Conor Khabib


Jul 21, 2012
I watched the press conference with Dana, Khabib and Conor. Conor put on his usual great show, but I don't think he got to Khabib. When they had the stare down, Khabib looked totally relaxed and confident.
Entertaining press conference indeed. Classic Boxer vs Wrestler matchup. Khabib looks to be mentally strong like most from his neck of the woods. Should be a good one.
Personally, I can’t stand that obnoxious, pro-s0d0mite McGregor. However; I’ll pull for him against Conor is the “Whiter” of the two (in appearance). However, I’ll not be “upset” if Khabib submits the arrogant little puke. ;)
Personally, I can’t stand that obnoxious, pro-s0d0mite McGregor. However; I’ll pull for him against Conor is the “Whiter” of the two (in appearance). However, I’ll not be “upset” if Khabib submits the arrogant little puke. ;)
Here's the thing, though. The (((media))) will only go after White, male, Christians and ask them whether they support "Gay Marriage". They did it with David Beckham about ten years ago when he was at the height of his popularity. They did it to Conor. They did it to the cake baker in Colorado. They've done it to Chick-fil-a. If Khabib wins, will they ask him whether he supports "Gay Marriage"? Will they ask a Muslim cake baker in Dearborn, MI whether he supports "Gay Marriage"? No, they won't, because being Muslim exempts them from any form of criticism as the objective is to destroy White, male, Christians.
Here's the thing, though. The (((media))) will only go after White, male, Christians and ask them whether they support "Gay Marriage". They did it with David Beckham about ten years ago when he was at the height of his popularity. They did it to Conor. They did it to the cake baker in Colorado. They've done it to Chick-fil-a. If Khabib wins, will they ask him whether he supports "Gay Marriage"? Will they ask a Muslim cake baker in Dearborn, MI whether he supports "Gay Marriage"? No, they won't, because being Muslim exempts them from any form of criticism as the objective is to destroy White, male, Christians.

Duly noted. However, any real man (that knows right from wrong) will stand up for his beliefs. IF he was a true Christian (which he isn’t), he’d openly state God’s position on homosexuality (Leviticus 18)....that it’s an abomination. That being said, I’m pulling for Conor against the muzzie.
Duly noted. However, any real man (that knows right from wrong) will stand up for his beliefs. IF he was a true Christian (which he isn’t), he’d openly state God’s position on homosexuality (Leviticus 18)....that it’s an abomination. That being said, I’m pulling for Conor against the muzzie.
I agree...and the Colorado Cake Baker stood strong (so the Colorado Civil Rights Commission has cited him again) as has Chick-fil-A (so the attacks on them continue as well). I don’t think either Beckham or Conor are believers anyway, so they were targeted simply because they were White alpha males.

I think Conor’s flamboyancy and braggadocio are mostly to sell tickets and hype the event. After it's over he seems pretty humble and least for a short period of time. I know for some time posters here at CF were tiring of a lot of White athlete's "Aww Shucks" type attitudes and always giving credit to others for the success they were mostly responsible for. Conor broke that mold.

I respect that he wasn’t afraid to show his support for Putin earlier this year, despite all of the pressure not to from compromised (to say the least) Western "leaders":

Today I was invited to the World Cup final as a guest of Russian President Vladimir Putin. This man is one of the greatest leaders of our time and I was honored to attend such a landmark event alongside him.

Definitely cheering for Conor. He has done a lot for the profile of whites in combat sports. Though, I dont like his over the top trash talk. I see Nuramagedov winning this fight with his wrestling. Conor has beaten a top flight wrestler (Chad Mendes) so it is not impossible. Khabib has been rocked before and Conor wins easily if it stays standing. But - like most from the British Isles - wrestling is a foreign language to him.

Nuramagedov is white but a white Muslim. So I cant root for him like a would an ethnic Russian.
I think Kebab ( just kidding) is a much better mma grappler and wrestler and stronger and bigger than Chad Mendez (who is actually quite small). I wouldnt take Conors victory as a comparison to the Kebab fight.

I grew up in Ireland so ill always root for Conor. His talking is annoying sure, but thats his product. Its Entertainment and Part of the show. I just watch the fights, i dont watch the whole build up with press conferences etc. Dont let it bother you fellas ;) . I spent a lotta time around guys like Conor in Ireland, good people deep down.
I think Kebab ( just kidding) is a much better mma grappler and wrestler and stronger and bigger than Chad Mendez (who is actually quite small). I wouldnt take Conors victory as a comparison to the Kebab fight.

I grew up in Ireland so ill always root for Conor. His talking is annoying sure, but thats his product. Its Entertainment and Part of the show. I just watch the fights, i dont watch the whole build up with press conferences etc. Dont let it bother you fellas ;) . I spent a lotta time around guys like Conor in Ireland, good people deep down.

Conor is a Trump-hating, pro-gay, flaboyant wigger...but I was willing to look past all of that given his amazing success in MMA.

However, he crossed the line when, during one of the many (staged) press-conferences he held with Floyd Mayweather, he grabbed his crotch and screamed “I’m half black...from the belly down!” [Implying that negroes have larger genitalia]...

Chad mini Mendes style of wrestling is American folkstyle. American folkstyle is not khabib's style. It is a BIG difference.
Khabib's background is sambo. One of the guys in Conor's camp is a wrestler from Moldova. So that guy should know about Eastern European/Russian federation wrestling and sambo.
I spent a lot of time watching Khabib's fights and I have to say his good wrestlin' and his pressure keeps him in fights as his striking power is low to average, he does have fairly quick hands. I think Conor will handle Khabib's pressure and his wrestlin' fairly well, Conor's hands are much faster and he hits like a Mack truck, Khabib has not been hit by a guy like Conor before, 1 clean shot and it is lights out for Khabib. Conor is bigger, stronger, much faster, has massive power in both hands and hits from all angles that will put you out. He also has a big 4" reach advantage over Khabib.

The only way Khabib wins is to get Conor on the mat, keep him there and wear him out. His pressure is crazy but he has not been hit hard except by Barbosa who has no where near Conor's power.

I think Conor ko's Khabib by the 3/4th round.....
Man I hope Volkov destroys Lewis bad. Lewis is a fat man with decent striking only. Suspect chin.
Man I hope Volkov destroys Lewis bad. Lewis is a fat man with decent striking only. Suspect chin.

****** Volkov winning the whole fight against Sumo Lewis and gets caught last 20 seconds. Pathetic choke job by The Ruskie.
Dirty Muslim wins then jumps into crowd to fight McGregor's crew.
What a shitshow ending to that fight. This is what happens when you let terrorists into UFC.
What's humbling about being jumped by Muzzies after you just fought a professional fight?
On the one hand, at least a White guy won, sort of. I think the whole Muslim thing ruins it for me. At least to the average loser on the street Khabib appears to be a regular White. Too bad he is such a scumbag. On the other hand, although Conor is an alpha badass, his wigger attitude is a total turnoff. He's entertaining; I'll give him that. Khabib just looks like an a-hole and he's about as interesting as watching women's golf.

For the rest of the card, other than Drago losing like a dummy at the end of his fight, at least the other matches involving a White guy versus a Black ended with the Black person losing.
Having been around muslims in various situations here in Germany, I have adopted the saying: "muslim are so stupid that having muslim co-workers should be prohibited by the Geneva Convention". I have witnessed their lack of ability to think critically in the workplace and social settings on a multitude of occasions.
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