Commercials during the game

Any comments about the commercials thus far? The coke commercial? or how about the preview for the movie "Pride"
They're REALLY rubbing it in our faces this year First the black history coke commercial, then the commercial for Pride
Yea i saw that commerical for that pride movie and i was just like you have to be kidding me, such a joke and white people have to be blind if they do not see the brainwashing and hyping up of black people. what a joke.
This is what I noticed - the David Spade commercial where he cant get a woman, and his friend capitulates to his girlfriend on having a cat. The two dorky guys working on the car eating a sniker bar that end up kissing, and some preview for a movie where 4 guys are riding motorcycles and the actor "Martin" punches the dorky white guy off his motorcyle... stay tuned more to come.
Pride- What an obvious double standard piece of propaganda. I love the quote, "They think they're better because they're white." Im ready for the basketball version that says, "They think they're better because they're black." Yeah,that will happen when snowcaps are starting to form in hell. I sometimes despise this country and the white hate that is so prevalent.
KJV1 said:
This is what I noticed - the David Spade commercial where he cant get a woman, and his friend capitulates to his girlfriend on having a cat. The two dorky guys working on the car eating a sniker bar that end up kissing, and some preview for a movie where 4 guys are riding motorcycles and the actor "Martin" punches the dorky white guy off his motorcyle... stay tuned more to come.

I generally don't notice stuff like this, but I definately notice when it is clearly out in the open like in the Pride commercial and the black history commercial. They make it so obvious that it isnt even funny
Don't forget black rapper Jay-Z beating Don Shula in some sort of cyberbowl, and the rerunning of the blonde waitress creaming her pants over Dwayne Wade and Charles Barkely.Edited by: Kaptain Poop
YEAH! I saw that Pride commercial and said "what the f*ck is going on here?!" Another sports movie where blackssay to evil white men they're superior athletes? And at swimming?! No freakin way, man. No freakin way. I was a Marine. Every Marine must know how to swim. 99% of the blacks in my company at boot camp were so bad at swimming I'm surprised they hadn't already drowned in the shower! I'm not kidding. I've seen rocks swim better than them. We put up with Remember the Titans, Glory Road, Cool Runnings, now they want to say they're better swimmers?! We need to have a white million man march or something. This has now offically gotten completely ludicrous.
I spent SB XLI in my room, door closed, watching some of my railroad DVDs - and a couple of episodes taped by me late last week of the Mexican soap Mundo de Fieras (almost entirely Spaniard cast, and some hot chicks therein
). So I'll have to settle for hearsay about those commercials (and the game). After reading about the commercials' hype and that of the two black coaches, I decided to boycott the SB for once. Although if we had a SB party I probably would have watched the game with the company.

Kaptain Poop said:
Don't forget black rapper Jay-Z beating Don Shula in some sort of cyberbowl, and the rerunning of the blonde waitress creaming her pants over Dwayne Wade and Charles Barkely.

Oh man! The commercial with the blonde, Barkely, and Wade put me over the top. Everyone who posts here andclaimsthat these types of commercials are not consciously foisted upon us by our -overlords- can kiss my --you know what!!!
I didn't pay any attention to the commercials at all. Too many people around, too many people talking, couldn't even really hear what was going on during the game. Sounds like I didn't miss much.
The one and only time a black swim team wins a meet and they have to make a movie out of it.

The whole black history month jammed down our throats in 4 hours.
The commercials were horrible and predictable, as others here have attested. However, what about the selection of Prince as the big halftime entertainment? My kids were startled at this; usually they at least try to get someone who is hot, or was so well known in the past that they are familiar with him, but they didn't have a clue who Prince was. This puny, overhyped thing is more of a never-was, rather than a has-been. Prince has done nothing in the past twenty years, and really did very little when he "big." The last I'd heard of him was when he decided to change his stage name to an unpronouncable figure akin to the numerical value of pi. He was such a bizarre creature that no one was really surprised at this bit of weird theatrics. It seemed the last desperate attempt of a washed-up celebrity to garner some publicity, but somehow he survived this laughable public relations disaster, not to mention over twenty years without a hit record, and landed a prize spot headlining the halftime show at the Super Bowl. Is this just another aspect of Black History Month (or in his case, half-black history), with its countless perks? Edited by: bigunreal
Bigunreal, I completely forgot Prince. A Minnesota product no less. Promotion of an over the hill gender confused no talent black man. Seriously, what has Prince ever done? Purple rain - that song sucks! In America if "they" promote it we'll buy it I guess. Message recieved.
Overall the ads were crap--a few ok -where was the Geico cave man I like him. But is it me or has the world turned fruit. I dare you to pick out an ad with scantily clad women--maybe one barely. On the other hand I lost count of how many men either were half naked or in some homo embrace ie the candy ad. Is there a law in the books now or something? Get a grip ad people. No one want to see friggen naked men and no it isn't funny. Then Prince at halftime wearing a feminine head shawl or whatever you call it--fit right into the fruitcup theme of the night.
Southern Knight said:
Michael Rappaport is a jew, which makes his lampooning of a White
family all the more offensive. "Crappaport" is more like it.

Yep,that's Rappaport's career in a nutshell.He's made a career out of playing White guys who are ignorant around non-Whites and lose,again and again,on TV and in propaganda "movies" by no-talent black racists spite lee and john simpleton.He obviously loves it,which makes him a Jewish RACIST.
sunshine said:
Overall the ads were crap--a few ok -where was the Geico cave man I like him. But is it me or has the world turned fruit. I dare you to pick out an ad with scantily clad women--maybe one barely. On the other hand I lost count of how many men either were half naked or in some homo embrace ie the candy ad. Is there a law in the books now or something? Get a grip ad people. No one want to see friggen naked men and no it isn't funny. Then Prince at halftime wearing a feminine head shawl or whatever you call it--fit right into the fruitcup theme of the night.

No offense,but where have you been?Every damn area of the media and ShowBiz,it's gotten worse and worse with them.

Pro-Gay,Pro-black( No difference between them,really,no matter how homophobic blacks are.They think raping a man
when they beat him up,doesn't make them gay,or even Bi!They must believe you're only gay if you go transvestite,or act effeminate.But then,they're pathologically ignorant,aren't they? ),Pro-lesbian,Pro-feminism,anti-Straight White Male,anti-Whites who aren't to the left of Jane Fonda,basically.Every second of every day on the JewTube.
Great posts on this thread! The SB commercials were pretty lower tier & 3rd rate...especially with the fruitloop, de-masculinization & "African-American" heritage themes. That Barkley/Wade commercial is a prime example of how the Globalist controlled Govt/Media complex is trying to mainstream the breakdown of traditional values. Either they're glorifying the thug/gangsta/playa/pimp or showing the Mudsharks getting all hot for the "studly" bruthas.The MSM loves demonizing the white man & making us appear "ignorant", incompetent, bumbling, etc.It's ALL by design, they want to tear apart all good American values & traditions!!!
sunshine said:
Overall the ads were crap--a few ok -where was the Geico cave man I like him. But is it me or has the world turned fruit. I dare you to pick out an ad with scantily clad women--maybe one barely. On the other hand I lost count of how many men either were half naked or in some homo embrace ie the candy ad. Is there a law in the books now or something? Get a grip ad people. No one want to see friggen naked men and no it isn't funny. Then Prince at halftime wearing a feminine head shawl or whatever you call it--fit right into the fruitcup theme of the night.

Snickers actually pulled its homosexual ad after one of the homosexual groups that thegovernment and controlled mediauses as front men for its agenda complained.

I agree with you Sunshine -- the writers for network television,movies,and the minds behind the art of scripting and producing commercials seem to overwhelmingly be male homosexuals. "Gay" characters, imagery, jokes and conversation have become as ubiquitous as the mandatory black and feminist themes and characters.

[url] playoffs/2006/02/06/snickers.ap/index.html [/url]
Although I thought the Snickers commerical was garbage, I get tired of these PC pantywaist companies bowing down to the leftist "Pink/Velvet Mafia" & their Godless agenda. This just serves as more reason to turn off the Sheeplevision/boobtube (ie - the sewerline into the home) & pick up a good book...
I never understood why the mean joe greene ad is considered the greatest SB ad. K-fid's ad was better!

There should be no commercial breaks in the SB telcast. It is just too important>
screamingeagle said:
I never understood why the mean joe greene ad is considered the greatest SB ad.

Wasn't the Greene ad a regular ad that aired from time to time during the regular 1979 football season, before the era of megabucks spots intended to air one time (during the SB) and then go into mothballs?
