Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Men, tell me this isn’t one of the most frightening articles read in a long while. The global one world government is just itching to form…

When the mRNA clot shots first came out, the world was still mostly gripped by fear and about 80% of American adults took the first shot. Now for the 7th or 8th or whatever booster (not even trying to make a funny, I've literally lost count), the percentage of people taking it is in the single digits. Most of them are aging liberal boomers or simply woke bitter-enders. The Big Pharma Shill Brigade has fallen far and hard.
I keep hoping the boomers keep taking it so they can finally shuffle off of this mortal coil but it doesn’t seem to be working on them as quickly as I’d like to see.
I keep hoping the boomers keep taking it so they can finally shuffle off of this mortal coil but it doesn’t seem to be working on them as quickly as I’d like to see.
Unfortunately, it's young healthy people who are most likely to be affected by the clot shots.
I'll just put this here:
Looking back at the 2020 posts on this thread, the vast majority of the YouTube videos questioning the Narrative back then have since been banned. The Google (which owns YouTube) censorship machine has been hard at work.
The self-described "Johnny Appleseed of White Guilt” who attacked Aaron Rodgers for not taking the experimental vax is dead at 43:

At least this guy apparently practiced what he preached, probably quadruple boosted. The politicians know better and get the placebo.
At least this guy apparently practiced what he preached, probably quadruple boosted. The politicians know better and get the placebo.
It should be a requirement that the number of shots a person got is published with their death announcement if you ask me. They were all about pushing and mandating shots, wanting to know if people were shot up with the mRNA juice so on their way out the knowledge should be made public. On top of that it should all be studied to find links between these poisonous shots and long term effects.

The Covid shot and draconian mandates which followed should be the issue of our day but of course it is swept under the rug and memory holed.
Physiognomy strikes again! One look at that dweeb and you knew he was a liberal vaxxer
He really called himself the "Johnny Appleseed of white guilt?" You would think he would be a little more subtle about it. There had to be some simpleton to him.

Oh, another shot and two more boosters? Please.

Sounds like these people are literally dropping dead.
If I didn't say so earlier in this thread, my wife and I did not take any vaccine. We both got the so-called covid early on, but have not got it again. I'm glad we didn't take it!!
I preached natural immunity to all the folks we know and was criticized by many, not all, but many.
If I didn't say so earlier in this thread, my wife and I did not take any vaccine. We both got the so-called covid early on, but have not got it again. I'm glad we didn't take it!!
I preached natural immunity to all the folks we know and was criticized by many, not all, but many.

Glad you didn't take it. Many of us here including me warned other members not to take it. God gave us an incredible immune system. Why do you think that none of the Amish or Mennonites ever get sick? They also don't get the majority of weird diseases to their children as they don't vaccinate them with anything. Very smart people.

All Corona Virus or Covid is a cold or flu. The media created the mass hysteria and they will do it again. I hope more people wake up to the fact that these so called vaccines didn't help anyone. It never protected anyone against the so call cold or flu a.k.a. covid.

The flu vaccine has been around for just about 80 years yet people get the flu all the time. Avoid any VAX!
Worth ten minutes of your time. An invader pushing the vaccine for the bumbling fool (((Deblasio))). Anyone that didn’t get vaxx is a right winged nut case. They should be forced by law to comply. Words from Varma.

Good Lord, that Varma guy frequented sex parties? He makes ANYONE look handsome. He could probably lick the bridge of his nose with that schnoz. I will NEVER understand women's weird dude choices. Do they go out with the position and Harvard degree? Lol. People might one day pull a Mussolini on this guy at the walls on the edge of town.
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