Corrie Sanders

SA boxing champ shot at restaurant

Pretoria - Former heavyweight boxing champion Corrie Sanders was shot during an armed robbery at a restaurant near Brits.

Rapport reported that Sanders was shot in the stomach and later died of his injuries.

Kallie Kriel of AfriForum happened to be at the Thatch Haven restaurant at the same time and told how his son came running to tell him that shots had been fired.

Kriel found Sanders lying outside on the ground.

“The man was in a lot of pain.â€￾

Kriel said the robbers had apparently stolen wallets and cellphones from revellers at a 21st birthday party.

A police spokesperson confirmed the robbery and said a man had been shot.

RIP.:embarrassed: All whites should leave this ****hole.
Just noticed that there are two threads on this. When i saw the headline I was hoping that is was the black Corey Sanders that was killed. "New" South Africa, brought to you courtesy of the USSA ZOG-government and media and the European ZOG governments and the white traitors in South Africa and Jewish commie "Uncle" Joe Slovo's KGB-sponsored ANC.

American Freedom News