Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Of course it is. When something wicked is afoot, you can be sure the Tiny Hats have their grubby fingers all over.

By the way, you were mentioning 911. The Js were likely responsible for that if you follow all the evidence. The “dancing Israelis”, that just happened to be “documenting” the event from a perfect vantage point across the river, gives the game away. They also had traces of explosive material in their van, which was supposedly a moving company. Instead of being detained indefinitely as primary suspects or collaborators, they were extradited back to Israel where they went to boast about their exploits on a local talk show. These were clearly mossad operatives, which makes 911 at least in part, a mossad operation.
No, no, no. It's just like with the mass media and Hollywood ya know. They all "just happen to be Jewish". Nothing to see here! Move along!
The Naval Academy denied Navy football assistant coach Billy Ray Stutzmann a religious exemption from the vaxx, then fired him today.

Vaxxed Broncos' OL Graham Glasgow hospitalized for "irregular heartbeat" after Sunday's game.

Former pro wrestler Triple H (age 52), vaxxed in April, had open-heart surgery this past week for a "genetic heart-related event."

Danish soccer star Christian Eriksen, who collapsed from cardiac arrest during a Euro Championship game in June, now has a surgically-implanted defibrillator in his chest and hopes to resume training within 4-5 months if he can be cleared.
Danish soccer star Christian Eriksen, who collapsed from cardiac arrest during a Euro Championship game in June, now has a surgically-implanted defibrillator in his chest and hopes to resume training within 4-5 months if he can be cleared.
Was he vaxxed? Your post didn't say...
Was he vaxxed? Your post didn't say...

Complete and utter silence from his camp on the vaxx issue (he won’t confirm/deny and obviously won’t be asked by media). I assume that speaks for itself. The Euros was supposed to be a glimpse of “back to normal” for vaxxed fans. So technically, not a vaccine issue - just a peak 29 yr old athlete dropping dead of a heart attack on the world stage for no reason.

VACCINE, adjective [Latin vaccinus, from vacca, a cow.]

Pertaining to cows; originating with or derived from cows; as the vaccine disease or cow-pox.
— American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828


A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.
— CDC, August 2021

A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.
— CDC, September 2021


Injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent the disease.
—CDC, until 2015

The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.
—CDC, 2015 – August 2021

The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.
—CDC, September 2021


A native of America; originally applied to the aboriginals, or copper-colored races, found here by the Europeans; but now applied to the descendants of Europeans born in America.
American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828
A totally spot-on meme summarizing the evil lunacy the PTSB are shoving down our throats. If people aren't awake by now to the blitzkrieg to kill us they probably deserve what they get.
For anyone interested the Stormfront radio show is back doing podcasts. I guess they were off the air for a few months. I think their web site was still going but not sure. Anyway, the broadcast from 9/16 (yesterday) was quite revealing about the dire straits we are in. Sam Dixon and Don Advoe who are lawyers gave clear and alarming examples of how the legal system is now totally compromised and totally corrupt in all areas and every level so we no longer have any real rights even from a legal and Constitutional standpoint. Why? Because even lawyers themselves will lose their license, be disbarred, and face prosecution even for defending "the wrong people". Trump's lawyers are in this position because even with all his money and power doesn't have lawyers that can defend him safely. Yes, safely. Even lawyers are being doxxed, receiving death threats, family members threatened and harassed, etc. You and I have zero chance. Look at the 500 plus people still in jail in D.C. for merely trying to keep America's voting system legit. Most did nothing wrong at all. That aside, we are toast from a legal standpoint and the Bill of Rights is done.

It was a very, very revealing look at the place we are. We are officially under a totalitarian Bolshevik regime in ALL areas: Judicial, Legislative, Executive.

We are done. Those are facts and only personal freedoms (your body, home, possessions, etc.) are left to fight for. Let each man decide how he will fight.
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For anyone interested the Stormfront radio show is back doing podcasts. I guess they were off the air for a few months. I think their web site was still going but not sure. Anyway, the broadcast from 9/16 (yesterday) was quite revealing about the dire straits we are in. Sam Dixon and Don Advoe who are lawyers gave clear and alarming examples of how the legal system is now totally compromised and totally corrupt in all areas and every level so we no longer have any real rights even from a legal and Constitutional standpoint. Why? Because even lawyers themselves will lose their license, be disbarred, and face prosecution even for defending "the wrong people". Trump's lawyers are in this position because even with all his money and power doesn't have lawyers that can defend him safely. Yes, safely. Even lawyers are being doxxed, receiving death threats, family members threatened and harassed, etc. You and I have zero chance. Look at the 500 plus people still in jail in D.C. for merely trying to keep America's voting system legit. Most did nothing wrong at all. That aside, we are toast from a legal standpoint and the Bill of Rights is done.

It was a very, very revealing look at the place we are. We are officially under a totalitarian Bolshevik regime in ALL areas: Judicial, Legislative, Executive.

We are done. Those are facts and only personal freedoms (your body, home, possessions, etc.) are left to fight for. Let each man decide how he will fight.

You nailed it but what you didn't say is how our former president is a trojan horse. He a member of all of the same societies. He is even on the coins in israel. No other
US President has ever been on Israel Money. They say he is the messiah of the Goyim and they laugh and mock us. We have been played. Donald Trump also does the
communist fist all of the time. He wants the same things Biden wants. Wake up and let your family know that we cannot vote our way our of this. It doesn't matter who
is in office. We are in deep sh** either way. They want us all to be slaves worldwide. The NWO has arrived with the UN Backed Armies and other groups supporting this
the whole way. UN Agenda 2030 has accelerated and they may acheive it by 2025 or sooner. No more private ownership of houses, condos, townhomes, cars, or anything
for that matter. They will tell you where to live and where to work for pennies. COMMUNISM is here in the early stages. May God help us. Yes everyman will have very
difficult decisions to make for himself and his family. They killed over 100 million people in the old Soviet Union. This will be far worse and on a global scale.
You are absolutely correct White Lightning. I didn't think it was necessary to state that Trump was not on our side. I figured it goes without saying that he was never really for us and he was only out for his own selfish interests. My point was simply the state that of course we know the executive and legislative branches are toast in the hands of the current Administration, however the judicial branch is also totally kosher controlled and we are talking satanic to the core. It's over and done. We just need to learn how to fight for ourselves and together.
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When the presidential “choices” are between a zombie and a lifelong liberal Democrat from New York who switched parties to get elected you know we are effed.

Trump is just another of the false choices out there; not shocking he is pushing the vaxx. just like the TSA. That wonderful gift from George Bush which made air travel even more annoying than it already was he wasn’t on our side as you rightly point out.

sad state of affairs.

I will say that I very much hope desantis doesn’t run for president because selfishly I want him to help retain political sanity in Florida. He really has been quite good at fighting back against the covid BS. He isn’t perfect but he’s been a lot better than the alternative.

the former mayor of Tallahassee who gets caught in Miami hotel rooms w meth and gay hookers only lost the last gubernatorial race by like 30k votes.

As Yakov Smirnoff used to say. What a country!
The Aussies continue to fight back against their communist commissars:

270 Anti-Lockdown Protesters in Melbourne and Sydney Arrested After Violent Clash with Police (VIDEO)

Everything we are seeing is going worldwide. Fight my people. Fight like your life depends on it! This police and military helping enforce this
communism make me sick to my stomach. So angry and sad that so many humans will enslave other humans for a little money. What they don't
realise is that they will be next. Even the secret societies that have helped to put this into motion. Only the highest level leaders everywhere will
be spared. They only will use the tools in the cabinet as useless idiots until they don't need them anymore either. We must stop this or all of our lives
will be enslaved until God finally says enough! Every knee will bow someday. Until then we must fight for humanity!
The Police who enforce any of these draconian measures anywhere are enemies of freedom and humanity. I'm not going advocate violence but I'll just say that I have ZERO pity for those cops in that video from Melbourne.
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American Freedom News