Crime Thread

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I make it a point to tell people that a fb friends list isn't something to take lightly. We at CF well know that there are way too many naive people in the world. This is just another piece of evidence that proves it.
white french guy killed by 2 arabs:


he was a student
the arabs asked him for cigarettes
i already told, arabs ask for cigarettes when they want to attack you
they follow you, then wait until you are in a place nobody will help you, then they start asking for cigarettes and other things
if you don't give them what they want you end uo like this poor student
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Here is a case that happened not too far from where I live. Races reversed, the biggest story of the year. I haven't heard of it until now. Absolutely sickening! The victim, an older white man. Surprise ,surprise! Never have I seen a race of people with so much hate inside of them. This one is almost as bad as the black guy that killed white white girl and then texted the mother making jokes.

Plainfield man gets 18 years in prison for home invasion in which elderly man was beaten, burned

Published: Friday, June 08, 2012, 2:25 PM Updated: Friday, June 08, 2012, 2:48 PM

By Julia Terruso/The Star-Ledger

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Enlarge Frances Micklow/The Star-Ledger Ronald Cherry pleaded guilty to a brutal home invasion robbery. He will receive 18 years in prison for robbing an 82-year-old Plainfield man and then beating him with a hammer. Cherry is sentenced at the Union County Courthouse in Elizabeth, N.J., on Friday, June 8, 2012. (Frances Micklow/The Star-Ledger) Ronald Cherry sentenced to 18 years in brutal home invasion robbery. gallery (11 photos)

PLAINFIELD — A 26-year-old Plainfield man was sentenced to 18 years in prison today for his part in a brutal home invasion robbery in which an 83-year-old man was beaten, burned, and left tied-up in the upstairs of his home.

Ronald Cherry, 26, is one of three people who pleaded guilty to the 2008 robbery on West Eighth Street in Plainfield. Cherry, prosecutors said, was the ringleader of the vicious attack. The victim, Kenneth Athey, now-87, managed to untie himself after the robbers fled and call police who made arrests just a few weeks later.

Athey, who exercises five days a week, was just about to get into the shower when he saw the three suspects, their faces covered. He tried to run into his bedroom, prosecutors said, but they burst in and beat him over the head with a hammer. When he came to, he was tied naked to a chair, stabbed in the thigh and knee, doused in chemicals and burned around his crotch. The trio made off with about $300.

The octogenarian, originally from Kells Ireland, appeared in Superior Court in Elizabeth today smiling and looking worlds away from the hell he'd experienced in 2008.

"I consider the attack an isolated incident by a disturbed individual and his followers. I did not lose a single night's sleep," he added with a side glance toward Cherry.

Athey, who still lives alone in his Plainfield home, praised the work of law enforcement and the prosecutor's office and said the assault has not shaken his faith in people. The civil engineer, whose late-wife was a former dean at Rutgers, said education is key to curbing violence, especially among youth. One of the assailants, Robert Harris, was 15 at the time of the attack.

Athey said the anger has considerably subsided since the incident, giving way to a positive disposition. "I think I was just so glad to be alive after that. Friends told me I was hopping around like a rabbit," he said with the ring of his Irish accent.

Cherry offered no apology and maintained his innocence in court, despite having pled guilty to the robbery. "It's saddening that we sit here today and I will be sentenced to 18 years and the people who did this crime are still out there," he said.

Assistant Prosecutor Patricia Cronin asked Judge William Daniel to sentence in accordance with the plea given the "cruelty, infliction of pain, excessive use of force and brutality demonstrated in this act," she said.

Daniel called the incident "heinous" as he sentenced Cherry, noting his record which included 11 juvenile adjudications and two adult convictions for stolen property and drug possession.

Cherry's accomplices, Shevon Ricks, 27, and Robert Harris, 19, also pleaded guilty and will be sentenced June 15. They will receive 13 and 10 years respectively.
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I make it a point to tell people that a fb friends list isn't something to take lightly. We at CF well know that there are way too many naive people in the world. This is just another piece of evidence that proves it.
Message boards and group friendship sites are breeding grounds for pedophiles and rapists. If you have young children who are in the late preteen to teenage years they need to be warned of the dangers of making "friends" with these sickos. There have been too many cases of murders, rapes and kidnappings of minors by these criminals.
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Highlander, that is very sad. What's left of this country has less regard for human life with each passing day. We are increasingly selfish about our own lives, but in rgeards to caring about other people and protecting life in that sense, we are gone. We've legally murdered over 50 million babies since 1973, mainly for the sake of convenience (aka selfishness). We shouldn't be shocked by any of these stories, as we have created a culture of death along with an entitlement mentality that, coupled with a hatred of Whites, that spells doom for us and the future of this country.
Highlander, that is very sad. What's left of this country has less regard for human life with each passing day. We are increasingly selfish about our own lives, but in rgeards to caring about other people and protecting life in that sense, we are gone. We've legally murdered over 50 million babies since 1973, mainly for the sake of convenience (aka selfishness). We shouldn't be shocked by any of these stories, as we have created a culture of death along with an entitlement mentality that, coupled with a hatred of Whites, that spells doom for us and the future of this country.

Who is this "we" you keep referring to? I didn't do any of that?

The habit of speaking in the first person plural is a collectivist trick of the modern cultural marxists. It should be avoided whenever possible.
Police: 3 killed in shooting near Auburn U

AUBURN, Ala. (AP) Investigators were searching for a gunman who killed three people - including two former Auburn University football players - and wounded three others at a pool party near campus after several men began punching each other in a fight over a woman, authorities and witnesses said Sunday.

Not just to be a cold hearted bastard but more because I'm from Detroit and these types of stories are daily news, the first thing that jumped out at me when reading this story is "3 killed, 3 wounded". Take it from a knowledgable observer of africanus ghettous that those numbers demonstrate a simply amazing amount of accuracy for a thuggish gangbanger, ie anyone named Desmonte.

When you consider that a typical gangbangers Glock probably holds 9-10 rounds *if properly loaded, and that these clowns use the spray and pray method of aiming, the ability to hit 6 people out of about 10 shots put this example of refuse in the urban punk-accuracy hall of fame.

I am serious. For example group shootings are very popular in Detroit, usually occuring in front of after hour joints at closing time or else at African-american festivals, or really any place 100 or more of the demographic cloister at. It is typical that open gunfights with both shooters unloading the full clip at each other will typically only hit one or two people.

So for one of these goofs to kill three and wound another three even at a crowded party is astonishing to me.

Yes this all reminds me of the keggers I used to go to in college when we would argue over a girl and then start shooting at each other... oh wait that didn't happen, we were White>:eek:hwell:
Yes this all reminds me of the keggers I used to go to in college when we would argue over a girl and then start shooting at each other... oh wait that didn't happen, we were White>:eek:hwell:

Same here. Everywhere I've lived at for the past 50 years the violent crime has ALWAYS been "across" the railroad tracks.
Who is this "we" you keep referring to? I didn't do any of that?

The habit of speaking in the first person plural is a collectivist trick of the modern cultural marxists. It should be avoided whenever possible.

Agree 100 percent. That's one of my pet peeves. A lot of the time it's cheerleading by system employees and hacks, but so many racially aware people and folks who are critics of the system from lots of different perspectives do it also. Even many article and letter writers for The Nationalist Times utilize it -- "we" invaded Iraq, "we" sent "our" jobs to foreign countries, etc.

And I'm not picking on Col. Reb, who is an excellent writer and observer of this country and its problems, just glad you mentioned it.
Who is this "we" you keep referring to? I didn't do any of that?

The habit of speaking in the first person plural is a collectivist trick of the modern cultural marxists. It should be avoided whenever possible.

Partially true...but WE (the White race as a whole) have allowed the above on "our watch". Now, as individuals, we aren't neccessarily responsible, but should stand against such atrocities. I harbor no "White guilt", but sometimes dejected at how far this nation has fallen.
There's no question that "we," "us," "our," etc. are appropriate to use at times and in various contexts. What annoys me is when people use it when referring to the government and governmental policies. "We" killed one million Iraqi civilians; uh, no "we" didn't, "the U.S. government" caused that to happen.
jaxvid, I'm almost surprised you used the dreaded word twice in your last post. :grin: The fedgov did make abortion legal, but many different U.S. citizens are responsible for those numbers. For the sake of accuracy, I should have said that over 50 million U.S. citizens have chosen to murder their own babies since 1973. I believe most U.S. citizens (hence my using the term we) have become more selfish and it shows. The number of murders like these show that it isn't just about race (although it is often tied to it) but also about changing attitudes about the value of human life, among other things. I find it a little odd that the concern for using "we" is coming after this post, as opposed to any number of other posts/posters. I didn't realize the cultural marxists had a monopoly on that word either. I'll have to stop using it to describe my family or even CF's views on the caste system, since it is a collectivist trick. I hope one day you'll learn how to use "then" and "than" correctly. :wink:
jaxvid, I'm almost surprised you used the dreaded word twice in your last post. :grin: The fedgov did make abortion legal, but many different U.S. citizens are responsible for those numbers. For the sake of accuracy, I should have said that over 50 million U.S. citizens have chosen to murder their own babies since 1973. I believe most U.S. citizens (hence my using the term we) have become more selfish and it shows. The number of murders like these show that it isn't just about race (although it is often tied to it) but also about changing attitudes about the value of human life, among other things. I find it a little odd that the concern for using "we" is coming after this post, as opposed to any number of other posts/posters. I didn't realize the cultural marxists had a monopoly on that word either. I'll have to stop using it to describe my family or even CF's views on the caste system, since it is a collectivist trick. I hope one day you'll learn how to use "then" and "than" correctly. :wink:

Then I realized that there are some grammer nazi's worse than others. :icon_rolleyes:
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If you figure out the math you too would be in hospital with heart palpitations. No wonder lower class ******** have to sell chronic and move coke....:biggrin1:
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