Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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The Police who enforce any of these draconian measures anywhere are enemies of freedom and humanity. I'm not going advocate violence but I'll just say that I have ZERO pity for those cops in that video from Melbourne.

I have learned through years of experience that the police are not our friends, and have been a lonely police skeptic on the Right. The police are the enforcers of an evil system, and though many (perhaps even most) individual police officers may not be aware of it, they are enforcers just the same, and they will do what they're told. Indirectly but ultimately, it is the Zionist who signs the cop's paycheck, and it is the Zionist's orders that the cop will follow.

To be clear, this is not to say we should ally with the anti-police leftists. Those clowns are motivated by pure anti-white hatred because of their delusional and completely false belief that the police are somehow "pro-white." There's no need to take a side in every single conflict. If the police and black gangbangers are busy at each other's throats, then they're not at our throats, and we should just sit back. White people who chant "blue lives matter" or "black lives matter" are fools. Neither group gives a rat's arse about white lives. Neither, as a group, cares one iota about the life of you, your spouse, or your baby.

No offense meant to anyone here who is law enforcement. It's not personal, it's pragmatism. My advice to my fellow citizens is this: Avoid dealing with the police as much as possible. When you have to deal with them, say as little as possible. Never volunteer anything, and never give permission for a search. Always be polite, always remain calm, never try to provoke or escalate things, but never trust them.

Those individual cops who are truly pro-white and angry at the system will agree with this. I know enough cops (and ex-cops who quit their jobs in disgust) to know that I'm right.
Do not trust anyone in the hospitals, clinics or pharmacy stores like Walgreens, CVS, etc. Just don't put any vaccines into your body because only
they know what is really being injected into you.
Walgreens TV commercials are some of the absolute worst for the full-on Covid cult faggotry crap. And the wise and helpful sages are Blacks in a lab coat supplying the jab for your happiness and wellbeing. Totally despicable corporation, like 99 percent of them nowadays.
I have learned through years of experience that the police are not our friends, and have been a lonely police skeptic on the Right. The police are the enforcers of an evil system, and though many (perhaps even most) individual police officers may not be aware of it, they are enforcers just the same, and they will do what they're told. Indirectly but ultimately, it is the Zionist who signs the cop's paycheck, and it is the Zionist's orders that the cop will follow.

To be clear, this is not to say we should ally with the anti-police leftists. Those clowns are motivated by pure anti-white hatred because of their delusional and completely false belief that the police are somehow "pro-white." There's no need to take a side in every single conflict. If the police and black gangbangers are busy at each other's throats, then they're not at our throats, and we should just sit back. White people who chant "blue lives matter" or "black lives matter" are fools. Neither group gives a rat's arse about white lives. Neither, as a group, cares one iota about the life of you, your spouse, or your baby.

No offense meant to anyone here who is law enforcement. It's not personal, it's pragmatism. My advice to my fellow citizens is this: Avoid dealing with the police as much as possible. When you have to deal with them, say as little as possible. Never volunteer anything, and never give permission for a search. Always be polite, always remain calm, never try to provoke or escalate things, but never trust them.

Those individual cops who are truly pro-white and angry at the system will agree with this. I know enough cops (and ex-cops who quit their jobs in disgust) to know that I'm right.
I agree with your comments about the police completely. I don't want the police defunded or did away with I just want to be treated like I am innocent until proven guilty. I have been preaching this for over 30 years. I don't care if it's a speeding ticket get a lawyer.
‘F**K the Jab, Long Live Australia’ — 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway in Massive Lockdown Protest
Pardon the incoming old 70's colloquialism but, "F**k an A!!!" (an exclamation of exuberant approval).

This is absolutely fantastic to see. Thanks for posting this Don.

Last week I personally emailed the Premier of Victoria, which is a state/province in Australia with the most draconian measures and I also emailed The Prime Minister. I told them both in VERY colorful terms exactly what they are and what will be happening to them on the Day of Judgement in front of the Lord Jesus Christ. I told told them who they belong to and what I will personally do to them right before the moment they are thrown into the Lake of Fire and only Gabriel and Michael will be able to stop me, and that's if they team up to restrain me... My tactics and approach may not be for everyone. However, we are in a full-on battle. We need to declare the truth in no uncertain terms. We are in a war against those who want to enslave us and then when we are used up for their nefarious ends, to destroy us. It ain't gonna happen if I have any say in the matter, and I will have a say...
There's been a lot of protests by Australians in the big cities there. Also there's an ongoing truckers' strike that is being blacked out by that country's fake news media but which is resulting in grocery store shelves being empty or nearly so in a lot of places. The Aussies aren't nearly as compliant as it appeared several weeks ago.

U.S. truckers (and farmers) used to have a lot of solidarity. There were a number of trucker strikes and slowdowns in the early to mid 1970s, mainly over soaring gas prices, and they brought traffic to a standstill on a number of highways. But a lot has changed in Amerika since then; it's dubious whether a large number of truckers would engage in such tactics here now.
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‘F**K the Jab, Long Live Australia’ — 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway in Massive Lockdown Protest

This is great news but here comes the bad news. There are now pictures and videos of China led policemen in Riot Gear about to help in the totalitarian
lockdown. China has bought out Australia. There people have been sold by their own govt of traders. This is gonna get really ugly. I know there are thousands
of China Military up in Canada too and reports of some in America but not as many. Can you say the UN & Chineese Army doing a worldwide coup?
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Anyone seen the Project Veritas on the jab causing congestive heart failure?

put some more money in the “Alex Jones was right” jar. he’s been right a WHOLE lot more than he’s been wrong, even if he’s hard to listen to.
He is definitely right a whole lot more than wrong. And I actually don’t mind his personality; we need to loudly call out the Marxists’/Tech’s/MSM’s ********.

Speaking of, today the left wing rags are now admitting all the Hunter Biden stuff the NY Post broke (laptop) last fall was, indeed, true.
How the covid 19 vaccine relates to the 5G Towers being put up all over the world. Can you say GENOCIDE for the jabbed and mind control?
Boy that sure was silly of them to leave that marking there, can't believe they didn't have the foresight to know that any old Joe could literally just open up the case and expose all of their plans. How did this syndicate of evil masterminds manage to overlook such a simple flaw in their system?
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Just got my first dose of the Pfizer series this afternoon. No side effects so far, except for minor soreness at the injection site as well as spontaneous urges to go purchase Microsoft products. ;)

How long until I can start sticking coins and keys to my arm? I'm down to put some money on it if anyone else is willing.
19 people here said no. You said yes. I don't wish any harm on you but your choice makes no sense. Good luck to you but all I have to say is WHY?
19 people here said no. You said yes. I don't wish any harm on you but your choice makes no sense. Good luck to you but all I have to say is WHY?
A few reasons, the main one being that I teach at a fairly large private high school where I come into contact with lots of kids, who each come into contact with lots of other kids as well as their own families. I certainly don't want to pass the virus to one of them, and I also don't want to catch the virus from one of them because I'd probably pass it to my brother who has serious asthma. On top of that, since they've got well over 100 employees, they'll probably have to start requiring a vaccine or weekly testing anyway, due to King Biden's recent mandate.
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