Coronavirus thread

Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine?

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Thanks WW,
My apologies brother. I wasn't having a great morning and should've given the video a bit more time. I am in full agreement with you and the thrust of the expose' and information. There are countless specialists, experts, physicians, etc, that are extremely qualified that have "alternate" (read: contrary) positions to the official lying bullshite that we are all being fed by the tribal cabal of purveyors of filth, yet they are censored, silenced, de-platformed, untenured, fired and some no longer alive. Hmmm. What a tolerant bunch we live under...
Good to speak to you again, btw.

Likewise, bro!
Covid Switch er roonie! That's a good one @Phall . Once liberties are taken away, they rarely come back.

Yep, almost never. The last time a liberty was actually given back to the people was when Prohibition was repealed.

Mandatory masks on airplanes will probably become a permanent thing (the CEO of Southwest Airlines hinted at it in an interview), and mask requirements, at least in liberal states, will likely become essentially permanent - they may be temporarily stopped but they'll always come back. States like California could easily keep mandating masks even decades from now at least in the winter ("for flu season").
That video and others like it showing the criminality going on is very disturbing. Its painful to even watch.

P.S. I didn't mean to imply that we shouldn't be aware of these types of things. It's just tragic and insane that these types of things are actually going on. It's truly man being cruel to man. Nothing new in history of course.
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At least 11 U.S. Governors said "NO WAY " to the dark speech by Biden today about mandates.....It also prompted this . They are taunting the public now.
And had wondered what opinions were about the Great ReSet Party of Davos? John Kerry is doing his best to speed this up.
The war is on whether people want to believe it or not. It seems here in the ussa people are just goin' along to get along. That ain't gonna work folks! These control freaks are losing respect for us every day we don't fight back, push back, say "NO!", and tell 'em to effing go to hell where they belong.
That puppet puke can "mandate" anything he wants. It's not a LAW. He can screw off.
Too many people believe that if they just do what the government demands, they'll be left alone. But it doesn't work that way. Our (((overlords))) will keep making more and more demands, and it'll never stop. Appeasement has never worked in all of history, and it won't work now. The vaccinated people are finding this out right now. They were good goys and got the jab, but now they're discovering they still have to wear masks, obey quarantines, not travel, etc. We're living in a true Orwellian dictatorship. George Orwell knew the score, he called this and predicted this. Read 1984 and see what happens to "true believers" who obey all of the government's orders. The same will happen to the obedient in this situation too.
Too many people believe that if they just do what the government demands, they'll be left alone. But it doesn't work that way. Our (((overlords))) will keep making more and more demands, and it'll never stop. Appeasement has never worked in all of history, and it won't work now. The vaccinated people are finding this out right now. They were good goys and got the jab, but now they're discovering they still have to wear masks, obey quarantines, not travel, etc. We're living in a true Orwellian dictatorship. George Orwell knew the score, he called this and predicted this. Read 1984 and see what happens to "true believers" who obey all of the government's orders. The same will happen to the obedient in this situation too.

george orwell.jpg
Celebrating the 911 false flag takes over from the Plandemic for a day.

Looking at all the bs on Facebook - people have attention spans of a few minutes. It is as if there were no questions about what really happened on 911, all thousands of questions, all memory holed, they don't remember, they never heard of it, it's just "debunked conspiracy theories", all parroting the Party Line. The negro Lee made a movie about 911 for tv. The last half hour was devoted to what they call conspiracy theories. They made him take it out. I just noticed that youtube just removed the video of Pres. Trump talking about how EXPLOSIVES took down the twin towers on 911. They removed it 4 t anniversary!

This was the video of the post-911 4-part FOX tv special on Israeli spying and 911. Gone now too, along with thousands of other videos exposing all their hoaxes.

Video unavailable
This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been closed.

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After all these false flags, the attack on the Liberty, 911, Sandy Hoax, Las Vegas, the 2020 election, the "celebrate diversity white genocide program" , etc etc etc - and going back further all the phony BS they used to start every one of their endless BS wars - the Israeli-US-Orwellian deep state knows it can get away with anything.

And now of course the Plandemic - crisis actors falling down dead in mid stride in China to start the panic ball rolling...
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After all these false flags, the attack on the Liberty, 911, Sandy Hoax, Las Vegas, the 2020 election, the "celebrate diversity white genocide program" , etc etc etc - and going back further all the phony BS they used to start every one of their endless BS wars - the Israeli-US-Orwellian deep state knows it can get away with anything.

And now of course the Plandemic - crisis actors falling down dead in mid stride in China to start the panic ball rolling...
Throughout history, these Christ-haters ALWAYS have gone too far and there was blowback. Nothing has changed in their M.O. and nothing will change in the response except this time I think the payback will be phenomenal, epic, lovely levels of them meeting a doom like never before. They are asking for it more than ever. Maybe they subconsciously know they deserve it.
Throughout history, these Christ-haters ALWAYS have gone too far and there was blowback. Nothing has changed in their M.O. and nothing will change in the response except this time I think the payback will be phenomenal, epic, lovely levels of them meeting a doom like never before. They are asking for it more than ever. Maybe they subconsciously know they deserve it.

They don't know when to stop. They can't leave well enough alone. Thry get drunk with their own power, hubris - chutzpah they call it - it's their downfall everytime!
Regarding the ol' Covid Switcheroo, this substack post goes into detail with an especially blatant example from Connecticut College, a small liberal arts school.

There's An Insane "Australia-Style" Lockdown Happening Right Now In The US

So essentially, the campus has been shuttered by the unilateral decree of Dean what’s-his-face. Sounds familiar. Visits with friends prohibited, special permission slips required for anybody to leave, and confinement to one’s personal living space imposed. Note that they even have their own adorable little color-coded “Alert” system, apparently modeled on the Department of Homeland Security’s dopey old “Terror Alert” system — rightly lampooned in the early 2000s for its uselessness and absurdity, but now accepted as a reasonable model for the present “crisis.”

So what prompted this drastic action at Connecticut College? First, to fully appreciate the lunacy being practiced here, you have to understand that Connecticut College already required vaccination at the outset of this school year. Everybody is vaccinated (or, technically, 99% of the student population is vaccinated per the Dean’s stated figures). And yet far from enabling a return to normalcy, as is supposed to be the premise behind vaccination, all that it’s done is set the stage for further extreme intrusions. That’s because the College also mandates that these near-universally vaccinated students submit to a twice-weekly testing regimen. Seems rather like a solution in search of a problem — but that’s all the better for paranoid busybody Deans such as Victor Arcelus, who clearly relish any opportunity to exercise power over their precious little fiefdom.

As one student explained to me, “We are one of the few small liberal arts colleges in the Northeast that is testing everyone twice a week, which is why we have so many cases … the college is digging themselves in a hole.” (All students I spoke to were given anonymity.)

“They originally told us we weren’t going to be testing, then a week or two before we came back to campus they changed the rules on us and said we’d be testing the exact same [amount] as last year, despite having required the entire student body to be vaccinated.”

So this week, around 50 tests came back as positive, and a sudden shutdown was ordered. Then in a feat of shameless deflection, administrators started blaming students for the inevitable, 100% foreseeable consequences of the ridiculously overbearing “testing” policy that they chose to implement, which is of course going to turn up some positive results.

While it can be tempting to generalize that the current crop of college students — especially at a small liberal arts college like this one — are all submissive safety-obsessed supplicants, I’ve heard from enough who strongly resent these intrusions to reject that over-simplified characterization. There does seem to be a divide, though —with a zealous faction of COVID crusaders clearly holding sway. Estimates from the students I spoke to about the overall opinion of their peers range from a 50/50 split on COVID policy, to a healthy majority opposed, to somewhere in between.

So, after forcing the vaxx on students and achieving 99.5% compliance, this school waited less than two weeks to go back to FULL LOCKDOWN MODE after ~50 asymptomatic positive antigen tests. Would 99.5% of students have submitted to the vaxx mandate if they knew they would still be tested twice a week and locked in their dorms without a social life or the ability to leave campus? They promise you one thing, then pull the Covid Switcheroo. Keep this in mind if you are considering succumbing to various mandates to get your privileges back - they can (and will) go away at any time for any flimsy reason.

As an aside, I have become a big fan of the Substack model for individual writers to publish outside of standard newspapers and magazines. If you're not familiar, it's a free platform that solicits donations. Authors can put some fraction of their writing behind a paywall, but usually dangle their most robust stuff for the public. This has given me a window to follow some non-orthodox liberals who sometimes have interesting things to say. Michael Tracy, Glen Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, and Matt Stoller aren't journalists I would normally follow. With Substack, I get an email with their latest posts, and if I'm not interested in the lede, it's easy to delete or archive. Since each writer has full editorial control of their content, I can evaluate their opinions based on what I know about their backgrounds.
The students who are putting up with this and not dropping out are morons. However, the parents who are paying tuition for their own children to be prisoners are complete idiots who might as well be flushing their cash down their toilets around the clock.
The students who are putting up with this and not dropping out are morons. However, the parents who are paying tuition for their own children to be prisoners are complete idiots who might as well be flushing their cash down their toilets around the clock.

If a governor or president tried to pull something like that, the full blame would rightly be on them, but no one is forcing anyone to go to some garbage college that no one's ever heard of or cares about. Not to give the little Stalin dean a free pass, but any student who keeps going there (and paying $50,000 a year in tuition) is either a masochist or a retard.
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