Conor Khabib

All of Conor's whigger like behavior came back on him. You guys at least have to admit that. White or not, Comor was a complete, 100 percent a''-hole throughout all of this. He did not conduct himself the way I would hope our guys would.
All of Conor's whigger like behavior came back on him. You guys at least have to admit that. White or not, Comor was a complete, 100 percent a''-hole throughout all of this. He did not conduct himself the way I would hope our guys would.

Of course but that has already been discussed.
I mean, I am 100 percent for our guys, but we have to be realistic. After all of Conor's ********, now people are getting indignant about sportsmanship?? WTF??

If I go up to a tiger's cage and start poking it with a stick while I taunt it, what is going to happen?
I think people are backing Conor because he talks and does a lot of crap leading up to the fight, but once it's over he is gracious to his opponent and being an a-hole is his schtick. He pulled that whole bus stunt so I figure him and Khabib are even now. I read a little article that said Conor refused to press charges and Khabibs guys who were arrested were released which is cool of him. Although the scene appeared to get out of control at one point, the skeptical part of me as well as the journeyman fight fan in me, thinks this whole thing is one big stunt designed to create hype for a rematch. Now they have Khabib as enemy number 1 and probably a lot of fans backing Conor for a rematch. The narrative is now there. This is just the skeptic in me speaking though!!

As for the fight, Khabib was fast and did very well striking. He clearly is a better striker than most of us thought. Conor didn't look good to me. He looked slow and after the first round he appeared pretty fatigued. He had better get on the mat a little more and get that grappling cardio up. I also think his striking style of one hand down and the other one up is terrible. He obviously thought Khabib couldn't catch him. A rematch would be cool and if the money is there, mark my words, it will happen.

And I absolutely don't support Khabib with his muslim religion. Being white isn't enough for me anymore. I will be pulling for Conor to win if a rematch does happen.
As for the fight, Khabib was fast and did very well striking. He clearly is a better striker than most of us thought.
He's not. It's the threat of the take down that makes his striking effective and forgives him of his flaws. Conor was about to sprawl when Khabib dropped him (more so stunned him) with an overhand right instead of a take down. Without the threat of the take down he probably has the worst striking in the division. He stands straight up, hands down, chin up and exposed, and has poor technique and footwork. Also after he gets the initial take down and wears his opponent out some, their punches don't have the same zip and he can be more wild and reckless. Michael Johnson managed to land a good one on him early in their fight and afterward Khabib just wrestlegrinded him, but that's what it's going to take, a striker has to land good and early before the grueling grappling takes its effect in order to defeat Khabib.
I thought Kabib was sitting next to an empty white chair. Then I realized that was his wife next to him all covered up, though we can't see anything so I guess we have to believe there is an actual woman under there.

What a backwards, gutter religion.

It’s an apostate religion indeed, but no where near as reprehensible as the “religion” of cultural marxism/political correctness! I’d rather have women “covered up” than going about like street walkers. I’m no “muzzy apologist”, but their mandates on keeping women in check are far closer to the “right way” than is the scourge of feminism. As for Khabib’s shenanigans, they were completely bush was Conor’s prior outburst in NYC. I don’t care for either one of them personally, but they’re both world class fighters.
I don't follow MMA at all. In fact I hate it and wish the UFC would go out of business. I was a fan of boxing growing up, but I just can't get into this stuff. I see it as a bunch of violent tattooed thugs going at it with each other with a WWE style presentation. Having said that, I've been seeing this post match fight all over my Facebook feed. Even though I really don't care about this "sport" I would really like to see this Khabib guy get the sh*t kicked out of him. If he were a white, nominal Muslim.... like say Mehmet Okur, I could probably tolerate him, but apparently he's one of these Sharia law types who spouts out Islamic garbage every chance he gets. I hope he gets his just desserts.
He's not. It's the threat of the take down that makes his striking effective and forgives him of his flaws. Conor was about to sprawl when Khabib dropped him (more so stunned him) with an overhand right instead of a take down. Without the threat of the take down he probably has the worst striking in the division. He stands straight up, hands down, chin up and exposed, and has poor technique and footwork. Also after he gets the initial take down and wears his opponent out some, their punches don't have the same zip and he can be more wild and reckless. Michael Johnson managed to land a good one on him early in their fight and afterward Khabib just wrestlegrinded him, but that's what it's going to take, a striker has to land good and early before the grueling grappling takes its effect in order to defeat Khabib.
Yes that's the only way I felt McGregor could win, this man has probably the best pure wrestling ability in MMA in ages and judging by the post fight antics, the best stamina I have seen in years.

PS, I hope the Nevada Athletic Commission throws the book at Khabib, they did it to Mike Tyson when he maimed Holyfield and physically assaulted Las Vegas PD officers, but Tyson had a prior history of various sheninigans, so far Khabib has been clean at promotions, his off the mat life may be more criminal than Tyson's if the rumours about mob associates in his entourage are true.
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Muslim terrorists at their usual. Khabib and entourage should all get lifetime bans and jail time for that terrorist attack.
I saw that Mike Tyson tweeted that this riot was worse than the one he caused in his rematch with Holyfield, a classic pot meet kettle line. I hadn't seen the riot in years but in this video at the 15.50 mark annd further down we see Tyson fighting anybody in his way(including Las Vegas PD), Khabib and his thug buddy didn't fight law enforcement. It will be interesting to see what suspensions ensue. A lifetime ban could happen to the thug that sucker punched Connor......
Sorry guys, you might ban me, but I gotta call a spade a spade.

Conor makes p'ssy move and shows up with 30 goons and throws a dolly at a bus. People get hurt, a card has to get changed.

Terrorism? Lifetime ban? Or is all this just his "shtik"?

Khabib by himself (after an entire fight where he dominates), jumps right into the middle of Conor's entire crew and starts kicking their asses. After enduring insults to his himself and family (different culture that does not see that stuff as "shtik"), and Conor trying to kick and punch at weight in.

Who has real courage? Who is a warrior?

Khabib should get a slap on the wrist at most.
99% percent of the DWFs bashing Conor for his disrespectful showmanship (which is all that it is) love to say they're big fans of Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson. Conor even said to Khabib during the fight, "it's just business." That's why he sells record breaking PPVs. I don't personally care for his shtick, it's like a mutant Superstar Billy Graham, Ric Flair, Muhammad Ali wigger type of thing. But it serves his purpose: putting butts in the seats to fill out arenas and getting millions of people to buy his PPVs. Making money.

Khabib ran after Danis and jumped on him from a platform, but Danis started charging him back immediately so how did Khabib kick their asses? You keep bringing up the word terrorism when Khabib's manager is actually a literal terrorist that got caught and snitched on the other terrorists to get out of trouble, he is a terrorist. That's not hyperbole. Not air quote "terrorist," bona fide terrorist that shouldn't be in this country. He even came up and sucker punched Dillon Danis from behind while Danis was being held back by multiple people, but made complaints to NSAC about Conor and now Conor's being investigated too. Khabib had all his Dagestani goons there in attendance, they jumped into the cage and joined the melee, almost as if it was preplanned. Say what you want about Conor, the antics stop after the match and he is then respectful to his opponent. People bring up when he jumped the cage to scream in Aldo's face, not even the same thing, that was hyping their match, not a brawl.

By the way, "different culture" is right. Dagestanis are basically retards:

Combine that with Islam and yeesh.
The DWFs are on Conor's side. They cheered Conor, booed Khabib. The DWFs made Conor.

Conor insults, punches, kicks, throws things. all outside of the cage before the fight (like a little prick), and wink wink, it is just business.

So because it puts asses in the seats, it is the right way to act??

Is jumping out of the cage to kick some guy's ass who has been taunting you the entire fight an act of terrorism?

Retarded or not, Khabib is more of a man than Conor. If Conor REALLY wanted a street fight with Khabib, he could have gotten it easily. That he pulled an orchestrated stunt the way he did shows he did NOT.
Go on sherdog or reddit's mma forum they hate Conor's guts. Same people praise Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson.

You're basically praising a legitimate chimpout and condemning antics designed to sell PPVs. Khabib has less behavioral brakes than a real human, congrats.

Yes, the showmanship is the right way to act (barring the dolly incident, which crossed a line and caused real injury) if you want to become rich in exchange for the repeated brain trauma. MMA is prize fighting, they are giving each other CTE and most are being paid peanuts for their trouble. Most of these guys say essentially the same things that Conor does but he has charisma and they have the personalities and fighting styles of wet blankets. Khabib is probably the best LW but are people clamoring to see him fight? Will he crack a million PPVs (and at a reduced prize from a Conor PPV) without Conor? Highly doubtful he even goes near that mark. Conor is a polarizing figure which works both ways for him, people love him and want to see him win, people hate him and want to see him lose, and they all buy the PPV.

Who cares if he wants a real street fight or not. The fact that people will glorify that is the reason he sells so much in the first place. If the guys bashing Conor really cared about "honor and respect" they wouldn't be buying his PPVs. They would be buying the PPVs of other guys but we all know that's not happening. Fedor is probably the most respectful and honorable MMA fighter of all time and even when he was undefeated and widely considered the greatest he still "couldn't draw a dime."
BTW I don't see why you would get banned here. Being a McGregor fan isn't a requirement. It's acknowledged he acts like a wigger. And even though it is mostly for show, it is to sell PPVs, is getting increasingly out of line.
Ya limitless no one wants you banned! Khabib had perfect opportunity to take the high road and calmly say he did what he said he was going to do in a post fight interview! IMO he ruined a great card!

Fight wise I agree McGregor was outmatched. I figured he would get taken down but was hoping to see some of Conor's nonexistent jujitsu game. His stamina was pathetic as well.

So now what's next? Khabib Vs Kevin Lee? McGregor Vs?
The UFC became a clown show immediately after the multi-billion dollar purchase by the Jewish group. Dana White is seemingly a puppet now, with no control over the "stars".
You can take the man outta the sh1t h0le, but you cant take the sh1t h0le outta the man
Khabib and his dozens of Dagestani goons like to surround fighters and intimidate them if not assault them, he has done this to Artem and Tony Ferguson. So he is by no means an innocent, humble guy. He started a brawl with Diaz brothers and their team, no punishment was meted out then. The bus attack wasn't unprovoked, it was in retaliation to him cornering Artem while he had his goons around him. Also the UFC personnel let Conor in so they probably wanted it to happen so they could use it to sell a PPV, just like they will use the aftermath of 229 to sell a rematch if it happens.

Khabib's teammate is barely an early prelim fighter. Conor was responsible for 6 of the top 16 PPVs of all time that's including boxing and prowrestling, and 4 of the top 5 for the UFC (another one bumped to 6th place because of UFC 100). They won't be punishing equally and they have shown in the past they have no qualms with sacrificing a no name fighter to get out PR headaches, and on the other side will go to bat for PPV draws like Jones.
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