Commercials we HATE!!!!

This one from Apple drive me up a god damn wall!!

The minute long commercial features a young teen with all the traits of a young feminist: short hair, ugly glasses, disgusting teal colored fingernails, dressed like a slob, and an aura of unearned self-worth.

We see her spend the day out and about on the town with the iPad in tow. First she is yucking it up on FaceTime with an Asian friend that just broke his arm. The she bikes through the city and uses it to take pictures of bugs for her bug website (feminists and leftists have the weirdest interests)

Finally she ends up back home in her backyard, and a nice old black lady, trying to just be neighborly and make small talk with the girl, asks what she’s doing on her computer. The third wave feminist then rudely, arrogantly, and snarkily retorts, without even looking up and making eye contact, “What’s a computer

The young antifa and SJW in training is too stupid to realize that an iPad IS a computer that has just been jazzed up with smaller processing components, a touch screen, and the sleekness and “cool” factor hat comes standard on all apple products courtesy of their marketing department
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I've noticed that these commercials for iPads and smart phones are among the very worst when it comes to promoting ethnic cleansing -- White men are reduced to a token background presence or are totally absent from most of them.
These Apple commercials are indeed some of the worst.

I couldn't find the exact one that was playing over and over and over again during the Christmas holidays but this is the edited version of the iPhone X commercial with literal sh!t piles singing with a White female. In the original one the sh!t piles were singing in the same screenshot next to her face. Totally disgusting.

The Jews producing these commercials are the same ones that primed and groomed America to accept f@ggotry and dykism and next will be the acceptance of human waste being on or near humans as "erotic". There is no end to their demonic debauchery.

These Apple commercials are indeed some of the worst.

I couldn't find the exact one that was playing over and over and over again during the Christmas holidays but this is the edited version of the iPhone X commercial with literal sh!t piles singing with a White female. In the original one the sh!t piles were singing in the same screenshot next to her face. Totally disgusting.

The Jews producing these commercials are the same ones that primed and groomed America to accept f@ggotry and dykism and next will be the acceptance of human waste being on or near humans as "erotic". There is no end to their demonic debauchery.

Those are some of the ugliest mugs I’ve ever laid eyes upon. :vomiton22je:
In this ad for a “General Electric” (GE) washing machine, the obligatory light-haired, light-eyed white father watches in horror as his teenage daughter (who appears to be approximately 15 years old) informs him that she’ll be dressing as a “sexy koala” for a costume party. Mouth agape at the thought of his daughter prematurely becoming an object of sexual desire, he does absolutely nothing and she walks off as he stands there in silence...

What teenager, boy or girl, would ever utter the word “sexy” in front of their parents? I’m 31, happily married with 3 kids and I still would never say anything like that to my parents. Actually, I’ve never even uttered a curse word in their presence. The dialogue in this ad sounds so fake, but the big agenda is all that matters to the (((advertisers))). That is, of course, to turn white girls into sluts as early as possible and to make white fathers into cucks that won’t protect or safeguard their chastity.
Here is the Eli Manning / Odell Beckham Jr. homosexual “dirty dancing” ad that aired during the Superbowl last Sunday. While viewing this footage, please keep in mind that this mouth-breathing twerp has a net worth in excess of $100 million. He could have easily turned down this proposal, but given that Eli lobbied for the Giants to draft OBJ, he probably enjoyed this experience tremendously. What was the point of this trash, anyway? Is the NFL trying to build their LGBTQ fan base by depicting two men dancing intimately? Appealing to middle-ages women that love movie Dirty Dancing? Or is it just mindless stupidity?

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These Apple commercials are indeed some of the worst.

I couldn't find the exact one that was playing over and over and over again during the Christmas holidays but this is the edited version of the iPhone X commercial with literal sh!t piles singing with a White female. In the original one the sh!t piles were singing in the same screenshot next to her face. Totally disgusting.

The Jews producing these commercials are the same ones that primed and groomed America to accept f@ggotry and dykism and next will be the acceptance of human waste being on or near humans as "erotic". There is no end to their demonic debauchery.

Apple's CEO Tim Cook is a homosexual.
Tim Cook is a mental midget who thinks he's a giant because he's standing on Steve Jobs' shoulders. Whatever personal and political flaws Jobs may have had, he was a genuinely intelligent businessman. Cook is nothing more than a dim-witted, pathetic social justice warrior who thinks he can ride Jobs' name and the Apple brand for wealth and power forever.
Hmm, which group is completely absent from this commercial, which is more and more becoming the norm for advertising:

Hmm, which group is completely absent from this commercial, which is more and more becoming the norm for advertising:

CrApple can shove (said) iPhone X right up their commie candy @$$es!
CrApple can go go bankrupt and then to HELL if my wishes came true. What vile despicable trash and perversion! Never will they get a penny of my money...
CrApple can go go bankrupt and then to HELL if my wishes came true. What vile despicable trash and perversion! Never will they get a penny of my money...
True, but where to turn? Google, which makes Android phones, is just as bad from a Cultural Marxist perspective. Same with Microsoft. Then there's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., although not Smart phone providers, share the same narrative and philosophy. Perhaps Samsung is the lesser of all evils for Smart phones.

Once you get so high up in the Illuminati Pyramid, you have to take an oath to serve Lucifer. I was hoping that by now, open-source Linux would have a Smart phone, but that hasn't happened; and even if it did, they would have to go through one of the Luciferian service providers...AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, etc. It's full-spectrum Satanism that you are forced to participate in at some level, or starve, so-to-speak.
This is a problem that keeps rearing its ugly head with monopolies, duopolies, and any industry which endless mergers have reduced to a few giant mega-corporations. They all toe the same anti-white, pro-feminist, pro-gay, pro-Muslim, pro-illegal alien line. None of this happened by accident. It was planned for the purpose of squeezing normal, healthy, conservative White people out of the mainstream and giving us no options. Even the corporate executives who have fattened their bank accounts from these mergers and takeovers have merely gained side benefits from the directives of our true overlords, the ones who hide in the shadows and pull the strings.

After the Florida school shooting, the SJWs have now convinced United and Delta to stop giving group discounts for passengers going to NRA conventions. All the SJWs have to do is say jump! and the spineless wimps in suits respond with, "How high, massa?" I'm sure a campaign to ban guns in cargo holds or even to ban NRA members or anyone with pro-Second Amendment opinions from traveling is in the works from the far left. With so many airlines wiped off the face of the earth thanks to mega-mergers, it's only a matter of time before the rest bow down and follow Delta and United's example...unless some CEO finds the balls to say that naughty word to the libturds and SJWs, that word that begins with N: NO.

Those hyper-privileged, ultra-spoiled SJWs have never heard that word in their lives. They are the most coddled and privileged people in history. They need to start hearing it, along with some other choice words. But aside from a few courageous voices in the wilderness like Chick-fil-A and Elon Musk, there hasn't been much standing up to the leftist bullies from the corporate world.

To end on a more positive note, this won't go on forever. If the enemy does not back down and keeps pushing further and further, to the point where everything from the White man is taken away and he has nothing left to lose, the natural order of things will reassert itself, painfully. The Roman Empire lasted a thousand years. The Khmer Rouge lasted three. Bread and circuses are far more effective at keeping subjects obedient than the Killing Fields. The SJWs are in hog heaven right now, running around like a million little Pol Pots. Karma is coming, and karma's a bitch.
This ad for "Covergirl" makeup plays approximately every 10 minutes or so on all TV channels. The commercial stars Shelina Moreda, who is apparently some sort of motorcycle racer. In the ad, she is applying Covergirl makeup in the mirror before competing in a motorcycle race against men. She then asks: "Is it tough competing in a man's world?" She then answers her own question, delivering the anti-male punchline with an arrogant tone: "Maybe for the men."

Notice how all of these "equality-seeking" feminists never seem to desire equal representation in employment fields such as roofing, welding, iron worker, janitor, farm hand, commercial fisherman, waste disposal, furniture moving, plumbing, HVAC, carpentry, drywall, truck driver, concrete, blacktop, or any other occupation that requires physical labor of any sort? My wife sees the hard work I do around our house/farm and constantly says that would never want to be a man. And these feminists don't actually want our lives, either.

Miss Moreda is yet another so-called "feminist" who yearns for full "equality" with men, but doesn't see the irony in trying to doll herself up to look attractive for men and use her female looks for personal gain. Of course, if she was an unattractive woman, nobody would care about her and she wouldn't have been asked to star in this man-hating commercial in the first place. Also, if women really were equal to men in every capacity, the phrase "A Man's World" wouldn't even exist, right? They don't want equality, they just want to bash men out of jealously and be artificially elevated above men simply because they are women. True sexism. It's as though they understand that they are inferior in numerous capacities, but are constantly "patting themselves on the back" in a folly-ridden attempt to change what cannot be altered.
It's as though they understand that they are inferior in numerous capacities, but are constantly "patting themselves on the back" in a folly-ridden attempt to change what cannot be altered.

Obviously they are inferior. With everybody that wants "equal rights", if you have to ask for them from somebody, your group must be inferior in some way or else you wouldn't need the help.
Obviously they are inferior. With everybody that wants "equal rights", if you have to ask for them from somebody, your group must be inferior in some way or else you wouldn't need the help.
They are only inferior to men when they deviate from their feminine nature, endowed to them by the Creator, and try to assume a masculine role.

There's nothing more dangerous to the NWO than that of a perfectly balanced male and female that understand and work within their innate qualities to complement and complete each other. Strong families and family bonds are forged from this and "Big Government" (NWO) becomes unnecessary. So, the family unit is targeted for destruction because it represents a threat to their One World Satanic agenda. They understand that female minds are much more malleable and susceptible to the propaganda, so they are targeted (just like Eve was). That's also why they target and demonize fathers in all of their ads, TV shows and movies as being inept, stupid, unhip (especially if they are White), etc. so that daughters won't respect them or take in their advice. A strong, religiously moral and loving father is crucial to developing his daughters, early-on, right from wrong to counter this propaganda, so then they take on Christianity to discredit it and its followers...and on and on...back-and-forth, the battle goes.
Every time this one comes on and I hear that arrogant, nauseating voice I instantly either switch the channel or put it on mute till it's over.

Every time this one comes on and I hear that arrogant, nauseating voice I instantly either switch the channel or put it on mute till it's over.

What am you supposed to do, drive three quarters of a car?
Before cultural Marxism and PC (cough) insanity took over the Western world, a mainstream corporation like Microsoft never would have used a dindu spokesman or dindu culture in their advertising. Black appearances in advertising, aside from a few tokens in minor roles, would have been restricted to products specifically marketed to blacks. It is the mainstreaming of dindu "culture" (if you can call it that) and the constant shoving of it in our faces that is the problem.

The other night my husband and I were having dinner at what I thought was an upscale restaurant, when suddenly a cRap "song" began playing. Even 20 years ago that would have been unthinkable, except at a fried chicken shack or something.

On a positive note, a polite but firm request to the manager usually will result in a change of music to something more...normal.
This one features the now nearly mandatory mixed race couple, with the soyboy haplessly taking his punishment. More importantly, it approves of childish and destructive behavior by a woman that if done by a man would see him charged with one or more serious crimes. You go girl!

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A lot of disrespect shown to White father's from their offspring in commercials nowadays. I'll try to find the Little Caesars Pizza one that is absolutely shameless. If I ever meet the producer and director of that particular commercial I'll probably be in jail...