Crime Thread

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Aspiring actress, 17 (year old white skank from Bosnia), mysteriously found dead outside house last month 'was robbing the home and shot dead by crossfire from her (black football players) partners in crime'.

This country allows so few white immigrants in, it's ashamed even one spot had to be wasted on this "white trash/criminal"...Looks like she wont be making dozens of half-Bosnian/half African-American mulatto's in the years to come? Also, my guess is her two "friends" (Terrence Crumley & Curtis Fortenberry) should be facing life in prison. Not a bad hat-trick for Texans? Getting rid of 3 hardcore criminal thugs with one errant gunshot?

P.S: The only paid "acting" jobs she probably would've ever got, were on some horny Lonsman's amateur porn web site :israel:

The article you posted about this incident is teeming with stomach-churning acclaim for this gutter-rat thief and (likely) mud-wrestler, Claudia Hidic…

“Big-hearted and beautiful.”

“She has touched so many lives and she never stopped loving and forgiving others.”

“Claudia was truly an amazing person she will forever and always have a piece of my heart.”


CAPTION: "Victim" of Her Own Treachery

Yeah, she “touched” people’s lives alright. I'm certain that she “touched” plenty of their personal belongings while rifling through their homes alongside her ignoble associates...and I’m sure she “touched” her fair share of tiny, shriveled, malodorous black genitals…



CAPTION: "Men" Wearing Diamonds

I’d be thrilled if every single professional mud-wrestler could meet such a fate. That stray bullet certainly saved this filthy, Euro-trash, imitation-gangster from a lifetime of heartache (illegitimate mongrels pouring from her womb, perpetually-imprisoned lovers, drug addictions, cashing government assistance checks, dwelling amongst ghetto vermin, etc).
those pesky "teenagers" and their "vibrant" ghetto lifestyle ... bringing cultural enrichment via crime to a boring White community near you, no matter where the dark-skinned "youths" happen to be.

in Jacksonville, FL: Flash mob of 300+ "teens" takes over Jacksonville Wal-Mart.

in Troutdale, OR (just outside Portland): 40 "kids" flash rob Oregon store.

even in Toronto, Canada: wild shootout at barbecue leaves 2 dead and 19 injured.

there are a few things each of these incidents have in common: 1) the media is completely shutting out all mention of race, 2) the comments section is being heavily moderated to prevent mention of race, and 3) all the perpetrators are black. is there a pattern here? *smirk*
those pesky "teenagers" and their "vibrant" ghetto lifestyle ... bringing cultural enrichment via crime to a boring White community near you, no matter where the dark-skinned "youths" happen to be.

in Jacksonville, FL: Flash mob of 300+ "teens" takes over Jacksonville Wal-Mart.

in Troutdale, OR (just outside Portland): 40 "kids" flash rob Oregon store.

even in Toronto, Canada: wild shootout at barbecue leaves 2 dead and 19 injured.

there are a few things each of these incidents have in common: 1) the media is completely shutting out all mention of race, 2) the comments section is being heavily moderated to prevent mention of race, and 3) all the perpetrators are black. is there a pattern here? *smirk*

JC, why are they even calling these "flash-mobs", anyway? These are feral packs of f*cking negroes looting and robbing stores, so let's call it as it is. This PC crap is getting so old.

Unfortunately, the combination of White apathy and media censorship means we'll never hear about these stories, unless blacks start pulling this crap in predominantly White communities, and victimizing the citizenry in the process. Only then it's possible that Whites may notice the problem and perhaps do something about it. Until then, blacks will be blacks.
An interesting sub-plot to this shooting in colorado is it seems there were many people at the theater who brought quite young children. My question is, what is a young child doing at a movie that begins at midnight?
I know that's insensitive to ask such a question so early on, but i think it's a valid question.

As far as the shooting itself goes, nothing new, just on a larger scale than usual.

Tom Iron...
An interesting sub-plot to this shooting in colorado is it seems there were many people at the theater who brought quite young children. My question is, what is a young child doing at a movie that begins at midnight?
I know that's insensitive to ask such a question so early on, but i think it's a valid question.

As far as the shooting itself goes, nothing new, just on a larger scale than usual.

Tom Iron...

Seeing how school is out I see no problem with kids being up.
Thats when the movie premiered.

The movie is rated PG-13 which means parents should bring their youngest kids so they can be immersed in the proper social ethic: violence is an okay method for settling disputes, foul language is "old fashioned" you can use any words you want, non-whites are always in positions of authority and intelligence, white people will always be the evil ones, unprotected risky sex is okay because it is much more fun then sex in an age appropriate committed relationship (ie marriage).

Rinse, repeat endlessly, and expect the amerika of the new millenia.
The movie is rated PG-13 which means parents should bring their youngest kids so they can be immersed in the proper social ethic: violence is an okay method for settling disputes, foul language is "old fashioned" you can use any words you want, non-whites are always in positions of authority and intelligence, white people will always be the evil ones, unprotected risky sex is okay because it is much more fun then sex in an age appropriate committed relationship (ie marriage).

Rinse, repeat endlessly, and expect the amerika of the new millenia.

Wow. Good analysis but is it unreasonable to think that this was just the case of a lone nut? When my children were young the wife and I would sometimes take them to movies with us because we didn't believe in baby sitters. I remember when Star Wars came out, I caught the midnight viewing at my town's only theater and there were plenty of young people some with parents some without waiting to see the movie. Different times though...
Wow. Good analysis but is it unreasonable to think that this was just the case of a lone nut? When my children were young the wife and I would sometimes take them to movies with us because we didn't believe in baby sitters. I remember when Star Wars came out, I caught the midnight viewing at my town's only theater and there were plenty of young people some with parents some without waiting to see the movie. Different times though...

Yeah, me and the wife did that too, to our regret, someone always had to leave with a crying baby, although I have noticed lately that taking your crying baby out of the theater is no longer necessary, but a mid-nite preview? Having to stand in line for hours to get in? Taking a baby to that?

And what really bugs me is the 7-10 years olds at R rated movies, I was at one a little while ago and when I walked out and saw all those younger kids it floored me, who in their right mind would think that kind of entertainment was appropriate, but then I looked at the calender, remembered the year, and thought-oh yeah 2012-no standards of decency anymore. Silly me.
Yeah, me and the wife did that too, to our regret, someone always had to leave with a crying baby, although I have noticed lately that taking your crying baby out of the theater is no longer necessary, but a mid-nite preview? Having to stand in line for hours to get in? Taking a baby to that?

And what really bugs me is the 7-10 years olds at R rated movies, I was at one a little while ago and when I walked out and saw all those younger kids it floored me, who in their right mind would think that kind of entertainment was appropriate, but then I looked at the calender, remembered the year, and thought-oh yeah 2012-no standards of decency anymore. Silly me.

News reports are saying he was a neuroscience GRAD student until he dropped out.
according to reports, the mother appears to have known her son was a whack-job ... she didn't seem surprised at all that her boy did this.
according to reports, the mother appears to have known her son was a whack-job ... she didn't seem surprised at all that her boy did this.
One sad note supposedly a victim of this whackado was a survivor of the Toronto mall shooting from 2 months ago......:thumbdown:
Looks like the UN will get it's gun control treaty through the Senate now. Funny how the timing of these things works out.
Looks like the UN will get it's gun control treaty through the Senate now. Funny how the timing of these things works out.

I had thought about that too! Interesting times we live in...
Menelik, Sir, Respectfully, your answer doesn't hold water. Small children don't belong out at that hour.

Tom Iron...
Menelik, Sir, Respectfully, your answer doesn't hold water. Small children don't belong out at that hour.

Tom Iron...

Respectfully and...? Answer to what? I just gave an opinion Tom. Besides those weren't my kids; mine are grown adults now.
Menelik, Yep, same here. My two are grown adults with their own children.

Even if I'd had thought to take my children to a movie that began at midnight, I don't know how I would've got that great idea by my wife, and I'm not afraid of her in the least. But when she's right, she's right, and I'd have taken my two daughters out at that time of night to a movie over here unconscious body after I had to knock her out (let my hand fall off if I ever hit my wife).

I can't believe these morons. Take a six year old out to a stupid movie that late. Yeah, that'll work.

Tom Iron...
I can't believe these morons. Take a six year old out to a stupid movie that late. Yeah, that'll work.

Tom Iron...

They might be but their child didn't deserve to die.
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