 violations, 49 of which are still open, according to the city Buildings Department. Known for squalid conditions including vermin, leaky ceilings and lack of heat and gas, Stark’s buildings also earned 182 Environmental Control Board violations, 60 of which are still open.

Conditions were so bad in one Stark-owned building, 239 Banker St. (inset), that the Buildings Department shut it down, alleging “occupancy is hazardous to life.†The building had racked up 100 complaints and 59 violations.

Greenpoint Hotel: In 2003, Stark and Perlmutter bought the drug and prostitution-infested Manhattan Avenue flophouse (right), where nearly 20 people died since the late 1990s. The pair did little to clean up the place, which was seized by federal authorities in 2005.

Shark sighting: Sources say Stark, a father of eight, was a loan shark, handing out money to those in the neighborhood desperate for cash. “He’s a scammer,†a source said.

Shady business dealing: Stark would snap up real-estate holdings but quickly allow them to fall into foreclosure, allowing his family and business associates to snap them up on the cheap.
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