Crime Thread

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Run Stuffing LB said:
DixieDestroyer said:
This grodian untermensch deserves a little "Saw"/"Hostel" treatment as well...

Untermensch Rapes Wheelchair Bound Man

Take a look at the "related" slideshows on that site: Eagles Cheerleaders 2009 Eco-Sexy Calendar, Philadelphia Naked Bike Ride, Openly Gay Celebrities, The Tattooed Ladies Of Hollywood, Michael Jackson's Burial, etc.

I guess they are related to this appalling story of sub-human evil, at least in the sense that they all represent aspects of our society's complete and total collapse.

RSLB, I saw that sheeple-bait as well. Good call on how that kind of fodder is indicative of societial collapse.
Those 2 bastards should be expelled school! Poor thing... Watch as these clowns get away with it!
This happened to my brother when he was little. The f**k was the bus driver?Edited by: Steve Patriot
Growing up in a black neighborhood this was common. I was jumped at least twice but I fought back. Once the black bus driver helped me(will never forget that, some blacks are good). I haven't seen the entire video of this incident, but am curious to see if the white teen fought back. Based on the report, it appears he did not. This type of cowardice on our part needs to change. F..k just starting swinging back and defend your self. Go down swing instead of taking fists to the head and mouth passively like a f..king simple Jack.!
The behavior of the black savages on the bus was disgusting. All of them were cheering and laughing. It always plays out this way when a white is attacked by a black. Did anyone notice the white kid in the video? He must be some wigger type because he was smiling when the kid was getting hit.
Good points on (if) the White kid not fighting back & the little wigger/race traitor laughing it up. Little does that punk know, those thugs would turn on him in a "Noo Yawk" minute!If the victim didn't fight back, his Dad needs to have a long chat with the boy. Part of the transition into manhood is knowing when you must stand for yourself (and others). Being a "peaceful" person, doesn't mean you allow yourself to be a doormat/punching bag for vermin.
DixieDestoryer the poor white teen needs that talk with his father ASAP. Just saw the video of the white teen being beaten. It was horrific. He didn't fight back, kinda just meekly fended away several punches. The worst part was the rest of the "kindred" cheering on the two savages with glee and more mayhem. Disgusting and hopefully a moment when whites WTF up! The whole incident may scare that boy forever, if his father doesn't man him up.
whiteathlete33 said:
The behavior of the black savages on the bus was disgusting. All of them were cheering and laughing. It always plays out this way when a white is attacked by a black.

White kid gets beaten by feral Negroes and guess who is to blame?

If link does not work copy and paste it directly into your browser.

NAACP, local media defending thugs in brutal racially motivated attack.
The St. Louis NAACP has come out defending the teenage thugs who were caught on camera brutally beating a student because he is white. Local St. Louis NAACP race hustler B.T. Rice actually went on Channel 4 (KMOV) St. Louis and blamed Congressman Joe Wilson, not the monsters who carried out the attack. Rice downplayed the incident and said that white resentment of having a black president is fueling anger among whites, not the actual beating!

Can you imagine if the races had been reversed. B.T. Rice would be leading NAACP protest marches in Belleville right now!

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is calling it "bullying"Â￾ and has disabled comments on the story on its website. The Post-Dispatch, known as one of the most left-wing in the nation, accuses online readers of "racism."Â￾

Police Capt. Sax, who initially stated on camera that he thought it was a racially motivated attack, has now backed down to pander to the NAACP, the left-wing media, and probably his boss. Did we mention that Belleville has a black police chief?

The school has issued ten days suspension to the two main perpetrators, a badge of honor in the black community.
Edited by: Bart
Bart said:
whiteathlete33 said:
The behavior of the black savages on the bus was disgusting. All of them were cheering and laughing. It always plays out this way when a white is attacked by a black.

White kid gets beaten by feral Negroes and guess who is to blame?

NAACP, local media defending thugs in brutal racially motivated attack.
The St. Louis NAACP has come out defending the teenage thugs who were caught on camera brutally beating a student because he is white. Local St. Louis NAACP race hustler B.T. Rice actually went on Channel 4 (KMOV) St. Louis and blamed Congressman Joe Wilson, not the monsters who carried out the attack. Rice downplayed the incident and said that white resentment of having a black president is fueling anger among whites, not the actual beating!

Can you imagine if the races had been reversed. B.T. Rice would be leading NAACP protest marches in Belleville right now!

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is calling it "bullying"Â￾ and has disabled comments on the story on its website. The Post-Dispatch, known as one of the most left-wing in the nation, accuses online readers of "racism."Â￾

Police Capt. Sax, who initially stated on camera that he thought it was a racially motivated attack, has now backed down to pander to the NAACP, the left-wing media, and probably his boss. Did we mention that Belleville has a black police chief?

The school has issued ten days suspension to the two main perpetrators, a badge of honor in the black community.

Bart are you fuc--n serious? How long is this crap going to go on? Is it not a fact that 90 percent of interracial crimes are blacks on whites?
"Father!?" Please, white fathers are 99% of our problem. You know, the souless dopes who allow their white daughters to marry / interbreed with any race without protest. The mindless zombies who allow their sons to listen to rap, worship black athletes, and never even bother to teach them origin of their last name.

White "fathers" in america have literally evolved into the fat, drunken white fan subculture we all love to hate. The kicker is that they bring their sons (and daughters) to join in the black lovefest that is professional and NCAA athletics.

White "fathers" adore using terms such as "we," "us," and "them" when referring to athletics, politics, religion, and general news stories....none of which represent white american males whatsoever. They, like the rest of the lemming masses, are more than eager to "join a team." This is a useful strategy, because every "team" is strictly controlled by the standard rules and regulations of the cultural marxist PTB. The more idiots who join these boring "teams," the less free thought will exist in our society. I say we should start new "teams," f*ck the old ones.

Personally, I think that todays white fathers are the most pathetic fathers in the history of mankind. Thanks god my dad is actually a real man .
Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen I agree with you 100%. However we can't stop the problem until we attack the source. The source is rap music. The same music that talks about killing whites while we spend millions of dollars to support it.
Westside said:
DixieDestoryer the poor white teen needs that talk with his father ASAP. Just saw the video of the white teen being beaten. It was horrific. He didn't fight back, kinda just meekly fended away several punches. The worst part was the rest of the "kindred" cheering on the two savages with glee and more mayhem. Disgusting and hopefully a moment when whites WTF up! The whole incident may scare that boy forever, if his father doesn't man him up.

What's unfortunate is that this is one of the few instances that has been caught on tape. This same scenario occurs somewhere EVERY school day in America. The occasional white on black beatdown is so rare, maybe once a school year in the US (if that), that it ALWAYS makes mainstream media.

I am appalled but not schocked that the NAACP is (again) defending the indefensible by supporting the two black thugs. Lets not forget that not too long ago they had rallies in Jena, LA to support 5 blacks who beat the crap out of an innocent white kid, and the media went bonkers for fabricated stories of nooses, white only trees, and death threats of blacks by whites.

Also, remember that a mulatto boy is the one who finally stepped because the white boy would not defend himself. Whites need to learn to not take this kind of stuff, and realize that they won't stop simply because you are not fighting back. In the black community, they pick on the target that is the most vulnerable and least likely to cause harm. Even though in school you are punished for fighting back, it's necessary to do so to protect yourself. By letting them whale away on him, he could have gotten broken facial and skull bones, damaged eye site or blindness, loss of teeth, and even possibly permanent brain damage or death. Fighting back, even if you will lose, is your only possibility to survive and minimize losses. First and formost, I avoid fights and keep distance if I suspect a black may want to rob or attack me, including crossing the street if outdoors, or simply changing directions. I know I am faster than any black I am likely to encounter on the street, so I have the ability to run away. Lastly, if I am attacked I will make it hell for whoever decided to do so.
Why was this kid in this situation anyway? The demographics on that bus passed the tipping point long ago. Don't send your kid to try to swim in the Black Sea, or worse yet, a big mud puddle. If the poor kid's father is in his life, the dad's a more gutless terd than that bus driver, who should be fired and stripped of his school bus credentials while we're at it.

Edited by: The Hock

Black students beat white student in SECOND St. Louis area racially motivated bus attack.

Just days ago a black wolfpack savagely beat a small skinny white student on a High School bus in Belleville. The incident drew national attention because of the brutal surveillance camera footage.

The St. Louis liberal press has been on damage control assuring the public that it was an isolated event. They have also lionized a black student that they claim "broke up the fight."Â￾ There is no evidence that he, or anyone else, attempted to stop the attack in the video footage.

A Captain in the Belleville police department initially admitted to the press that it was racially motivated. The Belleville police department, headed by a black chief, immediately recanted the Captain's statement saying it was just "bullying."Â￾ The local St. Louis NAACP chief downplayed the attack and blamed white racism for the outrage over the beating.

Today word came out that two days later on a Hazelwood West Middle School bus, in the St. Louis metro area, another small skinny white student was set upon by a black thugs. The white student was badly beaten. The entire attack was captured on tape and Hazewood school authorities are refusing to release it!

Two brutal racially motivated school bus attacks in a three day period in the St. Louis area. This is not an isolated event. This is a nationwide epidemic of brutal black on white violence. All mention of race in the Hazelwood attack is being censored by the St. Louis media.

Watch interview with the mother of the victim on KMOV.
Hock great analogy. Comparing this incident to the Planet of the Apes. Sadly this scared white didn't fight back. If I am a parent, not f'n way will I allow my child to ride on the banana boat with those apes. It boggles the mind that some parents can't see their kids are prey and are made to be an example of.
Gentlemen, thanks for posting these bus beating articles. I emailed them to a bunch of folks last night. We've got to help people wake up. What's the lyric? If we cannot wake you, then we'll have to shake you. Sounds about right for our current situation.
ShowSomePride said:

5 blacks steal a white girls cell phone, when she follows one of them to get it back, they gang rape her in the bathroom.

Enough to make you nauseous.

*Edit* For some reason the underscores between the words wont show up. Just add them to go to the article.

As it has turned out--this case is a hoax, and it did not involve a white girl. Some black girl had consensual sex with four guys, and thenclaimed that she wasraped. She has since dropped the charges.
NOTICE: Those who can't post without using racial slurs will not be allowed to post.

If there are any questions read the posting guidelines.
I'm not going to watch those type videos any more.

Bad for my blood pressure.

And I already know incidents like that are happening every day anyway.
The Hock said:
I'm not going to watch those type videos any more.

Bad for my blood pressure.

And I already know incidents like that are happening every day anyway.

I feel the same way. I was sick to my stomach after I watched the tape. And yes it happens far too often.
The Belleville thugs received a variable "slap on the wrist" charged under the juvenile code today with felony counts of aggravated battery. Now, I'm totally against Orwellian "hate crimes", BUT had a group of White kids attacked a black...there would have certainly been hate crime charges and a MSM firestorm. Once again, the cultural Marxist double-standard is all too evident.

Belleville Bus Attackers Get Off Lightly (In Comparison...)Edited by: DixieDestroyer
I have a feeling attacks like this are going to become much more common in the near future. The NAACP will come out and protect any black thugs regardless of the crime. I remember in the Jena case the charges were later downgraded. The reason was the intense pressure from black groups.
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