Commercials during the game

Make no mistake about it,these commercials,and all others,are getting through to our kids and grandkids.As unpopular as it may be,impressionable kids,and many adults,should not be allowed to watch t.v.!
Don, I sometimes wonder if 'pulling an ad' is part of the act. They always
make sure the ad runs during something big, then 'pull it'. This way, they
get to offend, which I'm sure gets them so excited they go rub one out with
their buddies in the boardroom - and they get to look like they 'realize' that
the ad is 'too much' by pulling it. Playing both sides is how the tribe
operates. It's all planned out from the start. Common sense would dicate
that they wouldn't shoot some of these ads in the first place.
Has anyone seen the latest Allstate ad? The one where the dorky, uncoordinated white kicker is upset over the lack of notice that he is a member of the team? They show a (I think) black guy toss him a towel in the locker room, to which he mutter that he isn't the towel boy. Then in his chemistry lab, he's wearing his own jersey and the attractive girl asks if he went to the game on Saturday, to which he replies that he's on the team, and she gives him that "poor deluded boy" look and says "right." Then they show him getting crushed by a sumo black guy on a bus ride home. They show him stumbling as the team runs onto the field, and showing him sitting on the bench during a game. Then they show 3 seconds on the clock, and the black Allstate spokesman says something like "nobody cares about the kicker, until he's needed." Which is completely ridiculous, because the kicker is needed and important for a lot more than just a game winning situation. Then he makes the FG and is carried off the field.

I find the commercial to be another which ingrains ideas into what positions white people can play, and basically say they're not good or athletic enough. They can only play a position that isn't even important. Whenever they show an RB or receiver in ads, even if it's not very prominent, they are black. A prominent example would be the Texas Instruments DLP commercial, where the WR is complaining that his moves are so quick, that regular HD technology blurs his image. The little admiring white girl shows him that the DLP will fix that.

So does anyone else find this Allstate ad offensive if you've seen it? The other Allstate ads seem to denigrate white men as well, the over-obsessive fans, with the level headed black man explaining that that's why they need auto coverage by Allstate. The original commercials actually included a fat black guy with the two brain-dead white fans, but recent ones have left him out.

I agree with DixieDestroyer. Put the TV's out on the curb for pickup. Since I did it a few years ago, I've been doing much better. I know the idea is radical, but I assure you you'll be doing the right thing. No TV is the answer. There are thousands of great books out there for you to be reading.

Tom Iron...
Don Wassall said:
sunshine said:
Overall the ads were crap--a few ok -where was the Geico cave man I like him. But is it me or has the world turned fruit. I dare you to pick out an ad with scantily clad women--maybe one barely. On the other hand I lost count of how many men either were half naked or in some homo embrace ie the candy ad. Is there a law in the books now or something? Get a grip ad people. No one want to see friggen naked men and no it isn't funny. Then Prince at halftime wearing a feminine head shawl or whatever you call it--fit right into the fruitcup theme of the night.

Snickers actually pulled its homosexual ad after one of the homosexual groups that thegovernment and controlled mediauses as front men for its agenda complained.

I agree with you Sunshine -- the writers for network television,movies,and the minds behind the art of scripting and producing commercials seem to overwhelmingly be male homosexuals. "Gay" characters, imagery, jokes and conversation have become as ubiquitous as the mandatory black and feminist themes and characters.

[url] playoffs/2006/02/06/snickers.ap/index.html [/url]

I read somewhere (I forget the source) that a good percentage (somewhere in the area of 40%) of Disney's workers are homosexual.
All right, so after seeing the commercial for the twentieth time that day,of the grungy, loser looking, diseased white pizza delivery man who holds the box vertically and then takes his unwarranted tip we are treated to more delights. This one was a promo about some fictional (rockabilly ?) singer named Dewey somethingor other, the last name escapes me. Anyway,a preacher or ministersays his music is of the devil and then he gets popped flush on the jaw. No doubt everybody is thrilled. I shouldn't care, because most Christians don't, and they will spend their money to buy tickets for that holiday good time film.You'd think they would get tired of being insulted and humiliated by Hollywood over and over and over again. I guess I shouldn't ask how many films have been made depicting a certain -chosen- group's clergy in the same manner. Can we say ZERO, boys and girls?
$0% of Disney's workers are gay? I thought it would be higher. I wonder if that is the average in the entertainment industry? Or does Disney have more real men that other studios. Does anyone know?
Bart said:
All right, so after seeing the commercial for the twentieth time that day, of the grungy, loser looking, diseased white pizza delivery man who holds the box vertically and then takes his unwarranted tip we are treated to more delights.This one was a promo about some fictional (rockabilly ?) singer named Dewey something or other, the last name escapes me. Anyway, a preacher or minister says his music is of the devil and then he gets popped flush on the jaw. No doubt everybody is thrilled. I shouldn't care, because most Christians don't, and they will spend their money to buy tickets for that holiday good time film. You'd think they would get tired of being insulted and humiliated by Hollywood over and over and over again. I guess I shouldn't ask how many films have been made depicting a certain -chosen- group's clergy in the same manner. Can we say ZERO, boys and girls?

Haven't seen the pizza delivery commercial, but with that stupid movie I have seen that ad. If they showed someone clocking a rabbi like that, you bet the ADL would be all over that, and it'd be front page news.

It seem to me that even with all the trash Hollywood put out, that for the most part they left clergy alone or they weren't the but of the jokes in the films. The Ringer comes to mind where the priest beats up the main character after he confesses to disguising himself as a retard for the special olympics. There's cases of this in other movies where some people of that faith may be offended by the use of the minister in the scene, but in reality they didn't cross the line that I felt this movie does. Edited by: Electric Slide
I agree with Dixie and Tom Iron. GET RID OF THE TV! I don't watch TV and
haven't for several years now. I've lived on and off with one for many years (I
used to buy a small one to watch games on) but gave it up for good several
years ago. The programming is so vile and stupid, you will hardly miss it.

Better yet than reading, start getting involved in ways to turn the mess in
our country around. Donating time to the Ron Paul campaign is a start.

Ron Paul - I just put up a Ron Paul sign over the Garden State Pkwy (N. bound lanes). this morning. Everybody can see it now. It's daylight here.

I listen to the Jet games on radio. Is that what you do?
I also catch highlights on

Tom Iron...
For the multitudes of us who are fed up with constantly being barraged with commercials that consistently mock our values, as well as attack white males in general, check out the Armed Forces Bowl currently being shown on ESPN.

You will see commercials that actually support the men who sacrifice their lives to protect the United States of America.

Needless to say, it's about time.
Stonewall said:
For the multitudes of us who are fed up with constantly being barraged with commercials that consistently mock our values, as well as attack white males in general, check out the Armed Forces Bowl currently being shown on ESPN.

You will see commercials that actually support the men who sacrifice their lives to protect the United States of America.

Needless to say, it's about time.

I didn't see the game but if the commercials are anything like the other Armed Forces commercials I've seen, they are almost always uber-politically correct, with Hispanics, blacks, Asians, and women all featured prominently.